I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 224 Nightmare Sean

Chapter 224 Nightmare——Shaun

"Is that place really reliable?"

"The rumors are quite true. I heard that the technicians who went there first were treated very well... and even had meat to eat every day!"

Hearing the word "meat", this mighty group of people swallowed involuntarily.

They are composed of more than a dozen families and come from Sin City, a city 3,200 kilometers away from Paradise City. The city that should be called their hometown can only be described as hopeless.

As highly skilled personnel, their lives in Sin City were not easy.

After a tiring day's work, they can only get food rations and house rent for the whole family. Other expenses require hard work by other family members. Their youngest child is only six years old and already needs to sneak out to pick up some parts.

Even so, there are still many dangers in Sin City. Walking on the streets after eight o'clock in the evening is tantamount to announcing to the surrounding gangs, gangsters, predators, etc.: I am a brainless fat sheep, take me back.

The two daughters at home are beautiful, but they dare not go out at all - more than 70% of the women in this place have been forced by strangers.

What's even more frightening is that the walls of Sin City are in vain. The reason that prompted this large number of people to make the decision to move is simple - several families with whom they have good relationships were snatched away by crazy beasts that rushed into the inner city within a month. .

Expensive rent costs, but even basic life safety cannot be guaranteed...

They couldn't afford to hire the few reputable security companies in Sin City, so they had to drain all their wealth from a dozen families and hire two well-known opponents to protect them.

The destination was originally supposed to be another city, but there has been a lot of news about Paradise City recently. They gritted their teeth and finally decided to come here.

Only here it sounds promising.

The two vetoes in charge of security were quite easy to talk to. They heard their employer's discussion and said casually: "About twenty years ago? We went to Paradise City. To be honest, it was just a little better than Sin City. After so many years, It’s probably not much better.”

The middle-aged man who was promoted to be the leader of the relocation team showed a hint of worry. He handed over a few sticks of low-quality tobacco in a flattering manner and asked carefully: "Brother, what do you say?"

After lighting up the tobacco and smoking it, the vetoer exhaled the smoke and said calmly: "We brothers have escorted a family here before. To be honest, if we run out of money to move, you may have to do hard work in the suburbs at first. That place There are several batches of crazy beasts a day."

The faces of the crowd suddenly turned pale.

The middle-aged man wriggled his lips: "But the news said that Paradise City is in urgent need of reconstruction, and there are preferential treatment for technical personnel..."

"Haha, don't you have to say this if you want to deceive people? Haha, can there be such a good city lord in this world?" the vetoer sneered.

He took another deep breath: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. The security in Paradise City is indeed better, but the heart is just as dirty as Sin City, and there are still 180... By the way, there is still a big crack in Paradise City. Hey, we have to get an antidote in half a year, which is quite expensive."

There was a burst of noise from the crowd, and in just a few words, they began to regret whether they had chosen the wrong destination.

"By the way, there is Sean, the current second-in-command in Paradise City -" mentioning this name, the two opponents shook their heads, "This is a completely ruthless person, just the news that leaked to us There are some things about him...oh, scary."

"I heard he's only in his early twenties. Do you know what people in other city-states call Sean?"

The veto showed his yellow teeth in the horrified eyes of a group of people: "Hey, Nightmare Sean - if you are targeted by that kind of guy, nightmares will shine into your reality, and death will become relief. This kind of person controls The place, ha, I won’t even go if you give me money.”

After describing it, the group of people who fled were completely dumbfounded.

I’ve only heard that Paradise City’s welfare is very good, but I’ve never heard of this news…

This...is it still too late to turn around and go to the Sunken Port?

They were afraid that it would be too late, as they did not have enough money to go to the nearest sunken port... And as they walked, they had already seen other people traveling the same way.

Some were technicians who had moved here like them, and some were caravans with a large number of slaves, all kinds of people.

When they see a stranger, they subconsciously adopt a vigilant posture.

The strange thing is that those people just glanced at them, neither spoke to them nor attacked them, but instead accelerated their pace ahead of them.

What's even stranger is that many people have expressions of extreme anticipation on their faces.


Soon, some of their doubts were expressed.

"That...is a city?!"

What appeared in front of them was a high wall with no visible boundary. The high wall raised one side to leave... a city gate?

Anyway, the others were rushing inside.

The two bodyguards were also dumbfounded: "This is Paradise City? Can Paradise City build this city wall? Bah! Which force in the world can build it?!"

Cautiously approaching the city gate, the travel-worn people received a warm but formal welcome.

"Here, fill out the form, take your fingerprints and irises, and fill in your personal information."

After completing everything as instructed, the staff at the city gate picked up the form and glanced at it a few times, then nodded:

"Skilled workers from Sin City, right... Turn left after entering the door, go to the instructor, and check the specific level. If you are unskilled, turn right to report to the Coordination Department - don't ink, we will assign it to you when we allocate accommodation. together."

They nodded and bowed, responded uneasily, and then finally walked into the city.

Then, everyone was dumbfounded, including the two bodyguards.

So bright...

The warm sunshine falls on the body, making people feel sluggish.

"In Sin City, it takes half a month's salary to bask in the sun for three hours... Here, it's for everyone?"

They stared at it all in disbelief.

Metal creatures called Titans brought huge changes to Paradise City.

It isolates the outside world and the evil dome, like a huge, sturdy tent, giving people an extremely secure feeling.

All the artificial suns in the city have been brought together to bring people in the city a life under the sun that they have never experienced before.

The artificial sun follows the laws of the real sun, sunrise, high shine, and sunset. This is something only found in the data. Now, even the meanest rat in the dirty street can happily enjoy the sunshine on the steps. .

Behind him, there were a few passers-by who looked like locals and showed disdain as usual: "You are a country bumpkin who has never seen the world...Mr. Sean has long given the sun to the entire Paradise City, free of charge!"

The middle-aged man looked at the bodyguard tremblingly: "Didn't you say that, that one is the nightmare..."

Would a nightmare do such a thing?

The bodyguard shook his head blankly, wondering why the world would become so magical just after not seeing each other for twenty years.

"Don't delay, hurry up."

Someone greeted me from behind.

"Hey, eh, okay, okay!"

At night, every household was indeed not separated and assigned to the same residence.

Although it was not a big villa, it was still a nice house. The most important thing was that they did not encounter any danger throughout the day.

No one even asked for money!

Even, according to his technical level, he was given a lot of food in advance.

Minced meat, staple food, drinking water, synthetic nutrients...

According to observation, this is just the most daily diet. As long as you work hard, you will have no problem eating meat every day!

"Paradise City...is it really paradise?" The family thought while devouring the food.

"The number of new residents who have moved in has obviously increased recently, and our reserves are starting to run out again, mainly meat and nutritional supplements." The professionals recruited from Bai Ye are reporting.

With the help of this group of people, Paradise City, which was already showing signs of chaos, has been greatly improved. Of course, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and now there is trouble again.

However, Sean didn't care when listening to the report. He waved his hand: "The sun is not shining in vain. I didn't spend so much money just to give them calcium supplements. Starting tomorrow, the rations of meat and nutrients will be reduced by 100%." forty."

The staff frowned in embarrassment: "Sir, if the price drops too much all at once, it will cause dissatisfaction. Everyone is used to this kind of rationing..."

Sean chuckled: "In terms of coordination, I am not as good as you, but in terms of people's hearts, you are not as good as me."

"what do you mean?"

Sean spread his hands indifferently: "Isn't this simple? Spread the news. There are too many new residents who have relocated. They have 'seized' the original resources of local residents. Paradise City has no choice but to collectively lower all the resources." Human rationing.”

The staff took a breath of air and quickly persuaded: "This won't work, sir. We should attract outsiders and deliberately cause conflicts. This is forcing two parties who already dislike each other to become completely hostile. If it is in a stable period, establish There is no problem with the two sides targeting each other, but we have just begun to develop. If you cannot stabilize people's hearts, your regime will not be stable enough."

Sean glanced at the other party leisurely: "Why do I want political power?"

"But...but aren't you developing Paradise City just to twist this big city into a rope?"

Sean shook his finger: "In a month, the new city lord will be elected, and at the same time, the parliament will also be established - the members of the parliament will be selected from these two opposing parties."

"At the same time, we need to support the weak outsider side so that they get at least a third of the seats in parliament."

He narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I want to delegate power, not take charge."

"It is not wise to decentralize power during the development period. It is easier for those in power to unite people's hearts during this period..." He paused mid-sentence.


His eyes suddenly widened.

Sean patted the other party's shoulder appreciatively: "Not bad, I understood it quickly."

The latter swallowed and said cautiously: "You want them to be united internally and opposed externally, with a high concentration of power..."

Sean took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Well, let them form a new highly centralized force——"

He savored the sweetness of the black tea with satisfaction: "This will be much more convenient when you want to kill."

The staff suddenly felt a chill in their hearts. Such a ruthless style...even more ruthless than the one from the Imperial Capital...

Yes, only he can do this.

The person in front of me doesn't care about his reputation, and the entire [Golden Ghost] is his one word... His direct line controls the core of the [Golden Ghost], and the leader who can suppress him will only smile and say that the killing is good …

Sean stood up: "In one year, Paradise City will be able to achieve complete self-sufficiency. I sincerely hope that I can kill fewer people - in fact, I don't like those bloody scenes at all. God knows who can kill those people." How heartbroken I am."

He looked so distressed that it was almost believable.

Moza's voice sounded outside: "Brother, there is a former big businessman who is secretly hoarding resources, and he borrowed money from his nephew, do you think?"

Sean waved his hand impatiently: "Kill them all and hang them on the street lights. Why do you like to cause trouble to the people so much? Let me take care of his people. If you can't control them, then don't care anymore."

"okay, I get it."

Sean nodded and looked at the staff member again: "Where did we talk about just now?"

Staff: "...Speaking of whether you like killing people..."

Sean nodded heavily: "Who says it's not the case? By the way, Mr. Congressman, you can start looking for someone to draft a new parliamentary bill for Paradise City."

Mr. Congressman... The latter was stunned for a moment, then immediately nodded happily and agreed, and the fear just now disappeared.

He rolled his eyes and suggested: "Considering the shortage of supplies, I suggest that after the establishment of the parliament, a certain amount of resources should be charged to all members of the parliament every month - those who can work harder."

Sean nodded with satisfaction: "You are very understanding."

"Then, should we improve the competition awareness of ordinary people and change the assessment system?"

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, and then laughed: "Forget it, the rations have been reduced for everyone, and the distribution principle remains the same. The more you work, the more you get."

The new congressman's heart trembled, and he immediately understood what Sean meant. He nodded solemnly: "I understand everything."

"Very well, go and get busy."


After dealing with some things that had piled up in Paradise City recently, Sean finally found some time to rest.

When he returned to the yard, he found that there was no one around him.

It seems that Luo Xi took Xiao Ci and Mo Jiajia to train, while Zhu Zhu went to the Great Crack because Sean promised her that she would have priority to use the raw materials mined.

Princess Bai Ye seems to be still anxiously waiting for the shadow's reply. She dreams of hoping that the things that the Three Saints want will be left at the original location of the Survivor Mountain.

Since Latiya returned to Paradise City, she has not been seen again in the name of recovering from her injuries.

Qiong Ying... Just as he thought of the beautiful little maid with blue hair, Sean saw a familiar graceful figure emerge from the private passage.

"Sean!" After seeing him, Qiong Ying immediately shouted excitedly.

Enjoying the beautiful girl's embrace, Sean pulled her into the house without saying a word.

Qiong Ying hesitated, but when she came to her senses, she was almost invaded.

She didn't resist, letting Sean do what he wanted, while chatting with her loved one about recent events like a couple in love.

"Why do you feel so big?" When alone, Sean had nothing to say about physical and mental health.

A perverted mind, a healthy body, this is one of Sean's rules.

Qiong Ying's face flushed, and she bit her teeth: "It seems a little..."

"Let's see how much it has grown."

"It's all your fault for not stopping..."

"I'm such a genius."

"Hehe, of course you are a genius... Oh, by the way, Sean -" Qiong Ying hugged the man's head and muttered something familiar, "I found that the teacher has been a little strange recently, right?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

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