I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 232 The polluted watch and the coming-to-life sea

"can you help me?"

The middle-aged man's eyes were cloudy, but his gray-white pupils seemed to be shrinking in anticipation.

The strange scene made other people feel chilly in their hearts.

The other party was very close. Sean noticed that the chain in the fisherman's hand seemed to be an anchor. Moreover, he still couldn't see the whole anchor. After leaving the upside down place, the anchor seemed to be It sank into the ground full of gray sand.

Can I see the lighthouse?

Is it because of the Upside Down? No, I wouldn't be the first person to enter that place, the fisherman wouldn't say that if he had been in there...

My superpower? Or is it something special about me?

The fisherman held the chain with one hand and the pocket watch with the other.

As if he felt that Sean didn't believe him, the fisherman opened the pocket watch again.

Sean could still see the lighthouse-like pointer turning slowly, and he looked back at Luo Xi and others.

They all shook their heads, indicating that they couldn't see anything.

Is it really only me who can see it?

While Sean was thinking, suddenly, another camel bell sounded from behind.

A group of people wearing face masks walked in. Judging from their attire, they should be mercenaries working for a living on the edge of the Gray Sea.

The leader was a skinny young woman who was blind in one eye. After looking at Sean and others warily, her eyes fell on the fisherman.

"Fisherman?" There was a look of surprise in her remaining single eye.

The apparition of a mirage has never appeared so close.

The fisherman heard her voice and looked over with sad eyes: "Do you know me?"

The one-eyed woman was even more surprised. Is this a real fisherman?

A glint flashed in her eyes, and after a moment of silence she said, "Of course, I know you."

The fisherman's voice was filled with anxiety and expectation: "Then can you help me too?"

"Of course it's no problem..." the one-eyed woman replied.

She remembered the legend her grandfather told her. If she really encountered the real scene in the mirage in the sea of ​​​​grey and did not die immediately, it would mean a great opportunity!

It is said that the Gray Sea was once a real sea. The fisherman was the most famous captain on the sea. His anchor was the backbone of the Crimson Powerful Man. His pocket watch was his fishing boat that could cross the world. Even, He also holds a treasure map to the treasure house in this sea area.

Long years have passed, but the fisherman has not died. He has merged with the Gray Sea. He has lost the power he was once proud of, and he keeps appearing in every corner of the Gray Sea just to salvage his former power.

Those legends flashed through her mind one by one, and a look of surprise flashed across the one-eyed woman's face - Did she get lucky today?

She carefully looked at Sean and others several times, and then discovered that this group of outsiders, who were obviously not natives of the Gray Sea, actually gave up their positions.

You are very discerning...you know the name of my one-eyed sand king...

Moza's weak voice rang in Sean's ears: "Brother, shall we go?"

"Don't worry, that woman seems to know something about the fisherman. Let's look at the situation..."

The one-eyed woman walked over slowly in anticipation of the fisherman. The subordinates behind her were holding a group of camels with five humps and six legs, and glared at Sean and the others maliciously.

The fisherman took out his pocket watch and flicked the pointer, looking forward to: "Can you also see the lighthouse?"

The woman looked intently and saw that the inside of the watch case was bare and nothing could be seen.

She nodded: "Of course, I can see... My friends and I are both people of the Gray Sea, and the lighthouse guides our way forward..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire gray sea suddenly shook.

The vast sea of ​​gray sand rises and falls like real waves, and the whole world seems to be angry.

The fisherman shouted anxiously: "You can't lie, you can't lie! Get out of here, get out of here!"

He quickly lowered his anchor into the ground, seemingly stabilizing the area.

The woman's eyes were horrified, and she subconsciously wanted to retreat, but she saw the anchor in her peripheral vision, and greed flashed in her eyes.

She actually reached out and grabbed the anchor!

King-level upper class!

Sean stood in the undulating sand with a steady gaze. Sure enough, all the people who dared to approach the middle area were not weak.

The fisherman looked at the other party in shock. Before he could hold on firmly, the anchor was violently pulled out of his hand, and he stumbled to the ground.

"No, don't-" the fisherman shouted desperately.

The sea of ​​sand suddenly solidified.

The undulating sand seemed to be frozen in place like frozen waves. A fierce look flashed in the woman's eyes, and she grasped the anchor firmly and climbed onto the mutant camel.

The majestic, loud and distant whale song sounded from nowhere.


Even Sean and the others had horror in their eyes.

At some point, the sea of ​​sand at the soles of my feet turned into a gray-blue transparent color. Everyone could see a huge whale with an almost invisible edge swimming underneath!

The soles of his feet were obviously still firmly planted on the ground, but the huge whale was just swimming under the ground.

A huge sense of crisis came, and Sean and others almost subconsciously jumped back a long distance.

The one-eyed woman and the people she led looked in horror and beat the mutated camels under her hard. However, more than a dozen camels all knelt on the ground and shivered, and blood-red bubbles appeared in their mouths and noses, as if they were drowning in the deep sea. among.

The whale song is melodious.

The huge whale jumped out of the "water".

Almost blocking all view, it opened its mouth.


The short exclamation suddenly stopped.

The giant whale took the one-eyed woman, her subordinates, and mounts and dived into the "sea bottom" again.

"Shua——" The solidified sand waves fell to the ground, and the whole world returned to calm again.

The wind and sand blew by, leaving only one iron chain alone in place, with the top still hanging into the spot.

The "alive" gray sea and leaping whales, this weird and horrifying scene made Sean feel chilled in his heart.

Moreover, he noticed that he was deliberately avoided by the whale.

The whale that makes people unable to resist seems to only focus on women who lie and rob.

He turned around and saw the miserable fisherman sitting on the ground sadly, his face full of self-blame. After he staggered up and picked up the anchor, he said to himself in annoyance: "It's like this again. It's like this again...I hurt you..."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "That whale... is yours?"

The fisherman nodded bitterly: "That's the child I caught."

"Why were those people swallowed?"

There was some self-blame in the fisherman's eyes: "I shouldn't have asked her... She lied, she couldn't see the lighthouse. The lighthouse of the gray sea illuminates people's hearts, and deceivers will attract the anger of the sea... I am persuading , but she stole my anchor.”

After saying all this, he actually cried sadly.

While crying, he drew strange symbols on his chest.

Finally, he dipped his fingertips into the tears from the corners of his eyes and opened the pocket watch again.

Sean's pupils suddenly shrank, and a whale suddenly appeared in the blue dial. The whale opened its mouth wide and had a row of dense dots in its mouth.

The fisherman wiped his tears on the dial and whispered his eulogy: "May the sea no longer cry for you, may you not merge with the sea, may you find your true lighthouse..." …”

The whale closed its mouth, and there seemed to be cries and screams in the haze. The whale on the dial flicked and dived in.

The azure dial was empty again, and the pointer beacon flickered calmly.

Who is this fisherman...

Seeing the fisherman close his pocket watch and turn it to the back, Sean's pupils suddenly contracted violently.

Only then did he see that there was a line of writing on the back of the heavily worn watch case.

"Hand out bonuses! Let's have dinner together!"

After such a terrible and bizarre scene, the words above have a comical farce meaning.

This is……

Sean felt like he was struck by lightning.

Their game production team likes to set various short-term goals. For this reason, after several main creators discussed it, they bought a clock to hang in the studio.

It's not to keep track of time, but to remind everyone to complete their goals.

At the same time, in order to encourage everyone, they engraved words on the back of the clock.

Every time a small goal is achieved, everyone turns the clock over, which means a vacation, and of course bonuses and dinners.

It was when he saw this line that Sean remembered that the style of the clock they bought was just like the pocket watch in the hands of the fisherman. The dial was blue and the hands were in the shape of a lighthouse.

Later, they moved to a new studio, and the watch was replaced by a higher-end laser counter and sent to a dusty warehouse.

His breathing suddenly became much faster.

Is this also pollution?

Is it because the fisherman got this pocket watch that he was contaminated by the will contained in the pocket watch?

Under the strangeness of the gray sea, did the fishermen become a strange mirage in this place?

Noticing the change in Sean's mood, the most sensitive Luo Xi glanced at him with some doubts.

Immediately, she saw Sean step forward and asked in a deep voice: "Just now, you said you wanted me to help you. What do you want me to help you with?"

He's crazy? Luo Xi's eyes showed surprise.

According to Sean's character, shouldn't he run away immediately after this weird scene where he couldn't figure out the situation?

The fisherman raised his head in surprise, as if he didn't expect that this young man would actually be willing to help him after that scene.

He carefully opened the watch case and asked again: "Can you see the lighthouse?"

Sean nodded: "I can see that."

The fisherman confirmed again uneasily: "You can't lie, the lighthouse of the gray sea illuminates people's hearts."

"Of course I can see it," Sean confirmed.

The fisherman glanced at the dial, but there was no movement on the blue dial.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and his sad face became excited.

"You're not lying, you can really see - please help me, sir."

Sean said in a deep voice: "What do you want me to do for you?"

The fisherman licked his dry and flaky lips and said hopefully, "Can you help me find my wife?"

"Your wife?"

The fisherman nodded, with a look of reminiscence and pain on his eyebrows: "Yes, my wife..."

He sat slumped on the ground: "I was once the youngest and most outstanding captain in the sea. I caught many fish, and I found countless treasures on the sea... I am extremely proud."

"I took the biggest fish I ever caught, picked up the most precious ring I found, and proposed to my love on my boat on a calm afternoon with waves."

"She agreed -" the fisherman's eyes were shining, as if he was proud and happy every time he recalled that moment.

But soon, ambiguity appeared on his face: "After getting married, I continued to sail... But I had a dream. I wanted to have a child with her... However, she was never pregnant."

"We thought of many ways and finally found an ancient ritual... If we offer enough sacrifices, the sea will give us a child."

He grabbed his hair with a look of pain on his face: "I have gathered all the sacrifices...but at the last moment, my wife fell into the waves in an accident, and I failed to save her."

He gasped for breath and said with weakness: "I miss her so much... I want to get her back."

Luo Xi and Sean, who were listening on the sidelines, looked at each other - his wife was already dead, how could he get her back?

Moreover, this is the Gray Sea... Could it be that this place was really a sea before, and the fishermen have lived to this day with obsession?

However, what the fisherman said next caused a chill in the backs of several people.

"I found another ritual..." He hugged his shoulders with a weird smile on his face, "I gathered new sacrifices... I can resurrect my wife."

He raised his head and gave Sean a shy smile: "I did it."


Immediately, the fisherman fell into pain again: "However, after my wife was resurrected, she looked at me with disgust... She seemed not to approve of everything I did... She left me, and even left with her pregnancy. I."

He hugged his head and cried: "She dived into the bottom of the sea. I have been looking for her for so many years. I miss her so much."

After crying quietly for a while, he wiped away his tears and looked at Sean hopefully: "Can you help me find her?"

Sean thought for a moment and wondered: "Since you have such a magical ability...and you can't find it, how can I help you?"

The fisherman got up and opened his pocket watch again. He flattered, "You can find my wife just by following the direction of the lighthouse... This is a guide!"

Sean glanced at the pointer. The lighthouse would indeed emit light with different frequencies when it turned in different directions.

"Then why don't you go find it yourself?" he asked again.

There was a sad look on the fisherman's face. He looked at his pocket watch and then looked at Sean: "Because... I can't see the lighthouse either."

He can't see it either...only I can see it?

Sean frowned slightly.

"Please, help me..." the fisherman said pitifully.

As if he was worried that Sean would refuse, he took out a lot of things from nowhere, including necklaces, skulls, leather maps, kettles, and keys.

"This is everything I have and I can give it to you!"

But just for a moment, Sean and others stood on their backs.

The things the fishermen took out all contained an extremely terrifying smell of pollution!

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