I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 228 It’s time to make the neighbors pay property fees

The inauguration ceremony of the city lord has come to an end.

Wan Chi, the new city lord of Paradise City, is an upper-level king and can be regarded as a good force anywhere. However, no one focused on him today.

Wan Chi knew very well how he took office. Even if Sean did not attend, he was still not dissatisfied and was only prepared to entertain the guests present after the ceremony.

However, Sean did not show up for a long time, and the guests present could not sit still.

They didn't come here just to force me to have a baby, it was just a simple temptation, and they just had these two words written on their faces.

If this so-called "Titan" really possesses extremely terrifying power, they not only have to consider whether to have good relations with Paradise City, but also whether to bow to Paradise City.

Although the distance is more than thousands of kilometers, the guests who came to Paradise City today can barely be counted as neighbors.

It's just that there probably isn't much affection between the neighbors.

In this world, choosing to believe in the kindness of others means that you should be optimized.

Is Sean a kind person?

Obviously not. The reputation of a boy who is only a low-level king has spread to all nearby areas. Even in the slums of the city-state thousands of kilometers away, there will be poor workers mentioning the frightening person in their spare time. nightmare.

But Sean never showed up...

Many people looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then shifted their attention to the central tower.

This is part of the 'Titan beast', and the city lord's palace is near the tower.

Could it be that it is really just a show? Is Sean not showing up because he is worried that we will see through...

It is really possible, otherwise, according to his character, showing strength is essential.

No one has ever seen the Holy See who came to perform the ceremony. Most of the Holy Sees in this land are powerful, and people in high positions like them have more or less heard of rumors about the Holy See.

Either the Holy See who is on good terms with Sean is a newly emerging force with low strength; or that Holy See does not pay attention to Sean and only sends a person here as a token...

Just as everyone was thinking, a tough-looking man suddenly walked out.

He shouted unceremoniously: "Then why doesn't Sean come out? With representatives of so many forces gathered together, does he look down on us? Go and let him come out."

Idiot... The representatives of the other forces all cursed secretly.

This idiot is a representative of a large marginal tribe. Of course, tribe is just a nice word. In fact, they are just a group of predators based on tribes.

The clan leader was promoted to Crimson, and he directly established his own power. His strength was not strong, but the victory was that the clan members were small in number and united enough. He also relied on the autumn wind from time to time to gain a firm foothold.

Barbarians from the countryside just have no brains... Many people frowned.

Even if the Titan is fake, do you still dare to act recklessly in Paradise City?

Do you really think Mr. Jin Kui is a vegetarian?

They came here to evaluate whether to establish a deeper... deeper relationship with Paradise City. Even if Sean is bluffing, they still need to maintain the original relationship - become enemies? Is your brain okay?

However, the tough man was still shouting: "This is over, why don't you come out?"

The new city lord Wan Chi frowned: "My friend, it is my honor for you to attend Wan's inauguration ceremony - but this is not an excuse for you to act wild here!"

The man glanced at him and sneered: "The upper level king is just a little puppet - I can represent the will of our clan leader, can you represent Sean and Jin Kui behind him?"

"You!" Wan Chi's face suddenly darkened.

The man continued to yell: "Don't you all come here just to see this so-called Titan? Sean, why are you so secretive?!"

Brainless idiot... The others cursed in their hearts, but no one stood up to stop him.

Just enough time to let this heartless fool draw fire and see how Sean responds.

If Jin Kui takes action to kill this king-level man, it means that the Titan beast is just a cover...

The man walked out of the hall of the City Lord's Mansion while talking. The central tower was nearby. He spat casually and then showed a disdainful smile.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that our family has inherited superpowers... This bullshit Titan beast is not a living creature at all, and it has no connection with metal life forms!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the guests, but also other people in Paradise City looked shocked.

Are Titans not living creatures? How can this be?

They watched with their own eyes as this big guy enveloped the entire city... and so on.

Several newly elected members looked at each other.

Although I witnessed it with my own eyes, I only saw the process of the so-called Titan landing. The rest was all through Sean's words...

They were afraid of Jin Kui, but after all, Jin Kui only had one person, and together with his lover, there were only two Crimsons.

To say complete surrender, few people would be embarrassed to say so.

He used to be the domineering one among all the forces, but now he has to work as a wage earner for you [Golden Ghost]? Moreover, restricted by regulations, living standards have dropped again and again.

But things were different after the appearance of the Titan. Such a huge and terrifying metal life form - they were equivalent to living in each other's stomachs...

Who dares to be careful?

However, if what that man said is true...this Titan beast is just a scary cover made up by Sean...

In the whispers, the man raised his eyebrows proudly: "It's just a dead thing——"

Wan Chi immediately stood up and angrily shouted: "How dare you insult the Titan beast of my Paradise City, you are seeking death!"

He was about to attack, and the members of the parliament behind him also followed suit.

However, not every council member followed Wan Chi closely. Several people followed behind with obvious procrastination, apparently preparing to paddle later.

The man laughed loudly: "Kill me? Do you dare? The Titan beast is a dead thing, and the business of Paradise City and our tribe must be maintained - Tsk, I thought it was so scary, huh, I'm afraid it's not like Sean The kid did it deliberately to fool us, and he wants us to give up a lot of benefits in the future, right?"

He looked at the other guests: "Everyone, I know you don't dare to say it, I will say it for you! The Titan beast does not exist at all, then..."

Before the second half of the words came out, his expression suddenly changed and he backed away suddenly.


A tentacle bursts out of the ground!

The expressions of the others changed instantly, and they immediately noticed something was wrong with the tentacle.

It's obviously a mechanical body, but it has a terrible smell of pollution!

This is……

A long and heavy breathing sound sounded, and everyone in the city looked at the sky in horror.

Is it coming from this city? !

Those guests were even more stunned. This is...

The man jumped back, his eyes just showed a look of shock, then he suddenly froze on the spot.

That tentacle is overflowing with terrifying spiritual power!

The representatives of those city-states showed horror in their eyes - is the spiritual power of a tentacle so terrifying?

Moreover, it should have focused its attention on the man, and we just felt some of the aftermath.

Deep red?

Is this the fucking peak of crimson? !

That man was a real upper-level king, just one step away from the top - he was just stared at by a tentacle and couldn't move?

"Wait! Wait! I was wrong!" The man shouted in horror.

Then, completely unable to move, he just froze in place, and was immediately swallowed by the tentacle!

The big mouth of the metal structure opened, and more intense pollution overflowed.

"Ah——" The man's short cry of terror ended abruptly.

What followed was the sound of chewing that echoed in everyone's ears.

There is no ability to resist...a tentacle that is not even a clone...

The representatives of the city-states looked at each other in horror - what kind of bullshit super powers do you think the Titans are dead creatures? !

The saint who performed the ceremony for Wan Chi also looked at him in surprise.

"The Cardinal's guess is true... Sure enough, it's worth making friends with this Sean." She thought silently.

While watching in horror, the mechanical tentacle quickly "digested" an upper-level king.

Immediately, it slowly turned around and looked at everyone present.

Suddenly, everyone stood on their backs with chills.

"Come back, come back, everyone else is here to sincerely congratulate you." The young man said lazily, with a cynical smile on his face.


The tentacle hesitated for a moment, and finally penetrated into the ground.

Sean can actually communicate with that Titan on an equal footing? ! Everyone was shocked.

Sean then turned to look at the others and said with a smile: "Thank you for coming to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Lord of Paradise City - didn't it scare you? Haha, the big guys in our city are actually very good-tempered, but you You can’t scold him directly in his ears, right?”

Shit, you dare not be tested... This bastard is just waiting for us to test you, and then anger the Titan!

Fortunately, he didn't take action... That fool hit the front... Everyone had the same thankful thought in their hearts.

The smart person thought about what Sean said just now, and then immediately took a step forward: "Boss Sean, long time no see..."

As he spoke, his subordinates came in carrying a large box from outside.

"There are some gifts I forgot to give - haha, Boss Sean, please don't make fun of me. To be honest, I did have some thoughts on showing off in front of you."

He changed the topic very quickly and directly regarded the belated gift as his sincerity.

Sean smiled and said: "Today's protagonist is not me, but City Lord Wan."

The man quickly patted his head: "Look at my head - City Lord Wan, I hope you like it."

Wan Chi subconsciously glanced at Sean, who looked at him with a smile, and even greeted him politely after he turned his attention.

Wan Chi was overjoyed. He knew that his performance just now had been completely recognized by the actual person in power.

He immediately took a step forward: "You are joking, if you don't mind, can you show me your face and have a meal?"

"Then I won't be polite."

Seeing this guy swaggering in, the other guests cursed inwardly - this bastard lowered his head too quickly!


Why don't you make a sound? !

"Lord Wan City, there's me too!"

"Hey, don't grab it, let me give it to you first!"

"I was obviously the one who came first!"

These representatives of the king-level peak and upper-level king-level forces were crowded together like aunties haggling in a vegetable market.

The Titan beast really exists, and it even killed a little fool - from now on, the trade and exchange agreement with Paradise City will have to be drawn up again...

Sean appeared briefly, then waved and left leisurely in the respectful eyes of everyone.

A city-state representative who had just delivered something looked at the other party's back and sighed secretly.

With such a person here, Jin Kui and his wife to protect their security, and Titan beasts to protect them... Paradise City may have to order all the surrounding city-states and organizations...

"Didn't the mountain of survivors turn back into a building?" Qiong Ying asked curiously at the private dinner.

Sean picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, smiling: "Yes, but it's okay if they don't know."

After Latiya helped Sean create the shadow cavity and implant the ascension seeds, Sean had also figured out a few tricks over a long period of time.

He finally figured out why this thing could help people temporarily advance to Crimson.

Because, this thing is essentially imitating crimson.

Aura of pollution, huge mental power, a certain degree of dark red special spots, etc.

Although it was implanted in the shadow cavity, Sean still benefited from it.

His mental power has been greatly improved, and at the same time, his shadow can briefly imitate Crimson and function as an ascension seed.

Of course, the Mountain of Survivors is a dead thing, but under Sean's control, the tentacle can show the power of the Crimson Class, because Sean has released all the pollution and mental power.

Absolutely no one would be able to detect it unless the Crimson Powerhouse observed it at close range.

After listening to Sean's explanation, Qiong Ying nodded suddenly.

However, she wondered: "No, since it's an imitation, how could that person die?"

Just as he was talking, someone came over.

The man had a fiery red bun and imitated his elder brother in everything he said and did.


Chiling was dragging along another person, a man from that tribe.

Looking at Sean, Chiling said calmly: "The next clone will take a long time."

"It's okay, please, bro." Sean said with a smile.

The man who was instantly killed by the tentacle... was of course not me.

Sean had already asked someone to stop him halfway, and then Chiling's clone put on makeup...

Everything is natural.

The real tribal man finally spoke: "Sean, let me go... We have trade links with Paradise City. If the clan leader doesn't wait for me to return, he will definitely come to ask for an explanation!"

Sean nodded in agreement: "I think so too. In fact, your clan leader will find something wrong and finally expose my weak lies~"

"It's good if you know... uh, uh, uh..." His eyes rolled.

Chi Ling's flaming palms penetrated directly into the back of his head.

"Respect the second-in-command of [Golden Ghost]." Chiling calmly pulled out his hand, leaving a charred corpse.

Sean squatted down and tried to help the other person close his eyes.

"It's burned through. Your eyelids are like potato chips. Forget it, you will die with your eyes open. Next time, next time." He stood up helplessly.

Chiling glanced at the time: "At this point, the eldest brother should have already entered."

Sean nodded: "Absolutely. The other party probably wouldn't have thought that the big boss behind the scenes would be so shameless as to sneak up on a crimson lower-level person like him."

Chi Ling showed a smile: "Brother, I think your strategy is very useful. Anyway, if you kill the clan leader, the Titan beast will be flawless."

Sean also laughed: "It's time to ask the neighbors to pay some property fees."

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