I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 257 Changes in the Imperial Capital

The night became noisy. Ever since the count's family was arrested and imprisoned, their villa had lost its popularity, but this time, many imperial troops surrounded it again.

The people living nearby were all prominent figures in the imperial capital. They were woken up by their servants, and all of them stared out the window thoughtfully.

"The count and his wife have been arrested for so long, and there is another commotion today. Do you have any news?"

The speaker was a middle-aged brown-haired man wearing a smoking shirt. If others saw him, they would probably exclaim. He was a notoriously rigid member of the Imperial Parliament who would wear straight official uniforms even at dinner parties.

However, if anyone could see the person opposite him, they would probably be even more surprised.

A middle-aged man with blond hair, characterized by a strangely huge nose of rosacea.

These two people were notoriously bitter enemies, but now they were discussing things calmly together.

The blond congressman shook his head: "I haven't received any news. There has been no movement recently. The biggest thing is that several princes and princesses have returned to the imperial capital. However, there is movement at the Earl's villa, which means that it happened before."

"That thing... Your Majesty didn't find it?" the brown-haired congressman frowned.

The blond congressman sneered: "I'm not sure whether I didn't find it or I don't want to find it... But I can confirm it tonight. However, there is something wrong here. Only a weak daughter of the Earl's family ran away from home, and the others It’s impossible to know the secrets of the Earl’s family…”

"Did the count's daughter tell the other strong men?"

"Not sure. I can't tell whether the earl will tell his daughter..." The blond congressman lit a cigar and exhaled a few puffs of smoke. He said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty didn't care about this matter. He just let the military and gold Li Ming fights like this..."

The brown-haired congressman's eyes darkened, and the two looked at each other and understood what they were thinking.

Your Majesty the Emperor, you may not be able to hold on for too long. It’s time to choose a successor...

Ordinary people and even most nobles don't know, but the two of them still know the inside story.

The imperial army is now controlled by Prince Bai Youming, and Bai Youming is closest to the eldest prince. He is also the most prestigious and powerful among the princes. After all, the empire was founded by force, and the power of the imperial army No need to say more.

The second prince spends the most time away from home. He is very close to Jude, the governor of the Ilia administrative region. He also has a good relationship with the governors of the other two administrative regions. At the same time, the Imperial Security Bureau, which is separate from the military, has a close relationship with the second prince. Very shallow.

The third prince has the support of Grand Duke Wen Kun and has the largest number of MPs behind him.

The fourth prince is a bit weird in his behavior and behavior. His teacher is the leader of the Golden Dawn, His Excellency Cardinal Calado, and because he and the third prince are twins, the relationship between the two is much closer.

The fifth prince was born to one of the emperor's favorite concubines. He was considered a strong candidate for heir at the beginning. However, he was kidnapped from the palace in his early years and his life and death are unknown. After his majesty became ill, the concubine was gradually left out and lost her voice. right.

The other princes and princesses can be ignored, but the eldest princess Bai Ye has some talents. Earlier, she was not taken seriously because she had no powers. But now that she has powers, it is different. At the same time, Princess Baiye's biological mother was the first wife of His Majesty the Emperor. Her family also contributed greatly to the rise of the empire. After her death, the position of the queen has been vacant, which is enough to show the queen's status in the emperor's heart.

The two congressmen knew very well that this fight for the things in the earl's house might mean the first direct conflict between the eldest prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince. His Majesty the Emperor's tacit approval also proved this.

The two looked at each other worriedly. They were now neutrals and no one could blame them. But if His Majesty the Emperor really doesn't have much time left, then it's time to take sides...

If you make the wrong choice, you will be doomed.

At this moment, in the count's villa, Prince Bai Youming, who was standing in the hall, was observing the surroundings.

Behind him, a large number of imperial troops were moving out the things in the basement and the bodies in the basement passage.

"Your Majesty, that thing was not found." An imperial soldier with the rank of major general lowered his head and said respectfully.

Prince Bai Youming did not serve in the army, but everyone knew that this heirless prince was the soul of the imperial army, and he himself was highly trusted and respected by His Majesty the Emperor - otherwise, Bai Youming's students would not have been appointed. Become a marshal of the Imperial Army.

Bai Youming's actual age is a few years younger than His Majesty the Emperor, but he looks very young, and his tone and posture are the same. He said angrily: "Do you need to report to me? Isn't that what they deliberately attracted our people for?"

The major general who usually speaks his mind in the military twitched his butt in embarrassment.

Bai Youming paced in place and muttered to himself: "Bypassing the outer seal, he opened the door in the study... There are traces of cutting and repairing on the walls of the study, which shows that he didn't have this in mind from the beginning. plan."

"He opened the basement and sensed the danger, so he repaired the wall and tore off the seal to attract people to help him 'feed' the thing... The temporary plan was also well-formed, and his mental power was far beyond that of the ordinary crimson lower floor. , otherwise the situation cannot be discerned..."

The major general asked doubtfully: "So, that person doesn't know what the things in the basement are?"

Bai Youming nodded: "Most likely I don't know... That means he came for other things... What is the name of the Earl's daughter?"

The major general replied: "Zhu Zhu, the surname of the count and the surname of the countess are both Zhu, so I simply gave my daughter this name - about two years ago, the count's daughter ran away from home, and there is no news yet."

Bai Youming nodded thoughtfully: "What was the previous situation of the count's daughter?"

The major general recalled for a moment, and then said: "Most of the time, I lived in a simple way, and I rarely saw that girl at dinner parties. But I remember that there were some records in our surveillance system, Zhu Zhu and an almost perfect-looking girl. The child came very close. The girl was a street child and had little reputation among the street children, but everyone around her liked her very much. "

"By the way -" the major general remembered something, "that waif girl has been to the ruins of Vault 0 several times and returned safely every time."

"The ruins of Shelter 0..." Bai Youming thought for a while and suddenly raised his eyebrows, "That little gangster organization called the Walkers was operating near the Imperial Capital two years ago, right?"

"Yes, they have had many conflicts with our military, but the people who joined that organization are a little clever. They always escape before our reinforcements arrive. You were not that person in the past two years..." The major general looked a little embarrassed. "Aren't you sulking with His Majesty? You haven't visited the military for many days... that's what happened during that time."

Bai Youming sneered: "Why, was it my fault that time?"

"Of course not!" the major general quickly denied.

Bai Youming snorted: "Although the emperor wants to die, this is not the reason for him to deduct my salary. It's really shameful for him."

The major general was reluctant to answer. This prince always spoke boldly, even in front of His Majesty the Emperor, he dared to point at his brother and curse...

Moreover, this prince is very fond of gambling, and the gambling products are excellent, but his skills are not up to par... He can support several big casinos in the imperial capital by himself...

It was also because he lost too hard once and was called over by His Majesty the Emperor to scold him. As a result, the two of them had a quarrel. In the end, His Majesty the Emperor was so angry that he cut off Bai Youming's gambling capital. For this reason, the Prince stopped working for three months in a row. , I get up early every day and go to the toilet in His Majesty’s bedroom in the palace, but I just refuse to see His Majesty...

Of course, this is a matter between the two brothers, and even Grand Duke Wen Cheng is not willing to get involved... let alone these little generals.

Bai Youming muttered a few more words, such as, 'Brother Huang is so ignorant', 'None of these people are big or small', 'I caused several casinos to close down in the past three months, Brother Huang will bear all the consequences. Responsibility' and the like.

After cursing a few words, Bai Youming stopped and thought for a moment.

"What is the superpower of the girl who abducted the earl's daughter?"

The major general shook his head: "There are no detailed records. Later, the walkers moved far away from the imperial capital, and we were unable to follow and monitor them."

Bai Youming muttered something and walked around in circles: "Earl, Zhu Zhu, Walker... I have met the leader of the Walker once, but the crimson middle-level man is still a useless waste without any intention. He doesn't have this ability. …”

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped: "Archduke Wen Zhen's second son, Rhodes, died in Paradise City. The cause was a conflict with Bai Ye, and a crimson middle-level man brought by Rhodes also died mysteriously, right?"

The major general nodded: "Our information channels show that Grand Duke Wen Cheng later sent people to investigate, but the protection of the information was extremely strict."

"Paradise City... I remember that a person named Nightmare Sean appeared on the information table last time. Tell me about that person."

The major general took out a notebook and flipped through it, then read: "Sean, male, age unknown, estimated to be in his early twenties, is the second in command of the only force [Golden Ghost] among the original four major forces in Paradise City, and is said to be the first in command The orphans picked up by Jin Kui had two deceased brothers, Moza and Sherrill.”

"Of the three, Cheryl has the highest potential estimate in our military, with an A-level rating, Moza is a B+, and Sean was originally a C- but is currently an A-."

"Among the three, Sherrill's strength judgment should have reached the peak of the king level. Moza, the middle king level, will soon break through to the upper king level. Sean should have just entered the king level and has the possibility of entering the middle level."

"Sheryl's abilities are enhanced and have top talents. Moza speculates that they are space-based abilities. Sean speculates that they are announcement-type, embodied spiritual abilities. They are all single abilities."

"Originally, Sean's rating was not high, but according to our channels, he planned the big explosion in Paradise City, which pushed [Golden Ghost] to the position of the only major force in Paradise City, so his rating was improved. "

"In addition, Sean brought back a huge mechanical structure called the 'Titan' after an outing, which enveloped the entire Paradise City, isolated the evil dome in the city, and increased the lighting for the entire city. The Titan has been determined to be a metal The life form may have a crimson peak, which also makes Sean’s rating increase again.”

He flipped through his manual again, and finally said: "Nightmare Sean has a good reputation, mainly because of his strange abilities and vicious schemes. However, there is a clear upper limit difference between his personal strength and others. "

He paused and then remembered something: "I almost forgot. The data showed that there were walkers in the big explosion, but no news came after that..."

"By the way, also, Rhode's death was also related to Sean, but in the end it was probably not Sean who took action. In other words, Sean and Princess Baiye should have a certain cooperative relationship."

Bai Youming raised his eyebrows slightly: "That Sean is involved in various forces."

The major general nodded: "He is a good young man, but even if Paradise City has the Titans, it has just reached the middle and upper reaches in our power assessment. Sean's ceiling is always limited, and he can only work among all the forces. involve."

"It involves..." Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Bai Ye came back recently, but something happened to the count's villa at this time..."

The major general was stunned for a moment, then asked: "My lord, do you think that person is Sean who secretly entered the imperial capital with Princess Baiye?"

"The timing is coincidental. The girl who took away Zhu Zhu can be related to the walker, and Sean can be related to the walker. And isn't that young man an excellent strategist? It fits perfectly."

The major general sneered: "When you reach the King level and Crimson level, it is normal to be involved with different people and forces. But Sean has just entered the King level. Even if his talent starts to explode, he is still just a King now. A middle-level king, can a king-level middle-level person have the mental power to detect that thing in the basement? Is it unrealistic?"

Bai Youming's eyes widened and he kicked the major general in the butt: "Do I need you to remind me that he escaped from my hands?"

The major general shook his head quickly: "No, no, it's just that those who can do all this must be at least the upper level of Crimson, or the peak of Crimson. At the worst, they must be the middle level of Crimson with very powerful and special powers. King-level people don't have this." Maybe."

Bai Youming sneered: "Are you as arrogant as those idiots? Do you really think that the empire is invincible now? You haven't been promoted to Crimson for a fucking year, and now you treat the strongest people in the world like chickens. A baby?"

The major general quickly lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Prince!"

Bai Youming snorted coldly: "Search the whole city, focusing on the peak king level and crimson level, to see which outsiders are in the empire."


"Wait a minute," Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly, "focus on searching those underground gangs, and send people from Shelter 0 to take a look. We will strengthen patrols around the imperial capital, focusing on people walking."


When we walked out of the villa, the sky was already slightly white.

The butler stepped forward: "Your Highness, Golden Dawn has sent word that this matter has nothing to do with them. Someone acted rashly and they are conducting an internal self-examination."

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "How can you inherit the empire in the future with this courage? Let them go."

"Yes, then shall we go back or enter the palace?"

"You come into the palace," Bai Youming touched his chin, "call Bai Ye out and have a chat."

"Yes, Your Highness, then, do you want to let the princes know?"

"Above board."

"Yes, Your Highness."

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