I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 259 Why do you keep all these things in your family?

The iron chain that originally tightly bound the box fell off at some point, and penetrated into Sean's body like a creeper parasitic on a large tree.

It was as if his perception had failed and he was unaware of it.

What's even more strange is that the chains spread out from both sides of the box and penetrated into Sean's body, but he didn't feel anything strange.

After Zhu Zhu's reminder, Sean realized that he subconsciously tried to break free. The chain swung without making any sound, but moved with Sean.

"Sean! Sean!" Zhu Zhu's eyes widened in horror, and then she subconsciously wanted to help him pull out the chain.

"Don't move!" Sean stopped him immediately.

"Don't you see? It's absorbing something!" Zhu Zhu shouted.


Sean lowered his head. He couldn't feel anything strange now, and the chains seemed to have just penetrated into his body for no apparent reason.

The pictures Zhu Zhu and I saw were different? So I never noticed it before? Does this thing have the function of numbing my senses?

The thought flashed through his mind, and Sean said in a deep voice, "Aside from what the chains are absorbing, what else can you see?"

Zhu Zhu immediately replied: "The box was opened a crack! The iron chain absorbed something into the box."

It's completely different from my field of view. The box here is not open...

The Heart of Deception started running, but strangely, nothing happened.

Zhu Zhu's voice became more frightened: "Sean, Sean! There is something coming out of the chain, like a white tiger. It emerges from your heart, as if it wants to get into the box."

Sean was suddenly shocked.

The white tiger... this is the blood source of the tiger-shaped crazy beast he absorbed... and also the source of his deceptive heart ability!

No wonder there's no response... Is my power being extracted in a way that I can't detect? !

The situation was urgent, and Sean grasped the chain with both hands without even having time to think.

The importance of his deceitful heart is self-evident. Even if he is seriously injured, he must keep his deceitful heart.

His arms were about to exert force, but Sean suddenly paused.

Something's wrong...

The huge mental power finally helped him regain his composure.

He has never heard of extracting powers, and his own villain reporter only copies other people's powers for his own use... Even if there really is such a terrifying thing, the Heart of Fraud and I have long been one, I shouldn't have no reaction.

What Zhu Zhu saw was different from what I saw... Was he a fan of the authorities? wrong……

If you have this ability, why bother?

Sean's eyes slowly closed.

When he opened it again, Nova's welcome voice sounded: "Lord Saint III, I'm glad to see you again."

He came to the hall of thinking.

Sean looked up and looked around. The thinking hall that originally seemed to be immersed in light was bound by chains. Those chains were emitting a strange and strange black mist, and seemed to be trying their best to invade here.

"Nova, where did this thing come from?"

Nova immediately replied: "It appeared twelve minutes ago in real time. This was an invasion of the etheric body. Because you own the ownership of the thinking hall, the thinking hall also appeared like this when you were invaded."

It paused, and then let another thing in the hall of thinking emit a faint light.

It was a statue of animalistic projection, and the one that glowed belonged to Qiu Qingming.

"The invasion of the etheric body outside seems to be just wandering unconsciously. I speculate that you are in close contact with some kind of etheric walking, and that kind of etheric walking is in a dormant state. But the etheric body is a representative of the subconscious, that kind of dormant state. The walking ether subconsciously noticed the pheromones emitted in the thinking hall, and it started the active invasion. "

"It wants this."

Sean's eyes shrank violently, why do you want Qiu Qingming's animalistic projection...

In addition... he asked: "What is ether walking?"

"The database shows that Aetherwalkers are special creatures in the etheric layer of the entire world. After entering the real world, Aetherwalkers may appear in the form of creatures or strange items, but each Aetherwalker will swallow up the surrounding spiritual power and destroy the surrounding area. The etheric bodies of living things provide energy for themselves, otherwise they cannot survive in the real world. A stable energy supply can keep the etheric walking in a dormant state, but a huge energy supply will cause some kind of mutation in the etheric walking. The specific situation is unknown. "

Nova's explanation made Sean think deeply.

The count kept an aetherwalker in the basement? How did he get this thing...

And why does the ether walk long for Qingming's animalistic projection...because this projection can be regarded as a unique pollution of another world?

With all kinds of doubts lingering in his heart, Sean looked at the black mist that condensed into iron chains outside, and asked: "This thing can also actively destroy my etheric body and extract my powers while it is in deep sleep?"

Nova gave a negative answer: "There is missing information in the database, but it is certain that ether walking does not have the ability to extract supernatural powers, but ether is highly related to the spirit. It is speculated that ether walking has the ability to hallucinate, deceive, and bewitch. , Devouring Spirits and other abilities.”

"Sure enough..." Sean breathed a sigh of relief, "Can you detect my current etheric body?"

"Please wait a moment, the Third Saint..."

The entire thinking hall glowed faintly, and a moment later, Novahui reported: "It is detected that your etheric body is being covered, not eroded - you can understand it as an illusion with the nature of mental manipulation."

"Can this be solved? By the way, will this thing have any impact on the Hall of Thought?"

Nova immediately replied: "Of course, Lord Saint III, as the owner of the Thinking Hall, I suggest that you bind the etheric body to the Thinking Hall as a whole at a deeper level, so that Noah can monitor the etheric body for you at all times. Safety. And the Hall of Thoughts..."

There are rare emotions and fluctuations in Noah's mechanical electronic female voice, which seems to be the pride and pride of the maker.

"The manufacturing materials of the Hall of Thought include more than thirty-three etherwalkers. Even though the Hall of Thought has not been fully activated, a sleeping living etherwalker is invading..."

It paused: "You can think of it as a unique view outside the sightseeing ceiling."

Wow...so awesome...

"Then why didn't you remind me to do deep binding before?" Sean wondered.

Nova replied: "Because you haven't asked, Nova's intelligent system will generally be turned on after the owner actively asks, thinking, observing, giving suggestions, etc. This is the case. The manufacturer hopes that the owner can maintain autonomy. Sex, which is important in the concept of ether."

"In addition, your previous mental power and physical strength do not support the completion of deep binding."

Physical strength...?

Sean felt like he heard a bad word.

"What's the binding method?"

"It's simple, it's the same way you came in, it just needs more intense stimulation."

More intensely... Sean's eyes twitched.

I used a stun device to shock myself...

"...I'll go back and bind again. Can you help me solve it now?"

"When you made the request for inspection, the outer layer of your etheric body has been cleaned. In addition, etherwalking has consciousness even in deep sleep. It is a greedy and timid life. You can choose the method of physical persuasion. ”

"Okay, thank you."

"It is an honor to serve you and I look forward to having you back in the Hall of Thoughts again."

When Sean opened his eyes again and looked around, there was no chain inside his body. The gray mist was still tightly wrapped around the box, and the chains on the box were motionless.

However, his hands were already on the chain, and the next step was to break the chain.

"It's really an illusion. Without the mental power that Latiya helped me train, I wouldn't be able to detect it even if I had the Hall of Thought. It saved my life..." Sean breathed a sigh of relief.

Opposite him, Zhu Zhu was still looking at him anxiously, her hands ready to move, and she would help pull off the chain as long as Sean spoke.

"Sean! Sean! Don't close your eyes, the chains are still absorbing something in your body!" she shouted anxiously.

Sean stretched out his leg and kicked the side of the box hard. The whole box jumped like a frightened little rabbit.

Sean scolded you unceremoniously: "If you do anything wrong to me again, I will take all the time out of your etheric layer and throw it into a chamber pot."

The box shook and he quickly calmed down.

The anxiety in Zhu Zhu's eyes gradually dissipated, and then turned into confusion: "Hey, why are they gone again?"

After talking to Zhu Zhu roughly, the latter felt relieved.

She followed Sean's example and kicked her again, threatening viciously: "How dare you deceive me! You scared me to death!"

"Two more kicks——"

Sure enough, after friendly physical persuasion, the ether walking in the box suddenly stopped making any movement.

After glancing at the Imperial Capital in the distance, Sean finally had time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Mio Shisan's escape skills are really useful. Not only is it difficult for the opponent to detect, but the speed is also much faster. Such a big emperor can escape in just a few minutes.

However, I don’t know who the man who came at the end was, but he was slightly aware of my existence...

Damn it, isn't it dark blue?

Deep Blue almost only exists in legends. The news about it that Sean had heard before was still that chip. Of course, that chip has now become Xiao Ci's lighter.

However, that person is obviously not the emperor. If it is really Shenlan, doesn't it mean that there are at least two Shenlan in the imperial capital?

This is a bit scary...

One thing that the Imperial Capital has in common with other cities is that there are many building ruins in the suburbs, but the cleanup work around the Imperial Capital has been done very well. Except for some inconvenient large buildings, most places have been cleaned up, and there are even some Fewer roads are under construction.

Not even a single crazy beast has been seen in the surrounding area, which is in sharp contrast to other city-states.

After finding a dilapidated building and entering, Sean put the box containing the ether walking aside and asked Zhu Zhu to kick it from time to time.

Immediately, he took out the original goal of this line.

Books that record strange implants in people in the imperial capital.

When Zhu Zhu saw Sean taking it out, he nodded quickly: "This is it. The words and pictures on it will move by themselves."

The pure black cover seems to be made of some kind of animal skin, and the faded gold edges still give off a faint shimmer at night.

Moreover, you can see with the naked eye that several strange words on the cover are moving around, bouncing away every time they hit the golden edge of the book, making it impossible to tell what the title of the book is.

"Why do you keep all these weird things in your home?" Sean wondered.

Zhu Zhu pouted cutely: "Our family has always been like this. They all say that my father is the strangest earl in the entire empire, and... say that I am the daughter of an earl with the least presence in the entire empire."

Sean grinned and pulled the girl into his arms: "Why, isn't it good to be my queen?"

Although he knew that this guy had a lot of dirty talk, Zhu Zhu still wrinkled his nose happily and said angrily: "What kind of emperor are you?"

"Am I not the emperor of Paradise City? My boss is the Supreme Emperor, hahahaha."

After joking for a while, the two turned their attention to the books.

Opening to the title page, it was a plain white paper with a small line of words written on it.

"We will eventually become part of this world."

Zhu Zhu read this sentence softly and frowned: "What do you mean?"

Sean pursed his lips: "Who knows..."

I continued to turn the pages of the book. Sure enough, as Zhu Zhu said, this book was very weird. Except for the title page, all the pictures and fonts on it moved by themselves. There was a golden edge on the border of each page, just like the title page. The cover is the same.

However, the words within the pages of the book do not move frequently, but the patterns are all lifelike.

"It seems that they are all within a certain range, and we can roughly judge the order of this paragraph." The two looked at it for a while, and Zhu Zhu said.

Sean nodded: "This may be some way to prevent others from prying. Maybe you have to master some method to read quickly and accurately."

The page they were looking at seemed to record the special effects of a certain mutant species, but because of the blurred words, it was impossible to see exactly how it was slaughtered and used. The effect seemed to be to make people grow an extra pair of sharp horns on their foreheads.

In the picture, the mutant with sharp horns is surrounded by black lightning, looking majestic.

But in another picture, a human with sharp horns is kneeling on the ground and roaring in pain. His sharp horns are transparent and directly connected to the heart on his chest, and there is also black lightning flashing inside.

"Why does it look like an evil experiment?" Zhu Zhu said after turning a few more pages.

Sean nodded: "It's most likely an experiment, and there are pictures of the test subjects."

After flipping through it roughly, Sean's hand suddenly stopped, and Zhu Zhu immediately shouted: "That's it!"

In the upper left corner of the page, something like a black threadworm was squirming crazily.

Unlike what Sean collected in the bottle, this mass seemed to form the shadow of a person.

"It looks so disgusting. Even the pictures are more disgusting than those you collected." Zhu Zhu couldn't help but shudder.

Sean also nodded. Indeed, just looking at the picture makes one's stomach churn.

"Well, what is this?" He suddenly saw a bookmark sandwiched in the pages of the book.

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