I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 261 Xiao Ci’s Promotion

"The trees that sheltered us fell, and her people lifted their axes."

"We are all murderers, we understand that, but isn't that human nature? Everyone is cheering and condemning."

"[The big tree that blocked our sunshine finally fell!]"

"Then we see a more real, naked world, and it happens so fast, and we have no chance to look back."

When copying here, Xiao Ci stopped. She looked at it with some doubts, then turned to look at Sean and said:

"They don't seem to be together."

Sean was thinking about the meaning of these words, and frowned slightly when he heard Xiao Ci say this: "Not together?"

Xiao Ci nodded, his thick orange hair trembling: "Jiajia taught me that this is called contextual incoherence. Let's talk about other things next."

"What did you write?"

Xiao Ci hesitated for a while, as if she was thinking about how to organize the words.

After a moment, she raised her head and said, "Brother, I have a strange feeling..."

"What does it feel like?" Sean looked over doubtfully.

"It seems...if I write it down, someone will see it." Xiao Ci said.

"Being seen..." Sean was confused at first, and then looked over in shock.

What Xiao Ci means is that as long as she writes it out, she will be noticed by something?

Xiao Ci glanced at the page again and said softly: "I can understand what it means, but I don't know whether to do it... There is always a voice in my heart reminding me not to understand, otherwise I will be seen and be criticized. Something to keep an eye on."

Sean closed the book without saying a word: "Then don't read it."

Xiao Ci blinked and whispered, "Brother, is the content in this important to you?"

Sean shrugged: "It's not that important at the moment. I just saw something and wanted to explore the truth, but I can't let you take the risk."

Xiao Ci looked at him for a while, then nodded obediently.

Sean knocked on the book. He didn't expect that only Xiao Ci could understand this thing, but after understanding the key points, he would still be targeted?

The two sections are not in context, but something like this happens in the latter section... It is related to that mysterious implant... The symbols on the foreheads of Xiao Ci and Zhu Zhu are the ancient family emblems of the imperial family...

A bold idea suddenly came to Sean's mind.

"It's not that outrageous..." Sean muttered, feeling that his guess was a bit absurd.

But there was another feeling in his heart that reminded him that his idea was right...

Back in the room, Sean kicked the box to let the etherwalk settle down, and then thought about the clues he had discovered during this period.

His goal in coming to the Imperial Capital was not that complicated. One was to build an outpost here, and the other was to find a way to get what he wanted.

The situation in the Imperial Capital was much more complicated than he imagined. Sean was not sure whether his original plan could succeed, so he actively sought the truth behind the mysteries in the Imperial Capital.

But now it seems that in order to really find out, it seems that we need to have a closer connection with the royal family.

As for the secrets in the Earl's basement, perhaps we can only ask Zhu Zhu's parents.

"Let's avoid the limelight of the recent search first... Considering the empire's intelligence analysis and Bai Ye's reminder... Well, Bai Youming has already suspected me, which means that he obtained Zhu Zhu through the information network Details……"

"The people who have anything to do with Zhu Zhuneng are Mio Thirteen and Walker..." Xiao En lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling and murmured to himself, "If Bai Youming can doubt me, it means that the empire has information about Paradise City. The intensity of the investigation is not low, but it is not clear enough.”

"Bai Ye has most likely already talked to Bai Youming. Bai Youming should also know most of the news about Grand Duke Wen Zhen... If that's the case..."

Sean snapped his fingers: "Bai Youming should send people to strictly search these underground gangs. After all, my origin dictates that if I enter a strange place, I will start with the local gangs..."

"Fortunately, I didn't go back to the city..."

"Well, that means one more thing... Bai Youming doesn't know about the existence of that special implant, otherwise the disappearance of the undercover gang bosses would be enough for him to discover the abnormality... Even the princes of the empire don't know about it. ? Tsk, this is interesting..."

While thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"come in."

Just after taking a shower, Xiao Ci, with wet orange hair, walked in: "Brother, I've finished washing."

"Come here and blow dry your hair."

"Yes." Xiao Ci walked over quickly, then obediently turned his back to Sean and sat down.

The hot air was a little bit hot, but Xiao Ci knew that this was because his hair was too thick, so he could only increase the hot air.

Although she now has much greater control over her abilities and can steam her hair dry if necessary, she still prefers to go to Sean with a wet head.

Not to mention blow-drying, she didn't even understand what washing her hair was before... But now she has fallen in love with this kind of process, because the person who is gently blow-drying her hair is Sean.

With her head feeling warm, she moved back out of habit. Even though she had done this countless times, she was still as cautious as the first time.

Sean didn't push away, she leaned back contentedly and pressed the back of her head against Sean's chest.

The hair hung down smoothly, but the sufficient volume still made Xiao Ci look like an orange ball of yarn after blow-drying.

She stretched out her hand, and the wind blew on her fingertips. Her hair was so fluffy that it looked like it had exploded.

She didn't want her hair to get messy and hit her brother.

"I've become more and more proficient with practice recently." Sean's laughter sounded.

She rubbed her head: "Yeah."

The familiar touch came again, and she closed her eyes in enjoyment.

It seems that many people like their fluffy hair, and she doesn't mind being scratched and rubbed by others, but only when Sean rubs her head, she will feel a strange sense of satisfaction.

It would be nice if it could always be like this... Xiao Ci always had such thoughts.


After hesitating for a while, Xiao Ci spoke: "Brother, does the symbol on my forehead represent my bloodline?"

She asked carefully, her body was a little stiff, and she looked nervous.

Sean said thoughtfully: "Based on the current situation, yes, but it's very strange. If this means the blood of the royal family, then you are probably a little princess living in exile? It's very strange, this is not consistent with common sense."

Xiao Ci clutched her fingers. She was not interested in the princess, nor her parents.

After thinking for a while, she decided to ask boldly: "Then, if we continue to investigate this matter, will my parents be found?"

"It's possible, at least we can find your true bloodline source." Sean replied.

Xiao Ci pursed his lips and his voice became much softer: "Then, will you send me back?"

The voice behind was silent.

Xiao Ci felt that her heartbeat was extremely fast, so fast that it felt a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, she felt the force of dissatisfaction coming from her head.

"Stop dreaming. Even if your father is the emperor, you don't want to recognize your ancestor and return to the clan. You can only belong to me now, do you understand?"

My heart started to speed up again, but the taste inside became different.

It's like there are a lot of warm and sweet things wrapped around it.

Xiao Ci pursed her lips happily to prevent herself from laughing.

It's great, my brother is not like the male protagonists in the novels that Jiajia reads...

There, the male protagonist always sends the heroine back to his family for some reason of family ties and blood ties, because... he is kind?

Xiao Ci began to understand why Mo Jiajia always threw away those books halfway through. They were not good-looking.

Fortunately, my brother is a complete bad guy.

The voice from behind came again, this time with a smile: "Why are you worried that I won't want you?"

Xiao Ci nodded seriously: "Well, I'm afraid you'll send me back."

"I want to eat shit."

"I don't want to eat shit, I want to be by your side all the time."



Suddenly, a calm and huge wave of energy overflowed.

Sean's eyes widened. The little orange-haired lolita in his arms was emitting a faint light, and the energy was like gentle ripples sweeping around.

Is this... promotion?

Xiao Ci's change did not last long. She looked at the light on her body in confusion, squeezed it with her white hands, and then the light and ability fluctuations disappeared.

"Advanced?" Sean asked.

Xiao Ci closed his eyes and sensed it according to the method Sister Luo Xi taught him.

This time, small energy fluctuations appeared on the five fingers of her right hand.

Fire, ice, breeze, thunder and lightning, and green light.

"It seems that they can be used at the same time." Xiao Ci turned his head, his almond-like pupils flickering.

"Now...hiss..." Sean gasped.

Xiao Ci had only elite-level strength before. According to Luo Xi's estimation, it would take at least half a year before she could completely advance to the king-like level.

But now, Sean's huge mental power can already feel the intensity of Xiao Ci's fingertips.

Even if you advance to the next level, why don't you still reach the peak of being a king? !

Are you being unreasonable?

Is it because of the impact of the previous incident?

Sean was puzzled, but Xiao Ci had already tested his new ability.

She awakened the first four elements in sequence, and now she is familiar with the new green light...

After feeling it for a while, under Sean's questioning gaze, she stretched out her little finger with a flashing green light and poked the other person's chest.

A warm and cool feeling suddenly spread throughout the body, and the fatigue was swept away.

Not only that, Sean, who had been using the Shadow Cavity to exercise his mental strength, would often suffer from headaches, but now, he felt a sense of relief - the side effects of the Shadow Cavity and Ascension Seeds were gone.

"Did it work? Does your head hurt anymore?" Xiao Ci looked at him expectantly.

Sean nodded in surprise: "Are you a healer now?"

Xiao Ci shook his head in confusion: "I don't know, but I feel this is good for you."

"That's great..."

Sean paused, and suddenly he thought that the chip that Xiao Ci fused was said to be left by the strong man Deep Blue and had purifying effects.

Is this a new ability that appears after combining with Xiao Ci's own energy?

"You are not allowed to use it in front of others in the future, do you hear me?" Sean immediately ordered.

If his guess is correct, then this is Xiao Ci's new ability to purify.

Then this girl belongs to the humanoid chip. If Crimson discovers it, she will be in trouble.

Xiao Ci nodded honestly, and the light on his fingertips disappeared.

"Okay, I'll take you to eat delicious food tomorrow." Sean took Xiao Ci over with satisfaction and rubbed her delicate little face vigorously.

Her face turned into a pie shape, and Xiao Ci nodded quickly. She liked eating meat with Sean the most.

"Hey, by the way, since you have advanced to the peak of the King of Class..." Sean remembered something.

"Are you sure, brother?" Xiao Ci asked.

Sean nodded. If he wanted to bind to the Hall of Thought at a deeper level, he would need higher electric shock stimulation. In fact, he had already touched the electric switch, but it was of no use except being shocked and numb all over. According to Nova, it's not strong enough.

Just in time, Xiao Ci was promoted.

"Then I'm here."

"Okay-Okay-Okay--" Before he finished speaking, Sean trembled and fell on the bed, twitching all over.

Don't you girl remind me? !

"The Hall of Thought has been deeply bound to you."

After being electrocuted for ten minutes, Sean finally got feedback.

He spit out black smoke, pointed at Xiao Ci and twitched his fingers.

But the range of his movements was too abstract. Xiao Ci looked at it in confusion for a long time, and then pointed at the thunder and lightning on his fingertips.

Sean nodded as best he could.

"Then I'll make it bigger, brother."


"I'm sorry, brother." Xiao Ci, who had made a mistake, knelt on the bed obediently.

Sean, who took twenty minutes to recover, smiled bitterly and exhaled a puff of black smoke: "Thank you, I forgot to leave a safety sign."

Mainly, Sean didn't expect Xiao Ci's thunder and lightning to be so powerful.

Just like a fire that she could only extinguish with water, Sean was clearly crushing him, but he couldn't suppress the electric shock with his own powers or mental power.

Either Xiao Ci withdraws, or he finds a way to use physical methods to draw away the thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, he is at the peak of the king level, and his physical fitness has become much stronger through continuous training. If he were an ordinary vetoer at the lower level of the king level, he would probably be electrocuted to death.

This girl's ability is really evil.

Xiao Ci cautiously glanced at Sean. After hesitating for a moment, she turned around and rushed towards Sean.

"I'm sorry, brother, punish me."

Sean took a look and wondered, "Why are you sticking your butt out?"

Xiao Ci blinked: "Jiajia said you should stick your butt up when you admit your mistake."

Sean's brow twitched. Mo Jiajia's bastard girl was usually looking at something...

He twitched impatiently: "Okay, okay, get up quickly."

"Oh, okay."

However, the feeling in Sean's hand also reminded him that Xiao Ci was getting bigger and bigger.

She is just young. In fact, she was fifteen years old when she was first picked up by Sean. Now she has officially entered the sixteen-year-old mark. Maybe her nutrition has improved a lot. She has grown in stature during this time. A lot.

Of course, he is still the first one.

After sending Xiao Ci back to his room to sleep, Xiao En lay on the bed and muttered something.

After being deeply bound, the thinking hall has become a defense facility for his etheric body, and can even provide early warning to Sean.

If I get sick again if I am walking in the ether, I am afraid I will suffer from old sins.

However, ether walking can be put aside first. After all, the specific function has to be found slowly.

Of course, Sean now has a good candidate.

Whether it's the secrets of the royal family, the secrets of the empire, or finding a way to talk to the count and his wife, you have to rely on internal relationships.

It would be better to let Bai Ye poke this ass.

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