I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 250 The local gang is so rude

Empire, imperial capital.

Located at the foot of the hill where the palace is located is the famous Imperial Central Academy.

Since the establishment of the empire, this college has shouldered the important task of providing talents for the entire empire.

The imperial capital, the three major administrative regions, and even some friendly forces on the border will send outstanding children of their families to this academy.

What's even more commendable is that Imperial Central College has not become what people call an aristocratic school, where students from the poorest backgrounds are eligible for a place as long as they can prove their talent.

Every time the school starts, Central College welcomes countless young people eager to succeed.

Here, even if you don’t have superpowers, you can become a developer of superpower potions. Even if you can’t get along with prosthetics, you can still become the most successful prosthetic engineer.

"Empire Central College gives everyone the opportunity to show off. Your future is always in your hands."

At the beginning of the school year, the gate of the Imperial Central College was extremely busy. Every young man had a confident smile on his face. They calmly stepped into this sacred place of the empire, looking forward to being able to sit on the fountain at the entrance of the college in the future. Leave your name.

Against this background, the tour guide is introducing the visitors enthusiastically.

These visitors who had traveled thousands of miles from other political regions, and even from other countries and city-states, all made shouts of surprise.

In other places, the upward channels have often been firmly controlled. In the most powerful empire, such an education system can be seen.

Every student wears the same uniform, and different grades are distinguished only by badges. Indeed, no difference can be seen between children from rich families and those from poor families.

Moreover, judging from the way they talked, there seemed to be no contempt for those poor students.

"This is the Empire, this is the Empire Central College. We don't care about origin or blood. We just let everyone pursue success equally!"

The enthusiastic tour guide ended with such a sentence. The tourists were amazed, and the students around them stopped and clapped softly.

After receiving curious looks from tourists, they will bow politely before leaving.

For this world, the Imperial Central Academy and the entire empire are indeed desirable.

"Awesome -" a middle-aged businessman pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said softly, "The empire's current glory is closely related to their system."

Next to him was a young man with a dull expression. He looked ordinary and had gray eyes, but his lazy laughter was completely inconsistent with his appearance.

"Ha, Moza, even you think the Empire's tactics are very powerful?"

The two were Sean and Moza who entered the imperial capital in disguise.

Moza pushed up his glasses: "If you hear it that way, it's indeed very powerful, and the empire has proven itself."

Sean chuckled: "It's quite smart to be smart. For a country that has developed a large territory through force, it's time to do some face-saving projects."

Moza was slightly confused: "Are these done for outsiders? Those students don't look like professional actors."

Sean pouted at a student not far away: "It's really not true, but the best way to lie is to tell part of the truth."

Moza looked towards where Sean pointed. There was a boy walking out of the campus. His uniform was wrinkled and he looked completely lost.

He was carrying a pile of luggage and holding a sample of a mechanical device in his arms. It could be seen that the badge belonging to the Imperial Central Academy had been removed from his chest.

"Did you drop out of school?" Moza asked doubtfully.

"Probably, look at the thing in his hand."

Moza looked over, and then the corner of his eye twitched: "Isn't this the same as the mechanical brain collapse made by Endeli?"

Endeli didn't come this time, but Moza and Endeli were also acquaintances, and he even tried out the mechanical brain-bumping machine at Endeli's request - the effect was so good that he gave Endeli a good beating.

Sean smiled and said: "The brains do have something in common, but the Empire Central Academy probably doesn't like these [toys] very much."

Moza frowned slightly and said, "Toys are indeed unnecessary, but if the development results are not satisfactory, will you drop out of school?"

"These are all small things..." Sean walked to a display cabinet, where large and small mechanical samples were arranged in the glass cabinet.

This is a display of student achievements from Imperial Central College. Most of them are just concept models, and some of the products used will be specially marked.

The only mechanical genius in [Golden Ghost] is Endeli. Under Endeli, Sean is also an expert, and Moza has learned a lot from him.

After looking at it for a while, Moza shook his head: "Those without applications look like fantastic ideas, but they have no foundation and are out of touch with today's technological level. They look a bit like they were pieced together from shelter information. Applications Most of those have changed their appearance, and there is no technological breakthrough in essence - are the mechanical skills of the students at Imperial Central College so poor?"

Sean poked at the glass. There was an energy core conversion pipe inside, which was considered an application model.

People who don't know how to do it will be amazed at first glance. After all, the appearance of this thing is very impressive. Even the pipes are designed to be transparent, so you can see the energy flowing through them.

Sean said without interest: "It's just a change of paint. The only highlight is the design of the transparent pipe. Generally, in order to avoid the loss of light energy, the pipe wall will not be made like this - it dares to be designed like this. The first thought of some people should be that there is a new technology of waste recycling in this design.”

"Sounds good."

"Not bad?" Sean laughed sarcastically, "If you ask me, the Empire's curved screen is pretty good. It looks like a real transparent pipe."

Suddenly, a female voice next to him interrupted him.

"Sir, are you so dissatisfied with the designs of outstanding students in our school?"

Sean turned his head and saw a beautiful purple-haired girl looking at him unhappily. She had a delicate face but an average figure.

After taking one look at Sean, he looked away in disappointment. In terms of refinement, he is not as good as Luo Xi. In terms of figure, he is beaten by Qiong Ying and Ran Xinzhu. In terms of vitality, he cannot keep up with Zhu Zhu. In terms of cuteness, he is only given Xiao Ci's shoes. In terms of sex appeal and temperament, he looks away. Can't even touch Latiya's sides.

The quality of the female students at Imperial Central College is average - Sean commented silently.

Seeing Sean's indifferent gaze, the girl was a little displeased. She said in a deep voice: "The mechanical design should be judged by experts, instead of talking nonsense like some people do in areas they don't understand."

Sean pursed his lips: "You're right, I'm a rookie——"

He does think so. In Sean's mind, there is currently only one Endeli who is an absolute genius in the mechanical field, understand? Sean couldn't understand the information in the shelter at all, and Sean felt that no one was an expert unless it was at Endeli's level.

Just as the girl's expression softened a little, she heard the other party say again: "It's rubbish that even a layman can see, so don't talk about mechanical design."

Her face suddenly stiffened, and the anger in her voice could not be restrained. "Listen to your opinion, in your eyes, the design of my outstanding student from Imperial Central College is rubbish? I don't know what your level is." ?”

Sean picked up the drink and took a sip. He really liked the fruity soda sold on the streets of Empire. This one was much better than Paradise City.

"I've already told you, layman." He spit out the straw and looked at the other person strangely, "This classmate, don't argue with a layman like me who talks nonsense. Students of Imperial Central College should have a broad mind."

As he spoke, he glanced at the other party's plain chest and raised the corner of his mouth with a disdainful angle.

Shi Xiao's expression darkened. As the student union president of Imperial Central College, she had never been treated so rudely.

Glancing at the attires of the two people opposite her, she said coldly: "Central College welcomes guests who come to study, but it does not welcome hooligans who have no etiquette and do not know the depth of knowledge."

The dull young man opposite took another sip of his drink, and his lazy laughter made his teeth itch: "I haven't tried your depth personally, but I bought a ticket - Central College's method of generating income is quite good. I love so much."

Taking a deep breath, Shi Xiao felt that he shouldn't talk to such a brainless idiot any more.

She half warned Sean and half reminded herself: "The Imperial Capital is different from other places. There is no chaos and disorder here. When you are in the school, you must act in accordance with the school rules, and when you are in the Imperial Capital, you must act in accordance with the imperial laws. This Gentleman, if you act rude again, I will have security ask you out."

After that, she left directly with an expression on her face that she never wanted to see Sean again.

Sean whistled in slight surprise. He thought the other party was trying to suppress him and drive him out.

It seems that some of the information I learned after entering the city is true. Compared with other relatively disorderly city-states, the empire has strict laws and regulations. Many people follow a set of regulations and in most cases will put aside their personal preferences.

"Interesting, I am the most law-abiding person." Sean smiled, took a sip of his drink, and walked towards the school gate.

"The local gangs are so rude!" Sean slapped the table unhappily, "I will punish you today on behalf of the laws of the empire!"

The coffee table in front of him was shaken by the slap, and two of the dozens of bloody teeth rolled out of the ashtray.

The person lying under the coffee table and covering his mouth is the owner of the teeth.

His name is Black Fox, and he is the second-in-command of the Foxwolf gang. He controls Blocks 32 to 39 of the Imperial Capital.

Although gangs are not easy to get along with under the strict laws of the imperial capital, the dark side is always indispensable in a place - as an upper-level king, he is still somewhat famous in the local area.

However, Black Fox did nothing today. He was just drinking and having fun at Fox Wolf's headquarters as usual, but a group of people came to the door.

Black Fox was holding back a fire in his heart, but he was also extremely aggrieved.

They didn't do anything. This group of people walked in and killed people without saying a word. The foxwolf had many good skills, but he had no ability to resist at all.

Whether it was the paralyzed steel pipe man or the three-meter giant chainsaw man, when his men touched it, it was like mud entering a river, sinking to the bottom without making any sound.

The leader of the fox wolves, Black Wolf, is now lying opposite him, but he has to change his name to Dead Wolf.

As for the young man headed by the other party, he did not take action, but Black Fox knew that that person might be more terrifying...

Sean stared at the Black Fox with dissatisfaction: "I'm just here for the first time, just strolling around the imperial capital. Is this what people in your gang do?"

The black fox's teeth were all knocked out, and he could not speak clearly, but he still begged for mercy: "Brother——"

Before he finished speaking, he received another blow. The paralyzed man said displeasedly: "Who allowed you to call me brother?"

"Then, what about the boss?"

Heihu didn't get beaten again. Heihu covered his wound pitifully and said with a grimace: "Boss, I don't know where Fox Wolf offended you. If so, it's because I didn't discipline my subordinates well. Please be lenient..."

Sean waved his hand impatiently, and Moza took out a bottle of drink.

Black Fox looked over and saw that it was the most common fruit-flavored soda in the imperial capital. Even people from poor areas could occasionally buy a bottle to satisfy their cravings.

"This?" he asked cautiously.

He doesn't understand.

The three-meter tall man next to him said in a sullen voice: "Did you drive away the soda vendor at the intersection at the front of Block 32?"

Black Fox nodded blankly: "Yes, yes... we will pay the protection fee over there, and at six o'clock in the evening, it will be our people selling moonshine..."

Moza snorted coldly: "We agreed at six o'clock, why did we kick people out at five o'clock?"

"Because, because... we are a gangster?"

Sherrill said sadly: "Brother turned around and bought soda but didn't buy it. It's because of you."

Black Fox was stunned, and then an indescribable grievance surged into his heart.

Is that the fucking reason?

Just because you didn't get a soda?

Then go to the store and buy it! Aren't they everywhere? !

Sean took a deep breath and said displeasedly: "Does the empire law allow you to collect protection fees and drive away traders?"

The black fox didn't dare to speak, he could only shake his head like a rattle.

Sean asked again: "Isn't this breaking the law?"

Black Fox nodded quickly.

"Then if you break the law, I will punish you on behalf of the empire's laws. Is it reasonable?"

The black fox man was dumbfounded.

Murder is also illegal... He really wanted to say this, but he didn't dare.

Sean sighed: "Forget it, they are all gangsters. I will suffer a bit. I will teach you how to gain a foothold in the imperial capital during this period."

Speaking of this, how could Black Fox not understand that this foreign powerful dragon was not a good person, and was simply looking for a familiar way to settle in the imperial capital - they were chosen because they drove away the traders one hour in advance. The lucky one?

What the hell is going on!

But Black Fox didn't dare to speak, so he could only nod in agreement.

Suddenly, there was another noise outside.

Several figures flew out, and a young man with a gloomy look appeared at the door.

"Your Highness the Princess hopes to meet you." The young man bowed slowly.

"Bai Ye found me so quickly? Tsk, you are worthy of being the local princess." Sean patted Shadow's shoulder.

"Her Royal Highness is waiting for you."

"lead the way."

your Highness?

Black Fox was stunned. He suddenly felt that the world was suddenly outrageous.

Who is this big guy...

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