I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 226 Shadow Cavity

Hiding in the recuperation warehouse is not a long-term solution, and Latiya was eventually caught by Qiong Ying.

After spending a month in the recuperation warehouse, she couldn't help but bump into Qiong Ying when she went for a walk in the yard.

Although Qiong Ying seemed happy that she was out of the warehouse, Latiya was still restless.

Especially when Qiong Ying asked to have dinner with her.

The nutritious meal on the table was made by Qiong Ying herself, but Latiya felt guilty after just one look at it.

"What's wrong, teacher, am I not to your liking?" Qiong Ying asked considerately, putting down another piece of food.

Latiya forced a smile: "How could that happen? Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard."

After taking a few bites, Latiya thought about it and said: "During this period, all the affairs of the [college] depend on you. Is it very hard? Why don't you go and take a rest."

The [Academy] does not exist in name only now. With various factions being eliminated and combatants basically silenced, those old professors with little fighting ability have been invited back.

The giant robot created by Edith was recycled, leaving part of it to become the [Academy] building.

Now, the [Academy] has basically become an educational institution in Paradise City. All the former students have returned, and at Sean's request, more basic subjects have been opened.

Children of school age in Paradise City will now enter school directly, only undertake a small part of the work tasks to ration food, and at the same time study under the semi-military management of the [Academy].

Under such circumstances, [College] is still quite busy.

But what Latiya said was a bit of a lie. Although she was the dean, she basically didn't do anything. Qiong Ying had been responsible for most of the dean's work before.

Hearing Latiya's words, Qiong Ying shook her head: "It's not hard, it's what I should do. Teacher, just rest in peace and recuperate."

Latiya felt more and more guilty, and she laughed dryly: "Then I'm going to be lazy."

"That's how it was supposed to be. I just went to see Sean."

Latiya shivered, and the crimson powerhouse seemed to be uneasy like a little girl who had made a mistake. She licked the spoon and asked pretending not to care, "What are you doing?"

Neither the teacher nor the student were human beings, but Qiong Ying had been learning a lot from Xiao En. Seeing Latiya's behavior, she became more and more sure of her guess.

She sat next to Latiya and said softly: "Shaun's injury is almost healed. The city lord and council mentioned before are also on the agenda. [Academy] plays a big role in it. I want to go Ask him what he thinks.”

Latiya forced a smile and said: "It's time to ask - but is the candidate for the city lord confirmed?"

She deliberately changed the subject, wanting to focus on business.

Qiong Ying said thoughtfully: "Shaun will not stay in Paradise City forever, and he has no intention of dealing with the affairs in the city every day, so the city lord will choose a trustworthy person - by the way, teacher, Xiao Well, let me ask you, are you interested in the city lord?"

Latiya quickly shook her head: "I can't do that."

Qiong Ying asked curiously: "Why?"

"Well, I'm not suitable. Besides, I would like to go out for a while if I have the chance."

The city lord was a person that Xiao En trusted, so Latiya broke off the relationship without even thinking about it, so as to prevent Qiong Ying from misunderstanding that she and Xiao Xiao were extremely close.

But in Qiong Ying's ears, Latiya's meaning became something else: Sean is preparing to leave Paradise City, and I am also preparing to leave Paradise City.

Sure enough, the teacher has thoughts about Sean...

Thinking of this, Qiong Ying sighed secretly and said softly: "Teacher, what do you think of Sean?"

Latiya's heart trembled, and she secretly glanced at Qiong Ying's expression, feeling uncertain.

Did Qiong Ying find out? should not……

Then ask me this... is she planning to marry Sean?

She said vaguely: "How do I know about the two of you? Of course it depends on your own wishes."

Qiong Ying blinked and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

I don't know what you mean... Latiya almost cried.

She hurriedly stood up and covered her chest: "I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable again. I'll go back and lie down for a while."

"I'll call someone to open a position——"

"It's okay, I'll go by myself, you can go and do your work."

Latiya ran away as if running away.

Qiong Ying stayed where she was and was thoughtful. Sure enough, the teacher really fell in love with Sean...otherwise why would she run away...

At night, Sean was at the table studying the metal facehugger-like enhancer.

This thing can allow people to advance to Crimson for a short time, and then still retain the ability to fuse with the blood of the Mad Beast to advance to Crimson.

Originally, there were four left, and he and Kan Shishi were two, but the multiplication was given to Kan Shishi, and Sean got them all back.

He went to find Jin Kui, but Jin Kui had never seen this thing.

Sean had just been promoted to the lower level of the king level within a few months. It would not take long for him to reach the middle level, but he was still far away from the deep red level.

However, Sherrill is already at the pinnacle of king level.

Sherrill had the highest absorption efficiency of the crimson mad beast umbilical cord blood that Jin Kui had given him before, and his superpower level was very high, so he was highly efficient in promotion through constant battles.

Sean debated whether to use one on Cheryl first.

Of course he didn't want to give it to him now because he didn't want to part with it. Even if there was only one of this thing, he would give it to Sherrill directly if he could.

However, he was still a little worried about the items produced by Survivor Mountain, so he took them and studied them first to make sure they were ok before giving them to Sherrill. Otherwise, it would be bad if his brother was contaminated by some residual will.

His inspection method is also rather... rough.

Fraudulent heart.

Having had new powers for a long time, Sean has been developing them more and more.

The power and cost required for fraud are often related to the target of the fraud and the effect achieved.

Generally speaking, defrauding an item has a lot to do with the level of the item itself - for example, when Sean defrauds an ordinary glass, he does not need to put in much effort, and the cost is often the change of the nail caps of one or two fingers. Just a little fragile.

Sean also tried to defraud the blood of the Crimson Crazy Beast, which was the trade item given to him by Bai Ye.

It's not a special type, but Sean can feel it just after he started trying it. It's very difficult, and even if he succeeds, he has to pay a high price, such as the blood boiling all over his body for 24 hours.

If the enhancer in front of him is what Kan Shishi said, it should be on the same level as the blood of the crimson mad beast.

But after trying it for a while, Sean felt that the price he had to pay for this thing was not high.

"Tsk, the level is not high...According to what Kan Shishi said, the effect shouldn't be like this...but Liu Ke did temporarily enter deep red..." Sean looked at the enhancer, "Does that mean that this thing There will be considerable side effects, and they will not show up until some time later.”

"But there is no residual will pollution, so it can be used... But Sherrill's top talent, this thing may have the effect of sacrificing potential in exchange for ability, and giving Sherrill a pure waste of his talent..."

While I was thinking, the shadow in the corner of the room suddenly squirmed.

Sean glanced at it and said hello: "Good evening, Dean, why don't you come in through the front door?"

Latiya emerged from the shadows, her face not looking good.

Sean sat on the chair and turned around, looking at the other person with a smile: "Are you almost healed? You can use your shadow to sneak."

"Basic use is no problem." Latiya said stiffly.

That time when she woke up and was tricked by Sean, she had been cold all the time. However, under Sean's persistent stalking, Latiya had no choice but to talk to him - otherwise this bastard would be nagging him every day. Naotao, I really regard him as my lover!

Before Sean could continue speaking, Latiya asked: "Are you exposed?"

Stripping therapy and almost having a crucial sexual encounter were things the two of them agreed not to reveal to Qiong Ying.

Sean had already told Qiong Ying about the treatment, but he didn’t say the specific method and content of the treatment. He blinked: “How is that possible?”

As he said that, he looked at the other party funny: "Dean, why do I think you were exposed?"

Latiya immediately said seriously: "Impossible, I have not mentioned any relevant situation to Qiong Ying."

Sean shrugged: "Really? Qiong Ying was worried when she came to see me before. She thought you were avoiding her."

Latiya choked suddenly.

Sean continued: "Dean, don't do things you are not good at. Although Qiong Ying is simple-minded, she is not stupid. If you suddenly change your attitude, she will definitely be able to sense something is wrong."

Latiya hesitated and said: "Then... what should I do? I don't know how to talk to her..."

"We have a clear conscience, how about confessing to Qiong Ying?" Sean looked troubled for a while, and finally said.

"No!" Latiya objected decisively, "We can't let Qiong Ying know..."

"Then there's nothing we can do..." Sean spread his hands, "I thought about it later and found that nothing really happened between us. Qiong Ying should be able to understand..."

Latiya glared angrily: "You still have the nerve to say that?"

There is still talk about the treatment process, but what happens after that? !

She was ashamed to recall that this guy didn't take him seriously at all.

"Let's not talk about it... By the way, Dean, have you seen this thing?" Sean handed over the enhancer.

The Mountain of Survivors has produced a prototype of the Steinway Type 1, which means that the shelter technology that the [Academy] started with is probably of the same type as the Mountain of Survivors. However, he has the [Academy] information, and Sean didn't report anything. I just hope that Latiya can recognize him and change the topic.

Latiya glared at him and took the enhancer unhappily, but after looking at it for a while, she showed surprise.

"Ascension Seed?"

Sean, who originally had no hope, looked surprised: "Have you seen it?"

Latiya said solemnly: "I haven't seen it, but I heard someone describe it... [Academy]'s previous ascension group had one goal: to create ascension seeds."

"I haven't seen it in the information."

Latiya shook her head: "It was not recorded because the original founder of the Ascension Group only saw the information."

"This is the shape described... I have this memory after I woke up. It may be that Edith used the shadow launcher to control other people during her sleep, and I got some scattered memory fragments."

"The memory of the founder of the Ascension Group can help people advance to Crimson, but it is only a temporary state and has quite a few side effects."

"For people who use this thing, even if they are later integrated into a very high level of crazy beast blood, the upper limit is only crimson. But the limit of many people is the king level peak, so the value of this thing is still very high. The most important thing is What’s more, if you use it to advance to Crimson, there will be no proliferation before the time limit is reached.”

"In addition, this thing has another side effect. After use, the mental power will be suppressed for a long time. For the strengthened vetoers and the weak, this kind of oppression will lead to many bad situations, but for those who can make great use of mental power, In terms of abilities and modules, this can actually be exercised.”

"Implant this thing and disassemble it before actually advancing to Crimson. The Crimson promoted in this way will have huge mental power that ordinary Crimson does not have, and the mental power seems to cause some changes during the promotion."

Latiya recalled everything in her mind, and finally said: "An important goal of the ascension team is to see if they can reproduce this so-called 'ascension seed', and [the academy's] research on the fusion of superpowers and prosthetics can be combined with Ascension Seed cooperates.”

Sean said thoughtfully: "You mean, use this thing to train your mental strength. After you advance to Crimson, the integration of superpowers and prosthetic bodies will be smoother."

"More than that -" Latiya's voice was filled with yearning, and the ultimate goal of the [Academy] was still in effect for her.

"If it can withstand the oppression of more ascended seeds, and even integrate supernatural powers into the prosthetic body - the metal body can also exert magical power, then there will be no distinction between rejection and weakness, that is the real The ascended ones are extremely powerful."

Sean gasped, is this thing so cruel?

He thought of the key point: "Then how do you uninstall this thing after it is implanted?"

Latiya shook her head: "I don't know about that. There is too little information, and this thing is not the same concept as an ordinary prosthetic body."

Sean looked at the enhancers and nodded thoughtfully.

I thought it was just a useless thing that would only encourage growth, but I didn't expect it to have such an effect.

Moreover... both of his powers require the use of mental power...

It suits me very well, but unfortunately, there is no way to remove it.

Sean thought of another question: "Can people who have already advanced to Crimson be implanted?"

"No, the effect will be greatly reduced and the side effects will be even greater."

Latiya glanced at Sean, she hesitated for a moment and asked: "Your superpowers should be closely related to mental power, right?"

Sean nodded cheerfully.

"Then I can help you implant one to try."

Sean was puzzled: "There is no way to uninstall it, and I am only at the lower level of king level."

Latiya explained: "I can use my power to help you create a shadow cavity, using your shadow to create it - you can check the effect based on it. If the effect is not good or there are other hidden dangers, it is equal to you. If a shadow dies, I will help you create another shadow when the time comes."

"Is there still such an operation?"

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