Fat Wolf felt his neck being gently held by a hand.

The force from the fingers was not strong, and some of them were even stuck in his folds, but Fat Wolf knew very well that if he didn't want to become a dead wolf, it was best not to move.

Since when did Ilia City have such a veto of the space system? Outsiders...

Moreover, it is not only the space system veto, but also the corrosion of mental power, which should come from the man with blue eyes in the back.

Otherwise, he, an upper-level king-level enhanced vetoer, would not be unable to react at all.

"do not move!"

"Tired of living, aren't you?!"

The younger brother behind him suddenly became furious.

Fat Wolf could have warned his little brothers out loud, but he still had some luck in his heart - maybe his little brothers could save him?

But soon, a few muffled hums from behind told him the answer.

"Are you... the fat wolf boss? Ha, nice to meet you." A lazy voice sounded.

The fat wolf didn't dare to turn his head, so he kicked the almost frightened woman away from him, and stood naked with his hands raised, indicating that he would not resist.

He chuckled and said, "Is it your first time coming to Ilia City?"

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"Locals will never find my fat wolf's black market..."

Fat Wolf cautiously wanted to turn his head to take a look, but the sudden increase in strength on his neck made him quickly give up the idea.

However, he heard the leading man say with a smile: "Be polite to our friends, Moza. I think Boss Fat Wolf will also be hospitable to guests, right?"

The hand on his neck was loosened, and the enhanced veto would naturally not feel uncomfortable due to this situation, but Fat Wolf immediately fell to his knees and coughed violently, as if he would be strangled to death in half a second. .

It took him a while to recover, and then he turned his head cautiously and took a look.

A handsome young man is sitting on the mutant leather sofa he bought at a high price. One of his hands is wrapped with gray mist threads. The mist threads are wrapped around the necks of his men like chains. They are mid-air. Struggling painfully and silently.

The other person's other hand has already opened the luxurious red wine he planned to enjoy afterwards, and is currently shaking it in a goblet.

"Well, the taste is good." The other person took a deep breath of the red wine and smiled.

Fei Lang laughed dryly: "Imperial goods, if you like them, take them all away."

Sean poured the red wine on the expensive carpet nonchalantly, which made Fat Wolf feel heartbroken.

Shaking off the unconscious people in his hands, Sean smiled and said, "I'm new here. I want to find a place to get some information. Boss Fat Wolf shouldn't mind, right?"

"You're serious..." Fei Lang nodded sadly, "It's just that I'm just a little ant in Ilya City. I usually live my life by picking up the scraps dropped by the big guys. It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I really can't do anything. "

Sean blinked: "I haven't even said what I want, and you already know?"

Fei Lang said with a crying face: "Stop making fun of me. Everyone in the city is looking for that assassin. To be honest with you, I just don't have the strength. If possible, I would like to get involved. The point is, I don’t have that ability either.”

He glanced at Sean, who had no expression on his face. Seeing that he was smiling and not saying anything, he had no choice but to continue: "Aren't you just a newbie and unfamiliar with this place, and you think you can find the assassin through me? Or... you are Are you following the assassin?"

"How do you say this?" Sean was still smiling.

The young man with so much wealth in the city... Of course, it may be that he just looks young and is probably an old man...

Cursing in his heart, Fat Wolf said with a dry smile: "Although I, Fat Wolf, am not a big player, I was just hanging around when others called me Skinny Wolf. I have your strength but don't know much about Ilia City. When I look at you, you seem to have come all the way here.”

He clapped his hands: "I am familiar with the surrounding areas of the empire. Those big city-states and tribes are all close to other administrative regions. The closest to the Ilia administrative region is the Gray Sea, and the poor people in that place are also on the other side of the Gray Sea. Otherwise, why would Jude vigorously promote inter-district underground trains?”

"You came from other city-states, but settled in Ilia City? This, this is unreasonable. After thinking about it, you can only come here after the assassin - I really don't dare to lie to you, everyone wants that assassin Catch me, how dare I, a little ant, hide information secretly? You really have found the wrong person."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly. He originally wanted to find a local snake to see if there was a way to leave the city directly, but unexpectedly he heard such news - the official arrest was normal, but judging from Fei Lang's words, other forces in Ilia City Are you looking for that assassin too?

So the assassin is special?

After looking Fat Wolf up and down, Sean smiled and said, "Boss Fat Wolf thinks too much. I really don't know anything about this assassin. Why don't you tell me about it?"

have no idea? Fat Wolf looked at Sean suspiciously, muttering in his mind.

However, his life was in the opponent's hands, so Fat Wolf immediately said: "The assassin assassinated Governor Jude, you know that, right?"

Seeing Sean nod, he continued: "Actually, everyone knew where the assassin came from as soon as he made his move. He has the ability to disguise himself and can run away afterwards. That is, he has become so popular in the past six months. What a nagging stone-hearted person."

Stone-hearted man? Sean's expression remained unchanged, but he was muttering in his heart.

The Stonehearts are a racial term, and most of the time they are known as the Underlanders.

In the game settings, the area of ​​this continent is huge, and its gravity level is equivalent to that of the Earth. This means that there is a cavity on this planet.

The Stonehearts are a race that lives in cavities. However, this race was only added to the background in the early stages of the game's setting. It was only a short setting description and did not really appear on the stage of the game.

Although I have been in this world for a long time, judging from the background, the next game plot can only reach the end of the game's closed beta, which is the Imperial Rebellion.

Logically speaking, the Stone Heart people are still living alone in the cavity, and currently have no chance to enter the public's field of vision...

I, this butterfly, flap my wings too much?

The fat wolf over there continued: "No one knows where the Stonehearts come from. I heard that only Governor Jude knows their origins. However, the Stonehearts can disguise themselves through special methods and can escape in response to the earth."

"The most important thing is -" Fei Lang couldn't help but lick his lips, and the greed in his eyes could not be suppressed, "The stone heart of the Stone Heart Man can greatly strengthen the superpower of the vetoer, or it can be used as a The second heart on the prosthetic body - this kind of increase can be fully enjoyed by even the Crimson-level opponents and the weak!"

"Tell me, is this stone-hearted man very popular? Who doesn't know about the strong crimson man's peeing ability? Of course, only crimson-level forces are qualified to get involved."

Sean touched his chin and muttered in his mind: Damn, Stone Heart Man didn't have this effect when it was designed? However, there is a setting that will cause self-destruction if the boat is burned down...

Of course, the specific settings are just a few sentences, so it’s normal for the world to automatically complete some...


He narrowed his eyes: "Then why did Stoneheart want to assassinate Jude?"

Fei Lang was stunned and hesitated: "I don't know this..."

Sean asked again: "If the Stonehearts are so useful, and only Jude knows their origins, why does Jude want the news to spread? It can't be the Stonehearts themselves, right?"

Fat Wolf quickly said: "I know this. Someone used the stone heart of the Stone Heart Man, but was killed by Jude. Before he died, in order to take revenge on Jude, he spread the news - eh, Jude was killed The assassination must have something to do with it."

"Jude definitely wants to take Stoneheart as his own, and Stoneheart has to kill the other person to get it. Stoneheart will definitely not sit still and wait for death."

Sean nodded thoughtfully: "That makes sense...but have any other Stonehearts appeared in the past six months?"

"Yes!" Fei Lang nodded quickly, "Although this race is rare, there are some traces. There are several leaders of top forces in the entire Ilia Region who have captured the Stone Heart Man!"

Sean narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I just don't know who caught it?"


"I don't know what effect the stone heart will have after using it?"

"Um, yes..."

"In fact, I have never seen anyone using a stone heart. Are all the major forces suspecting that the other party used it?"

Fei Lang sweated on his forehead: "I-I don't know about this..."

Sean hooked his fingers and motioned for the other person to come closer. After Fat Wolf came closer with a smiling face, he grabbed the other person's hand and slapped it on the coffee table.

"I came here with sincerity, but you lied to me... Is this appropriate? This is not appropriate." Sean said with a smile.

Fei Lang's heart trembled, and he forced a smile and said: "I really don't dare... I'm just a local snake running an underground black market, how could I dare to lie to you?"

Sean said thoughtfully: "Fat Wolf, do you know? I have managed some people before, but they were so powerful and so-so. I once had a guy named Fat Snake under me - he is not as good as you, and everyone will come to you. Got it. But fortunately, I will still miss him often after I turn him into a dried snake."

He looked pleased at Fat Wolf: "At least you are a good dog. I still approve of you on this point."

Fat Wolf laughed along with him: "I'm not even qualified to be a dog... I really don't know - ah!!!"

The screams almost echoed throughout the room.

"My fingers, my fingers..." Fei Lang cried out in pain, and the hand he was holding down was missing three fingers.

Sean's smile became even brighter: "The acting is very good..."

He lowered his head and looked at it: "Fatification? It has self-healing and damage reduction. It is not a rare but very practical ability. However, this kind of ability can allow you to get to the upper level of the king level. Tsk, it seems that you must have it." An adventure?"

Fat Wolf howled heartbreakingly: "Please let me go, I really don't know anything! Please, please!"

Gray mist slowly penetrated into the base of his broken finger, and Fat Wolf's eyes suddenly widened.

He could feel that his superpowers were actually suppressed by something terrible. In fact, what the other party was crazily eating was not only his majestic vitality, but also his superpowers!

My own abilities are losing...

How can this be? !

Sean smiled. This was what he had learned from his recent research. In addition to lightly using the lure, he could also integrate the sacrificial ritual after the lure into the thread of mist.

The Thread of Mist originally comes from the villain reporter who can manifest characteristics. Combining the common stealing characteristics and sacrificial rituals of the two will give the appearance of absorbing supernatural powers and vitality.

Of course, this is not easy, especially when facing enemies of a higher level than himself... However, Sean accidentally advanced to the upper level of the king during his travels.

The threads of mist were eating away at Fat Wolf's abilities and vitality, and his fat and disgusting body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"no, do not want……"

Sean said with a smile: "Let me think about it...half truth and half lie? It's hard to say whether the Stone Heart Man has that kind of effect, but you must have spread this kind of news, otherwise would it be so lifelike?"

"I didn't...really didn't..."

"Chasing the assassin is one thing, but on the other hand, Jude probably wants to use the hands of all the forces within the range to kill the Stoneheart Man?"

The fat wolf's withered face was pale.

Sean squinted his eyes: "Jude taught you to say that? That proves that Jude does have a huge hatred against the Stonehearts, and he, the governor of a large administrative region, can't even solve it... Tsk, that's interesting."

"You can't wait to reveal everything you know. On the one hand, you want to protect yourself, and on the other hand, you want to lure me to arrest the Stone-Hearted Man? Why did you want to lure me there... Of course, this is not important. "

Fei Lang was completely desperate. He didn't know how the man opposite could judge such a huge amount of information from just a few sentences.

Of course, the extraction of the Mist Thread is still continuing.

Fat Wolf finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart and cried loudly: "It was Jude, it was Jude who asked me to do it! He ordered me to increase shipments, so that there will be many drug addicts in the city secretly trading. If they are powerful, Those who are thoughtful will eventually find me!"

Sean smiled and kicked the other person: "Then what?"

"I, I usually sell information to the other party. If it's King-level peak or even crimson, I will send the information for free - Jude asked me to tell you that the Stone-Hearted Man has been running away, but the weakness of the energy field in the city Just a few."

Sean smiled: "And you happen to know a few of them?"

The fat wolf had now turned into a thin wolf. He nodded with difficulty: "I was going to tell you later, but...but..."

Sean said thoughtfully: "It just so happened that because of the groundbreaking ceremony, many outsiders came to Ilia City...catch them all?"

Fei Lang cried and shook his head: "I really don't know this!"

"It all depends on your sincerity... By the way, do you know about the cultists in the Imperial Capital?"

"No, I don't know, I really don't know! I only heard a little bit of news, saying that the cultists united with Count Zhu's family to sacrifice a suburban resident to complete the ritual!"

"What about the others? There are none?"

"There really aren't any more!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his skin was quickly becoming dry, and his eyes widened. However, the energy in his eyes was also quickly fading.

Sean smiled and waved his hand: "Then wouldn't you be useless?"

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