I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 273 His Highness the New Crown Prince

"If successful, you will be the next prince."

In the dim study room, Bai Youming's eyes were terribly bright. Looking back, he seemed to blend in with the distant lights outside the window.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly and then said:

"I have a question...did you ever think about becoming an emperor back then?"

The corners of Bai Youming's mouth raised slightly: "You are quite courageous..."

He walked to the window, looked at the bright lights of the palace in the distance, and spoke frankly: "I thought about it for a while, but something happened in the middle that made me feel that I was not qualified... I once tried to take another route, which is absolute Personal force.”

"To be a leader in this world, you don't have to have a city, no intrigues, and no talent for governing the country, but as long as you are strong enough, as long as you can suppress the people who help you do these things, then it will be fine."

"Unfortunately, I'm still close."

He turned his head with a smile on his face: "So I became the prince, and the promise I made to my royal brother was to leave no heirs in this life, so as to preserve the fragile family relationship between me and him."

Sean pursed his lips: "I probably know why you can't be the emperor."

Bai Youming smiled: "The emperor is not easy to do."

Sean walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and knocked on the glass: "If I choose the former, I will definitely die?"

Bai Youming said in a relaxed tone: "If I am here, you will not die, and if I die, you will not be able to live... The same is true for those who have not won the inheritance rights. A few decades ago, I would have had different ideas, but Now, I am quite qualified to hold the position of prince.”

Sean shrugged: "Then don't expose my identity, right?"

Bai Youming turned to look at him: "You may not be exposed now, but you will definitely be exposed in the future. Moreover, only the prince is qualified to enjoy privileges that ordinary people cannot enjoy. Why, do you expect me to support you?"

"It's not impossible for you to support me," Sean said with a shameless face, "I don't ask for much, just forget about those rights and connections, it's troublesome. However, can you make up for the resources I lacked in the past twenty years? A supplement?”

Bai Youming said leisurely: "It depends on how you choose. If you choose the first one, you only need to wait for a while. I will notify the emperor to officially help you revise the family tree, resources and so on. There will always be some compensation. Choose the second one. I will I’ll give you some resources now, and if you succeed, you can get more.”

Sean smacked his lips: "Why do I always feel like you are inducing me to choose the second one?"

"Of course, although I have family ties and blood connections with the prince and princess, I naturally have my own preferences. Moreover, I have the qualifications and the obligation to choose a more suitable heir for the empire." Bai Youming made no secret.

"What about your current tendencies?" Sean asked.

Bai Youming said leisurely: "The eldest prince Bai Zhan, I watched him grow up. In terms of talent in force, he is the first. I deliberately let the powerful figures in the military get close to him. In the eyes of outsiders, I am inclined to Fighting in vain.”

Sean said nothing, waiting for the next step.

Sure enough, Bai Youming continued: "The second prince, Bai Wen, was not loved by my brother when he was a child. He was away from home all the time, and the three major administrative regions of the empire were friends with him. The Imperial Security Bureau was also secretly held by this kid, but I I don’t like him either, he’s too smooth and sophisticated, he has no ambition, hehe, he was taught badly by his queen mother.”

"The third prince, Bai You, and the fourth prince, Bai Si, are twins. The former is close to Grand Duke Wen Kun and has made friends with many councilors, while the latter is the candidate for the next generation of cardinals of the Golden Dawn. They are not considered strong separately. If the two brothers work together, then they will is the strongest contender.”

Bai Youming yawned: "The second child doesn't like me. The third and fourth children are close to the foreign surname and the other is close to the Holy See but they can't control it. They don't even have enough courage. Although the boss is stupid, he is better at fighting and being straightforward. , it’s just a minor ailment that I developed after leading the troops back..."

Sean asked directly: "Where is Bai Ye? And you didn't make it clear who you support?"

Bai Youming chuckled: "Bai Ye is not suitable to be the queen. She is too obsessed and prone to doing extreme things. However, she has been performing well recently... As for who I support, of course I support whoever is stronger. ”

Sean looked at the prince who was clearly in his early sixties but looked as young as a twenty-year-old boy, and finally raised his eyebrows: "Why do I feel that you are asking me to assist Bai Ye in your words? "

As he said that, he looked away uncomfortably: "She and I can't meet each other for the time being, and there's nothing we can do about it if we make it clear in the future."

Bai Youming snorted: "As long as you know...but do you know what is the most important thing about the emperor's family?"


"Use whatever you can, good or bad..."

Bai Youming raised his chin slightly, his sense of intimidation suddenly became heavier, and his tone became colder.

"I am angry about this matter, but it has happened, and you are not to blame at all... In this case, it is better to take advantage of it."

His voice was cold and calm: "In terms of strength, status, and connections, Bai Ye is not as good as her brothers, and the same is true for you. Your influence in Paradise City cannot radiate to the empire."

"But one thing about you is that you are much stronger than your brothers and sisters... you are never in awe."

Sean's pupils shrank slightly.

Bai Youming chuckled lightly: "After I began to suspect that you were Lao Wu, I sent people to collect all the information that could be collected... You planned the big explosion, and you and Bai Ye teamed up to ambush Rhodes... And all the ways you behave in front of me.”

"You are a person who doesn't know awe..."

He raised his eyebrows: "And in this regard, you are very similar to Brother Huang when he was young, very similar... So, even without those tests, I basically believe that you are the fifth child."

I thought you were going to say something, brother, you are so inaccurate in judging people... Sean muttered in his mind.

Bai Youming smiled: "As for Bai Ye, he looks very much like me when I was young."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Bai Youming said something astonishing: "I am the same as Bai Ye, except that I awakened my powers a little earlier than her... Oh, her appearance when she was extreme was exactly the same as mine."

Sean finally couldn't help but speak: "Are you also an accumulation type of superpower?"

Bai Youming nodded, and a vortex appeared in his palm: "When I awakened, I was at the peak of the king level. That night, I was almost killed by my strength that advanced too quickly... so I went straight to find a crimson mad beast. ”

Hiss, what kind of top ruthless person is this?

"I am so extreme, and the emperor takes pleasure in making fun of me... I narrowly escaped death and hunted that crimson crazy beast. The emperor, who had already advanced to the crimson level, was observing in the dark. When I finished everything, he came out and laughed. Then asked me, 'Do you want to assist him and help him become the new emperor?'"

Bai Youming laughed: "I said, yes, but I want to be the emperor, and the emperor agreed."

"As a result, gradually, I felt that my character was not worthy of being the emperor. Finally, the emperor's brother came to the throne."

"He did a great job, but..."

There was an unknown regret in Bai Youming's voice: "A person who doesn't know what awe is has the greatest power, but his extreme brother only knows how to support his brother..."

At this point, Bai Youming's voice stopped abruptly.

Sean was shocked: "Then what?"

Bai Youming laughed: "Then there are the empire's top secrets. Let's wait until you become the prince."

Sean made a sound and said seriously: "So, you want to change it this time?"

Bai Youming nodded: "Change it and see if there will be a different result."

He suddenly came closer, his eyes burning: "Sean, can you do it?"

Sean spread his hands: "You've come to this point, can I still say no?"

"Sure enough, I don't know how to be awe-inspiring, just like the imperial brother..." Bai Youming smiled.

Immediately, he said seriously: "Your identity has temporarily changed. From today on, you are my adopted son... and what you have to do is to assist Bai Ye in obtaining the right to inherit."

Sean interjected: "You fully support it?"

Bai Youming chuckled: "Then it depends on the performance of you and Bai Ye. Although I have ideas, having ideas does not mean that I will implement them. No matter how much you and Bai Ye agree with me, losers will not inherit. Qualifications for the throne.”

Sean nodded thoughtfully and held out a hand.

"What?" Bai Youming asked.

Sean said matter-of-factly: "Thing, the fifth prince in secret and the adopted son of the prince in public, the resources must be given to two, right? On the one hand, we meet uncle and nephew, on the other hand, we recognize father and son. Are you embarrassed?"

Bai Youming laughed loudly: "Very good, very good."

He snapped his fingers: "I gave Bai Ye a portion of Linglu before. You should also take a portion."

Old Hansen opened the door and walked in, holding several stacked treasure boxes in his hands.

"As the son of a prince, it is natural that you have to have some respect. I will choose the territory tomorrow. I have a share of the blood of the crazy beast. The upper level of crimson is about to reach its peak. It's up to you whether you want to use it or not. Besides..." Bai Youming suddenly revealed a With a meaningful smile, "There is another good thing, but you have to collect the debt to get it back."

Sean rolled his eyes: "Is this the prince?"

Bai Youming sat down and said cheerfully: "You can come and go freely on the third floor of the treasure house. I allow you to take one thing in the name of the prince. As for more, it depends on you and Bai Ye."

Old Hansen handed everything over and said softly: "His Royal Highness, here is your personal coat of arms. Please keep it. In addition, this is the territory you can choose in and around the imperial capital."

Sean took it over without being polite. He didn't even need to open it to look at it. He knew just from the smell that it was indeed good stuff.

Bai Youming continued: "The Crown Prince's identity will not be made public for the time being, but you can use this name to act. As for how to act, it's up to you. Remember one thing..."

His eyes shone slightly: "We must abide by the laws and regulations of the empire."

"Then am I considered a noble of the empire now? Or am I just a lackey of His Highness the Crown Prince?" Moza said, pushing up his glasses.

Sean was looking at the precious item named Linglu and said casually: "Depending on your interest, bullying men and dominating women in the imperial capital should be enough."

Sherrill supported his chin with one hand, put his elbow on the coffee table, and his wooden legs groaned.

"Brother, it has only been one night, and you have gained a biological father and a nominal godfather... Will Boss Jin Kui be unhappy?"

Sean kicked him: "Stupid, can Grand Duke Wen Cheng beat the prince?"

Sherrill scratched the area that was a little itchy after being kicked: "I don't know if I can beat him, but he is definitely not as famous as the prince."

"Isn't that enough? The limitations in the boss's body, sooner or later I will find a name for him to change. Besides, no matter whether I'm a real father, a godfather or a fake father, anyone who can give me things is a good father, so what's the point of having a birth certificate? ?" Sean said matter-of-factly.

Moza nodded with deep understanding: "Yes, when it was rumored that the eldest brother was the illegitimate son of Boss Jin Kui and the dean, the eldest brother also asked us to spread the word more."

"It doesn't work now. The original dean has died a long time ago and is of no use. From now on, please spread the word that I am the adopted son of the prince."

"Then what are we going to do next?" Sherrill asked again.

Sean was looking at the list of areas that could be divided into territories. While scanning, he said: "Of course we must first find a way to kill the imprisoned cultist. If he can't help it, tell him everything. Bai Youming will come immediately." Chase me."

"But didn't your new father say that it would take three days for you to see him?" Moza asked.

"I don't need the rituals in his hands. I just want him to die... Tsk, I was originally planning to take the risk and sneak in. Isn't this a chance?" Sean grinned.

Moza and Sherrill both came closer and looked at the position pointed by Sean's finger.

"Gate of Dawn..."

When the sun rises in the east, although the sun is obscured by the evil dome, people traveling early in the morning will always subconsciously look in the other direction.

At the other end of the mountain that echoes the imperial city, there is a vague door that is slowly pushed open.

The gentle light lasted for five minutes and then disappeared. Many people were still recalling the sunshine just now.

"It would be better if the Gate of Dawn were open a little longer." Someone said regretfully.

"How can it be that easy? The people of the Golden Dawn are not so kind." Someone said disdainfully.

However, as soon as he said this, he was immediately glared at by the devout believers around him.

The Gate of Dawn, home to the Golden Dawn, the Empire's only orthodox sect.

Although it is said to be a gate, it actually covers a large area. Every day, many believers climb to the peak in front of the gate just to pray devoutly in the believers' square.

However, today's Believers' Square is a little strangely lively.

A crowd had gathered and was glaring at the group.

"This place is really nice and quite impressive." The young man with lake blue eyes commented with interest.

To believers, this behavior is a highly disrespectful blasphemy.

Someone has already taken the lead and approached.

Damn heretics, how dare you act so arrogantly here!

The Simon of the Golden Dawn also walked over. If the other party recognizes the situation, just give him a lesson and expel him. If he does not recognize the situation... not everyone can bear the anger of the followers.

Bai Youming got up and sat at the table. After listening to what Old Hansen said, he said cheerfully: "He was quite quick and passed away that night. He was smart."

"His Royal Highness is indeed very clever." Even though he knew Sean's true identity, Old Hansen still called him His Royal Highness.

Lifting the tea cup, Bai Youming asked, "Has anyone from the military been there?"

Old Hansen shook his head.

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "Shouldn't he be familiar with imperial law?"

Old Hansen said softly: "You must have read it familiarly...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came over an hour ago and brought Unit 0 with him."

After spitting out a mouthful of tea, Bai Youming turned around and said, "How much did you bring?"

"Take them all."

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