I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 263 Prince: Am I going to be an uncle?

"Sean really didn't do anything to me?"

In the palace, Bai Ye was in disbelief after completing all the inspections.

Not only was there nothing strange or any sign of being violated, she even felt relaxed all over, as if she had had a particularly comfortable sleep.

He gave away the chip that almost blocked his life for free, and did nothing even though he had no resistance at all.

Is this still Sean?

When this bastard sees a pretty girl, he thinks about how to have sex with her, and the girls around him never stop her.

A wave of indescribable dissatisfaction emerged again: Am I so unattractive?

Forcibly suppressing those irrational thoughts, she had to find out another thing first. How did she faint? Could it be some kind of hidden danger of the superpower?

However, the fake death potion produced by Hongchao is probably impossible to investigate.

A normal person would think of using this thing as a tactic, so Sean immediately thought that this thing could drug people.

Of course, only he would use such a precious thing as a sleeping pill...

"Master, the news has arrived——"

Little Hansen leaned over and whispered a few words in Bai Youming's ear.

After listening, Bai Youming said thoughtfully: "It seems that my guess is correct. The young man named Sean has indeed come to the imperial capital, but this guy is good at hiding. In such a large area, Searches failed to find him.”

Little Hansen nodded: "If I hadn't followed Her Highness the Princess, it wouldn't have been easy to discover the other party's existence."

"But, Little Leaf didn't return to the palace until the next morning?" Bai Youming asked.

Little Hansen nodded: "I saw Her Royal Highness the Princess coming out of there the next day. Her steps were a little hurried, but our people couldn't go in to investigate. We don't know exactly what happened."

"It's not that important what happened... Is that young man named Shadow following Little Leaf?"

"Yes, the son of the late queen's butler was promoted to Crimson a year and a half ago. The resources were basically provided by Her Highness the Princess. As a personal guard of Her Highness the Princess, Shadow did not behave abnormally. He just waited outside all night."

Bai Youming tossed the two dice in his hand: "No wonder, Little Ye Zi looks calm, but in fact she has an extreme personality. I heard from the emperor that she had gained superpowers, and thought that the extreme side of her personality would be infinitely magnified. The last time we met I was surprised at how much her state of mind had grown. I thought there might be an element of acting involved, but I didn’t expect this..."

Little Hansen lowered his head. This was because the master was thinking about the royal family affairs. As a servant, he was not allowed to express his opinions.

Bai Youming said to himself: "I thought the last ones were for me to watch, but I didn't expect that Xiao Zizi really fell in love with the young man named Sean. With Xiao Zizi's character, if nothing happened, it would be I would never stay in a man's house overnight. I guess these two have been friends for a while... Tsk, I'm not going to be an uncle, am I?"

Little Hansen then reminded: "Master, Her Royal Highness the Princess is not married yet. Even if she has a child, I am afraid that the palace will not allow her to be born."

Bai Youming snorted disdainfully: "Little Ye Zi is really going to give birth, who dares to say one more word?"

He stood up and said casually: "If Xiao Yezi has the ability to become the queen, she will have the final say on who she marries and who she wants to have children for. If she cannot become the queen, I can protect her life. As a Taiping Princess, no one will have any objection to marrying an outsider."

"The empire is only a few years old, and now it's time to learn those pedantic rules... Huh, it's all the emperor's fault. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Walking out, Bai Youming seemed to remember something again and asked, "What did Little Yezi do after he went back?"

"I haven't noticed that the princess has never left her palace."

"Are there any changes in the positions of the officials Xiao Yezi has made friends with?"

"We have checked and found that the three changes have nothing to do with Her Highness the Princess. They are all clansmen or descendants of those officials. There are no new people placed in other important departments."

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "It seems that the person who entered the Earl's villa that day was really not the boy named Sean? Tsk, am I wrong in my intuition..."

Continuing to walk out, Bai Youming paused again: "That kid is probably trying to unify the underground gangs in the Imperial City... let's focus the search on other places. It's a good time to see what this kid's methods are. If he can't conquer the Imperial City in a month, The gang proves that Bai Ye has an average vision."

"Boss, the leaders of all the gangs in the imperial capital have all removed their implants. The list is here, followed by the territory and resources in their hands. Please take a look."

Hydralisk's twin brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu half-knelt in front of Sean. As the strongest gang in the Imperial City, these two brothers were mainly responsible for the work during this period.

Sean took it over and took a casual look: "Well, you did a good job. Keep up the good work."

His younger brother Zhang Long couldn't control his temper and asked: "Boss Xiaonian, what are we going to do next? The empire uses this method to control us, and this revenge must be avenged!"

Sean glanced at him and then sneered: "What? With these cats and dogs from the underground gang, you still want to overthrow the empire?"

Zhang Long was suffocated, and then said in a low voice: "Of course we don't have the ability, but we can't make it easy for the empire!"

Sean stood up: "The road has to be walked step by step... How are you doing with the things I asked you to do?"

Brother Zhang Hu nodded and said: "According to your instructions, we used several relationships to find the person. Hehe, these bad officials in the empire want to protect their own people first. In the past, we couldn't even think of spending a lot of money to buy some official positions. It’s their distant relatives who can get a job for half the money.”

Zhang Long sneered: "Those dog officials only want to win over the power in their own hands, and they don't know anyone... Hehe, our people just came over with their birth certificates and some tokens and they believed it."

"Have you wiped your butt?" Sean asked casually.

A hint of cruelty flashed in Zhang Long's eyes: "Of course, now, those distant relatives have unfortunately been attacked by crazy beasts... The few people left behind have no choice but to bring the remaining family property to join the almost unseen Relatives...ha, there are a lot of them in the imperial capital."

Sean nodded: "Well done, keep infiltrating, but remember to keep your hands and feet clean, and don't touch the military."

"I understand, boss, do you have any other instructions?"

"This matter is enough for you to keep busy. The road must be walked step by step."

After Xiao Xiao walked out of the room, Zhang Hu glanced at his younger brother: "Aaron, I know you are unhappy, but Xiao Xiao is right. If we fall out with the Imperial Capital now, we will attack the stone with an egg. We must do him a good job first." s arrangement."

Zhang Long nodded dullly: "Of course I know this. I personally check the people who go to work these days every day. However, after those things are removed, I always feel that I have to come back with revenge to relax a little."

Zhang Hu shook his head: "This string must be stretched all the time, and... didn't you hear what Boss Xiaon said?"

"Brother, stop playing riddles with me."

"He said that the road must be walked step by step..."

"I know..." Zhang Hu was suddenly startled, and then took a breath of air.

Step by step, that means that he is indeed walking on this road.

And what he just said was...

Overthrow the empire?

"All the symbol portraits and corresponding character information collected during this period are here."

There were a lot of pictures and tables in front of Moza, all arranged in categories.

Now they have determined that the forehead symbol of the Imperial City person seen on that leaf can indeed represent the other person's bloodline to a certain extent.

There are many symbols of various types, but most of them are so dim that they are almost invisible.

And those who can see clearly are all people with good strength.

According to other information, Moza classified all the symbols. The most common symbol was an abstract mountain symbol, followed by the small rodent that once appeared on the forehead of the black fox.

Both of these are ancient family emblems, and Sean estimated that they were from a family with a larger number of people at the time.

However, the third royal symbol that appeared on the foreheads of Zhu Zhu and Xiao Ci did not appear again. Of course, this is also because Sean has not yet had the opportunity to check those people who are close to the royal family.

Those ordinary imperial officials who have the opportunity to come into contact basically have symbols, but they have nothing to do with royal symbols.

There is one exception...

"Bai Ye is of pure royal blood, right? Why is he not on the same path as Zhu Zhu and Xiao Ci..."

Bai Ye slept all night, and Sean did not touch her. He only touched and squeezed her when he carried her back to the room, and finally looked at the symbol on her forehead with the leaf.

However, the symbol of the white leaves is different from the ancient emblem of the imperial family. Instead, it is similar to the current imperial emblem.

It was a waning moon, partially hidden in the clouds, and at the bottom there was a pattern similar to leaves falling.

Zhu Zhu had never seen this before. She scratched her head and said, "There is no such image symbol recorded in the book I have read. Isn't this the ancient family emblem?"

Sean thought: "This is a bit ridiculous. The current eldest princess of the empire does not have the ancient family emblem of the royal family?"

Sherrill raised his hand and said: "This thing most likely represents bloodline anyway. Is it possible that Bai Ye has inherited more of her mother's bloodline?"

"But Zhu Zhu's symbol cannot be explained clearly, and her mother does not have royal blood."

Several people looked at Zhu Zhu, who pursed his lips a little aggrievedly.

If the mark represents blood, it may mean that Zhu Zhu is not the biological child of the Earl and his wife at all...

Combined with the Earl's eccentricity and the various secrets hidden in the villa...

Sean didn't feel that the earl had Qingqing Prairie on his head. Instead, he felt that the earl and his wife might just be adoptive parents...

Of course, this involves another person, Xiao Ci.

Xiao Ci's symbol was loudly criticized, which meant that her bloodline was extremely pure, but how could this bloodline become a big bomb among the people...

It is absurd enough for members of the royal family to live abroad. Even if Xiao Ci was robbed from the palace as an infant, he should not have become a street child.

Sean always felt that there was some connection, but he hadn't thought of it yet.

However, his most important issue now is one: advancing to the Crimson.

During the cult ceremony in Ilia City, Sean picked most of the fruits. After this period of stability, he already felt the opportunity to advance.

As long as he has the blood of the Crimson Crazy Beast, he can try to officially enter Crimson.

Of course, Sean has a lot of crazy beast blood in his hands. Bai Ye got two relatively common ones in the previous transaction, both of which were crimson lower-level crazy beasts. One spiritual type crazy beast is suitable for the spiritual system's veto, and one and a half The mechanical turtle-shaped mad beast is suitable for those who are half veto and half bitter weak with high tolerance.

When he was at the Mountain of Survivors, Sean got two more copies from the mysterious Holy See powerhouse. The quality of these two copies was quite good.

A bear-shaped Crazy Beast that has just transformed into a crimson middle layer has great potential, and although the Crazy Beast is powerful, it is only two meters tall, so the proliferation it will produce in the future will be much smaller.

The other one comes from a slime-type crazy beast that has been in the middle layer of crimson for more than fifty years. It is perfect for water-type vetoes, change-type vetoes, and weaklings with active metal bodies.

To be honest, this is a very rare Mad Beast blood, and Sean also has a candidate for these two copies. The first one is perfect for Sherrill. The bear-shaped Mad Beast is not as big as Sherrill. The next ones will be Proliferation can even be considered running with it.

Slime is very suitable for Moza, and its special form is just right for Moza's melting, and it can also be multiplied and carried away.

Sean didn't like the remaining two ordinary ones, but here's the problem. When the game was released, it was only in its early stages. The main stage was the novice village of Paradise City. Players didn't need to advance to Crimson at all, so there would be no promotion to Deep Red. Red's material yields a copy.

And among the rare crimson mad beasts that Sean remembered, there seemed to be none that could match him.

The special crazy beast Jin Kui used could hide its proliferation, and Sean liked it quite a bit, but he also asked about it. He had heard about that crazy beast once in so many years, and it was killed by Jin Kui.

In addition, before advancing to Crimson, Sean also wanted to get another thing, which was also his primary goal in coming to the Empire.

"It seems that I really need to go to the Imperial Treasure House. There are records there, and there should be what I want..."

"Mr. Ai Youqian, the time you can stay this time is thirty minutes, and you know the rules." The guard said politely.

Ai Youqian nodded with a smile and quietly stuffed a bag into the guard's armor: "Thank you for leading the way."

The guard stuffed it inside and smiled even more. He glanced at the young man next to Ai Youqian who was carrying a lot of tools, and asked, "Is this your new appraisal expert?"

"Of course, oh, yes, yes, I almost forgot, you all have to check the newcomers, right? Come on, come on."

The guard waved his hand: "Boss Ai, can you still worry? Besides, you know, my guard is just a decoration, the treasure house can protect itself hahaha."

"Just kidding, what about us?"

"Here, please come this way."

The guard pressed a button, and the gilded gate, which was more than thirty meters long, wide and high, slowly opened.

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