I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 231 The Eye Behind You and the Fisherman

Amid the wind and sand in the sky, a large aircraft roared past.

Occasionally, mercenaries who entered the Gray Sea to make a living noticed the aircraft. They hid cautiously in the sand dunes and looked at the aircraft that seemed to be just passing by.

"Which big force is it? Are you driving so fast in the sea of ​​​​grey, heading towards the middle area?"

"Who knows, are you heading to the Upside Down? I guess you heard some news and thought there was a treasure inside... Hey, it's just to die."

Sean on the aircraft would naturally not hear these people's words, but for him, the Upside Down was just a passing point.

He's just taking a shortcut and taking away an easter egg in the Upside Down.

The place was full of dangers, but what Sean wanted was right on the edge. His destination was the Imperial Capital, and there was no need to waste time there.

After several days of leading the way, only three of the five rat men were left, and all three had many missing fingers.

There seems to be a special way of communication among the rat people, and they can still contact each other even if they are isolated. Therefore, these five guys were not well-intentioned from the beginning and wanted to lead Sean and others to dangerous places.

But for Sean, he doesn't need to know how the rat people communicate with each other, he just needs to make the other party afraid to contact them.

Five people gave the same route, but Sean still killed one at random. At the same time, he also gave one of the rat men a relatively better meal.

The next day they followed the same pattern, and the remaining three rat men no longer dared to play tricks.

Who knows if he will be the next one to be "betrayed"?

As for Sean, he was not sure what the other party had in mind, but he only needed to kill two ratmen to ensure that the other party had no bad intentions. This was a perfect deal.

After advancing for some distance, a rat man with six fingers missing stood up and winced: "The place ahead is the Upside Down. If we walk about two hundred meters, the gravity will start to change..."

Seeing Sean narrow his eyes slightly, he quickly said anxiously: "Everything I say is true! You believe me, you really have to believe me!"

What he said is indeed true, because the map model of the Upside Down was made by the first team led by Sean, and familiar landforms can already be seen in the front.

In the game, you can reach this dungeon by teleportation, which of course does not exist in the real world. Those dangerous routes need to be led by someone who is familiar with them to avoid a lot of dangers and troubles. When arriving at the door of the dungeon, Sean can of course be sure whether what the other party said is true or false. .

He smiled and patted the other party's shoulder: "I believe you."

The rat man breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he felt a heat in his abdomen.

He lowered his head tremblingly, and half of the energy blade protruded from his belly.

The rat man's face was full of fear, and he used his last strength to tremble and say: "You... you agreed... to let me live..."

Sean ignored him. Xiao Ci, who was playing with a lighter on his middle finger, glanced at him. After hesitating for a while, she said in a hoarse voice: "Sean often doesn't keep his words... rest in peace."

A gust of wind with a strange fragrance blew past, and the rat man closed his eyes forever with despair.

Xiao Ci's superpower has another element after fire and ice, the wind of rest, which can make people instantly lose their will to resist and fall into drowsiness - recently it has been used to give people salvation.

Sean stood up and ordered: "There is a traitor among the remaining two. Just let them know this to each other. Let's go down and have a look."

Luo Xi shook his shoulders, weren't you the one who created the traitor?

However, she quickly went to the cell and started a prisoner's dilemma - she was going to be separated temporarily, and she had to practice the skills she learned from Sean.

After stepping off the aircraft and walking two hundred meters forward, a strange feeling suddenly came over me.

Not only is the change in gravity unaccustomed to people, it also seems to cause changes in people's emotions.

With a silly laugh, Sean shook his head.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back in a minute."

The influence of this place does not depend on your strength. Even if the Crimson Peak comes, you still have to adapt. Instead of all the troops going in, it is better for him to get the things and withdraw directly.

After all, Sean is quite familiar with this place.

If the dungeon in the later stages of the game does not produce important materials, most players would not be willing to come to this ghost place. The perspective, operation methods, and skill order are all messed up, making it very frustrating to play.

In reality, Sean walked up the mottled stone wall and unconsciously started to land on his hands and feet.

This place is the place where a mutated crimson mad beast died, and the person who killed it was a strong man from the old world.

The contamination of supernatural powers and mutation combined, and finally the inversion was formed in this dilapidated desert temple.

"At most, the only ones who will appear on the road are king-level middle-level people...and the attack method is weird...but the real danger lies deep in the Temple of the Upside Down. That place was not ready to be opened during the test...So as long as I don't commit suicide, That’s no problem…”

Recalling the situation in this place, Sean's figure had unconsciously walked to the incomplete beam above. From the outside, he looked upside down.

But Sean didn't panic. He searched around according to his current feelings.

In the game, this is how you find the Easter egg.

"Roar——" A deer-shaped crazy beast charged towards Sean with its butt, and a hoarse roar came from an unsightly part.

"That's so rude..." Sean muttered.

The backward, deer-shaped crazy beast was approaching very fast, but Sean didn't even move.

The crazy beast stopped suddenly when it was only half a fist away from Sean.

Sean suddenly moved.

He controlled the gray mist to make continuous slashes into the air in the opposite direction.

A mournful cry came from the head of the deer-shaped crazy beast, and then its entire body went limp.

Then, its body suddenly moved to the direction where Sean slashed.

"The temporarily displaced illusion...is indeed the same as in the game."

Sean cut off the antlers casually. After taking this thing out, he can create some small props related to gravity and illusion deviation - it can be regarded as a small souvenir for Endeli.

Following the direction he had just found, Sean continued to move forward in a weird posture.

Soon, he saw an inverted statue of the god.

The statue looks inhuman and inhuman. If you look at it from the front, it looks a bit like the Statue of Liberty sitting cross-legged.

Sean walked over and pressed the statue's eyes inward a few times.

"Click -" Two beads popped out from the top of the statue, which was its butt.

"Those bastards were so idle that they had to design such a wicked Easter egg..."

Sean shook his head and sighed, taking the two beads in his hand.

This thing is called the eye behind the back. After being made into a piece of equipment and worn on the back of the head, it can give the user a 360-degree field of vision.

This easter egg was scolded a lot at first...

Their game is from a first-person perspective, and switching to the third-person perspective can only be enabled if the easter egg of the eye behind you is found.

Moreover, by collecting materials in the dungeon to strengthen the eyes behind you, the range of the third-person perspective can be expanded. To put it simply, in the case of the third-person perspective, you can use the scroll wheel to expand the zoom field of view...

Looking back now, what was going on in the minds of their entire production team...

The perspective switching in the game is not only about the game experience, but also about the expansion of the observation field. It can be regarded as a very useful easter egg.

In reality, this thing is even more useful. It can have a 360-degree field of view, which is a big improvement.

More importantly, the eyes behind him are not part of Sean's body.

In the future, he can turn around and use the eyes behind him to see things that he shouldn't and cannot see.

"Good luck." Sean whistled happily.

He got the easter egg without much effort. Looking at the dark temple in the distance, Sean was not ready to go deep.

Stop when you're done, it's not time to explore this place yet.

He turned to leave.

Suddenly, there was an unexpected sound of chains.

Instinctively, Sean looked at the source of the sound.

There is a broken fountain behind the statue that took away the eye behind it, and there is no clear water in it.

However, at some point, a person appeared at the top of the fountain.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, he had seen each other before.


The mirage of the gray sea, the fisherman who never stops, but no one knows what he is fishing for.

Sean saw the fisherman up close for the first time. He was wearing high leather boots and a white shirt tucked into his breeches. He was a middle-aged man with white beard and hair.

He was not dressed like a fisherman, but rather like a middle-class man who had just gone ashore and changed his clothes.

The fisherman was very strange. He stared at the fountain below, but the chain in his hand reached up to the sky.

The chain was dragged gently, with no end or end in sight.

The fisherman just stared down, holding the iron chain leading to the sky in his hand.

"Real person? Or a mirage?"

Sean didn't sense the danger, but he wasn't taking any chances.

He quickly withdrew his gaze and prepared to leave here quickly - I'm not interested in what you want.

Before leaving, he glanced at the sky where the chain extended. There was nothing there, and the chain could not be seen halfway.

"There's no wind or waves, where can the fish come from?" The influence of the Upside Down Land turned Sean's inner complaints into words.

He was startled, but the fisherman made no movement.

Sean felt relieved and turned to leave.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a sad and sad face.

"Then do you know where to make waves?"

It's that fisherman!

Without realizing it... Sean's pupils shrank violently.

He turned his head slightly, and in his peripheral vision, the fisherman who was fishing there just now had disappeared.

What is this thing...

When the fisherman saw that Sean didn't speak, he cautiously took a step forward. His eyes were dark gray and a little turbid inside, but he still couldn't hide his anxiety and expectation.

"Do you know where to make waves?" he asked again.

Sean frowned slightly, then shook his head: "I just said it casually, and I don't know where to make waves."

The fisherman lowered his head in disappointment, and then looked at where Sean had placed his eyes behind him.

"That thing...can you see it?"

Does he know about the eye behind him?

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "You've been here all the time, don't you know?"

The fisherman raised his head in confusion: "I didn't know until you took it away - please don't get me wrong, I only remembered it after you said it, yes, where would the fish come from without the wind and waves? Oh, you can take that thing away , I just want to know, can it see where there are wind and waves?"

It seems that I can communicate normally...

Sean said cautiously: "I don't know, because I got it, didn't I?"

The fisherman nodded in realization: "What you said makes sense."

"Then can I go?" Sean asked.

"Of course, of course." The fisherman dragged the chain and sat on the ground with some dejection.

Sean found that the other party seemed completely unaffected by the Upside Down, and his movements and postures were normal.

He didn't think any more and walked faster towards the exit.

The distance was very close, but Sean found that he was getting further and further away from the exit.

He was obviously walking forward, and he seemed to be moving forward in his senses, but for some reason, he couldn't get to the exit.

When Sean stopped and looked back, he realized that at some point, he had arrived at the entrance of the temple.

The dark hole looked like a giant mouth of a beast. Even after looking at it for a few more times, Sean actually had some thoughts of walking in.

"The promised testing phase... the things inside must have woken up..."

Sean cursed secretly, preparing to directly deceive his senses.

To his surprise, the fisherman appeared in front of him again.

He looked at Sean sadly: "You're going the wrong way."

"Yes I know."

The fisherman sighed. He fumbled in the strap of his vest for a while, and then took out a pocket watch.

The case popped open, and the dial inside was a blue sea with only one pointer, and the pointer was shaped like a small lighthouse.

"When sailing in the sea, the lighthouse can guide the way forward and guide the lost sailor." The fisherman closed his eyes piously and flicked the pointer with his finger.

Sean, who was still vigilant, suddenly felt that his senses returned to normal levels, the awkward feeling of his body making strange postures returned, and even gravity returned to normal levels.

Stepping on the ground in a normal posture, Sean looked at the other person in slight surprise.

Then he caressed his chest and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, my wife said that you have to look at the lighthouse when sailing, and a lighthouse is called a lighthouse when everyone can see it." When he mentioned his wife, his expression became obviously sadder.

Without waiting for Sean to speak, he took the initiative to give up his position, pointed to the intersection and said: "Just go forward, the lighthouse will always guide you to the shore."

For some reason, there was some anticipation in his voice.

Sean thought for a moment, and then took steps silently.

Neither the Heart of Deceit nor the Gray Fog reminded myself...

Walking to the exit, Sean breathed a sigh of relief under the worried eyes of Moza and others.

That fisherman was actually helping me...

However, we cannot just be sure that the other party has good intentions...

While they were thinking, suddenly, Moza and the others raised their weapons vigilantly.

Sean turned his head, and the fisherman followed him out at some point.

He looked at Sean sadly, but with hope in his eyes: "You can actually see the lighthouse...can you help me?"

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