I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 260 Royal Symbol

The bookmark is very thin, so thin that people worry about whether it can fulfill the responsibility of a bookmark.

After gently twisting it out, Sean discovered that the almost transparent bookmark was a dried leaf.

It feels strangely slippery in the hand, and it feels like you can't hold it between your fingertips. Facing the direction of the light, you can clearly see the veins on it.

Sean held the leaf bookmark to the page, but didn't notice any change.

"Have you ever seen this thing?" Sean asked.

Zhu Zhu shook his head: "I don't have any impression. At that time, my attention was all on the moving pictures."

"Huh?" Sean made a confused sound. He had just shown it in front of Zhu Zhu, with the simple bonfire brought by Sean sandwiched between the two of them. It was just right for the leaf bookmarks to see Zhu Zhu's face in the light of the fire.

There is a fire burning in the center of the leaf bookmark, and you can see the pretty face of the girl behind it, but there is an unknown symbol on her originally white forehead.

Sean took the leaf away, but saw that the symbol on Zhu Zhu's forehead disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his expression, Zhu Zhu asked.

"Take this and look at me through the firelight. Can you see anything?" Sean handed the leaf over.

Zhu Zhu did as he was told, but still shook his head: "I didn't see anything."

Sean tried again and the symbol appeared again.

"Micard? Is this your family's crest or some special symbol?"

"What did you see?"

Sean has an excellent memory and good handiwork, and he quickly drew the symbol.

It was a slightly abstract symbol, a bit like a sun in the center of a crescent moon.

Zhu Zhu was shocked when she saw it: "Is there this symbol on my forehead?"


She raised her head in disbelief: "But this is the ancient family emblem of the imperial family. I have read relevant information."

"The ancient emblem of the imperial family?" Sean frowned.

Zhu Zhu nodded: "There was no empire before. The imperial capital used to be a city-state similar to Paradise City, jointly controlled by several powerful families. In the end, the Bai family became the lords of the city-state, which is now the royal family."

"Later the empire was established and many territories were opened up in the long years and continuous battles. Naturally, the family crest had to be changed to the national symbol, so the current white crescent moon emerged."

She looked at the symbols drawn by Sean in confusion: "The ancient family emblem must have been almost two hundred years ago. The royal family has not used this emblem for a long time, so some things left long ago will have the previous symbols. I A book I read was about this, not only the royal family, but also several other families. Some of those families were eliminated, and some became the first few nobles of the empire. "

"By the way, the big families in the empire's predecessor have all changed their ancient family emblems."

Sean frowned and looked at Zhu Zhu, who was a little panicked.

"Does your family have an ancient family emblem?"

"No," Zhu Zhu shook his head, "Our family is a newly promoted noble. My grandfather was the leader of a foreign power. He took the lead in defecting to the empire and was awarded a title. However, he died very young. The specific reason is not known. I just He said that his hard work paid off, so he specifically let my father inherit the title."

"It's weird... we'll see when we get back."

"There will be a vigorous search in the city, but according to your previous instructions, the gang bosses should not show their signs. We have temporarily sent people to deal with the dead bosses."

Sean returned to the Imperial City two days later. As expected, the entire Imperial City was in uproar after that night, but a series of searches had not yet found Sean.

"Also, there is this." Moza handed over a note, "Shadow secretly sent it here."

On the note was a line of neat handwriting: Prince Bai Youming of the Empire is keeping an eye on you. He suspects that you are responsible for what happened at the Earl's villa, and may focus on searching you.

"Bai Ye's." Sean chuckled.

After the unpleasantness with Bai Ye, the princess never came to see her, but this time she sent a note to remind her, which should be regarded as a disguised request for peace.

As for Bai Youming... Sean thought of the young man he saw in the basement passage of the Earl's villa.

Is that your life in vain...

"Want to contact Bai Ye?" Moza pushed up his glasses.

"Yes, but not now. By the way, light a fire and let me see."

After Moza complied, Sean took out the leaf tag and looked at it. There was nothing on Moza's forehead.

When Moza looked at him in turn, he saw the same thing as Zhu Zhu, nothing.

But when Moza looked at Zhu Zhu, he could also see the symbols that Sean saw.

"It seems that it will not change due to changes in the user... Is this a secret card for identification?"

With such doubts, Sean recruited a large number of people to conduct experiments.

Sherrill and others have no marks like Moza, and most of Fox Wolf's gang are like this, but there are exceptions - such as Black Fox, who has another symbol on his forehead.

Compared to the symbol on Zhu Zhu's forehead, the symbol of the black fox is much lighter and looks like a small rodent.

"It seems to be an ancient family emblem, but it should be a family that has disappeared long ago." Zhu Zhu said after looking at it.

There were also faint symbols flashing from a few gang members, but they were too dim and the specific shapes could no longer be seen clearly.

"How do you feel that this represents a person's bloodline..." Moza pondered.

Sean nodded, he thought so too.

It is not a particularly rare thing for a native of the Imperial City to have a thin bloodline from an older generation of family, but Zhu Zhu has such a clear royal symbol on his forehead...

Zhu Zhu, who had been sitting next to her, was a little uneasy. She pulled Sean's sleeve and whispered: "Is there any other meaning in this?"

"That's not certain. The main thing is to ask your parents. By the way, girl, come here."

Sean called over Xiao Ci, who was silently playing with a lighter.

Lifting up the leaves, Sean and Moza and Zhu Zhu behind him closed their eyes.

Another royal symbol! Moreover, unlike Zhu Zhu, the royal symbol on Xiao Ci's forehead actually glowed dazzlingly.

After taking away the leaves, there was nothing left. When looking through the leaves and through the firelight, the symbol on Xiao Ci's forehead was almost blinding.

"What's going on?" Moza didn't respond.

Even Sean was a little confused. Why did Xiao Ci also have this symbol?

This girl should be just a special character in the game. No background setting was added during the design...

Autocomplete for the world?

Ordinary children cannot have such specialness, so they can only add a reasonably strong background to it?

Xiao Ci didn't know why Xiao En and others were staring at her like this. She just looked back and forth at a few people, and finally stretched out her middle finger: "Smoke."

"Damn, that's weird..." Sean scratched his head and was puzzled.

If his speculation is true, this leaf is a secret card that can reveal the identity and bloodline of the ancient family... Then how come Zhu Zhu and Xiao Ci are both symbols of the ancient royal family?

Damn it, two princesses are living outside, one is being raised by the earl's family, and the other is just thrown into the street without anyone taking care of it, right?

Isn't this just bullshit...

Moza suddenly thought of something. He pulled Sean and said softly: "Brother, don't you think that Xiao Ci and Bai Ye's powers are of the same type?"

"Moonlight and energy? Isn't it...hiss," Sean's eyes lit up, "They are all accumulated..."

Moza nodded: "If Bai Ye hadn't awakened her powers, the energy in her body would have continued to accumulate in an unknown way...could she be just another Xiao Ci?"

Sean nodded thoughtfully: "It's possible..."

Of course, in the plot, Bai Ye awakens her powers on her own, but if, as Moza said, Bai Ye never awakens her powers, then her energy will continue to accumulate like Xiao Ci...

It's really the same type.

"But not Zhu Zhu. Zhu Zhu's powers awakened very early and are of a very special space system." Sean thought of something different.

Sherrill, who had been listening in, scratched his head: "Brothers rarely awaken the same powers, right? Well...does anyone know what the powers of those princes are?"

Moza shook his head: "I started asking for information after I entered the city. The types of super powers of important figures are strictly kept secret. Even the eldest prince who is fighting abroad only has news about 'super powers related to explosions'."

Sean thought silently. If he wanted to know this, he seemed to have no choice but to go to Bai Ye...

The brothers were brainstorming there, and Zhu Zhu and Xiao Ci looked at each other.

Zhu Zhu's eyes had a slightly weird look, but it wasn't that she had any thoughts about Xiao Ci. She usually loved this paralyzed and aloof little lolita, but there were too many things that happened today...

Xiao Ci was expressionless. For her, Sean was her whole world. Unless Sean didn't want her, then nothing else would matter.

Xiao Ci has long since cared nothing about her life and background. She has no impression of her parents. She doesn't miss them or hate them.

Relatives, as long as I have my brother, it will be fine...

With nothing to do, she looked at the books spread out on the coffee table.

With Mo Jiajia's private tutoring and the study during this period, she is now able to read.

My brother said that when he has time, he should read books and learn more about Braille...

There was a bit of electric light twining around her fingertips, and she started drawing on the special notebook.

This is the workbook Endeli made for her. She can use lightning to write on it and then drain the power out of it.

Not only can I read and write, but I can also practice fine control.

Looking at the words in the book, she started writing stroke by stroke.

Sean, who was discussing this matter with Moza Sherrill, tilted his head inadvertently, and saw Xiao Ci's movements from the corner of his eye.

"This girl is quite serious... huh?"

Sean walked over.

Sensing the familiar smell behind him, Xiao Ci picked up the homework book as if offering a treasure, his big eyes twitching.

"Well written."

Xiao Ci bit her lip gently, a wave of emotion appeared on her expressionless face. She liked hearing her brother praise her most.

"But, Xiao Ci, how did you write these things?" Sean's voice was filled with surprise.

Xiao Ci pointed at the book: "Follow what is copied above."

"Can you see the specific order?" Sean asked.

Xiao Ci was a little confused. Shouldn't the words on the book be arranged in order?

She nodded: "Yes."

"The words don't move?"



The fonts of all of them appear to be floating, and precisely because of this, they cannot get the accurate meaning of the content in the book.

But can Xiao Ci read this book normally?

Sean thought for a while and turned to the cover: "Can you see this?"

"Yes," Xiao Ci nodded, "Books in trees."

"Book in the tree?" Sean and others looked at each other. They couldn't tell what the words on it were.

As if he was worried that Sean wouldn't believe him, Xiao Ci followed it one stroke at a time and wrote: "This is what the words are like, Shu Zhongshu. Jia Jia taught me these words and I know them."

Hiss, does it have anything to do with the hidden symbol on Xiao Ci’s forehead?

After thinking for a moment, Sean turned to the page about the black nematode figure again.

"Is the picture moving?" he asked.

Xiao Ci shook his head: "Not moving."

"What do you see?"

Xiao Ci looked at it: "A man, holding up his hands, there is a lot of light floating on him from outside, the light is white, his face can't be seen clearly, but he looks very happy."

A completely different perspective...

"Xiao Ci, can you help me write down all the words on this page?"


Xiao Ci leaned on the table, looked at it from time to time, and wrote the words he saw.

She hadn't been able to read for long, and her handwriting was as crooked as Mo Jiajia's. She even didn't know many words and could only draw them based on the words.

Not long after, the first paragraph was recorded.

Let Xiao Ci continue writing, Sean stood behind him and read softly: "As we all know, after the end of the world, the world has long changed. But the world has always had the ability to repair itself, just like this small tree pulled up from the rock. Likewise, it is growing, and the new born life also grows and becomes a part of this new world.”

"When the tree grows to the point where the crown cannot be seen, it means that the new world has taken shape."

"Those of us who grew up under the tree call this tree our world tree."

"We all came together and had a naming ceremony for our family."

As Xiao Ci wrote more and more words, Sean gradually showed a look of surprise.

This is a record...recording several families under the tree.

And those families seemed to be the ancient families before the establishment of the empire.

The records mentioned that several families established new city-states and created new laws. They relied on the various miracles of the World Tree to gain a firm foothold.

Strangely, it mentions several leading families, but there is no surname of the current royal family: Bai.

"But the new world will also become the same as the old world. We all understand it. It just depends on who understands this earlier."

"The World Tree has created a place of refuge for us, and she has always protected us from the prying eyes of filthy things."

"She had no complaints, but we were no longer satisfied."

"We decided to cut down the tree."

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