I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 247 Huge Sacrifice

The fat wolf turned into something like bean dregs, and even his bones turned into powder after falling to the ground.

Sean's eyes showed some surprise.

He had experimented with Lure and Mist Thread many times, but this was the first time he used it on an upper-level King-level vetoer, and the effect was surprisingly good.

Is it because Fat Wolf has been at ease for too long and lacks the courage to resist...

Sean could faintly feel a strange force entwining his fingertips, unwilling to leave.

That is the superpower and vitality of Fat Wolf, and the two are combined and transformed into a new power...

When he broke in, he used his deceitful heart to prevent Fat Wolf from reacting. The two of them were of the same level, and the price Sean had to pay was very small. It was five hours of dulling of the five senses—including his sensitivity and refreshment. Spend.

Don't ask him how he knew.

Correspondingly, the price of the deceitful heart has been canceled by the power of the Fat Wolf's sacrifice, and this time there is a lot left.

I don't know if it's because Fat Wolf is a veto of the enhancement type, and because his abilities are also related to storage, Sean's remaining power this time is relatively small.

Of course, Sean would definitely not point the object of sacrifice at himself with this devious power.

Sherrill pushed open the door and walked in, his gold-plated chainsaw stained red.

Wiping the blood on his face, he said with a naive smile: "Brother, clean it up."

This big man's hands and feet are really fast, and there is no test subject... Sean nodded, and finally had to dissipate this power.

Moza didn't even look at Fat Wolf's remains. He said softly: "Jude is plotting against the Stone Heart Man. He must be trying to fake his injuries... The fact that the energy field is not open reminds me of what you did, brother." matter."

"It's better to catch a turtle in a urn..." Sean thought for a while and then said, "Don't get involved in their affairs, avoid the places mentioned by Fat Wolf, and when the force field is opened, we will leave directly for the Imperial Capital."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

In the night, a figure was running back and forth in the streets and alleys of Ilia City.

From time to time she merged with the land around her and appeared in another direction in an instant.

Behind her, several groups of people were chasing after her.

These groups of people were obviously not the same group, but they seemed to have reached a brief tacit understanding, each blocking the direction in which the other might appear. As soon as the other emerged from the ground, they would immediately pursue each other.

"Didn't you see the Imperial Army?" During the chase, a bald-headed cyborg asked with a frown. Half of his body was a hollow mechanical body. Every time he tried to catch up, a burst of light red current would pass through his body.

Before his men could answer, a woman from another team not far away sneered.

She was as thin as a piece of paper, and her dark purple eyeshadow had no aesthetic appeal, like purple dye spilled by a child on white paper.

"A famous half-ghost would also be worried about the Imperial Army?" the woman said with a sarcastic smile.

The half-ghost snorted coldly: "Whore, shut that mouth of yours that eats sex every day."

The paper prostitute was not annoyed. Instead, she stretched out her bright red tongue and licked her lips, her eyes as charming as silk: "I want to taste yours too. I wonder how that semi-mechanical thing tastes?"

"Hey, I've tried it, and it tastes great." In another group, a wizened old man with a mouth that took up two-thirds of his face shouted with a smile.

"Dragon Sickness, you want to die again?!" The half-ghost roared angrily.

While the three of them were chatting, a heroic man at the edge frowned.

This time there were many teams chasing the Stone-Hearted Man, but the strongest among the remaining groups were only at the peak of King Level and did not pose a threat.

On the contrary, these crimsons from other places have become competitors.

He, the half-ghost, and the dragon were all from outside Ilia City, either close enough, or brought their own multiplications with them, but the paper prostitute was the underground queen of Ilia City, and this was her base camp.

I thought that the Imperial Army would also get involved, but Jude seemed to be seriously injured. The Imperial Army only sent a group of people to follow him from a distance, posing no threat at all.

This group of people did not deal with each other. The half of the half ghost's body that was lost was partially devoured by the dragon disease. However, the two of them had been fighting for many years and could not tell the difference.

The half-ghost was originally not prepared to get involved, but as soon as Longmai joined, the half-ghost immediately became unable to sit still.

The paper prostitute is a local, so it is normal to hunt down the stone-hearted people. He and the paper prostitute also have a lot of troubles. In addition, the effect of the stone-hearted people is indeed very tempting, so he also joins the team.

The paper prostitutes must be careful, the dragons and half-ghosts will probably make a fuss, and the rest are the few peak kings and the imperial army who may appear afterwards...

Calculating the possible consequences of this operation in his mind, the heroic man frowned slightly.

I always feel like something is not quite right...

Just as he was thinking about it, the wizened old man over there suddenly pointed the finger at him: "Lelia, have you ever enjoyed the 'service' of a paper prostitute? You won't tell us? Hahahaha."

Lelia snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Dragon, don't make yourself uncomfortable!"

The half-ghost said gloomily: "Lelia, if you can help me kill this old immortal, I won't argue with you Stoneheart."

Before Lelia could speak, the prostitute laughed again: "Lelia is the one who has been in the crimson world for the longest time among us. He doesn't need your concession, right, dear?" of?"

"Paper whore, I think you are looking for death!" After being called dear, Lelia's eyes had become extremely gloomy.

These crimson powerhouses were not dealing with each other. Whenever someone calmed down, someone else would immediately start a dispute again. Several groups of people were chasing the Stone Heart people, but it was quite noisy.

As the protagonist in this cat-and-mouse game, the stone-hearted people who are constantly escaping in front are being squeezed into a smaller and smaller avoidance range.

Seeing that the front was approaching the edge of the energy field, the woman wearing a brown scarf gritted her teeth and dived into the ground again.

Unexpectedly, before she could swim far, a huge force penetrated deep into the ground and forced her out.

She jumped out, and the shriveled old man laughed loudly: "The Stone Heart Man's hiding place is also limited. As long as he uses a penetrating attack, she will be hurt underground - everyone, this information is It’s given to you for free, hahaha.”

The other three people glanced at each other unconsciously, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Is this old immortal Long Yan so kind-hearted?

It seems that the effect of the stone-hearted man is definitely true! The old man was worried that the Stone Heart Man would run away and he would not even be qualified to compete.

Led by four strong crimson men and surrounded by a large number of people, Stone Heart Man tried to sneak into the ground and was forced out of the ground again and again, and her range of activities became smaller and smaller.

Finally, she was completely cornered.

Behind her is an energy field that cannot be broken, and in front of her are the pursuers who are eyeing her. The stone-hearted girl has no way to retreat.

The half-ghost snorted coldly: "Only at the peak of the king level, what method did you use to temporarily overdraw your power? Humph, that's fine..."

There was greed in his eyes. The better the other party performed, the more it proved that the rumors were true. The heart of the Stone-Hearted Man could bring huge improvements to people, including Crimson!

The paper prostitute smiled charmingly, but it looked gloomy and terrifying when paired with her appearance: "Little sister, I advise you to just let it go - you hurt our beloved governor, we should take you back to him An explanation?"

The Stoneheart girl finally spoke, her eyes full of anger: "Jude is a treacherous beast, and you are just a bunch of rotten people!"

Long Yan laughed nonchalantly: "Girl, you are right, I am a bad person. Over the years, you are still the smartest, and you can see through my true nature at a glance, hahaha."

Lelia frowned: "Girl, your assassination of Jude cannot be false. I advise you not to resist any more."

The paper prostitute quickly responded: "That's right."

The half-ghost sneered: "Lelia, you are the best at pretending. After all, the paper prostitute will have to make a living in Ilia City from now on. Why do you want to follow her and show off?"

"You can't say that, I can't bear to see you scolding me Lelia." The paper prostitute pretended to be angry with her hands on her hips.

"Hmph." Lelia snorted coldly and said no more.

He had lost his patience, his shoulders shook strangely, a flash of lightning flashed, and he ran straight towards the Stone Heart Man.

Seeing him take action, the others immediately followed.

Suddenly, four crimsons took action at the same time, and the scene instantly became chaotic and explosive. Even the energy field began to tremble slightly.

The stone-hearted girl was in a struggle. She had used secret skills and treasures to forcibly increase her strength. She was not a real crimson. If the crimsons on the opposite side were not still clamping down on each other, her life or death would have been unclear at this moment.

"Then accompany me to death." Seeing that there was no hope of escape, her eyes sank completely, and madness was already brewing.

Something was wrong... Several Crimsons were not vegetarians, and when they noticed something strange, they all wanted to retreat.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Jude, the governor of the Ilia Administrative Region, who appeared. It was rumored that he was seriously injured, his eyes were full of light, how could he look like he was seriously injured?

Sure enough, Jude was guarding behind... Several people frowned.

In terms of strength, Jude is not strong, but the opponent represents the empire after all, and he still needs to hesitate if he wants to confront the empire.

However, in this short moment of hesitation, the Stoneheart girl surrounded by them suddenly saw Jude.

The latter's eyes suddenly filled with overwhelming hatred.

"Jude! I want you dead!"

She actually wanted to rise into the sky, wanting to go to Jude's side and explode herself.

A low and gloomy chant suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.

The meaning of the obscure syllables could not be understood, but the sound turned into a substantial black mist and penetrated into everyone's ears without any obstruction.

Everyone present was shocked. They wanted to react but were horrified to find that their bodies could not move!

Even Lelia, Half-Ghost, Paper Prostitute and several other crimsons were temporarily unable to move.

Jude finally smiled.

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you for a long time..." His eyes gradually became crazy.

Long Yan actually started to laugh ferociously: "Sir Governor, what you promised me should be fulfilled, right?"

The half-ghost's half-mechanical body couldn't be driven either, and his eyes widened immediately after hearing Dragon's words.

This bastard...did he deliberately lure me here? !

The paper prostitute and Lelia finally understood that this was simply a trap set by Jude!

Stone-hearted people are just bait!

However, Jude just glanced at Longmai coldly: "The sacrifice also needs a strong man of the crimson level..."

Long Jian was stunned for a moment, and then became furious: "Jude, are you fucking cheating on me?!"

The strange chanting sound became louder and louder. Dragon Mania was furious and wanted to take action, but found that he had also fallen into the control of the chanting.


Crimson couldn't even move, let alone those king-level experts who wanted to get a piece of the pie and followed him.

Everyone couldn't move, but they happened to see the Imperial Army team that was following the team from a distance coming forward.

They took off the decorations of the Imperial Army, each of them opened their clothes, and the symbol of a terrible clock was outlined with blood on their chests.

Everyone is saying unknown prayers, they are pious and evil.

Judah pulled his collar and said in a deep voice: "Are you enough sacrifices?"

The bald leader was wearing the high priest's robe. He took a deep breath with enjoyment, and then laughed nervously: "Enough, enough... I can smell the coming scent. The great Lord will be satisfied..."

Lelia, unable to move, suddenly shrank her pupils: "The Sect of Time?!"

The high priest turned his head in surprise: "Sir, have you heard of our great master? Oh, sir, the Lord will definitely like your power. It is not in vain that I consumed a whole holy object... If you can hear the Lord with your own ears Please convey your teachings to me through your dreams. My name is Matthew, please."

Jude frowned: "Stop talking and finish the ceremony quickly."

Matthew nodded apologetically to the angry and shocked Leilia, and then turned to the front, where was the trembling Stoneheart girl.

"After all, I can only control Crimson, but I can't kill Crimson... Fortunately, I have you!" Matthew showed a pleased expression.

He stepped aside and chanted together with the congregation.

What the Stoneheart girl heard was completely different from others.

It was crazy pollution, violent killing, and endless devouring.

She was swelling uncontrollably.

"Mr. Governor." Matthew smiled and looked at Jude.

Jude took out a controller, and the energy field covering the whole city instantly shrank, wrapping Lelia and others together.

Matthew knelt down devoutly with the congregants, raised his hands for a moment, his eyes almost bulged out, and his face was filled with a crazy and pious smile.

"Great Lord, this is a gift offered to you by your pious and humble servant——"


An explosion sounded, and flesh, flesh and power flew together in the energy field.

Such a close-range impact, coupled with the even greater power of the contaminated self-destruction, even Crimson cannot resist!

In the position, there are countless people's exploded bodies, and they are spilled blood and flesh.

Jude closed his eyes.

Matthew flexed his fingers lightly: "Lord, please give me your grace..."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city.

Sean, who was not prepared to mix things up, has been hiding in the city. With his anonymity and Zhu Zhu's mirror space, he can hide forever as long as he is not exposed.

After the energy field subsided, Sean decided to leave the city directly.

Even with the ability to hide, Sean still put on a disguise.

Just after climbing out of the city wall, Sean suddenly paused.

He looked at the top of his head in confusion, where a huge force was looking for...

What's even weirder is that that power seems to be looking for me?

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