I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 258 Do you know Sean?

In the not-so-luxurious living room, the old housekeeper served Bai Ye a cup of tea, and the latter nodded politely.

Prince Bai Youming is extremely powerful but has no children, and there is not even a maid in the villa. The two most kind people around him are Hansen, the old butler who took care of him and usually stayed at the villa, and the other is the old butler's only son. Little Hansen usually followed Bai Youming. Even if the princess and prince saw the two of them, they had to be polite.

After taking a sip, Bai Ye glanced at the sky and whispered, "When will His Highness come back?"

Old Hansen lowered his head: "You also know the master's character..."

Before he finished speaking, loud laughter came from outside the house: "Okay, we came back with a great victory today!"

For Bai Youming, the so-called big win means not losing money - a loss of less than 100,000 lire is considered a small win, a loss of less than 200,000 lire is considered a no loss, and a loss of more than 200,000 lire is considered a little bad luck today...

Old Hansen smiled apologetically at Bai Ye and quickly walked over to take off his clothes and change into home clothes for Bai Youming, who had just walked in.

Bai Youming looked at Bai Ye with a smile: "Little Ye Zi, you don't call me uncle now? Why, uncle hasn't visited you during this time, is he unhappy?"

Bai Ye stood up and bowed with a slight smile: "Congratulations to your uncle for returning victorious today, but your uncle always likes to tease me. My father always said that we should pay attention to our words and behavior. As children, we must obey, but of course we are also happy to see our uncle. of."

"You, Brother Jingxue, you are so stupid." Bai Youming sat down and took the hot tea and drank it in one gulp. Then he looked at Bai Ye and nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of the royal blood, Awakening It won’t be long before you reach the peak of the king level.”

Bai Ye showed a hint of pride at just the right moment: "We arrived with so many resources, but it was still a lot slower. Bai Ye doesn't dare to be proud."

Bai Youming waved his hand: "What's not to be proud of? The imperial royal family should look down on everyone. I originally thought you would be a Princess of Peace in this life, but I didn't expect that you have accumulated so much that you can reach the sky in one step. Very good, by the way. , Hansen.”

He waved his hand, and Hansen immediately brought a crystal box over. There was a ball of blue liquid floating in mid-air, squirming as if alive.

Old Hansen placed it in front of Bai Ye. Bai Youming poured the tea and drank another cup, and said casually:

"I heard from Brother Huang that you have awakened your superpower and it is a accumulation type. After thinking about it, I decided to give you this."

Bai Ye's eyes showed surprise, but this time he didn't do it deliberately.

This thing is called Linglu, and its most important effect is to help the user stabilize his strength, strengthen his control, and partially enhance his mental strength.

But this thing can only be used by the peak kings who advance very quickly, and is useless to the Crimson powerhouse. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain. The Crimson upper echelons are not willing to ask for trouble - there is no survival in the empire's treasury, and her Several royal brothers who had been promoted very quickly with the help of royal resources had never been rewarded with this thing. Unexpectedly, Bai Youming still had it in his hands.

Moreover, she was promoted too quickly, which was exactly when she needed this thing.

"Uncle Emperor, this is too valuable," Bai Ye quickly stood up and lowered his head, "Bai Ye has received such a reward without making any merit. I deserve it."

Bai Youming looked her over with a smile, then took the box back in a pretentious manner: "You said so, and I just took it away?"

Bai Ye's face remained as normal, and she even breathed a sigh of relief. She nodded: "Uncle, please take it back."

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly, and then laughed heartily: "Little Ye Zi, you look down on your uncle too much, right? I said I would give it to you, so I will give it to you."


Bai Youming waved his hand, interrupting Bai Ye's refusal: "Okay, I know you need this too, don't pretend to be like this with me."

Bai Ye showed some embarrassment at the right time, but Bai Youming just pretended not to notice.

He poured himself another cup of tea and topped it with Bai Ye: "Little Ye Zi, I know your character. Others say that you are the eldest princess of the empire. Although you have no power, you are good at dealing with people, dealing with people, and handling government affairs. Impeccable, some even say you look like a queen.”

"Bai Ye doesn't dare."

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "What are you afraid of? I have been thinking that if the emperor really can't choose someone, it is not impossible for you to inherit the throne."

Bai Ye's eyes widened, and then he immediately lowered his head in panic and pinched the corners of his clothes: "Uncle, I, I didn't think about this."

Bai Youming shook his head and took a sip of tea: "But you don't have the power. Convincing the crowd is secondary, and the focus is on yourself."

His tone gradually became serious: "Everyone thinks you are decent and generous, but I know very clearly that since you were a child, you have tried all the methods that can be tested. When I was still young, I would secretly look at you. The envy in the eyes of those royal brothers has long turned into jealousy and unwillingness. "

Bai Ye pursed his lips slightly.

Bai Youming continued: "This is obsession. You have a stubborn and extreme personality. I have no doubt that you will do things that others can't imagine for a special power."

Sorry, uncle, I've already done this... For some reason, Bai Ye felt a sense of desolation in his heart.

Bai Youming shook his head: "So, after thinking about this, I feel that you are not suitable to be the queen. One day, you will push the entire empire to overthrow for your own obsession. Hey, although my imperial brother is nothing That’s good stuff.”

Bai Ye's rising emotions were immediately interrupted, and she almost twitched her eyebrows on the spot - she was the only uncle in the empire who dared to scold her father like this...

Taking another sip of tea, Bai Youming said leisurely: "I think that even if you gain power in the future, you will only be more greedy. However, today you at least concealed your emotions very well. Yes, you have made progress."

As he spoke, he laughed again: "It's strange to me that you, a girl, usually act like a princess, but in private you like to vent your emotions, and your mood is not good enough. In the past, even if you got superpowers, you probably wouldn't be able to give in. I take back what Ling Lu said, after going out for a while this time, I feel much calmer, not bad. "

Bai Ye secretly sighed in his heart, after meeting that kind of bastard, how could he not be calm when facing other things...

Thinking so in her heart, she still said: "Bai Ye knows that she is not mature enough and cannot be compared with other royal brothers. Now she is just trying to be more like a princess."

Bai Youming sneered and said leisurely: "Sure enough, the little Ye Zi who grabbed my leg and asked for sweets is cuter."

Bai Ye showed some embarrassment: "Uncle, how long ago was that, and you still used it to laugh at me."

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a moment he laughed with relief: "Ha, it's been too long ago, but now is better."

After drinking a few more sips of tea and chatting about Bai Ye's supernatural powers, Bai Youming said, "By the way, did you kill the second son of Grand Duke Wen Kun, Rod?"

Rhodes' death was still being covered up, but for someone with Bai Youming's status, it was not difficult to get the real news.

Bai Ye did not hide it, but answered: "I had a conflict with Rhodes. He didn't want me to awaken my powers. After the incident, I did want to kill him, but the blood clone of Grand Duke Wen Kun appeared and stopped me. I thought This matter can only be left here, but the blood clone suddenly collapsed, Rhodes is probably dead, but I really don’t know who killed him. "

Bai Youming nodded thoughtfully: "There is indeed someone involved..."

"Involvement?" Bai Ye looked puzzled, "Is there anyone else involved in this matter? Is the other person going after Rhodes?"

Bai Youming smiled and said, "I don't know that, but it doesn't matter if a fool like Rhodes dies. But you and your friends are quite capable."

Bai Ye's heart tightened for some reason, and he replied softly: "It's just to protect myself."

Bai Youming smiled again: "You know Sean, the Nightmare from Paradise City, right?"

After a slight hesitation, Bai Ye nodded.

"Rhodes has the blood of White Rose. That Jin Kui can't hurt him. You can have at most two crimson lower classes in your hands, and Rhodes himself is a crimson lower class. I also received news here that a deep red lower class member under Grand Duke Wen Kun The red middle class left the city and has not returned yet..."

Bai Youming laughed: "I still have some impression of the old man. I'm afraid he won't be able to come back, right?"

Bai Ye hesitated for a moment and nodded again: "He was Rhode's guard and was killed by me."

Bai Youming blinked: "Killing the crimson middle layer just after getting the superpower? Little Ye Zi, do you really think your uncle is stupid?"

Bai Ye puffed up his cheeks, showing a bit of a little girl's air: "I was originally defending myself, and the crimson middle layer came with proliferation and lacked restraint. Although it used some disgraceful means, so what?"

Bai Youming tapped her with his finger: "You are dishonest... Haha, that Sean is quite capable."

Bai Ye's face remained as usual, but he wrinkled his nose: "Uncle Huang, you bullied me, why am I not honest?"

"What about Sean?"

"Sean? He does have the means and the strength in his hands. I reached a deal with him and asked him to help me... Moreover, besides Jin Kui, there are other Crimson in Paradise City. But, kill Crimson At the middle level, Sean and his men are at best a diversionary force.”

Bai Ye hid the information that Sean killed the crimson middle-level man.

Bai Youming was noncommittal: "Girl, with your little arrogance, it's not difficult to plot against that idiot Rhodes, but it's not enough to plot against Grand Duke Wen Cheng."

However, after saying that, he waved his hand again: "Forget it, I'm not interested in this... By the way, when you came back, Sean came with you."

Bai Ye's mind was spinning, and he didn't know why Bai Youming suddenly asked these questions.

She had heard something happened at the Earl's Villa, but she didn't know the details yet... Could it be related to that bastard Sean?

The emperor's uncle has a free and unruly personality, but his strength and vision are far incomparable to others. If I lie to him like this, I'm afraid I will be discovered.

Even Bai Ye herself didn't notice it, she subconsciously wanted to hide it for Xiao En.

His thoughts only lasted for a moment. Bai Ye showed some of the little girl's behavior at the right time, and replied a little willfully and a little unhappy: "I didn't come, hey, this kind of countryman is not worthy of coming to the imperial capital."

Bai Youming laughed loudly: "Why did Her Royal Highness the Princess also start using vulgar words like country people?"

Bai Ye glared: "That's a vulgar and rude guy!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you want..." Bai Youming shook his head, "Get ready when you go back."

"What are you preparing for?" Bai Ye showed doubts.

Bai Youming moved his neck and said casually: "The inheritance of your mother's family should naturally be inherited by you."

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then bit his lip and said bitterly: "The inheritance has been handed over, even if I..."

Bai Youming frowned and interrupted: "Forget it if you don't have superpowers. Those resources are envied by others. Now, they should be yours. I will handle Grand Duke Wen Kun's side. As for your third brother, you yourself How about solving it?”

Bai Ye clenched his fists slightly and bowed finally: "Thank you, Uncle Emperor..."

"Okay, let's go back. I've been gambling for so long, it's time to go to bed."

"Then Bai Ye is gone, uncle Huang, have a good rest."

After Bai Ye left, Bai Youming touched his chin: "Hansen, how many truths do you think this girl said?"

Old Hansen lowered his head and said, "Of course Her Royal Highness told the truth."

"Then you say, the way she seems to be attracted to Sean is just an act?"

Old Hansen did not answer. Bai Youming asked himself and answered: "If it is, it proves that Sean really has the means to make such a power-seeking princess fall in love. If not... then it proves that Sean has arrived in the imperial capital and she deliberately Showing an angry look to prove that he didn't come to the imperial capital... doesn't that still prove that Sean is very important to her? "

"Master can indeed see everything clearly," Old Hansen said with a smile.

Bai Youming shook his head: "For Bai Ye, this is not a good thing... This girl had a great time acting today. I'm afraid she wasn't so calm before... That Sean is a bit interesting... I suspect that he entered the Earl He is the one in the basement of the villa.”

Old Hansen looked puzzled: "Isn't the strength not consistent?"

Bai Youming nodded his forehead and said with a smile: "Intuition... tell little Hansen that if the young man named Sean is found during the search, don't alert him first, just make sure he is in the imperial capital." ”

"Yes. By the way, Master, His Highness the First Prince invites you to spend time with him."

"Xiao Zhan, that kid has been getting more and more anxious recently. I told the emperor a long time ago not to let him lead the army... The emperor is really brainless. He has become more and more ignorant recently... Come back, I'm going to sleep. ”


At this moment, Sean, who had already absconded, stopped in the suburbs.

He was worried that the other party would have the means to detect what he had taken away, and hiding it in the city might not be safe.

Another worry was that the box would suddenly swallow up his mental power and destroy his etheric body along the way, but there were no problems along the way.

Zhu Zhu walked out of the scene space, and then suddenly his eyes widened: "Sean! That box!"

box? Haven't I always wrapped the box with gray mist...

He looked down and was shocked to find that the chain on the iron box that he had always felt was entangled in gray mist had been loosened at some point.

And the chain got into his chest without knowing when!

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