I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 271 I didn’t force Bai Ye!

"It's very tough-mouthed, half-veto and half-bitter, but it seems that the etheric layer has been specially strengthened in an unknown way."

Outside the military's special interrogation room, a young man was taking off his blood-stained white coat. His gloves stained with blood and flesh were thrown aside on the operating cart. There were many freshly extracted teeth and dug-out pieces of flesh on the plate. .

Bai Youming frowned unhappily and looked at the young man who spoke: "Xiao Wu, your skills have deteriorated."

The man known as Xiao Wu calmly took off his mask. Some transparent substance emerged from his fingertips, and then the remnants were wrapped, as if vacuum-packed.

"Teacher, I practice often, unlike you who play every day." Xiao Wu waved his hand and motioned for his subordinates to take away the things. The flesh and blood of the strong crimson man was also contaminated.

He walked in front and led Bai Youming in the other direction. As he walked, he said: "He should have been implanted with a deep mental module. It has great side effects, but it can also allow him to withstand various punishments. In addition, , there may also be rituals in cults that play the same role.”

Walking into a not-so-luxurious reception room, Bai Youming lay down on a chair and said, "Stop talking nonsense, can you ask me something?"

Xiao Wu rolled up his sleeves and looked at his watch: "For at least five days, I will try to break all his defenses."

Bai Youming slapped the table: "In three days, I want to know everything in his mind."

Xiao Wu didn't refute, just nodded calmly.

Bai Youming stood up, and then reached into his clothes as if he remembered something.

The crazy weasel-like beast was taken out, its mouth was closed together and crushed into a flat piece of flesh, its limbs hung down weakly, and a small hole was opened on its forehead, with a black gem the size of a soybean inside. Suspended in the center.

Bai Youming casually threw it to the other party: "Crimson upper level, hidden type. Didn't you say last time that you found a new seedling that was good? Kill it and advance. It is a rare crazy beast."

Xiao Wu took over the crazy beast. The little thing was completely restrained, but it still continued to emit astonishing pollution and madness.

But this was obviously of no use to him. Xiao Wu raised his head and asked, "Don't you need to hand it over to the treasure house?"

Bai Youming curled his lips: "This thing is not recorded in the manual. If I catch it, it is mine. Moreover, the treasure house has been infiltrated recently. Although the cultist's methods are excellent, this also proves that the energy of the treasure house is slowly declining. …It’s ahead of schedule…”

Xiao Wu pursed his lips slightly when he heard this: "According to the Golden Dawn's knowledge-seeking ritual, this should happen ten years later."

Bai Youming sneered: "The level of the magicians of Golden Dawn is only at this level. They also said that my imperial brother can live twenty years later. Isn't this just a few years of good life?"

"Teacher, please be careful what you say."

Bai Youming made a sound: "After becoming the marshal, you also started to be timid?"

The man called Xiao Wu is none other than the current Imperial Army Marshal Wu Xiao. Of course, only his teacher Prince Bai Youming can call him Xiao Wu at will.

Although there is a word for smile in his name, few people have seen this young marshal smile. According to legend, the last time Wu smiled raised his lips was when the imperial army captured a certain United City-State with a population of more than eight million. Then, Wu Laughing and ordering the massacre of the city.

There was a knock on the door of the reception room, and a guard came in and announced: "Sir Hansen is outside."

Wu Xiao stood up: "Then I'm leaving, teacher."

Bai Youming waved his hand: "Stay and listen together."


Old Hansen walked in quickly, nodded to Wu Xiao, and then quickly reported: "Master, His Highness Bai Ye left the palace in the middle of the night. It is not yet known who he will meet, but..."

He paused, and seeing that Bai Youming didn't speak, he continued: "Soon after Her Royal Highness returned to the palace, someone secretly inquired about the situation in the military's special interrogation room. The official channel was military logistics, but the actual channel was It should be a young officer named Balan."

Bai Youming's eyes narrowed slightly, while Wu Xiao frowned slightly.

He whispered: "Balan is the seedling I mentioned to you. This crazy beast is most likely used for him. It is half-rejected and half-weak, an orphan..."

His expression was not good. After all, Miao Zi, who could be personally supported by him, was of course one of his close confidants. Now, the other party was secretly connected with Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Everyone knew that the military and the eldest prince were on the same side.

Bai Youming didn't speak, but tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table.

The atmosphere in the reception room suddenly became solemn.

After a while, Bai Youming stood up without saying a word.


The door was slammed shut, Wu Xiao inside the room frowned more and more, and the guards guarding outside did not dare to take a breath.

It seems that I haven't seen His Royal Highness so angry for a long time.

Wu Xiao in the room was about to speak to Old Hansen, but the latter smiled: "Marshal, the master is not angry because of this, please don't think too much. Of course, the master will also be a little disappointed with you. Being infiltrated is inevitable, and the people under his command have tendencies It’s considered normal.”

He pushed up his reading glasses: "But, you have to know. And you said that Balan is an orphan, which proves that your information collection is inaccurate. Someone who can have a deep connection with Her Royal Highness has a high probability of being with the Queen." It’s related to the family. It doesn’t matter if it’s someone else, but that Balaam is your confidant, so this shouldn’t happen.”

Wu Xiao frowned, and then said in a deep voice: "I understand, Uncle Hansen, please tell the teacher, and I will investigate thoroughly."

Old Hansen showed a gentle smile: "It doesn't matter, the master is mainly angry because of other things. You don't need to take it too seriously, the master often makes mistakes and does unreliable things."

Suddenly, a frightening force roared inside the room, even activating the energy field in this place.

A black vortex appeared beside Old Hansen's head at some point, as if it was about to suck people directly into it.

Just as Wu Xiao was about to raise his hand, Old Hansen coughed and gently grabbed the vortex.

The power dissipates without a trace.

"Master is calling me. I'll leave first. Marshal, come and have dinner when you have time. Master is always thinking of you."

Wu Xiao suppressed the shock in his eyes and said respectfully: "I understand, walk slowly, Uncle Hansen."

In the night outside the military headquarters, a rickety shadow suddenly appeared next to a tall shadow.

"Why do you talk so much?" the man said dissatisfied.

The old voice laughed: "It's the old slave who talks too much."

"Still laughing? Damn, I'm so angry."

"You should be angry, Master, so why should I come to him?"

"There should be more sophisticated methods over there, right?" Moza looked at Sean coming off the operating table and said uncertainly.

Sean moved his neck and grinned: "There must be, but it's okay. I specialize in doing this kind of thing. Of course, now I have to find a way to solve the orthopedic problem first..."

The two were talking when Sherrill strode in from outside.

"Brother, there is an old man outside, and he says he wants to see you."

It came so quickly... Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough...

He glanced at Moza and Sherrill: "I'll go there."

As he walked on the road, Sean curled his fingers at his body, and the aura of deceitful heart flickered.

On the roadside, a lightweight aircraft was parked there, and an old man in a butler's uniform was waiting with his hands lowered.

Seeing Sean appear, he opened the door of the aircraft: "Mr. Sean, please."

The aircraft took off smoothly. The Imperial Army in the distance saw the small dot taking off, and immediately sounded the alarm with a cold look in their eyes.

He was stopped by the captain.

"Are you crazy?" the captain cursed viciously.

The team member said in confusion: "Without special circumstances, aircraft are not allowed to take off in the imperial capital, and the prince and princess are no exception."

"I don't know? Let your prosthetic eye zoom and take a closer look. What's on the aircraft fuselage?" The captain rolled his eyes.

The team members did so and immediately saw a huge lira symbol.

He took a breath of air: "His Royal Highness? Didn't it say that His Highness rarely uses aircraft when traveling?"

"Why are you caring about His Highness the Prince?" The captain didn't even look in that direction. "It's most likely to pick up a very important person... But it has nothing to do with us. We forgot where the aircraft is docked, do you hear me?!"

"I know, I know."

The aircraft headed steadily in a certain direction. Sean glanced at the smiling old butler beside him and asked, "What do you call the old gentleman?"

"You are too polite. Just call me Old Hansen. I am the butler of His Highness the Prince." Old Hansen said with a smile.

Sean nodded. He looked at the decorations inside the aircraft and asked, "Then, why did His Highness call me over?"

"If the master comes to see you, it proves that he no longer wants to be the Riddler. You should know that, right?" Old Hansen was still smiling.

Sean glanced at him, and then muttered: "Because of my relationship with Bai Ye? Then there is no need to look for me in the middle of the night. I don't think His Highness the Prince is that kind of unenlightened person..."

Old Hansen opened his eyes slightly, and his deep pool-like eyes kept scanning Sean.

Pretending? Otherwise, how could he dare to mention Her Highness the Princess...

Old Hansen didn't dare to confirm, so he just smiled and nodded.

The aircraft moved very quickly and soon landed in a yard.

"His Royal Highness lives in such a shabby state..." Sean couldn't help but muttered as he walked into the hall.

Old Hansen led him to the study room on the second floor. As he walked, he said with a smile: "Master doesn't like to enjoy himself very much."

"Are you not enjoying it or are you losing everything?"

"Mr. Sean, let the master hear that he is going to beat you."

"So stingy..."

Walking to the door of the study, Old Hansen knocked lightly: "Master, Mr. Sean is here."

"come in."

Old Hansen opened the door and made a gesture of invitation. After Sean walked in, he gently closed the door.

Only Sean and Bai Youming were left in the study.

Bai Youming's study was very strange. There was only a fireplace, an empty bookshelf, a big chair, and not even a coffee table.

The side facing the door was a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window. Bai Youming was facing the glass window with his back to the door, as if he was looking at the night sky outside.

"Come here and sit down," he said.

Sean walked over and took a look: "There's no second chair? Your Highness."

Bai Youming didn't speak, he just raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip.

Sean followed the other person's line of sight and looked out, only to realize that he could see the mountain peak not far away, where the brightly lit palace was located.

Seeing that Bai Youyou still didn't speak, Sean had no choice but to sit on the ground.

There was a bottle of wine and an empty glass on the floor. He was not polite and poured himself a glass. He supported the floor with one hand and held the glass with the other and slowly drank.

Both of them drank very quickly. After Sean finished drinking, he filled Bai Youming's glass and poured himself another glass.

Without saying a word, the bottle of wine was quickly finished.

It's very interesting for Bai Youming to drink. He doesn't move his head, just raises his wrist. When he has the last sip left, he will suddenly raise his head and drink the remaining wine in one gulp, and then let out a long sigh of enjoyment.

"Ha..." He narrowed his eyes slightly, then threw the cup on the floor casually, making a dull sound, "I didn't say anything, how dare you drink it?"

Sean burped: "You didn't say you wouldn't let me drink."

Bai Youming chuckled: "You are quite courageous."

Over the years, who has not been respectful when seeing me? His temperament is free and easy, and that is his business. For others, he is absolutely not allowed to be casual. Even if he looks at the bold eldest prince, he is just pretending to be bold.

But this kid is really not afraid at all?

However, he was even more angry.

Bai Youming lay back, as if he had pressed the cooling button in the room. The whole study became chilly, making people tremble unconsciously.

"I'm looking for you, do you understand?"

Sean shrugged innocently: "Understood."

"Understand?" Bai Youming's eyes suddenly brightened up in a frightening way, as if he was about to eat someone in. "You understand and you still dare to do it?"

"Why not?" Sean replied nonchalantly.

The air became stagnant.

These few people seemed to have touched Bai Youming's reverse scale at once. His eyes opened, and the overwhelming killing intent seemed to make people see tens of thousands of corpses.

The entire study even turned red.

"What did you say?" Bai Youming's voice made Sean's heart beat faster.

It seems that if you say the wrong word, you will die on the spot.

Sean gritted his teeth in time and let his breathing become heavier.

His huge mental strength allowed him to withstand most of the pressure, but of course, he had to show his strength.

Sean raised his head, his face was suitably heavy and dissatisfied: "It's okay if you usually monitor Bai Ye. What's wrong with me and Bai Ye being in love?"

"We are in love?" Bai Youming laughed angrily, his voice already filled with anger, "Didn't you deliberately contact Bai Ye?"

Sean frowned, with the arrogant temperament of a gangster: "You are good-looking and have a high position, what's wrong with me? The empire has laws, and the princess cannot be with outsiders? Isn't His Highness the Prince's control a little too lenient?" !”

Seeing that his arrogant and disobedient look didn't look like he was faking it, Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly.

The performance is in line with this kid's character and experience, and the fluctuations of the etheric body are also within the normal range... He came into contact with Bai Ye without knowing his true identity?

Bai Youming would never have thought that Sean's etheric body in front of him had been deeply bound to the thinking hall, and no one would notice the abnormality of the etheric body.

Seeing Bai Youming's slight hesitation, Sean knew that he had not exposed any flaws.

Then it will be easy to deal with... As long as I don't take the initiative to do orthopedics, you can't trouble me...

When he thought of this, Sean raised his head and looked as if he would kill if he wanted to, his face full of confidence.

"What if I just slept with Bai Ye? I am a normal male and she is a normal female. I didn't force her. What's wrong, Your Highness?!"

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