I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 256 Please help feed it


Zhu Zhu was about to ask when she saw Sean's pale and strange face, which she had never seen before.

Her heart sank, and she almost instinctively struck the match hanging on her waist. A small cluster of fire lit up in the room, and she pulled Sean into the mirror space.

"Fuck..." As soon as the mirror space closed, Sean gasped.

"Sean, Sean, what's wrong with you?" Zhu Zhu anxiously took out all the healing potions.

Sean grabbed her hand to indicate that he was okay.

At that moment, he felt as if his spiritual power had been swallowed directly into the monster's mouth and torn to pieces.

With talent and superpowers, Sean's mental power is much stronger than ordinary people. Coupled with the continuous training of Shadow Cavity and Ascension Seeds, Sean's current mental power is not even inferior to Crimson.

And the strength of mental power means the strength of the etheric body. If we only conduct mental attacks on the etheric layer, Sean will most likely be the victor.

But the moment the basement was opened, Sean noticed a terrifying smell.

There, there is some kind of creature or some kind of object that will naturally devour the etheric body of those who come close!

Moreover, Sean was even sure that it was not an active attack...

Yes, maybe the creatures or objects inside are not awake, this is how it works...

Sean's majestic mental power was much sharper than Zhu Zhu's, and just by being in contact with him, his etheric body suffered a severe stimulation.

If Xiaon gets closer, he has no doubt that he and Zhu Zhu will instantly become demented and lose their etheric bodies. This is almost irreversible.

Under Zhu Zhu's worried eyes, Sean panted for a long time before calming down.

He rubbed his temples, which were still aching, and said with a wry smile, "What kind of things do you keep in your basement?"

Zhu Zhu looked confused: "Ying, there shouldn't be. There are some weird books stored inside, and there may be some items... But there was no problem when I accidentally broke in when I was a child..."

Sean thought about it and said: "I don't know what's inside, but it's definitely not something easy to deal with... No matter how big-hearted your father is, he wouldn't raise such a thing at home... I'm afraid it's because your parents were arrested. And there's something in the basement that needs to be suppressed or fed for a set amount of time or something..."

He frowned: "Do you remember that you and your parents have been away from home for a long time?"

Zhu Zhu's little head shook immediately: "No, in the more than ten years before I ran away from home, my father never stayed overnight elsewhere. Even if it was a dinner in the palace, he would come home in time... "

"Then my guess is correct... your father's arrest caused the thing inside to get out of control." Sean stood and paced in place, "I didn't notice anything before I opened it... No wonder the Imperial Army didn't discover the basement, the entire The basement should be sealed with special materials so that outsiders cannot notice it. This is also to prevent problems with things in the basement. "

Zhu Zhu's face was full of worry: "Then let's go? It's too dangerous inside..."

Sean thought for a while, then set his eyes on the door.

"How do you close the basement door?"

Zhu Zhu explained how to switch, and Sean nodded: "It's not too troublesome... That thing won't attack on its own initiative, just keep a distance... Let's go, let's close the door first."

After cautiously testing the door several times to make sure there would be no problem when closing the door, Sean jumped out with a quick step.

The terrible feeling of swallowing the etheric body was still lingering, but as long as he was not close to the basement, the throbbing pain in the etheric body suddenly became much smaller.

Resisting the churning thoughts in his mind, Sean quickly closed the entrance to the basement.

As the cracks became integrated again, that feeling suddenly disappeared.

Sean breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, the basement is made of special materials..."

He looked around and then put the piece of wall panel he had cut back together.

"Sean, what do you want to do?" Zhu Zhu asked.

Sean leaned against the wall panel and explained smoothly: "The hole cannot be exposed, otherwise they will know there is a problem here when they see the hole and the door being opened."

"Them?" Zhu Zhu was stunned for a moment, then covered his mouth, "Are you going to lure the Imperial Army over?"

Sean didn't even look back: "Of course someone else will be shocked by this kind of thing... Besides, they keep special seals on the outside and inside of the villa, which means they also know that there is something in the Earl's villa. I didn’t find it, I just didn’t find the basement..."

After the nanomaterials seeped into the incision, Sean stood up and clapped his hands with satisfaction: "The nano-repair tank made by Endeli has the ability to identify materials. Complete repair is impossible, but it will definitely not be visible in appearance."

He turned around and glanced at Zhu Zhu, who immediately lit the match again to ensure that he could enter the mirror space.

Sean motioned to Zhu Zhu to stand at the mechanism that opened the entrance, and then.

"One, two, three, pull!"

The mechanism in the basement was pulled up again, the entrance was opened again, and Sean also opened the door at the same time and tore off the seal above.

Immediately, he got directly into the mirror space.

"Are you worried that the other party has space-based vetoes?" Zhu Zhu asked in a low voice.

Sean nodded: "It's too close to the palace, so it's better to be careful...shh."

Sure enough, what he did was correct. Less than a minute had passed when a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded in the villa.

Through the single-sided window of the mirror space, Sean and Zhu Zhu saw a dozen people wearing papal robes rushing in.

"The only sect recognized by the empire: the Golden Dawn. They believe in the God of Nothingness. They rarely hold religious activities and have only a small number of believers... How could it be them?"

"That's not clear..."

The leader of the Golden Dawn is a man in black with thick hair, almost like an orangutan. He wears the robes of the Archbishop of the Holy See, followed by high-ranking priests, both men and women.

The chimpanzee held a scepter that shone with the light of energy gems. He glanced around, and then set his sights on the entrance to the basement.

"It's really here..." He whispered to himself, and then gave a decisive order, "The traitor's daughter must be back. Enter the basement, we have to get ahead of the imperial army."

The dozen or so people walked into the basement without hesitation.

"It seems that the crimson-level archbishop's mental strength is not as good as mine..." Sean thought silently.

However, the power of this Golden Dawn is not small. It can easily send out a crimson and dozens of kings.

However, people who are not mentally strong enough will not be able to detect this threat. If they notice it after going deep, it may be too late...

As if to confirm Sean's idea, in just seven or eight seconds, a dull sound suddenly came from the entrance to the basement, as if a human body fell to the ground unconsciously.

After waiting quietly for a while, Sean and Zhu Zhu looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes.

No resistance at all? Even the crimson-level archbishop didn't make any movement again?

What exactly is that thing inside...

After observing carefully for a while, Sean went out to test again.

But he came back immediately. The feeling of devouring spiritual power and destroying the etheric body was still there. The good news was that it had weakened a lot...

"It works...but not enough idiots die...but the archbishop said that we must get ahead of the empire..."

Sean and Zhu Zhu were quietly lurking in the mirror space again.

Not long after, denser and more rapid footsteps sounded outside.

This time, a large number of imperial troops rushed in. They wore special uniforms and seemed to be a special organization in the imperial army like the Red River Squadron.

The leader of the Imperial Army glanced around coldly, then waved his hand, and half of them rushed into the basement under the leadership of the deputy captain.

The sound of rapid footsteps became smaller, and suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of falling to the ground.

"Nock, report the situation."

Someone shouted at the basement entrance, but got no response.

The leader of the Imperial Army frowned and thought for a while. He ordered a few people: "Stay here. Reinforcements will arrive in ten minutes at most. Others follow me!"


It was almost a repeat of the last time, the only difference was that a pale hand struggled to hold on to the basement steps.

It was the leader of the Imperial Army. He was not dead, but his pupils were stained with a strange pale color.

"Please, please help..." He said the last words and fell heavily on the stairs.

You can still climb to the exit...

Sean's eyes lit up, and the remaining Imperial Army members were cautiously trying to pull their captain out of the entrance.

Suddenly, a huge feeling of panic surged up.

"Thank you for your hard work."

They looked back in confusion and fear, but only saw the flash of the sword in the darkness.

After killing the remaining members of the Imperial Army with one blow, Sean put away the energy blade, put on his gloves and pulled the body of the Imperial Army leader.

"Sure enough, the etheric body was completely destroyed..."

However, Sean smiled.

Because he can no longer feel the terrifying devouring power, which means that the threat of unknown things in the basement has been greatly reduced.

This group of Golden Dawn believers and this group of Imperial troops fed 'it'...

"Put in my button and close the mirror space." Asking Zhu Zhu to move to the shiny button on his chest, Sean ran towards the basement as fast as he could.

The believers of the Golden Dawn have space powers, and the Imperial Army squad is obviously the closest special force with the authority to handle this matter. They should be stationed around...

Time is running out, and reinforcements from these two parties may arrive at any time.

Sure enough, the forty-five-degree downward staircase was filled with corpses of Imperial soldiers, and everyone died in the same way.

Running a little further, you can see the corpses of the Golden Dawn believers. They are also dead, but their faces are strangely pale and shrunken, even the archbishop is no exception.

"The first batch of fresh food seems to chew the hardest..."

Moreover, just as Sean had judged, this group of people died without resistance before they even reached half the distance.

The archbishop may have noticed something, but even he couldn't escape.

"I'm full, I'm full..." Sean muttered in his mind.

If the thing inside has not been fed, I will not hesitate and will directly use my ability to escape.

Important clues and unknown and powerful things are both fragrant, but not as fragrant as Sean's little life.

Fortunately, Sean's guesses and attempts were successful, and the imperial troops and members of the Holy See who were deliberately attracted completely fed the contents!

After taking a few steps into the room, which was already covered with dust, Sean did not hesitate. He quickly found the book Zhu Zhu mentioned, and then roughly scanned the entire basement with a deceitful heart.

"Damn, it's more dazzling than the headlights at night."

Sean immediately sensed the terrifying thing. In the corner of the basement, there was a metal box that was tightly sealed. It could probably be carried by one person.

Taking a few steps closer, Sean suddenly felt chills and stood on his head.

The thing that swallows up spiritual power and destroys the etheric body is inside!

But I should be full!

As soon as the idea came to mind, a dull and distorted snore came from the metal box.

Although he didn't feel threatened by being actively attacked, Sean still had goosebumps all over his body.

Just as I thought, it was not actively aggressive... was it just passive while sleeping? !

"Damn, what's locked in here..."

During the brief hesitation, Sean's heart suddenly beat violently.

His heart seemed to be targeted by a sharp blade!

The boss is here... Sean no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand, grabbed the iron box, and escaped directly into the gray mist.

After receiving this ability to escape from Mio Thirteen, Sean almost never used this ability.

He suddenly stepped into a strange world. Everything around him was outlined into simple black and white lines, except for him, who was a misty gray.


Time was limited, so Sean ran directly outside. This time, he no longer needed to hide.

In the passage outlined by lines, densely packed 'simple-drawn' corpses lay on the ground, and Sean ran away.

At this time, he saw a young man with a round eye mark between his eyebrows walking into the basement.

"It's such a strong pressure, I can feel it even in the gray fog world..." Sean looked shocked, knowing that this man must be the boss he just noticed.

What made Sean even more horrified was that the young man actually glanced at his location as he ran over!

"Fuck, Crimson Peak isn't that exaggerated, right?!"

Sean no longer hesitated and escaped from the Earl's villa.

In the real world, the young man who walked in looked at the empty corner and frowned.

"Your Majesty, everyone is dead..."

A man in military uniform reported in a deep voice.

The person who came was none other than the current emperor's biological brother, Bai Ye's biological uncle, Bai Youming.

Bai Youming frowned deeply, and after a moment he showed a hint of surprise: "When did such a powerful outsider come to the imperial capital..."

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