I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 227 I am yours

"This thing doesn't look very serious..."

Sean still asked Latiya to help him build a shadow cavity, and then implanted the enhancer into it.

Other changes are not visible yet, except that Sean's shadow becomes a little strange.

When no one is paying attention, the shadow will move its hips by itself...

Seeing Sean's puzzled expression, Latiya's expression froze.

She glanced at Sean angrily: "After the shadow is implanted, it is based on the deep will of the owner. The enhancer is now located in the cavity, which is the shadow world in the shadow. The shadow will be absorbed during the absorption process. Actions."

Sean suddenly realized: "In other words, in my deep will, this activity of creating new life occupies the mainstream?"

"Oh, what else?"

Sean smiled cheerfully: "That's okay, this is indeed me."

Such a thick skin...

Latiya's brows twitched and she said angrily: "This is a very simple implantation method, but I can only create it for one person at the same time. After the shadow dies, it will take a long time for me to re-create the shadow. It will take time to create the shadow cavity again.”

"You can see the connection between the shadow and the body through the operation of superpowers, and the changes brought about by the enhancer can be felt by slowing down -" She tapped Sean's wrist with her fingertips. A black worm-like thing got in.

"The method of escape, after all, the enhancer is for the peak king level. If you feel that the side effects are too obvious and even affect the body, kill your own shadow. By then, you should be able to fully understand the enhancement How to use the weapon, and then I will create a new shadow for you."

Sean felt it silently, and sure enough, he felt an extra connection, but just like the delay when playing games is very high, feedback and commands take time.

Moreover, he can now feel a strong sense of oppression slowly seeping in, and his mental power seems to be tied to countless iron chains, making people feel exhausted all of a sudden.

Under the pressure, there is a cold feeling like a stream flowing back, which seems to be the spiritual power that has begun to slowly grow.

It’s not particularly impressive, but if it runs 24 hours a day, after a long period of accumulation, it will reach a very impressive point.

Sean looked at Latiya with a hint of surprise: "The effect is obvious, is this just a shadow?"

"The shadow world is essentially constructed from the spiritual power of the entire world, so the perception is obvious - but shadows are shadows after all. This is for your experiment. If you want to truly use the ascension seeds, you need to implant them into the body - —”

Latiya continued to say softly: "Shadow has the upper limit, and your level is still not enough. When you are ready to advance to Crimson, you should also have thoroughly figured out all the information about the ascension seed. By then, whether the body has been implanted in your heart should be It’s bottomed out.”

"I see...Thank you, Dean." Sean smiled and thanked him.

Latiya choked, and she almost forgot what she was here to do.

Sighing helplessly, she turned around and walked towards the shadow in the corner, not forgetting to tell her as she walked: "Don't let Qiong Ying know I've been here."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

"The teacher came to see you again?" Qiong Ying lay in Xiao En's arms and said in surprise.

Sean nodded: "I don't know why I came here. After talking some nonsense, I helped me create a shadow cavity."

"Shadow cavity?" Qiong Ying's voice became louder.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"That's part of the teacher's power, and it's not difficult for her. However, only she can create it, and it can only be created for one person - that is, after creating it for you, her own original shadow The cavity has also disappeared, which is a very important part of her ability to exert her powers."

Sean was surprised: "So important? She told me so lightly."

Qiong Ying stopped talking, and the speculation in her heart became more and more certain.

The teacher... seems to really like Sean!

With countless thoughts passing through her mind, Qiong Ying suddenly turned her head to Sean.

"I have a bold idea." She looked a little solemn.


Qiong Ying got up and walked towards the locker room: "But before that..."

Under Sean's confused eyes, after a while, the door of the locker room was pushed open.

The exquisite academic girl once again put on a maid outfit.

She was a little shy, but still boldly met Sean's gaze.

"Does it look good?" There was some expectation on her face.

Sean pretended not to care and looked away: "It's just so-so. To be honest, I've seen too much and my threshold has been raised..."

"Bad guy..." Qiong Ying bent down and climbed onto the big bed, the bright beauty swaying in front of Sean's eyes.

Thin branches bear fruit, Qiong Ying's figure is already amazing, but she has lost a lot of weight due to various previous blows.

Later, after Sean's enlightenment and recovery, she regained her health.

Looking at it now, it seems more and more delicate and tempting, making people unable to stop having some daydream thoughts.

Noticing the change in Sean's eyes, Qiong Ying's eyes flashed with pride.

The two of them were only one step away from each other, but they never completed it due to various coincidences and accidents. Putting aside these, in terms of human body structure, the two of them should be very familiar with each other.

Saying "no more than that", Sean took Qiong Ying into his arms.

"But that's it?" Qiong Ying bit her lip and looked at Sean with blurred eyes.

"But that's it-" Sean said this, and the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

"But that's it?" Qiong Ying asked again.

"Forget it, I talk like farts."


Nothing stands in the way anymore.

Being turned over by the red waves, the piano and harp sang in harmony.

"Are you a little busy lately?"

After more than half a month, Latiya, who had been avoiding Qiong Ying, could no longer bear it.

During this period of time, her injuries had almost recovered, and she could no longer find excuses to hide in the recuperation warehouse.

Originally, they were all ready to change their mentality to face Qiong Ying, but during this period, Qiong Ying ran to Sean very frequently...

Hearing the teacher's question, Qiong Ying nodded: "There are many things..."

Eat the marrow and know the taste. Some things are like a dam that has opened its gates after experiencing it.

In addition, she doesn’t know how to reject Sean at all, and Sean is like an animal...

When she thought about how many ridiculous things the two of them had done in just over half a month, Qiong Ying felt a little hot in her heart and her face became hot.

However, she just did it, this was what she wanted, and...after trying it too many times, she became somewhat addicted.

Of course, this is a little fun between lovers, and she would never be so shameless when it comes to talking to others.

Such an answer had other meanings in Latiya's ears.

A feeling of alienation emerged unconsciously.

Did I avoid Qiong Ying too much during this period, which made her so disappointed that she had to go to Sean all the time for comfort?

Latiya thought so in her heart.

It's not that she hasn't thought about that aspect, but Qiong Ying is still walking fast during this period, and she hasn't had any abnormal physical conditions...

It’s totally inconsistent with the data saying that after something like that happens, women tend to suffer from physical pain for a period of time?

Dean Chunliang forgot one thing - there is only one person in this place, and no one without some super powers would be too embarrassed to go out and meet people.

No matter how weak the superpower is, the physical quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people. A small injury will heal itself in a short time.

Otherwise, Qiong Ying and Sean would have to walk awkwardly these days.

Seeing her students leaving in a hurry again, Latiya could only sigh where she was, looking sad.

No one knew what Latiya was doing, but she knew what Qiong Ying was going to do.

Walking through the secret passage in the core area of ​​[Golden Ghost], the guard saw her and quickly saluted with a smile on his face: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Well, hello." Qiong Ying accepted the other party's title calmly and happily.

Her work still required her to be at the [College]. Sean originally wanted to arrange for someone to take care of her daily life, transportation, etc., but she had been used to living alone since she was a child and didn't like to be waited on, so she rejected Sean's kindness.

Of course, it’s nice to hear that my sister-in-law is nice.

"Sister-in-law, eldest brother has just come back." The guard quickly handed over the news.

Not to please, but Sean's order.

Xiao En has always been a trustworthy person, let alone Qiong Ying, who is close to him.

Qiong Ying knows all the decisions, processes, and secrets of Paradise City.

It is this trust that makes Qiong Ying always feel valued.

Hearing the guard's words, Qiong Ying frowned slightly.

After the Mountain of Survivors was brought back, many more people from the outside world tried to test it.

After all, there is a world of difference between a living so-called 'Titan' and a building.

It happened that the city lord and members of the parliament were about to be elected, and Paradise City was very lively during this period. Many people took this opportunity to process, saying that they were participating in the grand event, but in fact it was just for testing.

But Paradise City will no longer be a closed area in the future, and communication with the outside world will be indispensable, so it is naturally impossible to refuse.

Sean is mainly busy with these things during this time.

"Did Sean conflict with others when he went out?" Qiong Ying asked.

The guard scratched his head: "Brother didn't look very happy when he came back. I don't know the details. Sister-in-law, you'd better ask him yourself."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, just serve your eldest brother and sister-in-law!"

When I went to Sean's bedroom, Sean was leisurely leaning on a chair and drinking tea. He didn't look unhappy at all.

"The guard said you weren't happy when you came back?"

She naturally sat in Sean's arms and kissed him on the face.

Sean shrugged and poured another cup of tea: "Among the gifts those people gave me, this black tea is the best. It tastes good. Do you want to try it?"


Sean took a sip of tea, and Qiong Ying had already consciously moved her red lips towards her.

After a passionate kiss, Qiong Ying felt a chill on her body before she could taste the tea.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Then you don't want to?"


After listening to Sean's words, Qiong Ying, who exposed half of her body and leaned on his shoulder, thought: "In the end, I still want to test it. After all, although Crimson is important, what the Mountain of Survivors shows is even more than Crimson."

Sean leisurely said: "After all, in this large area, Paradise City has the largest population. As we develop, they are bound to be affected - and under the influence of the Survivor Mountain, they must consider themselves Will the city-state have the possibility of being annexed?"

"They are all worried that you will drive the mountain of survivors directly to attack their city." Qiong Ying nodded obediently.

Touching the girl's long, silky hair, Sean smiled and said, "It's just an excuse. Why don't they come and test it out? But, do you know the biggest difference between me and them?"

Qiong Ying looked at him, love flashing in her eyes: "You are better than any of them."

"Of course -" As Qiong Ying exclaimed, he hugged her to him again.

The girl bit her lip, looked at him angrily, and started very consciously.

Sean let out a sigh of relief: "The biggest difference between them and me is that they think about developing city-states, squeezing the poor, and controlling the channels for advancement. In essence, they are still acting for their own status and power."

"As for me, I don't care about this. Paradise City is my experimental field, and the results of the experiment will determine what I do to the entire world."

He smiled and kissed Qiong Ying: "Who knows, I'm going to destroy the world."

Qiong Ying gasped, but answered without hesitation: "Then I will accompany you too."

"Of course you have to stay with me—hard?"


"Isn't today the day when the city lord takes office and the council is established? We are all here to participate, why doesn't Sean come out?"

"He is moody, and he even gave the position of city lord to others... However, Sean should also know that the city lord is the city lord, no one cares. In this kind of situation, he still has to come out to calm down..."

"Who knows what Sean is thinking... We have all been here together for a while. Sean seems to be unaware of the temptation, which is really confusing..."

"The Titan... Our people have also collected information. The Titan has not moved for such a long time after returning."

"Maybe it's just a cover..."

"But even for construction, there is such a large amount of work... We just need to make sure that the Titan beast will not affect our own city."

At the scene where the city lord took office, many guests from outside were whispering.

They are representatives of various nearby city-states, the sunken port on the seaside, the chaotic sin city, the desert city in the southwest...

Even Torch City, which is six thousand kilometers away, sent people here. It is said that this city is one of the earliest ancient city-states established after the end of the world.

Representatives from more than a dozen cities, tribes, and forces gathered in the auditorium. The inauguration ceremony of the city leader was in progress, but the actual owner, Sean, did not show up.

The city lord is a middle-aged man who was once a well-known neutral strongman in Paradise City, but not many people care about him at the moment, but many people focus on the saint who took office for him.

It is said that this saint was sent by a papal church from afar to represent the church's recognition of Paradise City.

Strangely, the saint is not wearing the robe that symbolizes ritual and purity, which is a bit strange.

In the independent secret room of the auditorium, Sean let out a sigh of relief.

Qiong Ying packed up her clothes and looked at the marks on her white robe. She worried: "That saint is the one you said was sent by the Vatican to express friendship, right? You have to let me change into this set of clothes." , I always feel a little weird..."

Sean pulled his belt and said casually: "It's not a big problem, let's give it a try... But this robe really only has a symbolic meaning. I thought it could have any strengthening effect. Tsk, you don't pay attention to me at all. The painting style of the Holy See It’s different from my impression.”

"The robe is very important to that saint... When you tricked her, she asked you to return it to her..."

"I didn't even lie to her - isn't that respectful enough?"

"Why do you want her to eat with me?" Qiong Ying said angrily.

Sean smiled and said some words of comfort and looked out the window.

"It's time to go out and have a look. Don't you want to test me? I'll give you a chance, ha."

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