I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 262 Sean’s eight hundred tricks

"What's up?"

Beside the burning bonfire, Bai Ye walked into the house and looked at Sean quietly.

After the last bad breakup, she received an active contact from Sean for the first time, inviting her to meet him.

That reminder may have worked, or maybe this guy really couldn't bear it anymore and he still needs my help - Bai Ye thought so.

Although they haven't seen each other for so long, Bai Ye still inevitably became irritated when he saw Sean for the first time.

What happened last time was humiliating to her.

I put down my dignity, but it's not worth mentioning in your eyes?

For the princess, this was even worse than killing her.

What's even more hateful is that I can't show any of it, otherwise, if someone sees my emotions, it will be extremely humiliating.

Isn’t that what this bastard is for?

But it's still a little hard not to be angry.

Not long ago, she received another invitation from [The World] and entered the thinking hall to participate in a chat.

Originally, Bai Ye was already considering whether to give up the reward from the Third Lord of the Saints, but the emperor's uncle gave him a piece of mausoleum, and the hidden danger of rapid promotion was completely eliminated...

The crimson mad beast that adapts to him is even more important.

Just when Bai Ye was thinking about whether she could change the conditions, she saw Latiya taking out something.

The chip...and, it's the chip of the Survivor Mountain.

All the help that Latiya owed to the Three Saints was canceled in one stroke.

She even said another sentence.

"I can only get this for now. The other chip you need is not in Paradise City at the moment. When the person I know comes back, I can ask him to make a copy."

The Third Saint looked very satisfied: "Very good, I will reward you."

"No, just like this chip, it's just a copy. It didn't take much effort for me to get it. It's enough to scare me that you can write off the previous kindness. I hope to use another chip to make up for it." Latiya said it sincerely.

But the Third Saint just smiled and waved his hand: "The difficulty of getting it has nothing to do with me. I will only pay the equivalent reward. Haha, thank you for your hard work."

After coming out of the thinking hall, Bai Ye's mind was still buzzing.

Sean left a part of the replica in Paradise City, and Latiya could get it at will...but he didn't get it despite putting down his dignity?

Just because Latiya is Qiong Ying's teacher?

An indescribable feeling filled his heart, and Bai Ye didn't fall asleep that night.

I am willing to pay a big price to trade with you. You don’t even look at me, but others can get it easily...

If he used the Linglu given to him by the emperor's uncle, Bai Ye felt that he might encounter a supernatural riot.

Therefore, before coming to meet today, Bai Ye made up his mind that he would never have any more mood swings or be controlled by him.

Then he almost put on a cold face in the first second.

'Uncle Huang is right, I need to be more calm...'

Yu kept reminding himself in his heart, Bai Ye looked at Sean calmly, waiting for his answer.

Sean, who was sitting by the campfire, just pushed over a glass of wine, picked up the glass and took a sip.

Bai Ye pursed her lips slightly. She didn't drink. She just said calmly: "Why did you call me here?"

Sean took another sip of the wine and said leisurely: "Your Highness, our friendship is so good that we can't get together for a drink if you have nothing to do?"

Bai Ye sneered in his heart, this bastard started again...

You can't follow his rhythm, you have to control the direction of the topic yourself, otherwise, this bastard who likes to play with people's hearts will start to secretly cause trouble again.

Bai Ye wore a set of casual clothes today, a slim-fitting riding suit. Her fair hands were placed on her knees, which always drew attention to her round and tight thighs under her brown trousers.

She straightened her body and spoke in an elegant and calm tone: "I believe you should have received my reminder. Prince Bai Youming is searching the entire imperial capital for you. You dare to come to meet me at this time. You are quite courageous."

"Is this a compliment?" Sean smiled.

Bai Ye glanced at him gently and said, "Isn't it difficult to deal with Earl Zhu's things?"

Immediately, she noticed that the eyes of the man opposite him flashed, and the annoying energy in his body seemed to be getting stronger.

"Tsk, that thing... I'm really not familiar with it. Your Highness, please tell me about it?"

Bai Ye frowned secretly in his heart, something was wrong.

This bastard rarely gives a negative or affirmative answer, but he actually admitted so readily that the missing items in the Earl's villa were in his hands?

After that night, although the news was blocked, Bai Ye still found out the real situation at some cost.

Someone sneaked into the villa of the imprisoned Earl, stole very important things, and even escaped the pursuit of the emperor's uncle.

Bai Ye is not sure whether that person is Sean, because Sean's strength is not as strong as Crimson... However, this guy has many tricks. If he is another king-level peak, Bai Ye will never believe that the other person can learn from the emperor's uncle. Escape in hand, but Sean is not sure.

So, she started to think about testing.

Sean's reaction was in line with his arrogant demeanor, but there was something wrong with his reply.

Bai Ye's pupils shrank slightly. Isn't that person Sean?

Otherwise, Sean wouldn't admit it so readily...

He also got some information, but not as comprehensively as I did... This bastard wants to get some information out of me?

No wonder he felt a little different from before.

I dare not say anything else, but when it comes to understanding Xiao En's annoying energy, Bai Ye ranks second and no one dares to rank first.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye frowned slightly: "I don't understand, but I have to remind you that that thing is not easy to hold in your hands."

After thinking a lot, she felt that this was a relatively normal answer. Of course she knew part of the inside story, but since that person was not Sean, there was no need to make a deal - this bastard, if I said I knew, he would definitely find a way Let me say it first with a request like 'inspection'.

Although I hate him, I have to admit that this man's brain is ridiculously useful.

By then, he might be able to deduce more things...


Bai Ye felt a little proud. At least in this verbal test between the two of them, I saw through his thoughts. Although I didn't win, at least I didn't lose.

Through the wine liquid and the transparent glass wall, Sean saw Bai Ye's face.

He looked expressionless and couldn't notice anything.

However, Sean is the only one who pays attention to other people's jawlines.

Whenever Bai Ye slightly raises her chin and changes from nasal breathing to mouth breathing without opening her mouth, it proves that she is thinking and her mood is relatively high.

Whether it's to play with people's hearts or pick up girls directly, you need to observe all kinds of details. This is what Sean has been doing from the beginning.

Sure enough, this princess came to test whether I had sneaked into the Earl's villa...

I'm afraid I've now determined that the person who infiltrated was not me, right?

If she just deceives Bai Ye, it won't make much sense, because even if she knows the relevant situation, there won't be much difference.

However, Baiye's movements will attract the attention of others.

That prince had his life in vain, Sean didn't think he was a simple character...

Bai Ye's trip this time, the channel through which she got the news... Maybe she thought it was seamless and no one noticed, but in Sean's opinion, Bai Ye had a high probability of keeping an eye on her niece.

Then, Bai Ye's cognition will affect Bai Youming's judgment.

This time, after Bai Ye goes back, Bai Youming probably won't suspect that I was the one who infiltrated that night...

Bai Ye, who was still secretly proud at this moment, did not expect that a simple secret trip and a few words could determine the judgment of her powerful uncle.

Seeing Sean drinking wine leisurely and not talking, Bai Ye frowned slightly and stood up.

"If you called me here just to have a glass of wine, then forgive me and leave first."

She walked directly to the door without any intention of looking back.

Bai Ye knew very well that Sean was not the kind of person who would stop him. If he had this hard-to-get mentality, he would most likely fall into his verbal trap again.

She was ready to leave directly. The reason was very simple. Since this guy took the initiative to ask to see her, there would definitely be another one. He would not do meaningless things.

This is the essence of an interestist.

Then, next time, the initiative will begin to tilt towards yourself.

"Wait a minute, Bai Ye, we haven't seen each other for so many days, and you left before the stool was warm?" Sean's enthusiastic voice of condolences sounded.

Bai Ye was slightly startled, would this guy take the initiative to keep me here?

Damn it, this bastard started to play his cards differently again...

Just when she was hesitating, the sound of the box opening and closing sounded.

Bai Ye couldn't help turning her head after hearing this voice. Of course, she still kept a calm expression.

On the coffee table, the box containing various chips was opened, and the chip at the edge was pulled out. It was the chip she had been buying from Sean.

Sean smiled and pushed the box forward: "What, you don't want it anymore?"

Why does this bastard always not follow the routine...I am a shameless person too!

Bai Ye secretly cursed Xiao En and scolded himself a few times, but he couldn't suppress the desire.

With the chip, I can perfectly advance into crimson...

However, she now has an additional opponent, and Latiya does not know it. If Sean returns to Paradise City halfway, with his doting on Qiong Ying, Latiya will definitely be able to get it as long as she opens her mouth.

Duplicate stuff has no transactional value...

This mission is time-limited...

Bai Ye thought about it and finally took a step forward.

She looked very magnanimous: "I really need this, please make an offer."

If you deliberately pretend not to care, it will be easy for this bastard to use your psychology to set a trap, so why not admit it readily...

But to Bai Ye's surprise, Sean pushed the box forward again.

He pointed to the chip that popped out: "Copied."

Bai Ye frowned deeply: "Then what do you want?"

Sean shrugged: "I went back and thought about it. A copy is not important. I will not let it fall into the hands of other forces, but if it is you, it seems that there is still value in cooperation."

He suddenly smiled, and his handsome face was dazzling.

"We are still acquaintances after all. What happened that day was my fault. Well, this can be considered an apology."

Bai Ye couldn't help but clenched her fists, and she said in a deep voice: "Just say whatever you want, I won't let you down."

Sean spread his hands and said, "After all, this is the princess of the empire with great potential. After looking around in the imperial capital during this period, I found that the empire is quite good. Give me a chance to make up the relationship and let me invest in you."

He spoke lightly, but his words were very realistic.

Of course Bai Ye didn't believe it and pressed him several times.

Then, Sean insisted that it was given to her. In the end, he became impatient when asked and raised the glass of Baiye's untouched wine just now.

"Okay, okay, all I ask is that you have a drink with me, okay?"

As he said that, he picked up the chip without any explanation and put the wine glass and the chip into Bai Ye's hand.

"Is this okay?" he said helplessly.

The chip in my hand feels special, and the wine glass feels a little gentle after being left beside the campfire for a while.

Somewhat unreal... Bai Ye could hardly suppress the doubts in his eyes.

I got something so easily that I didn't even put down my dignity to get it?

However, after all, I am also at the peak of the king level and the princess of the empire... I took it and left. If I don't want to pay the price anymore, there is nothing Sean can do to me...

There is no need to worry about whether there is any problem with the chip, the Saints will naturally verify it.

This guy...can't really feel guilty about me, right?

Of course she didn't believe that the other party was so kind as to give it to her, but she really couldn't think of what else Sean could do.

With such doubts, Bai Ye could not help but hold things tightly.

Sean looked at her and smiled, then raised the wine glass in his hand: "Have a drink?"

Seeing Bai Ye's delay in making any move, Sean spread his hands and said, "Frankly speaking, if I want to stun you, wouldn't it be to sleep with you..."

Bai Ye almost crushed the cup.

What this bastard means is that I didn’t ask you to sleep with me last time, and this time I went out of my way to sleep with you myself?


What's even more damning is that it's the truth.

No, you have to be calm, you have to be calm...

Bai Ye suppressed the anger in her heart, smiled slightly, and raised her glass to Sean like a real princess.

"I'm also very greedy. In this case, I won't be polite."

"If you do that well, why are you so polite?"

The two smiled at each other and drank the wine in their glasses.

Then, Bai Ye felt that his consciousness was peeling off rapidly.

In the last field of vision was Sean's somewhat surprised face.

This bastard is still acting! What exactly are you going to do to me? !

Bai Ye opened his eyes.

As soon as she regained consciousness, she awakened her moonlight and stared at her surroundings vigilantly.

But this is just an ordinary customer service thing.

She quickly looked at her body again. Her clothes were in good condition, with no trace of the complicated buttons being untied, only some wrinkles from normal sleep.

Bai Ye rushed to the mirror and raised his head. There were no red marks on his fair neck, and his body didn't have that strange burning feeling...

He didn't do anything to me?

When Bai Ye walked out of the room, he happened to see Sean. Before she could ask her aggressive words, Sean took the lead and said:

"Don't rely on me. You fainted on your own. There's nothing wrong with the wine. I didn't touch you. In order to avoid you saying what I did to you for testing, you can check it yourself after you leave - okay?"

He finished speaking in one breath, with a helpless tone.

That look doesn't look like he's faking it.

Even Bai Ye doubted himself. Could it be that I fainted on my own?

She pursed her lips and walked outside without saying a word. She wanted to go back and check it herself.

When Bai Ye's figure left completely, Sean's helpless expression disappeared.

He whistled leisurely: "Your Highness, please help me clear my suspicion, and then love me by the way."

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