I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 230 The big fat sheep took the bait

"I still don't understand why you didn't inform Bai Ye?"

The large aircraft sticking to the ground kicked up dust. On the small deck in front, a man and a woman were luxuriously opening their energy field to resist the wind and sand, and talking among them.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Sean said lazily: "If you tell her, you have to negotiate terms with her. If you don't tell her, then she will come after me to ask for help. The nature is different."

Five days ago, he quietly left Paradise City.

The guests attending the inauguration ceremony of the city lord were even still in the city.

Except for a few people, no one knew that Sean had left. Even Jin Kui felt a little sudden after hearing the news.

However, Sean has always been a quick man in doing things. He had a romantic relationship with Qiong that night, and in the early morning of the next day, he left the city where he had lived for more than 20 years in the girl's tearful eyes.

Qiong Ying even swore that Latiya would never be bewitched by others while he was away, and would even help him and Latiya after he came back.

It was so sweet that Sean almost couldn't help but stay.

This time when he went to the imperial capital, Sean only brought Zhu Zhu, Moza, Sherrill and Xiao Ci, not even Endeli.

As for Luo Xi, they will also separate halfway, and she will return to the clan to complete the promotion of Crimson.

On the one hand, they were going to the Rainbow Nest along the way, and on the other hand, it was a copy of Sean's memory. They did not choose the normal route, but arrived in the desert after five days of flying.

The spaceship is naturally much faster than the beast vehicle, but it can only fly close to the ground. After all, none of the flying crazy beasts is easy to deal with.

Five days were enough for them to see the gray desert ahead.

It is said to be a desert, but it is slightly different from the previous impression. The sand here is not golden, but yellow-gray, which looks uncomfortable.

"Did you pass through here in the first place?" Sean asked.

Luo Xi shook his head: "I'm not familiar with the outside world. I didn't choose to travel through the desert. I came here from outside."

Sean gasped: "Just use two legs? Your big white legs haven't changed, you're really a natural beauty."

Luo Xi rolled his eyes, and then his expression became serious: "This desert is called the Gray Sea, and there are many dangers inside. There are many forces and plunderers on the edge, but few people dare to go deep into it. Even the desert city It is also built in an oasis on the edge.”

"I met a team on the way here. The leader has the strength of a middle-level king. He has been working in the desert to collect rare minerals for twenty years. The second day I met them, they all The soldier died inside, I heard it was because he went about one kilometer deeper, but no one knows how he died."

In just two sentences, the gray sea ahead looked fierce.

"It's scary," Sean pursed his lips, "But we don't have to go deep. According to my brother's map, we can just take the route from the edge inward. It can save a lot of days."

Luo Xi turned his head with some embarrassment: "Don't think that if you take risks just to let me go home early, I will thank you."

Sean turned his head and said in surprise: "Are you going to start taking the tsundere route now? You are a product of the elimination of the version."

"Who is being arrogant with you?"

After choking for a few words, the part-time driver Sherrill shouted: "Brother, we can see buildings and people ahead. It should be the supply station on the edge of the Gray Sea."

Sean knocked on the deck: "Go and replenish supplies."


Supply depots established on the edge of the desert are often jointly operated by nearby large forces. Although the Gray Sea is dangerous, it is also rich, with an endless stream of looters and mercenaries.

Large aircraft are quite rare, and Sean and his group attracted a lot of looks as soon as they stopped.

However, after Sherrill stepped off the spacecraft, there was much less greedy gaze - the three-meter-tall little giant carrying a gold-plated chainsaw was naturally enough to intimidate him.

The buildings in this place are very distinctive. They are all made of huge circular water tanks. At first glance, it looks like a desert with goose bumps.

You also need a ticket to enter here, which costs two hundred per person, and the credits of Paradise City need to be exchanged for Gray Sea coins before they can be used.

"Inflation is a bit fierce, one to six." Sean sighed as he walked into the small supply station.

Zhu Zhu, who was hiding in the mirror space, immediately claimed the credit and said, "I took Xiao Ci in there and saved two thousand four hundred!"

"I'll reward you with a pinch."

After looking around, Sherrill and Moza went to purchase supplies, while Sean and Luo Xi went to find a local information dealer.

The general direction of the map given by Jin Kui was fine, but the details were still a lot worse. However, Sean's idea of ​​buying a detailed map of the neighborhood was in vain. This thing is the key to making money and running away, and no one would be willing to sell it to a stranger. of.

"Tsk, it's still troublesome——"

After walking out of the store, the secret gazes did not decrease, but no one came forward to look for trouble.

People who own large aircraft are definitely fat sheep, but whether they can eat them is a serious question.

"The detailed route is quite important... Tsk, is there anyone who can help me..." Sean muttered and looked around, finally focusing on the nearby bar.

He blinked at Luo Xi, and then strode away.

Luo Xi frowned slightly and muttered quietly just enough for the people watching secretly to hear: "I'm on my way, and I'm still drinking..."

The two walked to the door of the bar, and just in time, a drunk man walked out.

The upper level of King of Kind... almost...

Sean moved his fingers slightly, and the drunk man who was about to leave turned his head. When he saw Luo Xi, his eyes lit up: "Hey, little girl... I'll take care of you for one night, I'll take care of you!"

Luo Xi's eyes turned cold, and the powerful intimidation instantly overflowed.

The drunk man was not very sober, but he also shivered.

He quickly bowed his head and ran away apologetically.

Luo Xi frowned: "I don't like this place, let's go."

Sean spread his hands helplessly: "Does the bodyguard still care about this?"

"If you don't leave, I will."

"No, no, no, can't we just leave?"

The two walked out of the supply station and as soon as they entered a corner, a shrewd-looking man with a shiny tail on his butt approached and whispered hello.

"You two, are you going deep into the desert?"

Sean looked at the other person, and when he saw his tail, the disgust on his face was not concealed at all: "Ratman?"

Mutated humans unique to desert areas are not very popular.

The rat man didn't seem to mind Sean's gaze, but just rubbed his hands and said to please: "That must be me - to be honest with you two, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Hehe, we have to go deeper, there are several supply stations around Here, it’s just me.”

Sean covered his mouth and nose: "Do you have a map?"

He was very rude, but the resentment in the rat man's eyes was well concealed, and he just continued to smile: "To be honest, anyone with a map will not sell it to you, and neither will I. After all, everyone wants to This is what makes a living.”

"What about your mother?" Sean looked unhappy.

The rat man rubbed his hands: "Don't worry, even if I sell you a map, people who are not familiar with the terrain will not be able to find their way in the desert at all, and will still be trapped in it in the end - to tell you the truth, my ancestors were Desert rats are best at finding their way in the desert. I have been here for more than ten years and I have never had any problems leading the way."

Sean frowned slightly: "Lead the way? I want to go to the deep place of the Upside Down. Can you lead me there?"

"Of course, it's just the price -" the rat man rubbed his fingers.

"Tell me how much you want, as long as you can lead the way." Sean looked rich and wealthy.

"The boss is grand - one hundred thousand gray sea coins, I will bring them in and out."

"One hundred thousand, isn't it expensive?"

In the end, after bargaining, the deal was settled at 80,000 gray sea coins. Luo Xi also checked the rat man and found that the opponent was not strong and had just stepped into the king-like level.

The aircraft took off. The Rat Man looked at Sherrill with some fear, then looked at the interior of the luxurious aircraft with envy, and then started navigation under Sean's impatient urging.

The desert known as the Gray Sea is a vast expanse of yellow and gray after entering the interior. The rat man is really discerning. Without his guidance in many places, it is difficult to identify the direction.

After two more days of driving, the aircraft paused to replenish energy, and Sean got off the ship and took a walk.

A piece of wind and sand passed by, and he cursed and stepped back to spit out the sand in his mouth.

The rat man said with a smile: "It is indeed the first time for the boss to come here. The gray sea blows wind and sand regularly every day. Although the wind and sand are not dangerous, all kinds of signs will be covered up, and inexperienced people can easily lose their way."

Sean frowned and patted the dust on his body, looked at him and then sneered: "You have a pair of mouse noses, you rat."

The rat man smiled slightly awkwardly: "Superpowers, superpowers...except for my tail and innate superpowers, I am still human at heart."

"Heh..." Sean chuckled.

Suddenly, Moza frowned and looked out the window: "Brother, there is someone there."

Sean looked over after hearing this. Sure enough, there was a figure not far away. He couldn't see the appearance clearly. He was holding an iron chain in his hand and pulling it up, as if he was fishing for something in the sand.

The Rat Man explained: "Mirage is easy to see after the wind blows every day. It is mysterious in the gray sea. We locals generally call this fisherman, because every time we see it, he seems to be fishing for something."

"In other words, the fisherman is actually deep in the desert?" Sean asked.

The Rat Man shrugged: "Probably so. This mirage is not dangerous. Fishermen have been repeating this action for decades, and they don't know how much profit they make."

Luo Xi frowned slightly: "This one is not dangerous? In other words, other mirages may be dangerous?"

The rat man nodded and said: "This is still the periphery. The upside-down place you are going to is considered the middle zone. The mirages appearing in these two places are basically illusions - but I heard that some mirages can bring great dangers and may control The mind may also directly turn into a spirit-devouring monster, and some may even die violently at a glance.”

He swung his tail, but his expression was not nervous: "I heard that I have never encountered a dangerous mirage in more than ten years. The next gust of wind and sand will come, and the fisherman will disappear."

Sure enough, after resting in place for a few hours, another gust of wind and sand blew, and the fisherman who had been hunting in the sea of ​​sand disappeared.

After advancing for another day, the rat man pointed to a sand dune ahead: "We are not far from the target. We'd better take a rest. The back of that place is sunken and we can avoid the wind and sand, so we can spend the night."

He did his best to guide him during this time, and Sean nodded and agreed.

At nightfall, Rat Man walked quietly to the cab, with a flash of light in his eyes.

During this period of time, he had been secretly checking the operation of the aircraft while giving directions, and he finally figured out how to unlock the hatch.

He took out a light stick and made a specific gesture towards the cockpit window, and suddenly the sand dune began to squirm.

A large group of rat men emerged from it, and dense red dots moved quickly in the dark night.

The rat man in the cabin grinned slightly, his shiny tail wrapped around various operating levers.

After some tinkering, the exhaust sound of the hatch opening suddenly sounded.

"Boy, you have to pay a price for looking down on the rat people..." He grinned.

The rat crowd, which had been waiting for a long time from outside, rushed in one after another.

"Break their bones!" The leading rat-man was particularly strong, with half of its tail broken off.

He praised the tour guide Rat Man: "You have got the big fat sheep, you have done a great job."

"I also feel that a great achievement deserves a reward."

A sudden sound sounded.

The strong rat man's pupils were trembling. Before he could speak, the tour guide rat man in front of him froze in place with a smile on his face.

It was like a piece of paper being split straight apart with a sharp utility knife.

Without blood, his body just fell into two halves, and even the corners of his mouth were still raised.

"Brother, there's no one inside! - Wait, ah!"

Screams sounded.

In the shadow of the cab, a handsome man "floated" out from inside.

There was a smile on his lips: "It's so late, do you want to treat me to a supper?"


be cheated!

The leader of the ratmen roared angrily, and his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, he seemed to bring the momentum of the entire ratmen group, and the other ratmen squeaked and waved their tails violently.

Then, there is no more.

The roar of the chainsaws masked the screams and roars.

The ratman leader never figured out until his death why he, a high-ranking king, seemed to burst like a bubble.

"When we were at the door of the bar...that woman's aura was clearly that of a lower-level king..."

Chopped into pieces by the energy blade, the rat-man leader died in confusion and frustration.

In the aircraft, a few rat men who were left behind were tremblingly cleaning the blood stains on the floor and walls.

The bodies of their companions and leaders were thrown out casually, waiting to be dried and buried by the sea of ​​gray.

"I told you not to do anything. Brother likes this new ship very much. It's all stained." Moza was criticizing Sherrill with a frown.

Sherrill rubbed his head and smiled: "I didn't expect them to be so weak."

Luo Xi pursed her lips and looked at Sean: "The leader is an upper-level king. There are more than a dozen king-level ratmen under his command. The rest are king-like and elite. It is not a weak force here."

Sean yawned: "So your suppressive power is very good, and only powerful forces dare to target us - of course, only powerful forces will have a more detailed road map."

A total of five ratmen were left behind. Listening to these demons talking casually, they became increasingly frightened.

Just for the sake of the route... they specially set up a trap to wait for us to take the bait... so vicious...

As if he heard their thoughts, he put a hand on the Nezumi's shoulder.

The rat man turned his head tremblingly and saw the man's smiling face: "The more vicious ones are yet to come."

"Welcome all new tour guides, there are... five in total."

Sean clapped his hands and smiled brightly: "Lead the way at the same time, and then, more people who give the same route will survive - of course, we welcome reports and surrenders, or are there any people here who are unhappy with each other?"

"I leave the choice to you~"

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