I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 274 Is there any more royal law?

The Gate of Dawn hasn't been this lively in a long time.

In the past, believers would just kneel quietly in the square and pray silently in their hearts under the leadership of a single priest.

The Golden Dawn rarely holds religious activities and attracts only a limited number of believers every year. Therefore, for existing believers, this simplest prayer is also very sacred.

Now, someone dared to talk nonsense here, which immediately aroused the anger of all believers.

One of the leading believers seemed to be a wealthy businessman. He was dressed luxuriously, and one of his mechanical hands was even inlaid with precious gems that were of no use but were just beautiful.

Smashing his cane hard, the wealthy businessman said angrily: "Discourteous! The Gate of Dawn is the eyes of the great God of Nothingness looking at the believers. Do you know what you are saying!"

Sean looked up in confusion: "Is it wrong for me to praise this place for its magnificence? Who are you?"

"I am just the most ordinary believer -" when the wealthy businessman said this, he drew a circle on his forehead, which is a symbol of nothingness. However, after drawing the symbol, his pious expression immediately became fierce, "I order Kneel down immediately and ask for forgiveness from the great God of Nothingness!”

While he was speaking, other believers had gathered around him with unfavorable expressions, and it seemed that they would use force if Sean refused to yield.

"What are you doing? There are many people bullying those who are small?" Sean looked around.

"You are disrespectful!" an old woman said viciously.

She was very short and staggered when she walked, but she actually stood up on her tiptoes and put her hands on Sean's shoulders to push him down.

Sean used a little force to break away from the other party, but the old woman retreated and fell to the ground as if she had been kicked hard, with shock and hatred on her face.

"Infidel! How dare you take action! Beat him to death!"

No one looked at the old woman. The wealthy businessman shouted, and the believers who were ready to move rushed forward without saying a word.

"Is this possible?" Sean smiled helplessly. He didn't even use any force just now.

However, the believers were not prepared to listen to his sophistry, and the leader had already pounced on him with all his teeth and claws.

Simen, who was guarding the Gate of Dawn, just watched this scene indifferently.

"You are not as cute as the bald guy from the Sect of Time." Sean shook his head and then blew forward.

The vicious believers suddenly froze in place. They looked around blankly, then their eyes changed, and they rushed towards their companions ferociously.

In the square at the Gate of Dawn, the believers who were originally hostile to each other fought together.

Their eyes were red, and they were using their hands and feet together. Even if their limbs were broken by the people around them, they would open their mouths and viciously bite off the flesh and blood of the people around them.

They can't distinguish between enemies and companions at all, just like crazy beasts.

This sudden scene made Simen, who was still watching, look in shock. They immediately rushed over and angrily shouted: "Stop!"

But no believer listened to them.

"Stop! Stop! Ah! Let go!" The leader, Simen, was still trying to stop him, but a believer had already rushed over and bit him hard.

Sean, the instigator, was left alone.

He squinted slightly and noticed something was wrong.

Didn't the gatekeepers give priority to stopping me from accusing me?


And the group of disciples finally reacted. The leader of the group inserted his arms into the ground, and countless vines came out to tie up all the crazy believers. He looked at Sean angrily: "Pagans, how dare you cause trouble under the gaze of God. Congregants! Catch them!"

Most of the crazy believers were ordinary people, but the Simons were all vetoes. After receiving the order, they swarmed forward.

Sean blew another breath.

Something like worms began to swim under the skin of the Simons. They each let out a shrill roar, and then, no different from the previous believers, they began to attack each other.

"This will make the scene more lively." Sean raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Silence, nothingness——"

The chaotic scene only lasted for a moment. This was the Gate of Dawn after all, and other people rushed over immediately.

An old man wearing a cardinal's clothes muttered something, and a gentle light emitted from his forehead out of thin air. The crazy Simon and the believers stood there and twitched violently.

Streams of red and black mist floated out of their bodies, and then everyone who went crazy turned pale and fainted.

There was a hint of surprise in Sean's eyes. This Golden Dawn man really had his life in his hands.

Moreover, this old man's aura is only at the upper level of king level, and he can actually stop my luring... However, my luring has nothing to do with the red and black mist...

Sean keenly noticed that when the old man recited the prayer, the light from the Gate of Dawn seemed to suddenly become much stronger.

However, within a short period of time, dense footsteps could be heard from the other side of the Dawn Gate.

The defenders rushed out aggressively and immediately surrounded Sean and his group.

The leader, a one-eyed middle-aged man wearing the clothes of an exorcist, saluted the Cardinal: "Your Majesty Cardinal, what happened?"

The cardinal showed a look of compassion: "They have all had their minds eroded... pitiful."

He looked at Sean: "Our congregation just asked you to apologize. Why did you do such a thing and fall into darkness at such a young age... May the Lord forgive you."

Sean chuckled: "Apologise? I praised that this place is very grand, but is it a profanity?"

"How can our congregants be so irrational?" The cardinal shook his head regretfully. "Young man, you have to face your mistakes. Will so many people still wrong you? They are just impulsive, but Just to make you realize your own shortcomings under the gaze of the Lord, you use bad means to erode their minds..."

Sean interrupted the other party directly: "You guys play religion, do you have the same way of speaking?"

The exorcist was immediately furious: "Pagan, if you dare to do such a blasphemous act, according to the scriptures, I will escort you to the Tribunal of the Golden Dawn to accept God's punishment!"

As he spoke, his fierce aura had already exploded, Crimson Lower Level!

Under his leadership, the guardians have all taken out their weapons, and various elements are lingering around them. It seems that Sean will kill him if he dares to move.

"Is the Golden Dawn so overbearing? This empire belongs to you, or to His Majesty the Emperor." Sean said lazily.

The cardinal drew a symbol and said solemnly: "Of course it belongs to His Majesty, but whether according to the canon or the imperial law, you deserve this crime."

The defenders surrounded him, and at this moment, footsteps sounded again outside the door.

The security brigade wearing the uniforms of the Security Bureau came up.

"We were notified that someone was causing trouble at the Gate of Dawn?" The bearded police officer in charge looked serious.

The Cardinal saluted: "Mr. Fox, this young man deliberately blasphemed the Golden Dawn. According to the canon, he should be sent to the court of justice."

Fox quickly returned the salute: "It turns out to be Bishop Walker."

Then, he looked at Sean fiercely: "Boy, you did all this?!"

Sean rubbed his nose: "According to imperial law, this should be considered self-defense, right?"

"Self-defense? Humph." Fox snorted coldly.

However, he was a little confused in his heart. The Golden Dawn even sent out its guardians. This matter should not be his turn. Why should we inform us?

It's just that, even though he's here, it's just a way of giving Bishop Walker face.

He pointed at Sean: "Raise your hands and surrender. The gentlemen of the Golden Dawn will escort you to the Inquisition."

As for the identity of the other party, Fox didn't care.

Just kidding? How could he, a captain at the Security Bureau headquarters, not know the nobles in the imperial capital?

I don’t know why this kid is so crazy when he comes to the Gate of Dawn.

Sean frowned slightly: "Mr. Police Officer, you were not at the scene, but you just heard someone else's words and you convicted me? And even if I am guilty, according to imperial law, I should be escorted back to the Security Bureau to await conviction. Are you? Working for the Empire or working for the Golden Dawn?”

Fox's expression changed, and he said viciously: "Nonsense! Close the team and leave it to the Golden Dawn to handle itself."

"Is this how the Imperial Security Bureau operates? Imperial law stipulates that no one is allowed to use lynching, and everything is left to the official disposal. Don't you understand this?" Sean asked.

"The Tribunal is just letting you understand your sins. People of the Golden Dawn will naturally not break the law. I will deal with you on behalf of the official afterwards, haha."

After leaving such words, Fox led the people away without looking back.

The exorcist from the lower level of Crimson has already walked up, with a cold and stern voice: "Pagan, I give you ten seconds to surrender, ten, nine..."

Sean raised his hands simply: "Okay, I surrender."

"Hmph, you are wise enough to escort me back to the trial court."

Special shackles cuffed Sean's hands, and two defenders escorted him toward the interior of the Gate of Dawn.

The cardinal, who was lagging behind, glanced at the exorcist.

"Your Majesty Bishop?"

Bishop Walker's eyes were a little greedy: "That kid is weird, he must have connections with cultists..."

"Then still send him to the trial court?"

"Send him to the dungeon temporarily...and ask him about the sacrifice ceremony."


"Where is the promised trial court?" Sean was sitting in the dungeon, looking around curiously.

The exorcist from the crimson lower level glanced at the person behind him, and the person walked up rubbing his hands.

He opened a huge tool box with all kinds of things in it.

After selecting for a while, the man took out a bunch of things and assembled them, finally turning into something that looked like a small decapitation rack.

He gave a nervous smile: "Do you know what this is? Just put your head in, it won't cut off your head, it will only slowly push your skull down..."

Sean burped: "It's a brain press."

The man was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "You are well-informed... but what you don't know is what the sponge-looking thing on this piece of iron is..."

Sean came over and took a look: "It's a mutant species of deep lake seaweed. After it's dried in the sun and then soaked in psychostimulant potion for ten days, it can cause a needle-pricking sensation on the scalp of those who come into contact with it."

The man was stunned again, then became angry and said: "Then this one below..."

"I'm familiar with this. The toxin produced by the big crack in Paradise City seems to have been re-processed. It may have the effect of amplifying pain?"


"The thing in the middle should be the stimulation core, which can ensure that the victim will not faint and maintain long-term and unbearable pain."


"By the way, your superpower should be metal activation? But you can't maintain it well. Rust will affect the overall balance, which can easily lead to permanent loss of the brain of the victim, and eventually become dementia. Punishment is a process, but it is still for It’s so unprofessional of you to pry open people’s mouths and make them stupid.”

Sean looked disgusted and sighed regretfully.

The man and the exorcist looked at each other, and finally grabbed Sean's collar angrily: "You will know later whether I am professional or not. What is your sacrifice ceremony?"

"Just for this?"

"very good--"

The exorcist who was originally prepared to watch suddenly received the report. He frowned, ordered two people to stay, and then quickly left the dungeon.

"Baby, we can start." The interrogator showed a sinister smile.

Sean also smiled and nodded: "Let's get started."

His hands slipped out of the handcuffs at some point.

The interrogator was startled, and just as he was about to call out, he saw the other party's fingers twitching, and then his vision went dark.

"It can't be delayed..." Cardinal Walker stood in the crowd with a sad look on his face.

But at this time, he no longer had the right to speak.

Except for the lone Cardinal, the Archpriest, the second leader of the Golden Dawn, faced everyone.

A large number of people stood densely in the square at the Gate of Dawn, and the leader on the opposite side was actually a powerful figure in the military, General Shi Hai, known as General Iron and Stone.

Shi Hai's Guozi face was full of evil spirits: "High Priest, you still won't let me go?"

"General Shi Hai, that young man violated imperial law and canon, and should be sentenced. Is this the intention of the military or your personal opinion?" The high priest naturally refused to give in. This is the territory of the Golden Dawn, although the military The momentum is strong, but you cannot give in.

"General Shi Hai, Lord High Priest, don't be angry... We are all part of the empire, why should we be like this? However, since we have reached this point, we might as well let the young man come out and see what happened."

The high priest said calmly: "What if that young man is guilty?"

"Of course you will be punished if you deserve it. His Majesty said that noble children should be treated the same way."

The person who spoke was a blond, middle-aged man with a distinctive black and white mustache.

And he is one of the three speakers of the current parliament, and he is the only one who can mediate between the two sides in this situation.

The high priest shook his head: "Forget it, Walker, bring the young man up."


The exorcist walked quickly down the dungeon and immediately saw Sean lying on the ground shaking, while the interrogator was putting away his torture instruments.

"how's it going?"

"I asked them all."

"Are others okay?"

"It's okay, at least there's nothing going on outside." The interrogator smiled sinisterly, but a look of confusion flashed across his eyes from time to time.

The exorcist didn't notice this. He looked at the person he left behind and waved his hand after receiving a look of approval.

"Take him up."

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