I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 270 Coincidence

It is basically the same as the symbol on Bai Ye's forehead, and genetic identification also proves that this person is related to Bai Ye by blood.

It can basically be concluded that this weak young man is the fifth prince.

The unconscious fifth prince still had a look of fear and weakness on his face. Sean grabbed him and looked him over, and Moza behind him also said:

"The facial features are similar to Bai Ye's. To be precise, this person is more like the Emperor."

In order to cooperate with his supernatural powers, Moza's memory is different from ordinary people. He said this not because of a sense of déjà vu, but because he actually had such a feeling.

Sean put down the other party and marveled: "He is really the fifth prince... It seems that the people who kidnapped the fifth prince back then were the same cultists who were hunted down by Bai Youming."

Moza heard this and whispered: "Brother, do you have anything to do with the Time Sect?"

Sean shook his head: "I originally thought he was from the Sect of Time. After all, the power of the sacrifice ceremony is the same, but the dwarf I killed was obviously not from the Sect of Time... There are other sects that I don't know about. Unexpected, but the power brought by the sacrificial ceremony comes from the same source..."

Moza thought thoughtfully and said, "Maybe your level is higher, brother?"

"There is a possibility..." Sean looked at the fifth prince and then ordered, "Moza, I'll leave the interrogation to you. I'll go see Bai Ye."


"Why did he come to me again in the middle of the night?" he said, but Bai Ye had already changed into casual clothes.

Shadow lowered his head: "Mr. Sean came to see you this time, saying that he had something important to discuss, but..."

"But what?" Bai Ye frowned.

Shadow whispered: "The person guarding the contact point tonight is Bing Lan. She seems to have had a conflict with Mr. Sean."

Bai Ye sighed slightly: "Conflict? Sean is teasing her, right? I have talked to Binglan a long time ago, and she will not take the initiative to provoke Sean again."

"I don't know about that."

At night, leave the palace.

There is a three-day curfew in the imperial capital every week, and anyone who does not comply will be whipped. It is said that in the year when it was first implemented, the eldest prince who was still a minor violated the curfew. As a punishment, he was publicly flogged in the city square the next day. He was flogged two hundred times, which almost killed him.

It is precisely because of this that although the law is strict, many people secretly admire that even the prince cannot enjoy privileges.

However, up to now, Bai Ye has not encountered any obstruction when leaving the palace, let alone anyone mentioning the curfew to her.

Arriving at the meeting place, Bai Ye could hear a man's teasing voice coming from inside before he even opened the door.

"...Okay, just cut a few holes in your clothes, tie yourself up and bring it to me. That's pretty simple, right?"


Bai Ye outside the door frowned, and he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart unconsciously.

The last time she met Sean, she fell into a coma for no reason, but Sean didn't do anything to her, and even gave her the chip.

Although he was still extremely vigilant, it would be false to say that he didn't have any emotional fluctuations. But as soon as he came here today and heard Sean teasing Bing Lan, the good feeling that finally arose in Bai Ye's heart suddenly disappeared.

She sighed slightly, opened the door, and looked over seriously.

The gangster was sitting on the flower bed in the yard, holding a piece of grass in his mouth and wagging his toes in front of him.

Opposite him, the ice-blue man in silver tights had a sullen expression on his face, as if he was holding back his anger.

Seeing Bai Ye walking in, Sean waved and said hello with a smile.

"Binglan, go back, there are shadows here."

"Yes, Your Highness." Binglan glanced at Sean viciously for the last time, turned around and left.

Sean was still there greeting him: "Don't forget our bet, I'll wait for you."

After walking into the house and closing the door, Bai Ye asked out of nowhere: "What bet?"

Sean looked at her in surprise: "You still care about this?"

"Ice Blue is my personal guard."

"That proves that you can't do your job well. A good guard like Shadow is. Besides, you can just go back and ask her."

"You don't need to teach me."

Seeing that Bai Ye's tone was slightly stiff, Sean said with a playful smile: "It's a simple bet. Binglan believes that I have a direct connection with Lewis's death. I said no, and she insisted that there was - although it was true, but I It's still weird, so I think maybe she has some way of determining it, or something you don't know about."

Bai Ye glanced at him, frowned and said: "Binglan doesn't want revenge. She just wants to complete the last thing for the Lewis family. In the future, we can completely put aside contact. I don't care about the bet. Cancel it. I will help you solve this matter." matter."

Sean picked up the water glass and poured two glasses of water. He drank one glass himself, and just when Bai Ye was about to reach for it, he drank the other glass.

With a sneer, Sean said leisurely: "That's not called ganging, that's your business. Besides, why do you want to cancel the bet?"

Bai Ye looked at him calmly, as if he wasn't angry at all.

Sean also smiled and leaned forward: "I haven't had sex with a Crimson-level woman yet. I'm very sexually interested in her, and I just need to prove that I had nothing to do with Lewis' death."

"Is it interesting?" Bai Ye said calmly.

"It's so interesting, I just like this tone -" Sean blinked, then tilted his head, "Are you jealous?"

"If your strength is half as thick as your face, no one can do anything to you no matter what you forcefully do to Binglan." The corner of Bai Ye's mouth raised a mocking arc.

Sean smiled: "I'm not interested in using force, but as long as you don't feel bad for your personal guard then...and don't you want to know why she is sure?"

"Ha." Bai Ye sneered, but didn't say anything else.

Sean turned back to business: "Do you know what happened tonight?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Sean did not pretend to be mysterious. After covering up what he had done, he told Bai Youming about hunting down the cultists. In addition, he also deliberately ignored that the whole thing happened because of the fire in the genetic research institute.

"The emperor is chasing a man in black, and he said he was a cultist from many years ago..." Bai Ye fell into deep thought.

She glanced at Sean, hesitated for a moment and then said: "The emperor's uncle entered the palace during the day and went to talk to the emperor for a while, but the two seemed to have a quarrel."

Sean said thoughtfully: "It seems that your father knows what your uncle did... Doesn't it seem like there is no need to quarrel?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly and did not tell anything about the fifth prince. She just asked: "What are you looking for me for?"

Sean blinked: "I met a cultist on the way to the imperial capital, and I'm a little interested in them. If Bai Youming catches the cultist, can he arrange for me to have a relationship with the cultist without his knowledge? Meet the believers?"

Bai Ye was a little surprised by his straightforward words, but she still frowned and said, "Impossible."

Sean spread his hands: "I just asked something."

Bai Ye glanced at the man opposite. She knew that this man had many evil methods hidden behind him. The so-called Nightmare Sean was not groundless... he might have a way to dig something out of the cultists.

"I can try to get some information for you after the interrogation is over, but if you want to meet in person, it's impossible." Bai Ye chose a compromise.

Sean didn't look satisfied. He frowned and said, "Let's not talk secretly. I want to get something about the cult's scriptures from the other party. This thing is useless to you, and I won't be too busy to help the other party escape from prison." , can’t even meet once?”

Hearing the questioning tone, Bai Ye felt a small sense of pleasure.

Now, there is quite a feeling of role reversal...

She frowned: "If he is really a cultist from many years ago, then the emperor will most likely lock him up in a special interrogation room in the army after catching him. No one else has the right to enter and leave freely except him and my father. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or my royal brothers.”

"After the interrogation is completed, the other party will be imprisoned in the special cell of Black Pigeon. That place is also closely guarded. I do have some connections, but it won't work. No one dares to take such a risk to help me."

Sean curled his lips: "Your Highness the Princess is nothing more than that."

Bai Ye just said calmly: "It doesn't matter who you choose. Besides, I advise you not to try it yourself, there is no chance."

Sean shrugged nonchalantly: "Thank you for the reminder."

It was impossible to do anything about it, and Sean seemed to have lost interest in continuing the conversation.

Just when Bai Ye was about to leave, Sean suddenly asked again: "Your Highness, I have a question."


"Your uncle...is your biological uncle?"

Bai Ye turned his head, with a little anger in his eyes. Sean waved his hands when he saw this: "I didn't mean that, I just heard that Bai Youming and the eldest prince are closest... But the inheritance rights of the empire do not distinguish between men and women. ? Is your uncle so partial?"

Bai Ye, who had been indifferent to emotions and anger during this period, finally had anger in his voice: "Sean, I'm warning you, the royal bloodline is definitely not something you can arrange!"

Sean just curled his lips: "Aren't I unfair to you? I don't feel like you are my own child. Why are you not welcome at all?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Bai Ye said firmly, "If you have nothing else to do, just shut your mouth."

After saying that, she opened the door and left.

Sean, who stayed in the room, smacked his lips and showed a meaningful smile.

"Bai Ye really has some ideas about inheritance rights... It's a pity that she originally wanted to come up with some rules for identifying royal blood, but she didn't expect her to be strict with her words... But..."

His smile grew a little wider.

"As long as Bai Youming knows that I have been here to look for Bai Ye..."

"Sure enough, it's the fifth prince..." Sean pursed his lips as he looked at the information from Moza's interrogation.

The young man knew very little. He had been raised in the base by the cultists since he was a child. He was given good food and drink, but he was basically not allowed to contact the outside world, nor was he given any chance to awaken his powers.

Not long ago, he was suddenly taken out of the base and came to the imperial capital, and the first thing he did was to sneak into the second floor of the treasure house.

To be precise, the fifth prince didn't even know that he had entered the second floor of the treasure house, but he was told to look for something.

They didn't say anything. The cultists just told the fifth prince that if he found something, he would naturally know it. If nothing happened, just leave a hair in the corner.

"It happened a month ago, when we just entered the imperial capital." Moza said with a frown.

Sean was thinking about more things: "No wonder Bai Youming overreacted. It seems that he found the hair left behind... Tsk, this also shows that his way of exploring in the treasury is limited... But what exactly do these cultists want by bringing the fifth prince back..."

"Does that guy know where the remaining cultists are?" Sean asked again.

Moza shook his head: "I don't know anything. He described it quite accurately. It's just a pig kept in a pen. However, he mentioned that someone has been teaching him some noble behavior norms during this period of time."

Sean thought thoughtfully: "In other words, their primary goal is something in the treasury... But the primary goal has not been achieved... They may be ready to let the fifth prince return now."

Sean stood up and paced: "That hair was left deliberately... Did they put the breakthrough point for the return of the fifth prince on Bai Youming? Therefore, they will investigate after the fire in the genetic institution, because only if the royal bloodline is found out, the people in the genetic institution will be silenced. They want to check the dead situation to confirm this."

"If they are sure, they may start to implement the plan, but what they didn't expect is that Bai Youming is waiting for them directly... Tsk, it's a pity that I don't know what the specific plan of this group of cultists is... Strange, why do they put the breakthrough point on Bai Youming? The risk is too great..."

Suddenly, Sean paused: "Wait... Bai Youming, it seems that I misunderstood..."

"I happened to appear, and the smoke bomb I left behind became evidence... Bai Youming may have mistaken me for the fifth prince, and I am from Paradise City, and I have nothing to do with cultists..."

"Hiss..." Sean suddenly took a breath, "It's bad, I just went to find Bai Ye , too much..."

Moza listened to what he said intermittently, but didn't quite understand. He looked at the fifth prince, then at Sean, and asked:

"Brother, are you ready to pretend to be the fifth prince?"

Sean rubbed his head: "Of course, that's why I went to Bai Ye to ask her for help. Although I know she can't help, this is originally for Bai Youming to see... But if Bai Youming has already regarded me as the fifth prince, this is a waste of effort."

Moza frowned: "What do you mean?"

Sean explained: "The illusion I want to create is 'I am the fifth prince but I don't know it myself', but I overdid it, and it became 'I am the fifth prince and I know it myself'."

"What's the difference?"

Sean grinned. Grinning: "I can fool around with other differences, but I am the fifth prince and I know it, and I slept with Bai Ye..."

Moza thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "But it seems that you can only go on as the fifth prince?"

Sean held his forehead: "This is the key point. I could have used various excuses to get out of it, but by coincidence, my identity as the fifth prince seems to be directly confirmed..."

Moza's eyes turned cold, and he pointed at the real fifth prince: "Kill him?"

"Can't kill him for the time being, Rhodes, that idiot, has his father's blood clone... I'm afraid whoever kills the fifth prince will be unlucky."

Sean paced for a while, and said decisively: "Bring the nano hair transplant machine, and the skin graft machine... pull out hair, draw blood!"

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