I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 255 The Count’s Study Room

When talking to Black Fox before, Sean noticed something was wrong.

Although he has been submissive all his life, Black Fox is still a king-level upper-class person. How could he not have resentment towards the empire that brought him to this point?

Human nature often cannot stand the test. In a lower-level environment, resentment can easily break out, eventually causing irreparable problems.

But Black Fox lived a comfortable life, and if Sean hadn't asked him, he would have happily gone to collect protection money for Sean the next day.

And just when Sean tried to arouse the resentment in the other person's heart, what stopped the resentment was nothing but the fear of the Emperor...

This is so wrong, especially when the emperor has been ill for more than ten years, it is even more difficult to understand.

So Sean tried to use the heart of deception to make the other party face his true heart. This can be regarded as the probing ability developed by Sean himself.

Unsurprisingly, the Heart of Deception encountered resistance, but this resistance did not come from the Black Fox itself. A king-level upper level would not make Sean's abilities ineffective.

Something else is holding back the deceitful heart.

After Sean thought about it, he forcibly used his deceitful heart to eliminate the interference of resistance. Sure enough, the black fox's fear of the emperor and the natural shrinkage of the empire were suddenly reduced a lot. With a few words to guide him, his own Deep hatred will wake him up.

After that, Sean went to the Imperial Army to test it out.

Not surprisingly, the Fraudulent Heart also encountered resistance, but strangely, the resistance was much smaller than that encountered by the Black Fox.

This is very strange. Black Fox is an upper-level king-level soldier. The people he chose to test are ordinary imperial troops. They have not even stepped into the king-level army. Let alone Sean, Black Fox can crush the opponent to death with one finger.

Sean tested it again and again on the street, and he unexpectedly discovered that most ordinary people can resist deception! Even...the resistance is greater than that of the Black Fox!

Correspondingly, for occupations such as the Imperial Army and the Guard, the resistance is obviously much smaller. Generally, the higher the position, the smaller the resistance.

On the way, Sean also happened to meet a senior leader of the Imperial Army. He was probably a middle-level king-level leader, but there was almost no resistance.

After a few more days of experimentation, Sean completely discovered something was wrong.

The most ordinary and law-abiding ordinary civilians, their fear of the emperor and their awe of the empire are almost engraved in their bones, and they have even reached the point of madness.

Sean saw with his own eyes that a little girl of two or three years old just asked confusedly about His Majesty the Emperor's current situation. The people who heard it looked at her with a look of horror, and her mother even slapped her several times. slap.

They never questioned the Emperor and the Empire.

Then there are gang members such as Black Fox, who can be roughly classified as a group of people who often break the law and commit crimes. They are still afraid, but to a much lesser extent.

Public officials are quite different…

"It's like being controlled and intimidated..." Sean finally came to this conclusion.

The deeper the degree, the more irrational they become, while those public officials who are relatively more rational are loyal to the emperor and the empire...

At the same time, Sean also encounters people who are completely out of control.

After Moza and Black Fox's secret investigation, they discovered that those who are not under control often make some slightly strange actions, and some people even record things secretly.

‘Undercover’… Sean immediately thought of this.

Undercover agents used to spy on people…

"His Majesty the Emperor is using an inexplicable method to control the hearts of the entire imperial capital. He wants to carve his majesty into the deepest part of everyone's heart... He is even worried that there will be undercover agents in the city. Walking in..."

This somewhat horrifying discovery made Sean feel an inexplicable chill.

What kind of top-notch desire for control...

Judging from this situation, there is a reasonable explanation for all the weird and absurd things happening in the imperial capital now.

However, what was a little strange to Sean was that the emperor was controlling people like this because he was ill and worried that he would be deprived of power, or maybe he had other ideas.

Because, in the past few days, Sean discovered something strange during his constant experiments.

He originally thought that the emperor might use some kind of supernatural power to plant a certain thought deep into everyone's heart. However, during an experiment, Sean had an idea and stole that 'resistance'.

He had successfully stolen thoughts, so he thought he would steal a terrifying thought.

However, what Sean stole was a small black mist.

A new implant? pollute? Sean still hasn't figured it out yet.

However, this did not stop him from unifying the underground gangs in the imperial capital.

This kind of control is indeed powerful, but it also has some negative effects, such as... the local gangs are too damn innocent.

A group of gangster leaders can actually get together for friendly meetings from time to time without worrying about someone catching them all... This kind of vigilance is gone.

Sean just mixed some hallucinogens, debilitating potions, and poisons into everyone's drinks and food, and the small indoor space allowed the full power of the lure to be unleashed.

Of course, Sean also needs these bosses to appease his subordinates and fight for him. Naturally, he cannot let them die tragically like the Red River team.

It just so happened that the cost of weakening the lure was not high, and the few undercover agents killed happened to be sacrificed to offset the cost.

Others may not be able to tell the difference, and some undercover agents have never shown any abnormality for many years, but to Sean, these people are as dazzling as lights in the dark due to the temptation of deceit.

If these undercover agents are not eliminated, the news that Sean has restored these bosses to normal will immediately reach the emperor's ears, and it will be difficult to solve it by then.

This place is the imperial capital after all, and there are probably an even number of Crimson Powerhouses, each of whom has the ability to kill Sean. Although Sean can escape without responsibility, wouldn't all his efforts these days have been in vain.

However, if no news comes back from these undercover agents for a long time, the palace will definitely find something is wrong, and someone will definitely come over to check the situation.

But for Sean, the time saved during this period is enough.

Moreover, he also discovered another situation.

You could probably call it a backlash?

Sean discovered that after he stole the unknown black mist, people who returned to normal would have emotional backlash. The most striking feature was that their attitudes suddenly changed - especially those who had all kinds of grievances buried deep in their hearts. The bosses, after waking up one by one, seemed to realize that something was wrong with them before, and their hatred towards the emperor and the empire skyrocketed.

They were the ones who started rebelling against Tiangang when they woke up, and every one of them gritted their teeth.

The bosses have all gone back to carry out Sean's orders. They will find ways to get the other bosses who have not come to the scene, and then turn them into their staunch comrades!

Of course, this is all for their own good.

"Zhu Zhu, have you seen this thing?" Of course, matters in the Imperial Capital are handled by the natives of the Imperial Capital.

Moreover, Zhu Zhu grew up in the imperial capital and was the daughter of an earl. Logically speaking, she was one of the people who had little influence, but it was by no means without influence.

But Sean had already checked Zhu Zhu. Zhu Zhu was very normal. He even disliked the imperial capital, the palace and His Majesty, and the entire empire since he was a child...

Zhu Zhu was depressed during this period of time, and she regained her composure with Sean's assurance.

Emerging from the mirror space, she looked at the strange mist in the bottle doubtfully.

"Is this what you said controls the people of the Empire?"

Sean nodded: "Have you seen it?"

Zhu Zhu frowned slightly, and after a moment his eyes suddenly lit up: "I've seen this before."

Sean didn't expect that he would get a clue after just trying to ask. He asked curiously: "You know this."

Zhu Zhu shook his head and explained: "There is a secret room in my house that only my father can enter. But I accidentally broke into it once when I was a child. There were many thick books in it. As soon as I picked up one and flipped through it, my father caught me. arrived, and was given a good beating—that was in the book I picked up!”

"are you sure?"

"Sure!" Zhu Zhu nodded firmly, "Because that was the hardest time I was beaten. I was very impressed, and the pictures in that book can move, just like this thing."

In the bottle, the black mist looked like many nematodes entangled together, with the edges shaking abnormally.

"Your family's secret room...your parents were caught in it. Can the things in the secret room be left behind?"

Zhu Zhu said with some uncertainty: "Both my parents were wronged, so they probably wouldn't tell them about the existence of the secret room, right?"

Sean nodded thoughtfully, then smiled: "You'll know if you go and see it?"

At nightfall, Sean stretched after finishing stealing for the last boss.

After stealing so many people, the strange mist in the bottle didn't seem to increase. It felt like this thing was illusory.

After ordering all kinds of things, the curfew bell has sounded.

Only Imperial troops patrolling the streets were left.

"Let's go back to your home." In the mirror space, Sean patted Zhu Zhu's little buttocks.

The red-haired girl observed, and then the entire mirror space stretched and shrunk in a strange way. Sean looked out through the gap. They had arrived at a reflective fire hydrant.

According to imperial law, destroying fire hydrants is a felony, but 90% of the fire hydrants in the entire imperial capital are welded to the ground - this way they will not be destroyed.

"Fortunately, the street lights will not be turned off during the curfew, otherwise we would not be able to move without reflection." Zhu Zhu stared at the surroundings warily, and then appeared in the window of a house in an instant.

Sean also took this opportunity to look outside. The curfew must not be a simple curfew. I wonder if he can find anything...

However, except for the vast number of imperial troops, there seemed to be no strange phenomena.

The Zhu Zhu family can be considered a well-known aristocrat in the Imperial Capital. They live in the most prosperous 65th Street District in the entire Imperial Capital. This place is close to the foot of Mount Huang, surrounded by several neighborhoods with good security. Basically, the people who can live here are nobles and high officials.

"Here we are..." Zhu Zhu pursed her lips, her usually lively brows and eyes filled with sadness and memories.

They were outside the garage of a villa, lurking in the mirror.

The rich people in the imperial capital seem to like to keep their homes brightly lit. This richest wealthy area is bright and bright, but the front is dark.

That was Zhu Zhu's home, and of course, it is now the former residence of the former earl, a real estate waiting to be disposed of.

Xiao En pinched Zhu Zhu's butt very frivolously, and said with a smile: "This thing depends on where you are. Besides, don't you believe me?"

Zhu Zhu looked at him pitifully: "Sean, help my parents..."

Sean laughed: "To be honest, I'm not interested..."

Zhu Zhu's face turned pale.

Sean changed the subject: "But who makes me not want to see Zhu Zhu sad?"

"You're still teasing me..." Zhu Zhu said with some annoyance.

"Next time it's your turn to tease me..."

Being teased by Sean and acting like a hooligan, the original sadness of returning to his hometown and finding no one there suddenly dissipated a lot.

Zhu Zhu cheered up: "We may have to go out, there is no place to jump inside."

"Then let's go."

After casting Concealment on both Zhu Zhu and himself, the two slowly walked towards the dark villa.

"Is there anyone?" Zhu Zhu asked nervously. She was not stupid. In this case, it was normal for someone to wait and see.

Thanks to Sean's huge mental power and the special effects of the Heart of Deception, he even had a 360-degree field of vision, so he didn't notice the existence of life.

"It looks like there's no one there, but be careful."


The doors and windows of the Earl's house had been sealed, but Zhu Zhu knew a ventilation duct leading to the kitchen, and the two entered the house without breaking the seal.

"There is a darkroom in my father's study at the end of the corridor..." Zhu Zhu whispered.

"Let's go... Damn, your house is too big."

The room was dark, but the two of them could clearly see the signs of being rummaged through. Most of the valuables in the room had been emptied.

"We're here..." After walking quietly for two minutes, we finally arrived at our destination.

The study was shut tightly and there was a seal on it.

Zhu Zhu was about to tear apart when Sean grabbed his hand.

He came closer and took a look, then narrowed his eyes slightly: "Most of the other rooms are open, but only the study is sealed?"

After looking around, he walked directly to the outer wall of the study.

Under the cover of the fog, a faint white light lit up.

Soon, a hole appeared in front of us.

"Endeli's little invention, it's very useful." Sean smiled and gently placed the cut wooden board on the ground.

The study room was also in a mess. Except for a pile of books that could be bought everywhere, everything else had been moved out.

Zhu Zhu went in and groped for a while. Soon, after a slight vibration, the marble floor tiles cracked.

A downward hole appeared in front of me.

As soon as Zhu Zhu was about to walk in, she was grabbed by Sean. She looked over in confusion, only to see Sean breathing rapidly.

"There's something terrible inside..."

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