I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 268 Who is the fifth prince?

Bai Youming cursed and became furious.

He was obviously so angry that he grabbed the glass cup on the table and was about to throw it down.

The old butler Hansen said softly: "Master, this cup is given to you by His Majesty..."

Bai Youming was still angry, so he cursed: "The sick man's own house is in such chaos, so what if I throw a cup at him?"

Anyone who calls the currently ailing emperor a sick man will have wasted his life.

Old Hansen obviously knew his master's temper. He said warmly: "You lost 2.82 million lire last night. This cup is worth 5 million lire..."

Bai Youming's eyes widened and he smashed the glass cup into pieces: "Go to the palace and ask for two more!"

"Yes, Master."

Seeing that his master was really angry, after he finished venting his anger, Old Hansen said, "Master, things are not certain yet."

Bai Youming took a deep breath and said dissatisfied: "Not necessarily? I deliberately tested him. He could pretend not to know, but he revealed the information at the last moment. Didn't he just tell me that he was aware of it?"

When he talked about this, Bai Youming started to get angry again: "He is the only one who has entered the second floor of the treasure house in the past few days!"

Old Hansen glanced at the appraisal report and said: "Master, very few people know what happened to the fifth prince back then, and Sean may not know it either. Besides, he probably didn't expect you to show up suddenly, on the second floor It’s not certain whether the hair is his.”

Seeing that Bai Youming was breathing heavily again, Old Hansen quickly continued: "Think about it, is Sean a smart man? You go and test him. If he responds in the end, it means he is aware of it."

"But, what he noticed was not the so-called fifth prince, but what you thought of him... The qualifications for the second floor of the treasure house are the simplest. You can enter if you are tainted with the aura of the royal blood. I'm afraid he doesn't know anything else. He is just showing you his close relationship with Princess Baiye..."

When Bai Ye was mentioned, Bai Youming became even more angry: "Bai Ye is also dizzy, how come!"

Old Hansen quickly comforted him: "Master, don't rush to a conclusion first, this matter is not certain yet... We can think on the bright side, maybe the person who kidnapped the fifth prince secretly sneaked into the empire's treasure house?"

Bai Youming almost laughed in anger. He paced back and forth twice, and finally frowned and said in a deep voice: "Check the treasure house thoroughly again, and the people from the genetic identification agency will check it again for me!"

"Yes, Master."

Old Hansen had just taken two steps when Bai Youming called him back. His eyes were solemn: "I'll go there myself."

At night.

The backrooms of the genetics agency are still busy.

A middle-aged man in a white coat respectfully handed a piece of information to Bai Youming and explained:

"A total of seven genetic samples were found in the treasure house, six from hair and one from skin debris. Five of them can be ruled out from hair. The one on the second floor has been confirmed and is indeed..."

The director of the appraisal agency carefully glanced at Bai Youming's face, and then continued in a low voice: "It is indeed of royal blood, and it is male..."

Bai Youming's face suddenly turned ugly.

The supervisor continued: "The skin debris originated from outside the treasure house. According to the guards, it was left when others took away the exchange items... The sample size is too small to accurately determine the gender, complete sequence, etc. However, the similarity Very high, the comparison object is still the royal bloodline..."

Bai Youming's eyes were gloomy. He had never thought that Sean would go directly to the treasure house before that, and the two happened to meet each other.

The first time he saw the other person, Bai Youming was not sure that the young man was Sean.

What few people know is that there is some vague connection between Bai Youming and the treasure house. In the treasure house, he can briefly smell the smell of the other party's etheric body, and it is almost impossible to fake the smell of the etheric body - —Compared to the current Emperor, he may be the one who is more familiar with the imperial treasure trove.

If Sean knew about it, he might have to breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't let Zhu Zhu and Xiao Ci act rashly, otherwise they would be easily discovered by Bai Youming.

This method has a certain timeliness, but Bai Youming smelled a strange smell on the second floor. His first thought was that someone broke in, or that a confidant from the royal family came to secretly take something away.

After an impromptu idea, he went to smell the young man Ai Youqian brought, and he was right.

A stranger, brought by Ai Youqian, not from the royal family but able to sneak into the second floor... Bai Youming immediately thought of Sean.

As long as you stay with the royal family for a long enough time, the aura of your bloodline will be contaminated enough, and you will be eligible to enter the second floor.

Old Hansen can also enter and exit the second floor freely, because the master and servant have known each other for decades.

Naturally, Sean and Bai Ye didn't get along for that long. However, since Bai Ye could stay at Sean's place all night, it was obvious that there was a relationship between the two. This kind of in-depth communication was also a good way to get acquainted with the atmosphere. .

Entering the second floor is not a big deal, and things can't be stolen anyway. Bai Youming doesn't mind this.

So, instead, he vaguely reminded Sean that the book also recorded some treasure trove of information.

After all, the other party is the person Bai Ye likes, and the two of them have almost finished what they should do. Bai Youming is not like other royal families. He has a free and easy temper. If his niece likes someone, then she likes him. It doesn't matter if he takes care of her. event.

That's why Bai Youming said that Sean should come to him after reading the book. He believed that the other party would respond as long as he had a brain.

Unexpectedly, the boy actually reacted on the spot - this was supposed to be a good thing, and Bai Youming would appreciate him more.

But what Bai Youming didn't expect was that such genetic samples would be left at the scene...

Testing genetic samples is part of the process, but even Bai Youming did not expect that the strange gene actually came from the same lineage as the royal family!

That means that Sean is a member of the royal family!

As for the only members of the royal family who are living abroad, the fifth prince who was kidnapped from the palace is the only one...

Sean is the fifth prince, isn’t this a fucking crime? !

It's not a bad thing to welcome back relatives, but the bad thing is that that bastard actually got together with Bai Yesi, which is why Bai Youming was furious.

Of course, he still had a sense of luck, and there might be other possibilities, so he conducted a thorough investigation again.

But now it seems that another sample that must belong to Sean, although incomplete, also points to the royal family... Who can the royal blood hair left on the second floor belong to?

The director of the agency had been secretly observing Bai Youming's face. His expression was uncertain, which made him secretly complain.

I am afraid that I am involved in some secrets within the royal family...

This kind of thing must be kept secret...

However, Prince Bai Youming is free and easy-going, and he is not a gloomy and violent character. He should not be...

Just as he was thinking about it, Bai Youming spoke: "Give me a copy of all the samples."


After getting the things, Bai Youming waved his hand: "Do you know what to do about this?"

The supervisor nodded quickly: "I must be rotten in my stomach, no one will know about it!"

Bai Youming frowned slightly, then shook his head.

He walked out of the secret room, and immediately after, a group of imperial troops walked in.

It's... Troop 0!

The supervisor's eyes widened in horror.

The leading young man smiled: "If you say that His Royal Highness has never been here before, and then silence yourself, you might still have a chance."

"S-spare my life!"

"Your Highness, the appraisal agency made a mistake and accidentally caused a fire." The young man in charge said with a smile.

Bai Youming nodded: "Be clean..."

Immediately, a light flashed in his eyes: "Let the people on the periphery withdraw and leave some space...this batch of corpses...dispose of them normally, and send people to keep a close eye on them."


A fire suddenly broke out in a genetic identification facility affiliated with the Imperial Research Institute, resulting in the unfortunate deaths of several people who were still in the facility that night.

This incident did not cause any disturbance. After all, it is not unusual for someone to have a relationship with the research institute and have some experimental accidents.

Only Sean frowned after receiving the news.

"Do you think you did it in vain?" Moza asked doubtfully.

Sean nodded: "Normally speaking, it would be a waste of time. After all, it is normal to silence unreliable insiders regarding the royal bloodline. However, it seems to be a bit too hasty..."

He just sneaked into the exit of the second floor to show that he was qualified to enter the second floor, and then 'accidentally' left a little skin crumb behind.

The skin flakes are certainly not his, and his genes are not compatible with the royal family.

Therefore, the genes left behind by Sean are Bai Ye’s…

Of course, in order to avoid problems, Sean deliberately left only a little bit. The gene sequence that could be detected in it could not distinguish between male and female, and it was not complete enough.

What he was thinking of, of course, was to throw a smoke bomb at Bai Youming, making him unsure whether he was the fifth prince or not.

However, Bai Youming's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation.

An incomplete genetic sequence should prove nothing, so why are you so eager to silence it?

Could it be that the empire's technology is more advanced than I thought and can detect it more accurately? That's not right. Even if it can be detected, it will be found to be Bai Ye's. This will only confirm that I have a physical relationship with Bai Ye. The two of us are close to talking about marriage, let alone Silenced...

Sean did all this, of course, to have some kind of relationship with Bai Youming, so that the other party would not attack him easily.

But Bai Youming's reaction was very strange...

This kind of reaction is only normal if Sean is the fifth prince.

But Bai Ye and I are not related by blood... Could it be that I am really the fifth prince? Bai Ye was the one who picked it up?

Just as Sean was thinking, suddenly, a familiar feeling came to his heart again.

Sean raised his head suddenly and looked in a certain direction in surprise.

It's that kind of fluctuation again... The cultists of the Sect of Time actually dare to hold a sacrificial ceremony directly in the imperial capital? !

Do you want to play the evil god again? That was Sean's first thought.

With little hesitation, Sean made up his mind immediately.

Pretend, why not?

Facts have proved that my means of escape are sufficient, but I can't fight head-on, so I should take risks. At worst, I will just run away with nothing. Anyway, my means of escape have also cooled down.

After thinking about it, Sean directly took Moza and Zhu Zhu with him, hiding them in the buttons, and walked directly towards the place he sensed.

"Wow -" a mouthful of blood spat out on the ground, and the man in a black robe with gold trim was running away frantically.

His figure was extremely ghostly, and his neck, which was entirely made of metal, shone faintly in the dark night. After each rapid flash of light, a circular chip inserted into the slot in his neck buzzed, and then, He will appear thousands of meters away.

However, even so, he still did not get rid of his pursuers.

The people following him can catch up with him no matter what, and can also calmly deliver a powerful blow.

After another flash, before he could regain his footing, the back corresponding to his heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand and rotated directly.

His heart was stabbing violently, and he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

A voice sounded from behind: "You are not cowardly. Back then, when your royal brother was seriously injured and recuperating, and I was not in the imperial capital, you dared to sneak into the palace and kidnap my little nephew. Now, you dare to step into the imperial capital!"

The man in black gritted his teeth, but the look of horror in his eyes could not be concealed.

The prince's life was in vain, which was more terrifying than he imagined!

His powers, his prosthetics, his modules, everything he has is for concealment, and it is precisely because of this that he can even hide it from the imperial treasure trove.

After hearing the news about the fire in the genetic institution, he tried to sneak into the storage place where the bodies of the institution's personnel were stored to see the situation, and wanted to know whether those people really died because of the fire.

He managed to hide it from the tight guards, but he never expected that the prince himself would be hiding in a body bag!

And the origin of the opponent's superpower is unknown. His own aura is directly locked. Even if he gets rid of other people, he can't get rid of the prince.

"I'm going to be in trouble this time..."

Another vicious attack came, and he suddenly felt like his heart was being grabbed hard.

Holding back the severe pain, a burst of black-red mist appeared around his body, and an evil force surged into his body.

His lips moved a few times, and the power suddenly condensed in the palm of his hand, and he threw it straight towards Bai Youming.

There was a hint of surprise in Bai Youming's eyes: "You can actually store the power of the sacrificial ceremony... Sure enough, I guessed it right. It was you cultists who did it back then."

There was nothing fancy about that terrifying power, it was a pure force bombardment, but because it was so powerful, even a crack appeared in the space it passed.

As long as it falls, dozens of kilometers around will be leveled!

"That means your status is not low..." Bai Youming finally showed an excited smile.

He raised one hand slightly, and a vortex appeared in his palm. Not only the huge power, but even the night was sucked in!

At this moment, suddenly, the vortex in Bai Youming's palm trembled, and the power that was about to be sucked suddenly broke free and rushed into the distance.

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "There are still recycling..."

Turning around, the man in black spit out another mouthful of blood and flashed into the distance.

Knowing that the methods of these cultists were strange, Bai Youming didn't care if his power was recycled, since he couldn't use it anyway.

"Humph, don't even think about running away." He still stared at the man, with the same flicker, and left straight away.

After a while, the blood spit out by the man in black started to squirm.

Two figures, one tall and one short, grew larger from the blood drops, and finally became two people.

The short man was also wearing a papal robe. He grabbed another person and was about to leave: "The archbishop has found a chance for us, let's go!"

"Forget it, let's go." The voice and the rusty energy blade emerged from his back.

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