I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 269 It turns out that you are the Fifth Prince

"You are quite capable." Bai Youming looked at the man in black in front of him calmly.

The lights of thousands of houses in the imperial capital have disappeared, and the surrounding area is surrounded by vast wasteland.

The whimpering sounds of crazy beasts can be clearly heard in the ruins, and red light flashes from time to time.

After chasing and escaping, the man in black did have a lot of tricks, and he managed to survive Bai Youming's constant pursuit until now.

The two of them are now thousands of kilometers away from the imperial capital, and only the whimpering Night Breeze is left beside them.

The prosthetic neck of the man in black in front was leaking black-red liquid, whether it was engine oil or blood. The chip that helped him escape time and time again was already on fire.

With trembling hands, he put out the fire, and the man in black had a look of horror in his eyes.

Bai Youming blew the bangs on his forehead and laughed casually: "Are you still running? If you can't run, I will take action."

The man in black gritted his teeth and finally sneered: "Bai Youming, you are too arrogant."

"I'm stronger than you, so I should be arrogant." For some reason, Bai Youming didn't activate the vortex in his palm that once showed great power, but chose to kill the opponent directly.

He didn't even use his powers, he just punched and kicked the opponent into danger.

"Look, it's too weak." With a chuckle, Bai Youming kicked the opponent in the abdomen. With a harsh twisting sound, the man in black who couldn't flash again was smashed into the nearby ruins like a shell. middle.

The building that had stood for hundreds of years suddenly collapsed.

The dark night was filled with dust. When all the dust cleared, the man in black had sunk deeply into the concrete floor. The mixture of engine oil and blood caused the roar of a crazy beast in the distance.

Bai Youming walked over slowly, looked around, and finally stepped on the chest of the man in black with a face full of disappointment.

"I let you go all this way. As a cultist, you didn't even lay a trap? Where are the followers under you?" Bai Youming sighed.

"Wow -" a mouthful of blood spat out again. A large gash had been opened in the man's abdomen. The all-metal body was horribly twisted, and human internal organs could be seen through the cracks in the metal.

"Bai Youming...you are too arrogant..." The man in black was still saying this, but the horror in his eyes could not be stopped.

Better than you thought?

The reality is that I can’t see the other party’s movements clearly at all…

Sure enough, he was hanging on to me... deliberately seducing me...

Fortunately, I didn't take Bai Youming into the trap secretly set by my teaching...

Otherwise, there will be no one left!

Seeing that the other party could not say anything new, Bai Youming shook his head in disappointment: "Cultists are just cultists. They think too much and do too little, and have no faith."

With that said, he was about to restrain the other party and take him away.

The man in black coughed loudly. He no longer had any strength to resist, but he still smiled miserably and said: "Bai Youming, I told you, you are too arrogant... We have no faith? What can't we do?"

"The dog emperor's biological son, wasn't it the one we kidnapped? Hahaha, don't you still want to make the same mistake again?"

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly and finally sneered: "Ignorant... I'm angry that you kidnapped my little nephew. That's only me. You guys don't even know what kind of bastard my imperial brother is. , still complacent here..."

He raised his head and glanced in the direction of the Imperial Capital, and said in a relaxed tone: "Only you will use the same method..."

These words seemed to greatly hurt the self-esteem of the man in black. He endured the severe pain and said sternly: "You have a life in vain. The Dog Emperor cannot protect himself, and you are far away from the imperial capital. What is the difference between this scene and decades? I If you don’t have faith, is your faith just arrogance?”

Bai Youming turned his head and pressed his toes against the opponent's heart, causing the latter's pale face to turn into the color of pig liver.

"Being smart..."

He reached out and pulled out the chip from the other person's neck, then raised his hand and looked at it.

Bai Youming didn't seem to be worried about what happened in the imperial capital happening again.

"Your abilities are well combined with this module, and you have mastered the effect of integrating the power of the sacrificial ritual into the prosthetic body? Tsk, in terms of research and development, you are much better than the empire."

He even praised him, and then stepped on the other person: "Tell me, you may have the ability to hide from the treasure house's self-instinct and sneak in, but at most it is only one level, and you can't take anything away... My nephew , were you brought in together?"

The man in black kept his mouth shut.

Bai Youming said to himself: "You didn't train my nephew? Or did you let him grow up on his own, and then you tried to contact him again? Is this related to some kind of ritual of your sect?"

The man in black remained silent, but Bai Youming suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Beautiful body control. You can still control every organ of your body even after being seriously injured...but your etheric body trembled just now."

Bai Youming came closer and said, "Sean, is this the person you kidnapped?"

The man in black didn't react at all this time.

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "There's no point in pretending to be dead..."

Before he finished speaking, a fishy wind flashed through.

An almost invisible red light swept through the night and came straight towards the back of Bai Youming's head.

The man in black finally showed a trace of ecstasy in his eyes.

He made the right bet.

He didn't dare to take Bai Youming to his side, but he knew that a very powerful crimson mad beast that was very good at sneak attacks lurked here!

That crazy beast will definitely find stronger people first!

And that crazy beast is the crimson upper layer!

Only a sect like them that has mastered special means can find such a terrifying murderous beast hidden in the ruins thousands of miles away from the empire.

There is no need to kill Bai Youming, I just need to seriously injure him... I will have a chance to escape...

Even his eyes couldn't follow the red light, and the man in black seemed to have seen Bai Youming flying backwards.

So, you are too arrogant.

"It's not a wasted trip." Bai Youming said calmly.

He reached out his hand into the invisible night and grasped a weasel-like creature in his palm.

The creature's fur was red and black, and its scarlet eyes were intimidating. However, it was firmly held in Bai Youming's hand, like the most common big mouse.

It made a sharp cry, invisible sound waves passed by, and some of the remaining buildings around it collapsed!

But all this is in vain.

Bai Youming just stretched out his other hand and pinched the crazy beast's mouth.

There was a sound similar to the twisting of metal, and the crazy beast's mouth was crushed like plasticine.

One drop can make the completely contaminated blood of the king-level pour back into the face of the man in black like a river. The amount of bleeding from the crazy beast is shocking, and the man in black is even more horrified and unable to speak.

Bai Youming glanced down at him and smiled casually: "There is a crazy beast on the crimson upper level so close to the imperial capital. This little cutie usually hides it quite deep. Thank you for helping me find it."

He grabbed a person and an animal and floated them into the air.

"Come back, think about how to organize your words, and tell me everything you know -" He exuded an extremely terrifying cold look, even the crazy beast that knew how to kill and was still struggling crazily. They couldn't help but tremble instinctively.

Bai Youming glanced at the man in black and smiled: "Don't be so harsh, you won't like it."

Ten minutes ago.

In the imperial capital, the two people who emerged from the blood of the man in black were looking at the energy blade emerging from his abdomen in horror.

Before he could speak or make any movement, a strange force came from the inside of the energy blade, and even split into two types!

Life force, mental power, supernatural powers... everything is being lost.

He felt like a dam had opened in his abdomen, and his life and everything he had accumulated in his life were rushing away from home.


He only had time to say the last word before his body sank quickly and finally turned into a thin piece of human skin.

"It looks so evil, I like it so much."

The remaining tall man looked at this scene in horror. He fell to his knees with a plop and cried: "I don't know anything... I don't know anything! I will give you whatever you want!"

The person holding out the long knife is naturally Sean.

He pulled You Ye back and shook it around, and then he was surprised to find that this time, You Ye actually solidified the effect of [violent bleeding].

The dwarf's superpower should be related to blood, no wonder he can get out of blood.

Sean looked at the young man kneeling on the ground crying, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

He followed the power from the cultists' sacrificial rituals to the neighborhood, and discovered everything as soon as he came.

Bai Youming was chasing an unknown man in black, who seemed to be a member of the cult...

In addition, I don't know whether Bai Youming didn't notice it, or Bai Youming noticed him but didn't care, or maybe he could only focus on the man in black for the time being.

Anyway, Sean was not found.

This can be thought based on Bai Youming's subsequent reaction. If it is indeed not discovered by Bai Youming, it proves that Bai Youming's unknown detection methods have limitations.

Based on what I read in that book, I can deduce that some of Bai Youming's methods can only be used in the empire's treasury... Is this prince the [Blessing of Destiny] mentioned in the data?

Of course, it is also possible that Bai Youming noticed him but didn't care.

However, Bai Youming definitely didn't notice these two people who emerged from the blood.

The reason why Sean chose to kill the dwarf directly was that the dwarf was a threat, but the tall young man was not.


Sean looked at the young man with strange eyes. This man seemed to be just an ordinary person?

His powers haven't awakened yet?


But don't think about that for now.

The large amount of sacrificial power released by the man in black just now should have been absorbed by Bai Youming, and the escape from that power was naturally due to Sean.

His power is not on the same level as Bai Youming's, but in terms of control over the power of sacrifice, he is at the level of an evil god.

"This time it's not as much as last time. It seems that the man in black used it a lot..."

Sean didn't mind it and asked the people in the mirror space to get ready.

Xiao Ci, Zhu Zhu and Mo Zha heard this and immediately calmed down and got ready.

An extremely pure power penetrated into their bodies in an unimaginable way, without any impact or side effects.

All three opened their eyes in surprise. They all advanced.

Moza, who had always been one step away from the upper level of the king level, went directly to the upper level of the king level and even improved a lot at this level.

Zhu Zhu, who usually only undertakes transportation and infiltration work and can hardly provide help in battle, finally stepped into the lower level of the king level.

Xiao Ci, who had just been promoted to the class king, even stepped into the upper class of class king!

Sean was originally worried that the external power might conflict with Xiao Ci's own energy source, so he deliberately reduced the amount given to Xiao Ci.

Unexpectedly, this bit of power activated Xiao Ci's own energy source, allowing her to take a big step forward! Even Xiao Ci could feel that the fluctuation of energy was coming back. This was a sign of instability, indicating that Xiao Ci's energy had not been completely absorbed.

Without waiting for Sean to speak, Xiao Ci, who had learned energy control from Luo Xi for a long time, immediately closed his eyes, and the energy wave that had just emerged was immediately taken back.

Sean looked at her: "Okay?"

Xiao Ci opened his eyes and nodded: "Okay, it seems there is still a little bit left to absorb, just absorb it slowly."

Sean snapped his fingers.

"Unfortunately, there is still a big difference." He shook his head with a slight regret.

Of course, this harvest is enough.

Looking at the young man who was still crying, Sean thought for a moment and cut off his limbs in the face of the other man's frightened and helpless eyes.

"This way I feel more at ease. I'm sorry, I'm suspicious. It doesn't matter. The anesthetic I brought is very high-end." Sean comforted him kindly.

The young man twitched twice and fainted.

Throwing the opponent into the mirror space, Sean turned around and prepared to leave directly.

Just as he started to take steps, he hesitated for a moment and then turned his head.

On the ground, the young man's blood was swept away.

"I really don't know. I have been raised in the base like a pig since I was a child. I was brought out by the archbishop and I don't know what to do. All the information about the mission is with the priest you killed."

The young man who had lost his limbs was wailing in pain. Although he could not feel the pain now, seeing himself being chopped into a human stick, no one could take it calmly.

However, Sean ignored the other party's wailing. He was looking at the pattern with his mouth pursed.

This young man also has a symbol on his forehead, and it's almost the same as Bai Ye's.

Moza walked in quickly from outside, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Sean took the temporary appraisal report and took a look at it, then looked at the other person with a strange look.

After causing the opponent to faint, Sean took out his arms and legs and put them together.

He sighed in a low voice: "Fortunately, I took away all the blood. Just tell me whether my intuition is reliable or not."

"As expected of you, big brother." Moza said expressionlessly, then looked at the young man, "Then what should we do now?"

Sean touched his chin: "This guy is actually the fifth prince..."

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