I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 267 Testing each other

In the treasure house, Ai Youqian and Sean paused at the same time.

The two looked at each other and looked towards the door.

A group of imperial troops wearing standard uniforms were standing outside the door. Everyone was filled with murderous intent. Many of them had blood on their armor, as if they had just come off the battlefield.

Seeing that the other party had no military rank, Ai Youqian explained in a low voice: "Unit 0, formerly the soldier army of the imperial family, is nominally under the jurisdiction of the imperial military, but in fact it is the personal guard of Prince Bai Youming. Of course, the prince He was originally the number one figure in the army, and His Majesty agreed that he could expand his own bodyguards, but Bai Youming valued quality, so the number of troops in No. 0 has been maintained at around one hundred, and they are all top-notch strong men. "

There was some surprise in Sean's eyes. Looking from a distance, this No. 0 unit did not have shining eyes and tense bodies like traditional elite troops. On the contrary, their eyes were dull and they had no posture. Many people inserted their weapons into the stone pavement, leaned on it and smoked cigarettes.

However, it is extremely murderous.

Whether it was the Red River Team that Sean personally eliminated, or the personal bodyguards that he stayed in Paradise City without bringing over, there was a huge difference in murderous intent.

A group of dangerous guys... But why did Bai Youming appear in the empire's treasure house at this time?

Sean didn't think the other party was here to catch him, but it certainly wasn't a good thing to encounter him suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd parted, and Prince Bai Youming walked out.

Unlike his murderous personal guards, he casually tied his long hair into a low ponytail, and his handsome face was completely ruined by a few eye drops in the corners of his eyes - he even wore a silk pajamas, which looked nondescript on the outside. He was wearing a loose vest.

On the chest of the vest is written: Zilvote Casino, your lifelong partner.

What kind of person leads what kind of subordinates? Sean and Ai Youqian came up with this idea at the same time.

Ai Youqian glanced at Sean subconsciously. In his impression, Sean's bodyguards and his big brother's personalities are a perfect match - they know how to look at each other when nothing happens, and like the young master soldiers, they will make vicious moves whenever something goes wrong. Go out frequently and never give the enemy half a chance.

"Your Highness, I didn't know you would come..."

"Okay, okay." Bai Youming waved his hand to interrupt Baoku's frightened words, "I'll send something over."

"Yes, Your Highness, please do so." The guard lowered his head and walked aside.

Behind Bai Youming, several shirtless devil musclemen came over carrying a huge corpse. The corpse was still warm, and a frightening and disturbing aura had not dissipated.

"Crazy beast..." Ai Youqian suddenly took a breath of air and whispered, "I have seen the most famous one near the imperial capital, the crimson lower level, with space system abilities, very difficult to capture, for a while the empire The people around me are terrified by this crazy beast.”

Sean frowned slightly: "Did you just catch it?"

Ai Youqian said in a low voice: "It's not a big deal to catch him. He looked like he was destined to be in vain. He probably was still gambling in the middle of the night, so he thought of catching this crazy beast on the spur of the moment. Although this beast is cunning and powerful, for the empire, It’s just a headache, not too scary.”

"The problem is that the main reason why this crazy beast has not been killed is that the eldest prince seems to need its fresh blood... The eldest prince has just returned to the emperor for a few months, and everyone thinks that he is making preparations, and then Go hunting...why was he suddenly killed by Bai Youming and sent to the treasure house?"

While he was talking, Bai Youming had already led people to move in with the body of the crazy beast.

Unlike Ai Youqian who could only bring one person in, neither Bai Youming nor his subordinates were rejected by the treasure house.

"No need to dismantle it, send it to the second... no, send it to the third floor." Bai Youming ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The big men did not go up the stairs, but walked to another area on the first floor. It seemed that there was an upstairs passage for storage.

"Weird..." Ai Youqian frowned slightly, "The eldest prince is the most vocal because he and Prince Bai Youming are the closest and can get the support of the empire's largest force, the military. The eldest prince needs this crazy beast. Can Bai Youming just send it to him directly... Why send it to the treasure house? Even if you are a prince, you need permission to come to the treasure house to take away resources..."

Sean raised his eyebrows slightly: "Interesting, it seems that Bai Youming has had some conflicts with the eldest prince recently?"

"That's impossible to say..."

While the two were talking, Bai Youming suddenly walked over, seeming to notice that there were still people on the first floor.

When the other party approached, Ai Youqian quickly bowed respectfully: "I have met His Highness the Prince."

Sean followed suit and did so.

Listening closer, Bai Youming's voice is somewhat similar to Sean's, very lazy and casual, but Sean is really young, and the prince's actual age is more than enough to be Sean's uncle.

"Boss Ai, long time no see." Bai Youming was quite enthusiastic towards Ai Youqian.

Ai Youqian lowered his head: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I haven't seen you for a long time, but Your Highness is still as charming as ever."

Bai Youming sighed: "Oh, Boss Ai, I'm sorry for you."

Ai Youqian raised his head in surprise: "How could His Highness be sorry to me?"

Bai Youming tugged on his Qilweite Casino vest and said sadly: "I haven't played for three months, and your casino went bankrupt. It's all my fault."

Ai Youqian was dumbfounded. His main business was not the casino, but the casino was just an investment. However, it would not be wrong to say that the collapse of the casino was caused by Bai You's life.

Many casinos in the imperial capital blamed the prince for living in vain. As a result, he did not show up for three months. Ai Youqian's casino saw its revenue cut in half. His peers also expressed the intention of annexing it, and finally simply sold it.

It's been so long, I didn't expect the other party to still remember it.

Bai Youming chatted affectionately with Ai Youqian for a few more words, and then walked towards the second floor.

During this time, he didn't pay attention to Sean next to him.

After the other party's figure disappeared on the spiral staircase, Sean raised his head.

"His Royal Highness seems to be very talkative?" he asked with a smile.

Ai Youqian shook his head helplessly: "It's easy to talk to casino bosses... But Bai Youming looked casual. In fact, the city was very deep. When there was serious business, he was resolute and domineering. His Majesty had not yet When they succeeded to the throne, the two brothers were called the twin stars of the empire."

"What kind of strength does this Prince have?" Sean still remembered the encounter that day at the Earl's villa, so naturally he would not look for trouble and test the other party with a deceitful heart.

Ai Youqian shook his head: "It's unfathomable. There are even rumors that in terms of personal strength, Bai Youming's strength may be higher than His Majesty's."

"Is it so cruel..."

In a world where personal force is greatly amplified, the leader of a force is often the strongest person within the force. If Bai Youming is stronger than that majesty, will he give up his position as emperor?

However, Bai Youming's sudden arrival somewhat disrupted Sean's plan.

They couldn't go upstairs, and they couldn't leave immediately after arriving, so they had to pretend to be determined and wander around on the first floor.

It had only been a few days since my last visit, and the first floor had obviously not been replenished with new collections, so Sean had to pretend to be an appraisal expert one after another.

However, in addition to some combat resources, there are also a lot of documents on the first floor.

This type of information generally only displays the first page, and can only be read in full after purchasing.

Of course, the information that can be placed on the first floor cannot be called very precious. Sean found some strange stories and historical information and read it with interest.

A book called "Intuition and Five Senses, a New World in the World" caught his attention. The content of this book seemed to have something to do with the etheric body. You can learn something just by reading the first page.

"Good stuff..." Sean muttered.

Just when he was about to press the redemption button, a hand suddenly stretched out and pressed the button in front of him.

Without realizing it, the eyes behind me had been watching the surroundings. He suddenly appeared... Sean's pupils shrank violently.

He honestly showed his startled state, looked aside in surprise, and then said respectfully: "I have met His Highness the Prince."

Bai Youming came behind him at some point.

"Well," Bai Youming glanced at Sean, his eyes showing no thoughts, "Are you Ai Youqian's nephew?"

"Back to Your Highness, I am the appraiser hired by Boss Ai."

"Even the emperor has never heard of such a young appraiser." Bai Youming said calmly.

Sean gave a wry smile: "I'm from Paradise City, and my superpowers are hereditary, but the appraisers in Paradise City didn't do well, so I followed Boss Ai to the Imperial Capital."

"Oh, that's it..." Bai Youming said thoughtfully.

Sean's face showed timely nervousness and embarrassment.

The relationship between Ai Youqian and Paradise City cannot be called secret. It is still very simple for a prince to investigate.

Instead of making up other life experiences, it is better to tell them openly. In this way, the chance of Bai Youming suspecting that he is Xiaonian will be reduced, which is a psychological mistake.

Bai Youming didn't ask any more questions, just smiled: "I advise the emperor to leave more books on the first floor. However, those who are qualified to enter here must either exchange resources or exchange materials related to actual combat, those related to spirituality." The books on power, history, and strange stories are not touched, and I don’t even remember how long it has been since I saw my royal descendants in this area.”

Sean just smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Bai Youming said leisurely: "People always want to see the results in front of them, but few people pay attention to more details... Just like the Imperial Central Academy, they don't know the so-called results, they only know how to explore the so-called results. Please give me credit, I didn’t expect you, a young man from out of town, to be somewhat enlightened.”

If you hadn't come here, I would have asked someone to go to the third floor to help me find something...

Sean smiled shyly: "Your Highness is overly complimentary."

Bai Youming frowned: "Mother-in-law, what is good is good, and what is bad is bad. Before the country is at peace, and it is not time to talk about so much dignity, young people will be arrogant and confident. There is nothing to be modest about."

His Royal Highness is quite outspoken...

Bai Youming knocked on the glass window with his knuckles: "I gave you that book. If you understand it, you can come to me."

After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

Sean blinked, somewhat unsure of Bai Youming's thoughts.

His Royal Highness, this is a bit interesting...

Bai Youming left the treasure house directly. Ai Youqian came up from the side and whispered: "What did he find?"

Sean pondered: "Not necessarily..."

"Then are you still going?" Ai Youqian meant, are you going to go above the second floor today?

Sean thought for a moment and shook his head.

Because, a bold idea came to his mind.

Bai Youming just gave him a book because he liked it? I'm afraid not……

Was his last visit to the second floor discovered? It is very simple to check who entered and exited the treasure house during this period...

After staying for a while, Sean walked towards the exit. However, when passing the spiral staircase at the entrance to the second floor, he deliberately showed curiosity and stretched out his hand to touch it.

Immediately afterwards, he walked out of the treasure house, and the guards were waiting for him.

He pointed to the books placed in the glass cabinet aside and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness said that this is a gift to you."

Sean narrowed his eyes, and then said a little embarrassedly: "How can I ask His Highness to pay for me..."

The guard quickly said enthusiastically: "Your Highness, he has always been like this, and there is no need to pay."

No need to pay... Sean thanked him politely and took the book away.

After returning to his residence, Sean opened the book. Sure enough, it was all about spiritual power and the etheric body, and it also involved a lot of historical information.

What's even more interesting is that this book actually mentions some information about the imperial treasure house.

"Tsk, the empire's treasury actually has such secrets... Why did Bai Youming tell me?" After a long time, Sean raised his head.

There was a look of thought in his eyes, and he chuckled softly after talking to himself.

"What an amazing Bai Youming... How could he be sure that I was Sean's... and even confirm that I could go up to the second floor? But according to the information in this book, the treasure house does not have the ability to monitor, even if it is Members of the royal family also have no way of knowing the details of the people entering and exiting the treasure house... Is he trying to remind me or what does he want..."

He didn't think of a reasonable answer.


Sean stretched and showed an evil smile.

"I also leave you with a difficult problem, Your Majesty Prince..."

"The young man brought by Ai Youqian took away the books you gave him." In the prince's residence, little Hansen was reporting.

Bai Youming nodded thoughtfully.

After a moment, he said to himself: "This kid must be the legendary Sean the Nightmare... There is a smell on the second floor that I have never smelled before. I originally thought about who could sneak in, but now I see Here comes Sean.”

"Tsk, he should have noticed my 'flicker'. He also noticed before that I can freely enter and leave the empire's treasure house... Just like this, he deliberately touched the entrance to the second floor. Is this a showdown with me?"

"Where does this kid come from the royal blood, or is it because he slept with Bai Ye too many times and has already got Bai Ye's scent? No..."

Old Hansen walked in from outside again.

"Master, I went to check. Only Ai Youqian and that young man have entered the treasure house in the past few days... The hair strands that fell on the second floor have also been identified... It's just..." Old Hansen looked embarrassed.

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

"See for yourself."

Bai Youming took the appraisal report, his vision moved downwards, and at the same time, his fingers squeezed tighter and tighter.

After a while, he suddenly jumped up from his chair and cursed.

"Are you a little beast? He won't even let your sister go?!"

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