I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 276 Don’t be afraid, Your Highness.

"beat him."

After Sean finished speaking, Third Prince Baiyou smiled gracefully.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Sean didn't even look at him, he just pouted at Unit 0.

Ridiculous... Many people present felt this way.

Only the blond speaker and the high priest frowned slightly. This young man was too arrogant... something was wrong...

Bai You still smiled gracefully. He turned around and looked at Unit 0. The young man at the head had already walked over.

The third prince stood there, but lowered his voice slightly: "Ake, when you came out... did you inform my uncle?"

Ake is one of the two vice-captains of Unit 0. Even if he does not serve in the military, he is only a personal guard in name, but few people dare to ignore him.

Of course, there are not many people who are qualified to know his name, and even fewer people know his origins.

Bai You clasped his hands behind his back: "My imperial uncle has a lazy temperament and won't care about you when nothing happens... However, what would he think if he knew that you and my eldest brother had secret contacts?"

Bai You didn't appear here by chance, but because he received news.

The military and the eldest prince are getting closer, and there is no reason for the other princes not to put their own eyes and ears in it - he suddenly received news not long ago that Admiral Shi Hai left in a hurry, and there seemed to be the shadow of Unit 0 among them.

Bai You knew very well that although the military and his eldest brother were close, the emperor's uncle would never openly side with a certain heir.

Therefore, this could only be a private action by members of Unit 0.

Unit 0 is naturally majestic, but the premise is that the emperor's uncle is still in the position of prince... If someone other than the eldest prince succeeds to the throne, then the uncle will also be liquidated.

Therefore, whether it is for their own future or for the object of their allegiance, Unit 0 does have reason to approach the eldest prince privately.

Yes, Bai You thought from beginning to end that this was something his good big brother did.

The purpose was just that, to test the Golden Dawn, to test whether the military generals were loyal to him, and to see if the relationship between himself and his fourth brother was that close.

As for Sean, Bai You didn't care.

He is just cannon fodder on the surface. He is probably the descendant of some ruined nobleman. He was blinded by greed after getting some promises.

However, this guy's arrogance is surprising... Could it be that his status is higher than I thought?

While Bai You was thinking, suddenly, a burst of explosions sounded.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

A green figure emerged from the wind and blocked Ake's iron fist.

The third prince's bodyguard was firmly resisting Ake's fist, his face flushed red.

Bai You was even stunned. He looked at Ake in disbelief: "You, are you going to attack me?"

Ake's shirt has exploded, his skin is red, blood droplets emerge from his pores and turn into red steam, and the gurgling sound of blood flow makes people's ears hurt.

He didn't speak, just showed a wanton smile.

There was only a roaring explosion, and the iron fist, which was invisible to the naked eye, came straight towards him!

The guard of the third prince was obviously not a veto of the enhanced type, but he did not expect that he, who was also from the lower level of Crimson, had only resisted two punches and already felt like he was overdrawn!

Unit 0 is so terrifying...

Seeing that the situation was not good, the rest of the Third Prince's personal guards immediately swarmed forward.

Ake just sneered: "Hit."

A dozen members of Unit 0 behind him laughed wildly and rushed forward.

It collapses at the first touch.

Even the third prince himself did not expect that the personal guards he had trained for a long time would not have any resistance!

Although the levels were almost the same, the people in Unit 0 seemed to be suppressed by a large level. In just one minute, a team of more than a dozen people suppressed the Third Prince's personal guards of more than fifty people and kept retreating. Many people even They were all knocked unconscious.

This is still a case of holding back. If it is really a life and death fight, this group of people will be lucky if they can leave half of them alive.

The third prince Bai You didn't even have time to rebuke angrily, because he was also forced to join the battle.

His crimson lower bodyguard was unable to support himself under Ake's series of attacks, and one arm was already hanging down limply.

And that Ake was like a mad dog, forcing the opponent back with one punch, and then went straight towards Bai You.

Baiyou is also in the lower level of crimson!

However, almost none of his powers that seemed to be linked to the prosthetic body were displayed. Ake's offensive methods were simple but extremely efficient. Punch after punch, one person suppressed the two people without any chance to fight back.

"How dare you disrespect the Third Prince!"

The high priest, who sensed something was wrong after seeing Unit 0 appear, could not stand idly by. Although he did not want to get involved between the third prince and the prince Bai Youming, in this case, it was obviously unrealistic not to take action. of.

The high priest took a step forward, and the forearm of his right hand was wrapped with white flames. The aura that obviously overwhelmed everyone present suddenly rose into the sky.

Deep red middle layer!

The white flame whip crossed the square in an instant and went straight to Ake's back.

Then, he was firmly held in the hand by a mechanical arm.

The crimson wrapping mecha fell from the sky and stood behind Ake.

Crimson... a dense mesh mask that can resist attacks from the deep red middle layer... whose appearance cannot be seen clearly...

The high priest's pupils suddenly shrank, and the people around him shouted out in disbelief: "Red Angel Zora?!"

The name that made everyone suffocate fell to the ground, and the sharp mechanical armor made a buzzing sound.

Without him, the person who came was none other than the captain of Unit 0, Zora, who was named the Red Angel!

According to rumors, the captain Shenlong has never been seen before. Unless there is a major mission, Bai Youming will recall her. In recent years, she has not been seen in the imperial capital.

How come she is here?

"Hey, Zora, are you here?"

The man's lazy laughter rang out, and under everyone's unbelievable gazes, the young man who should have been ignored actually greeted the Red Angel with a smile.

And, on a first-name basis?

What was even more shocking was that Zora actually turned her head and nodded slightly in greeting.

The buzzing sound of the mecha became more and more restless. The high priest tried to pull back his white flame whip, but Zora took out a rusty energy blade.

Under everyone's gaze, the white flame whip broke with one strike!

"Zora?!" Third Prince Bai You's eyes widened in disbelief.

In just this moment of distraction, Ake seized the opportunity.

"Sure enough, the Crimson piled up with resources... is too weak!"

He grinned ferociously and kicked away the bodyguard, then punched Bai You in the face with a punch that cut through the wind.

Bai You was shocked. Immediately, his supernatural power came into play, and a large piece of flowing metal emerged from his fingertips, forming a silver shield.

However, before he could think about the reason for all this, he saw that his silver shield was torn apart by a huge force like ordinary iron!

Ake's fist penetrated straight through and hit Bai You's chest without any hesitation.

Impossible... This is the best material and the best match for my powers... It's not enough to break...

Just as the thought flashed through his mind, the huge force trembled, and the aloof Third Prince flew out upside down.

He fell to the ground and rolled around a few times. When he stood up, blood was already oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The square fell into a sluggish state.

The third prince... was beaten... within the confines of the imperial capital?

There was a burst of applause, and they saw that the young man who ordered Unit 0 to beat people was applauding enthusiastically: "What a beautiful punch."

He waved enthusiastically to the third prince: "Your Highness, I give you ten points for your posture!"

The third prince spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

But by this time, everyone understood that this young man's identity was definitely extraordinary!

If it was just Ake, it might be through the use of some connections, but Red Angel Zora, that is a character that only Bai Youming can control!

Even Shi Hai was muttering secretly - didn't he say that this was the son of an old friend, and he asked me to come over and take care of him?

Which old friend's son can really use the Red Angel Zora? !

Wait... Shi Hai suddenly paused.

At this time, the square fell into an eerie silence.

But this is the Gate of Dawn after all. The high priest put his slightly numb right hand behind his back and said in a cold voice: "Most of Unit 0 has been dispatched. You guys are making trouble in my place. How dare you do it, Your Highness, the Third Prince?!"

Zora and Ake didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory, and of course they couldn't do so. One punch had already turned against Tiangang, and if they did it again, it would be a big trouble.

Zora's voice came out through the visor, very clear: "Why don't you dare? You framed good people, but you dare to talk about the law?"

On the other side, Bai You, who was finally helped up, had a furious face. The punch couldn't hurt him too much, but it shattered his face. For people in the royal family, this might be an even more naked insult.

"Zora, Ake! You deliberately conspired to rebel, what crime should you deserve!"

"Rebellion?" It was Sean who spoke. He looked around in confusion, "Why didn't I see it?"

Bai You's expression was cold: "I don't care who you are, stealing royal supplies, secretly gathering troops, and deliberately hurting people, even if the emperor's uncle is here, it doesn't make sense!"

Among the crowd, the blond speaker who understood this part best ran out in small steps.

He is the Third Prince's man, so of course he will turn to Bai You at this meeting.

The speaker shouted angrily: "You are openly defying the empire. I will file a lawsuit against you on behalf of the entire parliament. Please surrender to me on the spot!"

Sean turned his head and said, "Can you stop talking like you're farting? Let me ask you, I'm standing here today, what crime do you want to arrest me for?"

"Countless!" Although I felt a little bad in my heart, I still stood firm.

The blond speaker said solemnly: "Let's put aside what happened at the Gate of Dawn. As His Highness the Third Prince said, theft, deliberate rebellion, and attacks on members of the royal family are enough."

Sean dug his ears: "Ask, what does Article 4 of the Empire Management Regulations say about the right to use royal property?"

"When you go in and the crime is read out, you will naturally know."

Sean smiled and explained kindly: "According to the regulations, any member of the royal family is eligible to use the royal property."

"Are you? Are you Unit 0?" the speaker said solemnly.

Sean glanced at his watch: "Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

not yet? Who is this guy waiting for?

As soon as he finished speaking, a short, fat official ran over panting at the entrance of the Gate of Dawn. He held a large pile of information and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Wendel..." The Speaker recognized the official who ran over.

This is... the territorial officer.

As the name suggests, it is an official responsible for the overall planning of the territories.

And now they are responsible for doing one thing a lot of time, that is, planning the territories that can be granted to nobles and submitting them to His Majesty the Emperor for inspection.

The Speaker and Bai You both had a bad feeling.

"Wendel, what are you doing here?" The Speaker asked quickly.

Wendel did not expect that so many big shots would appear here.

The sweat on his forehead became more and more, and he hurriedly took out a document tremblingly: "According to the rules, prepare new territorial matters for His Highness..."

Bai You angrily scolded: "Are you crazy? What new territory am I here to get?"

Wendel hurriedly apologized, and then raised his head tremblingly: "Yes, I'm sorry, His Highness the Third Prince... The His Highness I'm talking about is, this His Highness."

The person he looked at was Sean.


Bai You subconsciously shouted, "Do you know what nonsense you are talking about?"

How come he doesn't know that he has a brother he has never met?

Moreover, he has not received any news, how come his father secretly gave him a name... Wait...

Bai You's breathing suddenly became heavy.

Wendell said carefully, "I'm talking about this prince..."

Prince... the son of the prince...

All kinds of doubts and all kinds of things that are wrong were solved in everyone's mind at once.

They looked at Sean in disbelief, who was waving politely:

"No need to applaud, no need to applaud, just kneel down and salute me."

The imperial law stipulates that you need to salute when you see a member of the royal family, and the prince is naturally included.

People like the high priest and the speaker have privileges, but others.

Sean walked through several people and came to Cardinal Volk, who was next to him. Exorcists, defenders and many believers.

"You're welcome." He said with a smile.

Volk's breathing became heavier.

The appearance of the territorial officer was almost equivalent to official confirmation... and there was a reason for Unit 0 to follow his orders... but...

He saw the other party approaching with a smile: "You're welcome."

Volk bent his waist a little stiffly: "Meet, meet..."

"I said you're welcome, are you really polite?"

Volk's expression was ugly, but in the end, reason overcame emotion.

He was about to bend his knees, and suddenly, a strange feeling of resentment rose.

"Why should I salute you, a cultist?!" He raised his head with a hateful face.

"Save him! The high priest's voice just sounded, and a red light flashed straight past.

Volk's head flew high.

Zora slowly retreated behind Sean and said calmly: "According to Article 77 of the Imperial Security Law, those who openly slander and insult members of the royal family and have the desire to attack can be killed on the spot."

Sean took a half step back in horror and said: "I'm scared to death, Sister Zora, I'm scared. "

Zhuola bowed her head slightly: "Your Highness, please rest assured, this man should be killed."

As if it was a signal, the followers of the Golden Dawn knelt down on the ground.

"How can this be embarrassing? Don't be polite." Sean was no longer afraid. He looked at his watch and said, "Just kneel for half an hour."

He turned his head and said, "Okay, what is my next crime?"

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