I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 249 One step to the top!

According to the scriptures, the god worshiped by this Time Sect is not the Seducer Gao Zun that Sean knew.

In their religion, they generally call the Great Lord, but the honorific name is a bit weird.

The awakened ones in the deepest place, the reincarnated ones in the highest place, look down on this land from the starry sky - the upper storyteller, the thief of time.

According to Matthew, the honorific title of Upper Narrator would attract a terrifying gaze, so their sect is called the Sect of Time.

Matthew is the second-level leader within the sect, known as the Web Priest. He basically travels around the world, sending sacrifices to their great Lord from time to time, and occasionally being responsible for recruiting new members.

The existence of the Sect of Time has only one meaning, which is to welcome the coming of the Lord.

In addition to Matthew, there are also other members of the Sect of Time who are out there planning various sacrificial rituals.

According to the scriptures, some of the rituals used by Matthew and others originated from the gift of the Lord, but there are no detailed records.

This makes Sean a little confused. The leader of the Time Sect and the Lurking Seducer Gao Zun seem to have little connection. How come the nature of the power transformed from the sacrifice ceremony is almost the same?

In fact, it is essentially a high-level power? For example, both are dark blue?

Putting aside the doubts for the time being, the information Matthew gave could already enable Sean to "make a lot of money."

Most of the rituals mastered by the Cult of Time are of the sacrificial type, but only two of them interest Sean very much.

"Purification Ceremony" and "Blessing Ceremony".

Purification rituals are generally used by outsiders - believers of the Sect of Time believe that the power transformed from the sacrificial ritual contains the test of the Lord, that is, those pollutions that are different from the crazy beasts. Only those who can survive can prove their piety to the Lord.

How many people are going to die? Otherwise, the development of your Sect of Time wouldn't be that great up to now... Sean secretly complained.

The blessing ceremony is a variant of the sacrifice ceremony. It can grant believers some weird powers, and can even enchant prosthetic bodies. Common ones such as underwater breathing, high temperature resistance, etc., and advanced ones even have the ability to increase the self-healing level. kind.

A very few believers who have been blessed will also awaken small powers, and the effects vary from person to person.

However, the blessing ceremony needs to retain some pollution, and the burden on people is still not small.

However, for Sean, this is not a big problem...

Before this, although the power surrounding him was huge, it was also a dangerous poisonous mushroom, and Sean didn't dare to bite it... Now it's different.

There's just one problem - there's a power-hungry Jude beside him.

If Sean purifies all his power and keeps it for himself, Jude will definitely be suspicious, and this involves his interests...

After calculating in his mind, Sean sent another message to Matthew.

The latter nodded repeatedly, then turned to Jude with an extremely envious expression: "Your Majesty Governor, the great Lord has shown His mercy, and He is even willing to give you a chance to choose!"

Jude, who had been watching all this, was filled with surprise and uncertainty. He originally didn't believe in so-called gods, but Matthew's behavior... was he communicating with his Lord?

Thinking about it in his mind, his tone of voice was unconsciously more respectful: "May I ask, what is the choice He gave?"

"Crazy and peaceful," Matthew said.

"What do these mean?" Jude asked with a frown.

Matthew did not need to communicate with his great master this time and immediately said: "I have told you before that the power transformed by the ritual is not 100%, and you are not a member of my sect, and you need to be purified. But no matter what , there will still be pollution in the power.”

Jude nodded, knowing this already.

Matthew continued: "Crazy is more pollution and more power, peace is less but pure power."

"The latter is not contaminated?" asked Jude.


Jude suddenly fell into distress.

Power is directly proportional to risk...but if you choose peace, there is no risk...

No matter how you look at it, the latter is better... But I am almost at the end of my life, and I have prepared many things to deal with pollution...

After a moment, Jude raised his head: "Please turn Him, I choose to be crazy."

Matthew suddenly showed joy: "You are indeed the seedling of my Sect of Time!"

He closed his eyes and opened them again after a moment.

“The Lord says you have chosen madness, take the madness out of it and He will give you peace.”

Jude choked, your choice... was to let me rule out the answer? !

Although he was unwilling to do so, Jude did not dare to refute him without knowing the true situation of this evil god.

He had no choice but to lower his head: "Thank you for His gift."

Lord Evil God showed a fox-like smile, that’s right Lord Governor.

God's mercy can be shown by giving a choice, but there is only one choice, and that is peace.

If you choose peace, you have made the right choice. If you choose madness, you have eliminated an option for yourself.

Anyway, the final interpretation is mine.

Sean was almost certain that if he deliberately increased the pollution, Jude would 90% turn into a monster like Cook and eventually explode and die.

But that would be of no benefit to Sean, and it would also be a waste of power that he could use on his own.

However, Sean can use most of his power this time, as long as he gives Jude some sweetness... Are you worried that there won't be a next time?

Jude is bound to be tied up with the Sect of Time, and the Sect of Time... the upper-level evil god at the king level said that they are very valuable.

Sustainability is fishing for the best, and Sean loves it.

He slowly closed his eyes and filtered the power according to the method in the purification ritual - this was also one of the purposes. First, let Mr. Governor test whether the purification ritual worked.

After a moment, Sean opened his eyes in surprise.

it works!

The rituals of the Sect of Time turned out to be really useful. He could feel that although most of the power was consumed, a lot of the pollution in it was also purified!

Moreover, due to the huge number of sacrifices, even if there is a large amount of consumption, the remaining power is considerable.

Purify part of it and leave part as the price for deceitful heart... Sean started to operate happily.

Matthew, who had been waiting silently, heard a voice in his mind: "Get ready..."


Matthew immediately looked at Jude: "The Lord's gift is coming!"

Jude, who was still holding on to the last trace of doubt, closed his eyes, but soon, he looked at his hands in great surprise.

This is...power!

With the resources of an entire administrative region and His Majesty's gift, he barely managed to get into Crimson. However, over the years, he has not made any progress, but has accumulated a lot of growth.

But now, he can clearly feel that his shackles that have not been loosened for a long time are covered by a huge force!

This does not allow him to move from the lower level of Crimson to the middle level, but the power of growth is not weak either!

If, if only I could come here a few more times...

In an instant, Jude's doubts about this evil god disappeared.

For the first time, he knelt down sincerely and said: "Thank you for your gift."

And Sean is in a good mood, and Jude doesn't turn into a monster, so that works!

He easily absorbed most of the remaining strength.

Sean, who had just entered the upper level of King Level, could clearly feel that his supernatural powers and mental power were increasing simultaneously.

After all, there were four real crimsons in the sacrifice. Even if most of the purification ritual and fraud costs were consumed, and a small half was given to Jude, the remaining power was enough for Sean to enjoy.

King level peak!

There is no water content, the real king level peak!

This kind of drastic growth often brings some disadvantages. It is similar to the overdraft of ability. Of course, the user cannot have normal strength.

But, there are too many...

Sean greedily swallowed most of it and stuffed himself to the brim - no matter how much water there was, it was squeezed out.

Even so, there is still a little bit of this power left.


Hearing the voice in his head, Matthew immediately lowered his head devoutly. He was so excited that the great Lord would not forget his most loyal servant!

Sean did not purify the remaining power, but directly threw it to Matthew using the blessing ceremony, and also modified the sacrifice ceremony for him.

Jude looked at Matthew with some envy, but suddenly he saw that Matthew's skin seemed to be crawling with countless squirming worms, blood vessels, unknown pieces of flesh, and weird long hair all squirming.

However, Matthew opened his hands excitedly.

"Lord, great Lord, thank you for your gift!"

The pollution was eroding his spirit and body, and endless pain roared in every corner of his body, but Matthew was only moved in his heart.

Sure enough, only the most loyal servant deserves the most severe test!

Moreover, the canon...the most important sacrificial ceremony in the canon has actually been improved!

This is the truth that points to the Lord!

He vomited blood, but still kowtowed again and again.

This strange scene made Jude feel chilled, especially the other members of the Time Sect. They were not afraid, but envious.

"This is not the first time Matthew, this old madman, has been exposed to pollution. With his resistance, he should be able to survive the rest..." Sean muttered in his heart.

Matthew did not disappoint him. After a painful roar, his robe was shattered, and two stinging nozzles wriggled out from his shoulder blades.

"The poison of sin..." Matthew muttered.

Then he knelt down with great joy: "Thank you Lord for your gift! Your loyal and humble servant is willing to dedicate everything to you!"

He obtained the rarest minor power in the blessing ceremony!

Jude, who was a little frightened just now, took a breath of air. He wanted to look at the city wall, but he remembered what Matthew had said to him - don't look directly at God.

Really a god...

"Matthew, this old boy is very lucky..." Sean didn't expect Matthew to have such a big gain. He originally thought that he would just fool him.

Anyway, fooling yourself should be the basic skill of every fanatical believer.

Forget it, it shows my greatness even more... Sean smiled secretly without paying much attention.

The time to hide is coming...it's time to slip away.

"You're good." He left a vague voice.

Matthew burst into tears, but he also realized that the Lord’s will was leaving.

He quickly asked: "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Haha..." Two laughters of unknown meaning were left in his mind, and then, the fluctuations on the city wall completely disappeared.

Matthew immediately led everyone to kneel down collectively and said, "Best farewell to the great Lord."

Jude also kneeled down instinctively, and then he saw Matthew slowly retreating behind him, and immediately shouted: "Sacrifice, sacrifice!"

An old man ran over immediately.

Is this to record the teachings of their Lord... Jude thought to himself.

After a moment, Matthew turned his head, almost glowing with happiness.

"Mr. Governor, after waiting for twenty-four hours, please dismantle that portion of the city wall and give it to us."

This is not a big deal... After making the promise, Jude asked, "Take it back to commemorate it?"

Matthew's eyes widened: "Of course, the Lord's will has come... I must go back to the place where the Lord first came. I want everyone to know this big news!"

He grabbed Jude's hand with joy: "The Lord is pleased with you, and my promise remains valid, Mr. Governor."

Instead of refusing like before, Jude just nodded silently after hesitating for a moment.

He couldn't help but look at the city wall.

God...how powerful must he be...

"Hair hair hair hair!"

Next to the temporary camp, Sherrill poured a basin of water down, and the fire on Sean's head was extinguished.

He was in such a mood that he wanted to light a cigar, but the little Lolita who used to use the lighter couldn't control the amount this time...

Looking at Xiao Ci who timidly pulled at the hem of his clothes, Xiao En roughly grabbed him and rubbed his head: "Next time you burn someone else, don't burn me!"


However, should I say it or not, Xiao Ci’s anger is really evil...

He is now at the pinnacle of the king level, and his hair is still as good as he said, and he wants to use his huge mental power to suppress the flames, so he has to water it.

This little guy is now at the elite level...

Zhu Zhu, who was warming herself by the fire on the other side, was in a bad mood. Her usually lively little face was full of sorrow, and even her lively long red hair was a little dull.

Sean handed the food over with a smile, and Zhu Zhu just shook her head: "I can't eat it..."

Sean stuffed it into his mouth unceremoniously and said vaguely: "Your parents are not dead, why are you panicking?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Zhu Zhu's eyes began to turn slightly red: "But that's an imperial prison..."

Taking Zhu Zhu over and placing him on his lap, Sean took advantage as always: "What about the Imperial Prison?"

Zhu Zhu did not pull away Sean's hand, but said in a low mood: "It would be fine if it was in other prisons, but if I was imprisoned in Black Pigeon..."

"Black dove?"

Zhu Zhu nodded: "There are several prisons in the imperial capital, but the most terrifying one is the Black Pigeon. It is known as the most heavily guarded prison with the most terrifying system in the world. I have heard that since I was a child, instead of being imprisoned in the Black Pigeon, It’s better to just kneel on the guillotine. Black Pigeon claims that there is a commutation system, but no one has come out since it was established.”

Sean nodded thoughtfully: "It seems to be quite troublesome indeed."

Zhu Zhu turned her head and pursed her lips, looking at him with pitiful and eager eyes: "Sean, help me, help me rescue my parents, okay?"

"Ah? Then how are you going to repay me?"

"W-Anything is fine, Master!"

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