I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 225 The generous Qiongying

Lying in the arms of her beloved, despite being happy, Qiong Ying also had doubts on her face.

"The teacher has been acting a bit abnormal since she came back -" she said after careful consideration, "She was seriously injured and should indeed rest... But I don't know why, I always feel that she is avoiding me, even if I just want to see her every day Case."

As she said that, Qiong Ying was a little troubled: "In the past, the teacher wanted to cling to me every day, but now it's like a different person... Sean, can you recall whether something might have happened that caused the teacher to appear? this change?"

Can it remain unchanged?

How dare Latiya talk to you normally? After all, she is your teacher and you are my woman.

With the current level of Latiya's city, it is normal to have such a performance.

Of course, it was impossible for Sean to reveal his flaws.

Before he could stop his hand, Qiong Ying had already raised her head slightly and bit her lip.

"Just in time, no one is here to interfere with us." Sean chuckled nonchalantly.

Qiong Ying didn't offer any resistance, but just glanced at Sean a little shyly.

She shifted so that Sean could have better access.

"Don't you still need to recuperate..."

Sean was not injured at all during the operation, but the side effects of his deceitful heart would continue to show up in the time that followed.

The most serious injury was of course the shared separation Latiya, who barely recovered more than two days ago.

"Those are out of the way." Sean's hand crossed the fabric barrier.

A large blush appeared on Qiong Ying's face, and she stammered: "I'm not here to ask about the teacher..."

Sean chuckled and said, "The dean is avoiding you because he may have done something to make you feel sorry for you. For example, he coveted my beauty and felt sorry for you."

Qiong Ying rolled her eyes coquettishly: "Teacher wouldn't do that kind of thing... I'm here to ask you because I'm worried that the teacher may have other problems... There are only three crimsons left in Paradise City. According to the With your character, you will definitely not let the [college] become independent and let the teachers take charge..."

Although Latiya regards Qiong Ying as her dearest person, Qiong Ying can no longer stop turning her elbows outward.

Sean was amused when he heard this. He lay on his side on Qiong Ying's lap, and the latter immediately obediently rubbed his head for him.

Enjoying the service of the beautiful girl, he said leisurely: "Don't I still have to rely on you? Of course, Crimson can only rest assured if he is all by himself, but I can't help it. You are the only one beside Latiya who is mine. .”

Qiong Ying felt happy when she heard this, and she said softly: "Of course I am yours, so the teacher has been avoiding me recently, so I came to inform you."

"I'm wondering too." Sean looked uninformed. "In my impression, the dean didn't seem to encounter any strange people or things when he went out... However, the dean's power is shadow. I couldn’t see her part of the time, maybe something was going on secretly.”

Hearing what he said, Qiong Ying also frowned a little: "What should I do? It's not a solution if the teacher keeps avoiding me."

Sean rolled his eyes, turned sideways, hugged Qiong Ying's waist, buried his head in his thigh and said vaguely: "Generally speaking, there are only a few possibilities for hiding from someone. Between you and the dean, Because of the relationship, there is a high probability that she feels guilty towards you..."

Qiong Ying thought: "But why would the teacher feel guilty about me... After I was abandoned, she picked me up, and all the things that happened after that were essentially Edith's doing... Besides, everything was fine before." Yes, why did he change after going to Survivor Mountain?"

She couldn't figure out the key point and couldn't help but glance at Sean.

The man was rubbing her legs, his hands were very dishonest.

Could it be that... Sean did something similar to the teacher?

With Sean's lecherous nature, it doesn't seem strange that he would do such a thing, right?

The man in his arms sniffed and then sneezed. He raised his head with a lazy and frivolous smile on his face.

"Did you secretly scold me just now?"

"No—" Qiong Ying snorted, and then looked at her boyfriend again.

For a moment, under Sean's puzzled eyes, she lowered her body, and the ends of her long hair tickled Sean's cheek.

"You reminded me...did you do something to the teacher?"

Sean's expression did not change at all, and he even laughed out loud: "Didn't I tell you as soon as I came back? The dean was seriously injured, and I did have close contact with her in order to heal her injuries."

He shrugged as he said, "Help is important, and I haven't had time to play tricks on the dean yet."

Qiong Ying's eyes widened a lot, and there was a hint of complaint in her tone: "Are you really planning to do something to the teacher?"

Sean chuckled: "I don't have that intention, and I always think about you."

Qiong Ying was now quite satisfied. She was not an ignorant person. It was normal for her to have close contact to heal her wounds, and Sean told her frankly.

The teacher should not alienate himself because of this kind of thing...unless...

She looked at Sean a few more times, and the latter lazily explained and began to take advantage again.

The man himself knows best, and Qiong Ying certainly knows who Sean is.

This man is lustful and petty, and he is not a pure and dedicated good man...but he is the most important person to him, and he also takes himself into his heart.

For Qiong Ying, who has always lacked care, it is an extremely happy thing to be remembered in all aspects of her life.

Moreover, in Edith's shadow world, Sean had already proven that he valued himself.

Qiong Ying knew very well that she was tied to Sean for the rest of her life, and she also understood that it was impossible for a man like Sean to be alone with her as a woman.

He likes beautiful girls, and more importantly, he is also very popular with girls.

So... it can't be that the teacher... really has that intention for Sean, right?

Thinking about it this way, it seems very reasonable!

Regardless of looks or status, there are very few girls who can reject Sean. Moreover, during this trip, he even brought back a titan called the Mountain of Survivors.

I heard... he accomplished this feat basically by himself.

The ability is terrifying...

Moreover, the teacher was seriously injured, but it was Sean who spent a lot of life and mental energy to forcefully rescue him.

In this case, it is normal for women to have a crush on such an object.

This can also explain why the teacher avoids me...

Thinking of this, Qiong Ying looked at Sean with a much more complicated look, and there was a hint of helplessness in it.

Why is the man I love so much so popular, even the teacher...

Although she felt helpless and sour in her heart, Qiong Ying felt that she had found the correct answer.

How could she know that the truth was even more shocking than her bold guess - Latiya was taken as a bride and Sean took advantage of her, and she was even verbally molested by Sean afterwards.

Latiya felt that she was completely embarrassed to see her students.

Qiong Ying, who felt that her idea was very bold, struggled for a moment, and finally said in a dissatisfied tone: "Why do I feel that...the teacher has some thoughts about you..."

Xiao En was startled. He looked up at Qiong Ying without changing his expression, and the latter's expression was clearly visible.

It’s not about raising an army to investigate...

Sean shrugged: "It's my fault, the charm is too outstanding - what's even more pity is that her student charm is even more outstanding."

Although these words were said frivolously, the meaning behind them was very clear.

Qiong Ying raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said softly: "Just pick the one I like, right?"

Sean grabbed her hand and kissed it, then said with a smile: "I like you, why don't you just say what you like?"

Qiong Ying bit her lip slightly, unable to hide the love in her eyes.

She said softly: "I like you too...but I know who you are..."

The girl hugged the man's head and leaned into his ear: "Besides me, I know you will like many people... I, although I think about it all day long, how to make you only treat me well, but also Just thinking about it..."

Her eyes were full of tenderness and attachment: "Sean, as long as you don't say to me, 'You don't want me anymore,' I will always be your sweetheart, your sweetheart alone."

Sean was stunned for a moment, and then he stood up. His lake-blue pupils seemed to be sucking people in and trying to drill them out, like fruit wine soaked in blueberries, gentle and warm.

Without any hesitation, he took Qiong Ying into his arms, grabbed her hand and pressed it on his chest.

What followed was a passionate and long kiss.

After separation, the air was so thick it was almost fermenting.

Qiong Ying's chest rose and fell slightly, and her hand was always pressed on Sean's heart, feeling the warm beating inside.

Sean chuckled and tucked her hair away from her forehead: "Did you hear that?"

Qiong Ying, who had just given her first passionate kiss, was still in love. She looked up in confusion, like a little bear who had just woken up.


Sean made strong gestures and imitated his heartbeat in an exaggerated tone: "There is a villain inside shouting, I love Qiong Ying to death! I like that girl named Qiong Ying so much! If it doesn't work, you Change it to a mechanical one!"

He made an exaggerated gesture that made Qiong Ying giggle, and the love in his eyes was as sinking as water.

"Sean, I like you so much." She snorted, got into the man's arms and refused to get up.

"Me too." Sean stroked the girl's long, silky hair, his voice full of tenderness.

He's the best at this.

Qiong Ying had just shown her generosity, and this seemed to be a good opportunity to climb along the pole - "This is what you said, I'm going to step on several boats."

It seems stupid to say such a thing.

That was indeed Qiong Ying's attitude, but her inability to say it was not because she needed approval, but to express her feelings.

The same applies to other situations. Respond to the other person's feelings first, rather than trying to solidify the so-called commitment.

The rationality she displays does not mean that she craves rationality in her relationship.

The two were intimate for a while, and when they got back to business, Qiong Ying even took the initiative to mention Latiya again.

"If...if the teacher really means that to you...I think it's a good opportunity." When she said this, she felt a little sour.

However, after seeing Sean's frown, she felt that the depression in her heart was much less.

At least, Sean still thinks about my feelings first...

Thinking of this, her tone even became a little lighter.

"Paradise City must be completely in your hands. The teacher's memory comes from the implantation of the [Academy] device, and there may be remnants of the [Academy] hiding in the city - if the [Academy] wants to make a comeback, Teacher There is no small possibility that it will become a breakthrough point.”

She carefully analyzed the pros and cons, from personal relationships to the alternation of power in the city, and finally came to a conclusion.

The most reliable relationship is still interest, but interest not only includes resources, status, power, etc., but also emotions.

Rather than using other means to tie Latiya to Sean's warship, it is better to be more direct and let Latiya fall in love with Sean.

The example given by Qiong Ying is also very intuitive: If I become Crimson, then I must be the Crimson of [Golden Ghost], I will be yours, and you will not worry about my betrayal.

She even shyly added: "If, if we have children, then the relationship between us will be even closer."

Barring exceptions, the strongest connection is still blood and emotion.

At the end, Sean exclaimed: "You have really thought a lot and grown a lot during this time... It's amazing."

Qiong Ying raised her head slightly proudly.

Of course, although she was willing to just be Sean's bed-warming maid from now on, she didn't want to be a hindrance to Sean all the time.

Sean secretly sighed, what kind of luck is this.

I rushed to put my teacher into my boyfriend's mouth...

Although in this world, strength is the starting point of everything, there are many men with many lovers, and there are also many strong women who raise a lot of handsome boys.

But Qiong Ying was so generous, which still surprised Sean.

Dean, you taught a good student...

Of course, pretense is still necessary.

Sean showed some embarrassment: "But that's just a guess... Besides, I've been thinking about you, how could you suddenly make me like someone more."

We can’t get carried away, let alone push ourselves too far.

As expected, Qiong Ying benefited a lot from Sean's words.

"Anyway, I'll know after I go back and give it a try."

Sean struggled: "Should we forget it? This is inappropriate... You sacrificed your life and safety for me before, and now I have to sacrifice so much... No, no, I can't do it."

Qiong Ying stared at him, then slowly crawled over, with seriousness on her pretty face.

"Sean, you were the only one who wanted me at that time... Later you said that I had only one choice, and that was to jump into hell with you... Actually, I don't care where I jump into, as long as you are always there..."

Standing up from the specially-made healing chamber, Latiya breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the supernatural power in her body.

Sure enough, Sean's treatment was very effective. Just as he said, he could cope with it easily after the separation.

The loss of control has been resolved, and the injury has almost recovered...

I heard that he was still recuperating a few days ago, and it may take longer...

Latiya sighed. When she thought of Sean, she felt ashamed, angry, helpless, and grateful. When she thought of Qiong Ying, her emotions became even more complicated.

This is how to do ah……

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