I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 251 The Passionate Princess

Shadow said nothing along the way, and led Sean out of the foxwolf's territory and walked to a remote place.

After going around a few alleys, Sean immediately noticed the scrutinizing eyes around him.

"As expected of a local princess, the security level has been raised, ha."

The shadow in front said softly: "This is your Majesty's order. Now Her Royal Highness the Princess's personal guards have been raised to the same level as several princes."

Sean wondered: "Bai Ye went out with two crimsons and a bunch of kings. Can this be upgraded again?"

Shadow shook his head: "My parents were serving Her Royal Highness the Princess's mother back then. I am not one of Her Royal Highness's personal guards."

You know, diehard loyalist.

Shadow continued: "Lewis is a newly promoted Crimson. He was previously the captain of the Guards. Her Royal Highness the Princess promised a lot of resources to win over him. However, this also means that he may be won over by others. , and this is why betrayal comes.”

Sean squinted: "In other words, under normal circumstances, Bai Ye doesn't have a single crimson around him."

Shadow nodded: "The highest level of Her Royal Highness the Princess's bodyguards is King-Level Peak. The highest level of other princes' personal guards is Crimson Lower Level. Now the princess's bodyguard level has been raised to this level."

As he spoke, Sean felt a sense of coldness in front of him.

A house hidden in the block appeared in front of him, and a woman in a light silver tights stood at the door.

She did not hide her aura at all, and when she saw Sean appear, she looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Blatantly tell me that it's the deep red level of the ice system... Tsk, the figure is quite amazing." Sean completely ignored the other party's deliberate aura suppression, and his eyes moved back and forth on the woman's curves without concealment.

Shadow whispered: "This is your majesty's new personal guard assigned to the princess, named Binglan. She has been trained in the palace since she was a child. She lost all contact with the outside world after entering that place. She will only serve the imperial royal family in her life - but , her true identity is Lewis’s sister…”

Ignoring the woman's increasingly cold gaze, Sean sighed with interest: "This Your Majesty is quite interesting."

The elder brother, as a personal guard who had been won over, betrayed his daughter... Although she had already severed ties with the Lewis family on the surface, it was impossible not to have any contact in this case...

It is indeed interesting for His Majesty to send Bing Lan to Bai Ye as his personal guard.

Binglan seemed to be conscientious in her duties. Although she looked at Sean unkindly, even though Sean kept looking at her curves, she said nothing and let them in after confirming the identity of the shadow.


"Can your Royal Highness's bodyguard be given away?"

"...Please be careful what you say."

The man's frivolous voice came from behind, and even Bing Lan, who had received all kinds of rigorous training since childhood, only felt his temples twitching twice.

Dogs bark……

"Your Highness, we are here."

Opening the door, and after Sean walked in, Shadow exited and closed the door behind him.

This place must be a specially built house. After closing the door, the sound outside the house completely disappears.

Sean looked up, with some surprise in his eyes.

Bai Ye is standing in front of the window. She is wearing a complicated palace-style dress, which looks like a toga, but has layers of folds on the shoulders and waist. Most of her jade lotus-like arms hang down on her waist, and her fingers are All wearing different colored gemstone rings.

The pure white silk fabric is very suitable for the cold white skin of Baiye, and it adds an indescribable nobility.

When the other party was in Paradise City, most of the time he wore uniforms that were convenient for movement, and occasionally he wore a simple white dress. Now that he has changed into a different outfit, it has a different charm.

"Why didn't you notify me when you left Paradise City?"

The voice was smooth and crisp, with the majesty of a royal child and an arrogance that Sean didn't like.

Oh, right, it’s still the same white leaf.

Sean casually walked to the table and sat down, took an expensive-looking snack and threw it into his mouth.

After chewing twice, he said dissatisfiedly: "The royal family only has so little craftsmanship, it is not as good as cloud cake."

Seeing that he didn't care, Bai Ye became furious.

After the inauguration ceremony of the City Lord of Paradise City, she has been helping Sean's people to establish the management system of the entire Paradise City - she is probably the best candidate for 'talking on paper', and facts have proved that her knowledge and the professionalism she brings The personnel directly created a management system based on the Imperial Capital for the entire Paradise City, with remarkable results.

The only strange thing is that after the inauguration ceremony of the city leader, Sean never appeared again.

She didn't want to deal with Sean all the time. That gangster was lecherous and dirty, and he would come up with some weird ideas from time to time.

But when some things had to be discussed with Sean, Bai Ye discovered that this bastard had left Paradise City without knowing when!

After the incident at the Mountain of Survivors, Shadow stayed at the original site and searched, but did not find what Bai Ye wanted. Bai Ye was still thinking about how to scheming with Sean, and finally got it at a lower price. What you want.

In the end, this bastard ran away without saying a word? !

Bai Ye has always felt that her Qi-raising skills are insufficient. On the one hand, it is because she has not learned enough, and on the other hand, it is because she has no power to restrain the chicken.

After possessing superpowers and experiencing an even more humiliating night... Bai Ye thought he could be calm enough.

But in the end, she couldn't help but screamed alone in the room.

Bai Ye finally realized that it wasn't that he didn't have enough energy to nourish his energy, but that this bastard Sean was just too annoying!

In desperation, she had no choice but to work day and night. After completing all the things she had to do, she immediately embarked on the journey back to the imperial capital.

She hurried and hurried slowly, thinking that she could follow Sean into the city, but she didn't expect to find any trace of Sean at all.

In desperation, she had to return to the palace first.

Conflicts with Grand Duke Wen Cheng’s family, the ownership of his mother’s inheritance, various questions about his father, and even having to deal with his brothers who have returned to the palace...

During these days, she was exhausted physically and mentally. As a result, Sean seemed to have disappeared from the world, and no trace of him could be found!

Finally, she received the spy's report today - this bastard was exactly what she thought. If he wanted to establish a foothold in the city, he would definitely go directly to the local gang to attack.

She couldn't help but question him as soon as he entered the room, but the bastard went to taste the pastries...

Bai Ye held his breath and walked to the table to sit down. Then he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Sean, I think you lack some respect for your collaborators."

Sean crossed his legs, and after hearing this, he threw another pastry into his mouth and said vaguely: "You are not my wife, why should I inform you when I go out?"

Bai Ye said coldly: "I have already taken care of all the matters regarding your stay in Paradise City for you..."

Sean shook the crumbs on his hands and interrupted: "That's the price I paid for giving you something to help you awaken your powers. Your Highness, the brothers have to settle their accounts clearly. You can't do it just because you slept with me." You made such a feeble request, how could you take advantage of all the good things?"

Bai Ye pinched the tassel on his girdle and tried his best not to lose his composure: "Have you forgotten what you said before setting off to the mountain of survivors?"

Sean licked his fingers and looked over in confusion: "Yes, we cooperate in exploration, I am nine and you are one - so I didn't stop you when you let the shadow stay there. Isn't this enough for you to choose?"

Bai Ye argued with reason: "After the Mountain of Survivors came back, I never entered the main control room, so how can I choose?"

Sean looked surprised: "That's my thing, why should I choose it for you?"

"I agreed that I have priority in picking the trophies!" Bai Ye unknowingly increased his volume.

Sean wondered: "Yes, but the premise is that the value does not exceed too much."

"How do you know the value will exceed if I didn't pick it?"

"Isn't the value of the Mountain of Survivors more than that?" Sean made a circle gesture, "That's one piece. I can't let you take away the Mountain of Survivors, right?"

Bai Ye almost laughed angrily: "You mean, the mountain of survivors as a whole is a trophy, and I am qualified to choose from other leftovers?"

Sean clicked his tongue: "You have to be reasonable. Of course the Mountain of Survivors is an item, and of course it is of high value, so I took it - it's my thing, of course you can't pick it. Princess Your Highness, we have to be reasonable, right?"

He showed a sarcastic smile: "Shadow, I didn't stop you from exploring the factory alone. When you returned, you acted like you didn't know - it was a ruins, and there were a lot of good things. You acquiesced, but you didn't pick the ones you wanted. If you want something, you have to ask me to compensate you? I think you are treating your collaborators as idiots."

Bai Ye choked, she clenched her fists, and her chest heaved violently several times before she calmed down.

"Okay...I'll buy it from you, the main control chip of the energy core research and development room. I just want the replica. That's okay, right?"

She had already confirmed it with the Third Saint, and that was what the other party wanted.

If she can bring that thing to the Third Saint, the other party promises to tell her the location of a crimson mad beast and tell her how to hunt it - the blood of that mad beast is the blood that best matches hers in the world. ,none of them.

She has never questioned the magic of Saint III, so she must get the replica of the main control chip.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ye saw the other party take out a box.

Opening the box, there are dozens of high-end chips densely arranged inside.

"Did you bring them all out?" Bai Ye said in surprise.

Sean said while looking for it: "I'll definitely bring it out. It's not going to be used anyway. If I leave it there, someone will take advantage of it..."

Ignoring the strange words in the other person's mouth, Bai Ye said: "I only want one piece, and the replica is fine."

Sean held up a chip with several symbols integrated on it using a circuit board, which was exactly what Bai Ye wanted.

Her eyes lit up and she reached out to grab it.

However, Sean's hand was faster. He pulled it down and inserted it back again, then closed the box with a slap.

"Okay, I've shown it to you, you can copy it - you're welcome, this is what I should do." Sean said cheerfully.

Bai Ye was furious: "Do you think I am a research lab? Can you tell at a glance?"

"That means you still have room for improvement." Sean said lazily.

"..." Taking a deep breath, Bai Ye said, "I'll buy the price you've quoted. Crazy beast blood, non-top-secret technical information, methods for training superpowers, and the most high-end prosthetics are all fine."

Back in the imperial capital, she was considered wealthy.

Who knows, Sean just raised his eyes and glanced at her, then shook his head: "Not for sale."

"Why?" Bai Ye said in disbelief, "That chip can't be cracked by Endeli. All I want is a copy."

Sean burped: "I just don't want to do business with you, I'm not sincere."

Bai Ye was extremely angry and laughed back: "Rake it down, right?"

Sean said lazily: "You have been lying to me from the first day we met, Miss Baiye."

Bai Ye sneered and said: "Everyone knows this kind of thing well about each other. Don't tell me that the famous Nightmare Sean has this kind of double-standard moral obsessiveness?"

Sean shrugged: "I don't need you to worry about it. Although my interests come first, I also like to do whatever I want."

Bai Ye stared at him for a while and then stood up.

"Am I so attractive to you?" she said calmly.

Sean turned his head in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Bai Ye sneered: "Don't you still want me to submit? Sean, you do whatever you want...I tell you, it's a dream!"

Sean rolled his eyes: "Your Highness, you are too confident in your body."

Under Bai Ye's gnawing gaze, Sean stood up and straightened his clothes.

"It's refreshing to sleep once, but the second time? Come on, I'm already familiar with it, so what's the point?"

"What did you say?!" Bai Ye was about to explode.

Sean waved his hand lazily: "Let's go. These days the fox wolves are all named Xiao. If you need anything, come find me there. If you are interested, we can talk about other cooperation."

He turned around and left, and just as he was about to reach the door, Bai Ye's voice sounded again behind him.


"Anything else?"

Turning around, a girdle was thrown in his face.

Bai Ye's face was full of humiliation: "You are indeed powerful and can grasp what others want most. I agree."

"What do you agree to?" Sean was still confused.

Bai Ye tensed up: "After talking so much about playing hard to get, don't you still want this? Are you satisfied with wearing the princess uniform?"

Bai Ye thought she might be crazy, but she found that the first time was a helpless shame, but the second time, there didn't seem to be so much resistance.

These days, she was very anxious in the palace, which also made her feel more deeply.

Realize that only strength is the root of everything.

No matter what the means...then no matter what the means, including yourself, it is also a price that can be sold.

She slowly closed her eyes.


She heard what Sean said.

The door opens, the door closes.

She opened her eyes tremblingly, and Sean had walked out of the house without hesitation.

The aloof imperial princess froze in place for the first time.

He said I was...sick?

So I'm... being pretentious?

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