I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 272 Recognition of “relatives”

"What if I just slept with Bai Ye? I am a normal male and she is a normal female. I didn't force her. What's wrong, Your Highness?!"

As soon as he said this, Bai Youming's temples twitched violently several times.

Although he is not as expressive as his imperial brother, his status and strength can also bring him a mature state of mind.

People who cannot control their hearts have many flaws, and Bai Youming knows this very well.

In the past, whether it was anger or joy, he knew that most of it was just acting - he didn't have to worry too much, and it fit in with his reputation as a dashing prince, so why not do it.

But this time, he was really annoyed.

Damn it, I used to be as calm as water in a lifeless situation, but today I was almost broken by a young boy.

However, it was all in vain, and the fluctuations in his mood were quickly suppressed.

Of course, the surface still needs to be created.

He slapped the armrest of the chair, and the luxurious solid wood was suddenly covered with cracks, which spread from the chair legs down along the floor to under Sean's buttocks.

Bai Youming's voice was full of killing intent: "Boy, do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

Sean didn't even look at the cracks on the side. He turned his hands over to support the floor and said angrily: "Why don't you dare, Your Highness? I'm just a young boy. If I can't catch your eyes, I'll die. Of course." , you can tell Bai Ye afterwards that I committed suicide voluntarily."

Bai Youming laughed angrily: "Since I became the prince, no one has dared to speak to me like this again."

Sean picked up the bottle and shook it. Seeing that there was still one last sip, he simply poured it into his mouth. He drank the taste of the wine and said lazily: "I'm going to die. Is there anything I dare not say... ...Besides, Your Highness, this drink is too bad, like the stuff you use to pay off debts in a casino."

Bai Youming's eyes turned cold, and the huge pressure that was hard to see had almost condensed into substance.

However, although Sean was breathing heavily, the expression on his face did not change at all, and he even looked at each other boldly with Bai Youming.

After a while, the pressure quickly dissipated like an ebbing tide.

Bai Youming's anger and murderous intent also disappeared at the same time. He leaned back lazily on his chair and crossed his legs: "Wine is good if it can burn from the throat to the stomach."

Sean then showed a slight smile and said casually: "I'll bring you two bottles of good wine next time."

"It's a joke, do you think a prince can't even get good wine?" Bai Youming chuckled. He looked leisurely at the palace in the distance with calm eyes, "You're pretty good, huh, you're just messing around outside, you don't have any other skills. , You are indeed very courageous.”

Sean sighed: "There's nothing I can do. Without father's love and mother's love, if I don't have the courage, whether I can live past the age of five is another matter."

Bai Youming turned his head slightly and glanced at him, wondering in his heart.

This kid...is he stabbing me on purpose? It's just a matter of complaining.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Do you know why I called you here today?"

Sean shrugged: "What can you do? Give me a beating for Bai Ye...or..."

His eyes suddenly became bright and cunning: "Do you think that the inheritance right Bai Ye is also qualified to get involved?"

These words were extremely bold. Although it was natural for princes and princesses to compete for inheritance rights, but to dare to say it in front of a prince, I am afraid only a bastard with no fear of heaven and earth would dare.

Bai Youming was speechless, Sean's guess was reasonable...

Does this kid really not know that he is the fifth prince?

Thinking of this, he did not answer Sean's question, but continued to ask: "Why are you looking for that cultist?"

As he spoke, he looked at Sean quietly, the light in his eyes as plain as water but as if he could see through everything.

Sean hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I met a cultist when I was in Ilia City. To be honest, I got some benefits."

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "Did you get the power of the sacrifice ceremony?"

Sean's surprise this time was no longer an act: "You know that?"

Bai Youming's voice unconsciously took on the tone of reprimand: "Life in the wasteland is difficult, and the living must find some spiritual sustenance. I have been fighting abroad for many years, and I have seen all kinds of sects, large and small, Nearly a hundred, and countless cultists of all kinds died in my hands.”

He turned slightly sideways: "All established sects have one thing in common. They are all good at using various rituals to gather power, which may be killing, or something else. This kind of power is indeed a shortcut, but the consequences are... endless! "

Bai Youming's voice became serious: "I was wondering before. The information channels in the army showed that you were at the middle level of king level. How come you are still at the peak of king level when I saw you today... How much power of the ritual have you absorbed?"

Sean rubbed his nose: "Don't worry about it. I'm not stupid. Of course I have my own way."

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly and saw that he looked confident, and there was no smell of pollution spreading around him.

This guy really has some skills...

Seeing that he didn't speak, Sean smiled and said, "Just for reference, Your Highness, don't be so stingy."

Bai Youming snorted coldly: "Even if you have any strange methods, I advise you to be content. Remember, there are evil people everywhere in the wasteland, but as long as you are connected with the sect, it will be an evil that is more difficult to understand."

Sean spread his hands: "Where is the Golden Dawn?"

Bai Youming made no secret of it: "The same goes for the only sect recognized by the empire. If the emperor brother hadn't stopped me, I would have killed all those people long ago."

Sean thought about it for a while, and then said: "Of course I have my own thoughts... You called me here today to threaten me, why don't you give me some mental compensation?"

Bai Youming stared at him, then chuckled: "My student is being interrogated. If that person is not dead in three days, I will give you a chance to meet him."

Three days... Sean can't wait three days.

There was a huge loophole in his plan, and that was the cultist caught by Bai Youming.

That person must know the true identity of the fifth prince. Once all his information is dug out, then Sean's plan for the fifth prince will be pure bullshit.

However, now is not the time to continue asking. Bai Youming's current performance proves that he already believes in himself.

In other words, in Bai Youming's mind, Sean is now in a state of 'really the fifth prince but does not know his true identity'.

This is what Sean wants.

Of course, there is a premise for all this.

He must really be the fifth prince.

Pretending to be slightly excited, Sean responded: "Then thank you, Your Highness."

Bai Youming pursed his lips slightly and asked again: "How did you get into the second floor of the treasure house?"

Sean showed an embarrassed expression as if he had been caught, and said with a smile: "I didn't know why at first, but the book you gave me that day told me the answer. Bai Ye's royal blood aura has contaminated me, right? ?”

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then you didn't try to go to the third floor?"

Sean looked honest: "I was thinking about it, but Ai Youqian can only take people to stay for thirty minutes, and there is not enough time."

Bai Youming leaned closer to him and said in a deep voice: "Then have you ever thought about the possibility of other situations?"

"Other situations?" Xiao Xiao frowned slightly, and looked at Bai Youming pretending to understand, "You mean [Destiny's Blessing] written in the book? I'm sorry, Your Highness, I didn't say that in the book That kind of situation.”

As he spoke, he came closer and whispered: "Your Highness, if I guessed correctly, you have received the [Destiny Blessing] from the treasure house, right?"

Bai Youming's expression remained unchanged. He turned his head and said calmly: "Twenty years ago, a major event happened in the imperial capital, but few people knew about it."

Sean quickly covered his ears: "Then don't tell me, I don't want to know."

"Take away your useless cleverness." Bai Youming's voice gradually became serious. "Twenty years ago, the fifth prince was kidnapped from the palace and his whereabouts are still unknown."

After saying this, he turned his head slightly, and then saw Sean frozen in place.

Sure enough, this kid reacted very quickly.

After a brief silence, Sean laughed dryly: "Don't be kidding..."

Bai Youming let out a long sigh: "I don't like to joke about this kind of thing."

There was another long silence.

Sean finally spoke, he smiled bitterly, and said in a bitter voice: "To tell you the truth, although the news is big, I don't reject it after digesting it... It's just... Damn it, what the hell is this..."

Bai Youming said calmly: "It's useless to talk."

He didn't know what he had done, but there was a knock on the door outside.

Old Hansen walked in, holding a silver-white instrument in his hand.

Bai Youming looked at Sean: "Do you know what to do?"

Sean hesitated for a moment, and then honestly stretched out his hand: "You have to know even if you don't know..."

"excuse me."

Old Hansen apologized, stepped forward and inserted the needle on the instrument into Sean's arm.

He was at the peak of the king level now, and his physical fitness was already very strong, but the needle penetrated into the skin without any hindrance.

A large tube of blood was drawn out, and immediately after, Old Hansen pulled out dozens of Sean's hairs.

Bai Youming looked over and saw Old Hansen nodding, then waved his hand for him to get tested.

The study fell into silence again.

Sean didn't know what Bai Youming was thinking, but he was also a little nervous.

The empire's technological means are much better than those of Paradise City, but not much. The technological level of the entire wasteland is still limited after all, and most of the technological points are added to prosthetics and modules.

His current blood, skin, and hair all come from the real fifth prince.

Even, in order to avoid some special detection methods, Sean deceived his body before going out.

He knew very well that in this situation, it was better to deceive himself than to deceive others.

Now, just wait for the test results to come out.

Bai Youming was obviously ready. Not long after, the study door was pushed open again.

This time, Old Hansen's footsteps were obviously much faster. He quickly walked to Bai Youming's side, handed a report to him, and then quickly exited the study.

The report was very thin, but Bai Youming read it for a long time.

Finally, he put down the report.

Opposite him, Sean was looking at him with a complicated look.

Bai Youming stood up and walked to Sean and looked at him. After a long time, he said in a solemn voice: "Stand up."

Sean did so.

Bai Youming just looked at him like this, as if he wanted to see all the changes over the years.

After a long time, Bai Youming sighed: "Call uncle."

"Huh?" Sean almost didn't react.

Bai Youming's voice suddenly became unhappy: "I am your imperial uncle, what's wrong with calling me uncle?"

The test passed...

Sean was heartbroken, but he still had a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

Finally, he still shouted: "Uncle..."

The 'uncle and nephew' looked at each other for a moment and sighed together.

"White leaves..."

"White leaves..."

The two of them shouted out a name in unison.

Bai Youming stretched out a finger and shook it at Sean, and finally shook it off hard.

"From now on, you are not allowed to interact with Bai Ye anymore."

Sean pinched his eyebrows very precisely, his face was three parts desolate, three parts heavy and four parts unbelievable. Looking at the fan chart, he sighed inwardly even though his life was in vain.

"What the hell is this..." Sean sat down on the ground dejectedly.

Bai Youming frowned: "Those who don't know are not guilty, this matter will rot in their stomachs..."

As he spoke, he said as if he remembered something: "You two..."

Sean grabbed his hair, his tone was decadent and painful: "It's all done..."

Bai Youming couldn't help but glare at him: "She is your sister!"

"How the hell do I know? Damn it, isn't it all up to you?" Sean scolded back unceremoniously, but his tone was extremely dejected.

"…Have the safety measures been taken?"


"You little bastard...can you get pregnant?"

"probably not……"

The newly recognized uncle and nephew looked at each other with big eyes. Without the imaginary meeting of relatives, and without the cold teachings of the royal family, they were just stuck in the same place.

After a while, Sean stood up irritably: "What the hell should we do? How about we just pretend we don't know each other?"

Bai Youming raised his eyebrows: "Don't dream, the prince should do the prince's things... Don't think about Bai Ye's things, I will solve it."

Seeing Sean's face in pain, Bai Youming unconsciously slowed down his tone: "I can't blame you... just pretend that nothing happened, Bai Ye's side... it's just right, don't let anyone know about it for the time being. ”

Sean snorted, indicating that he knew.

Bai Youming looked Xiao En up and down, and suddenly asked, "Are you interested in the inheritance?"

Xiao En said angrily: "It's useless to be interested. I don't have any foundation at all, and my strength is not as good as others. I feel uncomfortable getting involved?"

Bai Youming nodded: "My brain is not faint..."

His tone became much more serious: "It is imperative to join the family tree, but you know the current situation without me telling you. I will give you two choices. First, inform the emperor and the whole country. I will temporarily protect your life. No worries, but after your father and I die, the successor will kill you."

"Second, hide your identity...Then, choose the person you want to help."

He slightly amplified his voice: "If it succeeds, you will be the next prince."

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