I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 275 If you want to talk about the law, then talk about my heart.

In the square at the Gate of Dawn, the three parties were clearly separated.

The Golden Dawn cult, headed by the high priest, is also their headquarters. Naturally, it has the largest number of people and the greatest momentum.

Admiral Shi Hai stood opposite. Although he only brought a hundred personal guards, his momentum was not inferior. As the military with the highest say in the empire, he naturally had this qualification.

The blond Speaker is in the middle. While His Majesty the Emperor is recuperating from illness, the policies and regulations of the entire empire are basically controlled by the Parliament. Otherwise, no one will listen to the Speaker's mediation.

These three parties basically represent the components of the empire's leadership: civil, military, and religious.

However, such a situation rarely occurs, and most of the people who caused this situation are unknown.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and everyone turned their attention.

The young man walked out slowly, and the defender beside him seemed to be escorting and protecting him, but the other person lowered his head and could not see any expression.

Shi Hai frowned slightly: "What did you do to him?"

The high priest waved his hand, and Cardinal Walker stood up.

He said loudly: "Originally, according to the imperial law and canon, this person should be escorted to the court for trial. This move is not to vent his anger, but just to clear away the sins on his body. His spiritual sins will be forgiven by the Lord, The physical crimes he committed will be determined by imperial law, and we will naturally send him to the Security Bureau afterwards. "

Shi Hai raised his chin slightly and pointed at Sean, who walked to the center without saying a word: "I'm asking you, what did you do to him?"

The strength of the military was evident when he unceremoniously questioned a cardinal at the headquarters of the Golden Dawn.

However, Golden Dawn will naturally not show weakness.

Walker said calmly: "Nothing has been done. The trial court has not yet opened. Hehe, he didn't say a word. He must have some understanding of his own sins."

Shi Hai strode forward and walked towards Sean.

Walker retreated to the high priest. The latter's lips did not move, but the voice had reached his ears.

"Have you been tortured?"

Walker secretly replied: "It has been moved, High Priest. This young man can erode the minds of the congregation. I borrowed the response from the Gate of Dawn to barely control it. I suspect that he has mastered a very high-level sacrificial ritual." ”

The high priest looked calm and calm, but secretly asked: "Did you ask?"


"Is the young man's will damaged?"

"That's not clear... However, I have already ordered people to use the healing ritual, and he has no external injuries and cannot be found... But, high priest, why did Shi Hai come here to ask for someone?"

"I'm just wondering...but it doesn't matter which noble's illegitimate son this young man is. You have to follow the rules when doing things, and Shi Hai is no exception."

On the other side, Shi Hai's voice reached Sean's ears: "Boy, are you okay?"

When Sean raised his head in confusion, Shi Hai's brows suddenly tightened, and he immediately shouted to the high priest and asked: "How come his consciousness is damaged?!"

The high priest looked calm: "The Gate of Dawn is the eye through which the great Lord looks at the world. He is guilty and it is natural for him to be purified in the holy place."

"Don't think that I don't know about your torture." Shi Hai said coldly.

"Absolutely impossible." The high priest directly denied it.

The blond speaker saw that the two seemed to be about to have a conflict and walked over quickly.

"Don't be impulsive, you two. When doing things, you must follow the rules and regulations."

He walked to Sean and looked at him for a while, then thought: "There are no external injuries, and there are indeed no signs of torture... Young man, can you speak?"

Sean said nothing.

The exorcist of the Golden Dawn had a grumpy temper and immediately sneered: "We didn't torture him. He either had some realization and was ashamed of himself, or he was just pretending to be stupid."

Shi Hai's eyebrows glared: "Is it your turn to speak?!"

A thorn came out from under the exorcist's feet. He was unable to dodge, and a milky white light flashed through to help him block the attack.

Although his body was not seriously injured, he was also disgraced.

"Shi Hai, for provoking my exorcist for no reason, do you think this is your new barracks?" The high priest's voice was filled with anger, and his forehead also emitted a faint light.

The blond speaker immediately stood between the two of them and persuaded them: "Calm down, calm down, you guys, don't hurt the harmony."

The high priest waved his sleeves and said angrily: "He led his troops to break into the Gate of Dawn without permission and insulted our religion. The young man he wanted to protect also committed many blasphemous acts. Do you really think that there is no one in our Golden Dawn?!"

Shi Hai sneered: "You magicians only have a sharp tongue."

The blond speaker also frowned and showed his official authority: "Okay, just stop saying a few words."

He looked at Shi Hai: "General Shi Hai, if you don't talk about anything else, this matter is indeed unreasonable. No matter what, it is not a wise move to lead troops into the Gate of Dawn."

Shi Hai frowned: "There are people who have been wrongly accused for no reason and are going to be arrested and sent to some kind of trial court. Naturally, our imperial army must protect the people of the empire."

The Speaker secretly spat, "Can you guard the hook?"

How can an ordinary person, even a peak king-level person, hire a military boss?

I'm afraid that this guy is the nephew of a general in the military, and it's not convenient for him to come forward in person, so he has to ask you for help...

The blond speaker looked at Sean again, but still didn't think of the other person's appearance.

However, the general who could invite Shi Hai was probably a general of the same level. It is estimated that this kid is the other party's illegitimate son or something like that.

Looking at the people of the Golden Dawn behind him, the Speaker cleared his throat and said seriously: "The laws of the empire are strict, and you can't convict or get away with it just by talking. His Majesty once said that even the princes and princesses cannot be above the law."

He pointed at Sean: "We must first find out whether this young man has made any mistakes, right?"

The people of the Golden Dawn seemed to be waiting for this sentence. Immediately, a large number of people on stretchers were carried out.

Volk showed compassion on his face: "The believers were praying, but this person suddenly used evil means to erode their minds and caused them to kill each other. Isn't this enough proof? The gatekeeper stepped forward to stop it, but was also killed. My Golden Dawn suffered heavy losses!"

On the stretcher, the believers and gatekeepers were all seriously injured, and they were all tied up tightly. Even so, it can be seen that even if they can't move, many people are madly attacking everything around them with red eyes.

"The Lord's mercy will come."

Wolker prayed softly, and the crazy people gradually calmed down under the light.

They seemed to have regained some consciousness. After Volker asked who corrupted them, the awakened people pointed at Sean.

The Speaker turned his head and said seriously: "This is not a trivial matter."

Shi Hai sneered: "Since when, believers who only have the Lord in their minds can also serve as witnesses?"

The high priest seemed to have expected it. He waved his sleeves: "Then let you see it clearly."

A team of people came over. It was Fox, the captain of the Security Bureau who had just left.

Fox took off his hat and saluted, and said seriously: "I swear in the name of the Security Bureau that this young man committed the crime first."

Shi Hai's voice became colder: "Why, did you see it with your own eyes?"

Fox's throat moved a little, but he still nodded: "I received a report before that someone was making trouble at the Gate of Dawn. I came over and saw that this young man was doing some evil things."

This time, with both human and material evidence, Shi Hai's expression completely turned cold.

Small people talk about laws and regulations, big people talk about fists, and when big people talk about laws and regulations, they have to talk about laws and regulations again.

Even if everyone here has violated the imperial law, it is openly stated that this is the great truth.

Sean still said nothing, and Shi Hai frowned slightly.

He was entrusted to rescue someone, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome...

Over there, the speaker seemed to have made a judgment: "In this case, General Shi Hai, you should hand over the person."

Shi Hai frowned. Although he held real power, he couldn't defy the imperial law in public.

At this moment, suddenly, a yawn sounded.

Everyone looked at it together, and Sean, who had just been silent with his eyes dull, suddenly stretched.

He yawned in front of everyone, and then looked at everyone: "Are all the people here?"

This kid... just dozed off while standing?

Everyone had an absurd idea.

Many people present, not to mention the power of the world, but they can make the imperial capital tremble with a stomp of their feet - we are arguing for you, but you are dozing off?

The one who reacted the fastest was Fox. He stood up and said in a deep voice: "According to Article 61 of the Imperial Security Law, you trespassed into the important area of ​​the Church and used supernatural powers to deliberately attack innocent civilians. Come back to the police station with us."

Sean turned his head and looked for a while, staring at Fox's back.

The high priest put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Young man, there are witnesses and evidence. If you want to lie, you are probably thinking too much. However, it is inevitable for young people to go astray. The Lord will forgive you, and you should also confess your crimes and accept everything you should accept."

Sean changed his target, and then he raised a middle finger in front of everyone: "Who the hell are you, standing here and making trouble, get out of here, old man, and let you pretend."

As soon as these words came out, the square fell into a brief silence.

The eyes of the high priest turned slightly cold. He remained calm, but his voice was filled with murderous intent: "It seems that the Lord's mercy cannot awaken the hopeless..."

The exorcist behind him was furious: "You are so bold to blaspheme the high priest!"

Even the speaker, who seemed neutral all the time, frowned: "Young man, do you know what you are doing? Even if you were innocent before, you have made a big mistake now!"

Fox was overjoyed after being shocked. He was about to come over with handcuffs: "I will arrest you in the name of the Security Bureau..."

A stack of lira was thrown in his face.

Fox was stunned and furious: "You dare to bribe public officials in public, which is aggravated!"

Sean dug his ears: "Shut up, Article 162 of the Imperial Security Law, anyone who insults others in public shall be detained for more than five days but less than ten days and fined 2,000 lira."

"Who do you think you are insulting?" Fox was furious.

Sean turned his head and said, "Why, Mr. Police Officer representing the Imperial Security Force, are you telling me that this old man has a special status in the Imperial Law? It's a serious crime to scold him? Are you helping him to be above the Imperial Law?"

The scene was suffocated again.

When this big pot was thrown at him, Fox realized that he had said something wrong no matter how stupid he was. Moreover, even the high priest did not dare to catch this big pot, and immediately retorted:

"Nonsense! I act according to the imperial law!"

Then, his eyes lit up: "You think paying a fine is enough, you said it yourself, detention..."

Before he could speak, Sean looked at him like a fool: "Do I need to tell you about the bail regulations in Article 89, Article 14 of the Public Security Law? Of course, if you have any objections, you can go to my guarantor."

He pointed to the stone sea behind him.

Fox was choked.

It seems to be true... legal and compliant...

Knowing that Fox could not continue to speak, Volk stepped forward and said angrily: "The high priest will not argue with you, but the fact that you have committed a crime has been established. I advise you not to struggle too much."

Sean sneered: "According to Article 92 of the Imperial Public Security Law, the people of the Empire can freely enter and exit non-restricted areas. The Gate of Dawn is also included, right? Or does the Gate of Dawn and the land below not belong to the Empire, but to the Golden Dawn?"

Volk snorted coldly: "You are spreading rumors. The Golden Dawn is of course part of the Empire, and the Gate of Dawn is open to everyone. Don't think about changing the subject. You deliberately erode others' minds. This is intentional injury. You can't argue!"


"There are witnesses and evidence, and you still want to deny it?"

"Don't you have a camera at the Gate of Dawn?"

"The Holy Land naturally doesn't need to be equipped with such things."

"But I installed it."

Sean smiled, and a round pupil without eyelashes appeared behind him.

A picture was played in front of everyone.

"This place is really nice and quite impressive."

"Disrespectful! The Gate of Dawn is the eyes of the great God of Nothingness looking at the believers. Do you know what you are talking about!"

"Pagan! How dare you take action? Kill him!"

Everything that happened in the square before was played out.

Even everything Fox did after he arrived was recorded.

Sean pouted: "Coincidentally, I recorded it."

Volker's face remained unchanged: "Is this your ability? Haha, your ability can naturally be modified by you."

"Then what can't be modified?" Sean asked back.

Volker replied: "Of course it's the eyes of so many people."

"They are all your people, don't you have the final say?"

"Ridiculous, in the public eye, how can I have the final say again?"

Sean snapped his fingers: "That's right, you don't have the final say, and I don't have the final say."

Bishop Volker suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sean clapped his hands, and suddenly, a few people climbed up the cliff at the edge of the Gate of Dawn.

They held a huge wired camera with the royal mark printed on it.

The camera's image was connected to a screen, which was playing the same image, but recorded from another angle.

The leader was a lazy young man, holding a grass root in his mouth and waving at the crowd leisurely.

The high priest's pupils shrank sharply.

He didn't even realize that someone had been hiding around him... There were only a handful of people in the entire imperial capital who could do this!

He looked at Sean suddenly. Who was this person? !

Sean blinked: "Unfortunately, a few mountaineering enthusiasts recorded this scene with a royal machine - well, do you want to guess whether this royal machine can also be faked?"

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

To talk about law, it really touched Sean's heart.

Suddenly, a slightly sharp voice sounded.

A person in gorgeous clothes walked out from the inside of the Gate of Dawn at some point, and everyone present bowed and saluted.

The man ignored it, walked up to Sean, and smiled:

"I was wondering, how come a few of these royal equipment that are counted every day were suddenly missing last night?"

He walked up to Sean and stood still: "Privately misappropriating... oh no, it should be called stealing royal supplies. According to Article 9 of the Public Security Law... it should be severely punished."

"By the way," he suddenly seemed to remember something, and pointed at the people carrying cameras, "I forgot to say that Unit 0 is the personal guard of the emperor's uncle, and can only be mobilized by him."

"Others, including the Grand Marshal, have no right to mobilize... and according to Article 9 of the Imperial Constitution, such behavior can be attributed to..."

He paused, then laughed: "Treason..."

He patted Sean on the shoulder: "As for you not saluting when you saw me, I won't hold you responsible."

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

The other party turned around: "Let me introduce myself, I'm ranked third, my name is Bai You."

The third prince of the empire.

Sean nodded, then whistled at Unit 0.

He pursed his lips at the Third Prince Bai You.

"Beat him."

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