I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 248 I am really not an evil god! Well, I am your god

Chapter 248 I am really not an evil god! ...Okay, I am your god

The city gate was guarded, so Sean naturally chose to climb over the wall.

The stealth ability brought by Mio Shisan can give him the best cover at night, but the air above the city wall has fluctuated violently.

The hidden Sean raised his head with a strange expression. Just above him, a strange, crazy, and huge force full of hatred was looking for its target.

I can't say that Sean is very familiar with that power, he can only say that it is very familiar...

Isn't this the power transformed from the sacrificial ceremony after the luring?

Death and fear, these are the smells that Sean can clearly smell, and this power is extremely huge.

The entire Red River team that Sean had sacrificed before had never had such a huge force.

After thinking for a moment, Sean thought of the source of this power.

It should be the game set by Jude, right? Most of the people who are qualified to chase the so-called stone heart are crimson... provided that the stone heart really works.

Hiss, such a huge power... Jude's trap has taken effect?

The moment his thoughts flashed through, Sean discovered another weird thing.

That huge force was looking for its target, and then, it floated straight towards Sean like it had found its owner's pet.

"What the hell..."

Jude's heart was slightly accelerating. He had laid this trap for a long time, and today it was finally time to reap the rewards.

To outsiders, everything looked like normal. Only he knew how many things he had secretly prepared, and he even did not hesitate to cooperate with the madmen from the Sect of Time.

The reason is of course simple, power.

As the governor of one of the three major administrative regions of the empire, he is the oldest and most senior, but the weakest. Even entering the crimson world depends on His Majesty's gift - what scares him even more is that over the years, he has been Gradually I felt my aging and weakness.

If he wants to go further, if he wants to enjoy more rights, if he wants to better repay His Majesty's trust, he must get more power.

According to the madmen from the Sect of Time, four crimsons and dozens of kings should be enough for him to go one step further.

The ups and downs gave him calmness, but the tension inherent in human nature is inevitable.

However, after closing his eyes and waiting for a long time, he did not feel the pain described by Matthew - there were various feelings when receiving the injection of power, but they were all related to fear, severe pain, and madness.

Matthew calls it a gift from the Lord, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is no different than pain.

Jude frowned and opened his eyes, only to see a strange and crazy scene.

The group of fanatical believers who paid little attention to anyone were crying silently under the leadership of Matthew.

They grinned and cried with joy.

What's even more terrifying is that Matthew took the lead and cut off one of his own fingers.

The followers behind him followed suit, and a new wave of blood burst out.

They raised their fingertips devoutly, rotated them counterclockwise toward the sky, and then took them down - everyone's face was full of fanaticism and piety. They were kissing the roots of their severed fingers, and their mouths were covered with themselves. of blood.

"The great and merciful Lord... the great and merciful Lord..." Matthew burst into tears.

Jude felt a chill in his heart, and he looked at the other person in disbelief - Lord?

He does not believe in God, and in his heart he only thinks that this group of so-called sects of time are just lunatics pretending to be gods.

The so-called sacrifice is nothing more than the special ability of someone in this group of people - this is what he thought before.

But will a group of crazy people who pretend to be crazy just cut off their own fingers to thank the Lord in their mouths?

Jude tried to speak, but saw madness in the eyes of Matthew, the neurotic lunatic who always laughed.

If I disturb them, I'm afraid...

A sense of anxiety surged into his heart, but he could only watch the group of followers of the Sect of Time performing increasingly excessive rituals.

Until a beautiful young woman among the believers was pulled out, with a pious smile on her face.

"Thank you Lord for your response!" Matthew shouted.

"Thank you Lord for your response!" the believers shouted, and the woman was especially loud.

Then, the sharp blade penetrated the woman's neck, and she died with a peaceful and strange smile.

"Lord, may your mercy come, may you bring the gospel to the lost world, may the spider be always by your side and listen to your teachings."

Jude felt a slight chill in his heart, and felt that these believers were getting more and more crazy.

The origins and origins of the Sect of Time are unknown. Jude only knows that they believe in the so-called God of Time. It is said that the gods are born from the end of the deep sea and float in the sky to achieve reincarnation.

Because spiders spin webs that look like dials, they call themselves spider cultists, and young cultists are called rice spiders.

The most important thing is, where is the Lord’s response?

How can there be so-called gods in this world...

After completing all this, the beaming Matthew finally turned his face to Jude: "Mr. Governor, you and I are the luckiest people. I feel the Lord's response! You were born to be a believer in my Sect of Time!"

Jude said solemnly: "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm busy with my affairs, so I'm afraid I won't be able to spare the time."

Matthew said with some pity: "Mr. Governor, what a pity. When the Lord returns, you should be the first group of people to listen to the teachings."

"It's an honor...but, Mr. Matthew, where is what I want?"

Jude could feel that all the power of those strong men had been transformed, but the power that should have been injected into his body at this moment escaped.

Matthew said with a smile: "Mr. Governor, the Lord has responded to me, and He will definitely give you what you want!"

Jude held back his anger: "When will that be?"

"Soon, soon..." Matthew closed his eyes slightly, "This is the first time I have felt my Lord so clearly. I think He will give me guidance."

Immediately afterwards, Matthew opened his eyes and was overjoyed: "Over there, I can feel it! Mr. Governor, you are in great luck. The Lord's gifts may be more generous!"

The believers of the Sect of Time all ran wildly in one direction.

Jude frowned and followed, doubtful in his heart, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Your Lord has come?"

"This is my long-cherished wish in life -" Matthew first expressed his piety, and then explained, "The Lord is still sleeping in His Kingdom of God, and we continue to offer sacrifices just to get His sleep."

"Unfortunately, the Lord has been sleeping... Of course, it must be that the sacrifices we offer are not enough and that we are not pious enough."

Matthew spoke at length, which made Jude's brow twitch - normal people should not communicate with fanatics.

He had no choice but to interrupt the other party: "What is going on this time?"

Matthew then said seriously: "In the sacrificial ceremony, the transformation of power comes from the power of the Lord. Even in deep sleep, His gift can show countless miracles - this time, I felt, The power that should be directed at you is looking for a master."

"Mr. Governor, it's not that there was a problem with our ceremony..." Matthew's eyes lit up, "This means that the master responded to us, and he was even satisfied with our sacrifices, so he gave us more. "

"In the scriptures, this situation often means that the Lord's will has come in another form."

Pretending to be a ghost... Jude frowned, still not quite convinced.

His strength is not the pinnacle of the world, but his knowledge is definitely considered. Even the legendary Dark Blue strongman does not have the so-called coming of will - clone, blood restriction, self-responsive prosthetic body... These abilities are somewhat similar, but the so-called He didn't think anyone could do it when his will came to directly take away such a huge power.

Are these lunatics lying to me? Do they want to go back on their word and act deliberately...

Jude glanced at Matthew suspiciously, but the latter was in high spirits and even began to look forward to it: "I don't know what kind of coming it will be... It is recorded in the canon that it may be the appearance of the Son of God, or it may be the great Lord." Teaching, or a direct gift from the Lord...I never thought I would be able to see this scene in my lifetime..."

Madman... Jude frowned.

If he had no other choice, he would never cooperate with this group of lunatics, but these lunatics had indeed shown some strange abilities before.

Gradually, they got closer.

This time, Jude could also clearly detect a strange aura hovering above the city wall.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes. Is there really the so-called will of God?

Matthew cried and laughed even more. He and other believers knelt tremblingly under the high city wall.

"Great Lord, your faithful and humble servant listens to your teachings."

What the hell?

As soon as Sean struggled out of his dazed state, he heard a pious voice under the city wall.

That huge power was full of death and fear, and also brought a lot of additional pollution.

The power was not directly injected into Sean's body, but it directly enveloped him, causing him to be briefly dizzy - just like carbon monoxide poisoning.

It is different from the power he got from his own sacrifice, but it is very similar in nature. In other words, this power is more complicated-it must be that some details in the ritual are not grasped properly.

Sean subconsciously stretched out his head and took a look. Below, a group of people were kneeling. Jude, the governor of the Ilia Administrative Region, was looking at this place in confusion.

Sure enough, it was Jude who did it...

However, it didn't matter to him that Sean was probing, but Matthew's eyes widened.

In his eyes, the air on the city wall fluctuated, and then the Lord's Will, wrapped in power, actually took the initiative to look at himself!

There is no physical object, no living person...this is...this!

Is this the Lord’s will coming in person? ! ! !

Moreover, God cannot look directly at me. This is why I did not go to the city wall - but the Lord looked at me kindly. I didn't even die suddenly and become a monster? !

Could this be the Lord’s approval of me?

Matthew cried with joy and suddenly felt enveloped in great glory.

"Matthew is so virtuous that you can let your will come to you! Lord, your kindness and generosity make it difficult for me... difficult..."

He sobbed and was so moved that he was speechless.

All the believers wanted to bury their heads in the ground to show their piety.

"It was the same last time at the Gray Sea, and it's the same this time..." Sean, who only recognized one Jude and had no idea who the group of people in front of him was, muttered to himself.

I am really not an evil god!

However, he did figure out something.

The ritual used by this group of believers has the same origin as the one I know... is it because of the half pointer that is integrated into my body?

Therefore, this force from the same origin sensed me nearby and automatically came closer.

This group of believers also naturally recognized me as their evil big brother?

Jude looks like he has reached a cooperation with this group of believers... Hiss, this guy probably wants to be injected with this power, right?

Sean frowned slightly as thoughts flashed through his mind.

The key is that this power is useless to me. Although I can control it before it dissipates, it is full of pollution. If I put it in, I will turn into a monster...

If I don't have some of the evil god's aura, these fanatic believers won't be able to let me go...

Wait, it doesn’t seem useless...

It's impossible for Jude not to verify at all...do these believers have a way to remove the pollution from their power?

Thinking of this, Sean immediately became energetic.

say? No, it’s too classy...

He had an idea and directly defrauded Matthew.

"I can talk to him in his head now."

If the fraud is successful, the price will be mental exhaustion for ten days, and will be accompanied by unknown whispers in the mind.


The ethereal and deep voice sounded in Matthew's mind. He was stunned for a moment, and then he understood it immediately after observing the expressions of others.

The Lord...the great Lord is speaking to me alone!

Even, unlike those oracles recorded in the scriptures that require a person's lifetime to understand, I... I heard the Lord's will clearly!

"Great Lord..." Matthew kept kowtowing.

The voice in his mind seemed a little tired. As a devout believer, he immediately realized that this might be because the Lord was still sleeping and His will had traveled through the divine realm.

Recalling the words in the scripture, Matthew immediately lowered his head and said: "Lord, please forgive us for disturbing your sleep. We have been working hard to offer you enough sacrifices... Your servants will do their best to welcome your arrival!"

"This time, I am eager for your guidance on our scriptures, and at the same time inject your power into the pagan beside me - he is indispensable for this sacrifice."

Your cult is so reasonable, even pagans can accept gifts, right...

"The Codex..." he whispered in Matthew's mind.

Matthew was immediately overjoyed. As one of the most pious members of the sect, he knew the scriptures by heart!

As Matthew meditated silently, Sean gradually learned a lot about this so-called Sect of Time.

And this kid Matthew is really sincere. No matter what is there or not, even if it is top secret, as long as he knows it, he will tell everything, including a lot of useful and useless rituals.

This includes the so-called purification ritual!

Sure enough, there is something good... Sean felt happy.

Although this purification ritual will cause a huge loss of power, and the pollution is not completely removed, for Sean, he can choose to use the Heart of Deception to remove the remaining pollution!

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