I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 277 This place is great, it’s mine now

"What's my next crime?"

Sean stood there and looked at everyone.

However, no one dared to speak out anymore.

His Royal Highness...Prince Bai Youming's son?

The big shots present couldn't figure it out. Bai Youming obviously had no heirs, so how could he have an extra son for no reason?

The high priest, speaker and others know more about the inside story. They understand that the prince enjoys such great power in the empire, on the one hand because of his strong strength, and on the other hand because he and his majesty have made an agreement that they will not Leave heirs behind.

This prince is just a gambler, not a womanizer... Could it be that the bloodline left by the prince during the expedition has come back to recognize his ancestors?

The third prince Bai You's expression suddenly changed.

But the appearance of the territorial officer and the escort of Red Angel Zora have confirmed this, and there is no way it can be faked.

He originally thought that this was a test from his elder brother, but he didn't expect...

Why did the emperor let his son do this? What does he want to express?

As a prince with the right to inherit, Bai You had to think a few more steps.

Seemingly seeing that no one was talking, Sean slowly walked a few steps forward through the crowd, and stopped when he passed Captain Fox of the Security Bureau.

"By the way, this police officer -" he smiled and stretched out his hands, "when will you take me back to the station?"

If others were still shocked, then Fox had almost lost all his soul.

He tried his best to force out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Your Highness, Shi, Shizi, you are joking, I, I, I..."

Fox wanted to say something to beg for mercy, but he didn't know whether he should admit his mistake or quibble. Huge fear surrounded his heart, and his legs softened and he fell to his knees. Then his eyes went white and he fainted.

"As expected of a person who can reach this position, his brain is really good." Sean couldn't help but laugh out loud.

On the other side, the speaker with the quickest eyes quickly put on a smile and said: "This matter is very clear. Fox has bent the law for personal gain and deserves to be dismissed from office and tried!"

Fox, who fainted, twitched on the spot.

Looking at the speaker with a completely different attitude, Sean showed a puzzled expression: "Don't we have to punish him? Is it better to follow the imperial law?"

The speaker was just glad that he didn't leave anything to say. Although he had offended something, it was much better than Fox's kind of offending him to death. He quickly waved his hand and said: "His Royal Highness is joking."

He turned his head and cleared his throat, faced everyone and said in a serious tone: "After verification, His Royal Highness is the one who was wronged! High Priest, you know how to handle this matter!"

The Speaker could have tried to find a way to throw the blame to someone who didn't matter, but how could he not have a good eye for people after being in the Parliament for so many years?

This His Highness the Crown Prince, whose name is unknown, is definitely not someone easy to talk to. At first glance, he is someone who will definitely take revenge.

He showed up here and brought the territorial officer with him...

The Speaker has decided not to get involved in this muddy water. As for the Golden Dawn, let it bleed. I have done my best today.

The high priest's face was ashen, and Cardinal Walker's head flew to his feet, with confusion still in his unclosed eyes.

Yu secretly took a few deep breaths, snorted coldly, and pointed at Walker's headless body: "Hmph, just deceive me and wait, but His Highness the Crown Prince, who was wronged and innocent, died a worthy death."

He drew a symbol of the God of the Void and faced Sean with a guilty and heavy expression: "We also have an unshirkable responsibility. It is because of my lax governance. It is really difficult to express my apology to His Royal Highness."

As expected of the high priest, he immediately pushed the pot away. Anyway, the 'culprit' Walker was dead, and no matter how troublesome he was, he couldn't be found.

However, the high priest has obviously never dealt with Sean.

Sean waved his hand with a smile: "The high priest is serious, I can still distinguish between good and bad. The high priest was obviously blinded by this traitor. Before, it was understandable for the Golden Dawn."

As soon as these words came out, many people breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that His Highness the Crown Prince still understood the seriousness and was not prepared to make big news.

Even the high priest felt relieved, and even came up with some thoughts, "The prince is really considerate."

"Everything is done in accordance with imperial law," Sean changed the topic and smiled brightly, "I came here just to check out my new territory, and I asked the high priest to make it easier for me."

Hiss... everyone took a breath of air-conditioning.

Noble territories are awarded by His Majesty the Emperor. Of course, the territorial officer will also record the territory available for reward.

Naturally, it was impossible to have noble territories within the imperial capital, but that was not the case outside the imperial capital.

The Gate of Dawn is located just on the outskirts of the city. According to the regulations, half of the territory is indeed within the scope of the territory that can be rewarded...

But this is the Golden Dawn, the only sect recognized by the empire. Even if His Majesty the Emperor doesn't ask, it's impossible for any noble to want this territory so shamelessly - in the unspoken rules, people have regarded this place as the territory of the Golden Dawn.

No wonder His Royal Highness is here. He is coming to the hometown of Golden Dawn? !

audacious in the extreme!

But the deeper meaning cannot be ignored by others - is this what His Royal Highness means? Not necessarily...

Prince Bai Youming is ready to take action against the Golden Dawn?

Everyone had this idea.

The high priest's originally gentle expression suddenly froze, and after a while he said: "Your Highness, I, Golden Dawn, should indeed be held responsible for this matter. I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation afterwards."

The implication is that we admit defeat and will compensate you later. Forget about the territory.

Therefore, he has never dealt with Sean.

Sean has never been a smooth person. To achieve his goal or when the situation forces him, he doesn't mind putting down his body, but what he prefers is to leave no escape route.

The main thing is not to leave a way out for others.

Sean ignored the high priest and looked at the territorial officer who had begun to understand the situation.

"My lord, could you please explain the empire's territorial system?"

Everyone's eyes turned over at once, and the territorial officer broke out in cold sweat on his forehead - no wonder the leader asked me, who has no real power, to come here...

The chief priest, the speaker of the assembly, the military general, the third prince, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince...he felt his legs were weak under the gaze of so many important people.

Subconsciously he glanced at the high priest and then at His Royal Highness, who was smiling calmly. He took a deep breath and read out the empire's territorial system in a trembling voice.

"...To sum up, His Highness the Crown Prince has the right granted by the imperial law to acquire a new territory, and this place is within the range of options available."

He swallowed, his heart skipped a beat, and he said loudly:

"According to imperial law, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, the temporary residents of this place move out in the near future so that the territory can be determined - Your Highness, you can start customizing the territorial coat of arms."

The territorial officer has thought it through thoroughly. Instead of being cowardly and unwilling to please both sides, it is better to stand completely on the side of His Royal Highness.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

Moreover, His Royal Highness is obviously going to start building a force. This is not a timely help, but a few twigs in a timely manner, right?

Sean smiled with satisfaction, while the high priest turned pale.

When the imperial capital was established, I, the Golden Dawn, were here. Now you tell me that we are temporary residents?

Unexpectedly, before the high priest could speak, someone would speak.

"It should be so..." It was the third prince Baiyou who spoke.

There was no trace of the previous anger on his face, and even though he was slightly injured, he looked like he was fine at the moment.

Bai You walked up to Sean, with a warm smile on his face: "It turns out to be my cousin. It's all because Brother Wei has been immersed in training recently and didn't welcome his return in time. Brother Wei was too reckless."

He changed faces faster than Sean imagined.

As expected of a royal child, Bai You was much better than Bai Ye in terms of the situation.

Sean looked over with a smile: "Your Highness, will you not punish me?"

Bai You showed a reproachful expression: "Why are we talking about this among the family? It's because I don't know the person and was deceived by the villain - come on!"

He pointed at Fox and said coldly: "You deceived the superiors and deceived the inferiors, wronged good people, and almost caused me to wrongly blame my cousin. He deserves to be killed!"

The crimson guard who could blend into the wind appeared next to Fox at some point. The latter trembled and was about to wake up and beg for mercy, but how could crimson give him a chance to speak?

Another head flew high.

The third prince flicked his sleeves: "You deserve to be killed!"

He turned to Sean and sighed, and said sincerely: "Cousin, I will give you an explanation for this matter. If there is someone else who is deceiving you, I will personally send it to your manor after I find out. You handle it.”

This one was called a cousin, and he was so affectionate that people who didn't know the inside story came over and looked at it, and they might really think that these two people have a deep brotherhood.

Sean blinked and looked at Bai You's injured part: "But I have someone hurt you, so I still have to act in accordance with imperial law, right?"

Bai You laughed loudly: "I usually only know how to use resources to train. Today I fought with my cousin's bodyguard, and I know my own shortcomings. I have to thank my cousin for helping me."

Xiao En admired him in his heart. He was worthy of being the third prince. He was beaten in public, and it could be said that he had insufficient guidance. Moreover, the other party's expression was sincere, and even Xiao Xiao could not see his true thoughts.

Without waiting for Sean to speak, Bai You said to the high priest again: "High priest, my cousin acts in accordance with imperial laws. I think he shouldn't make it too much trouble. What do you think?"

At this point, there was a hint of threat in his voice, as if the high priest disagreed and he was going to cause trouble.

Territory is secondary. The Golden Dawn has been established in the imperial capital for so many years. It is not a big problem to find a new place. In fact, this huge Gate of Dawn can be moved directly. However, this face...

The high priest quietly glanced at the headquarters behind him. His expression changed many times, and finally he smiled with difficulty: "Acting in accordance with imperial laws is what members of the empire should do..."

Bai You waved his hand directly for Sean: "Then it's settled."

The high priest forced a smile and said: "It's just that I have a large number of people and equipment here. It will take some time to move out of here."

He finally gave in. With so many people present, he couldn't fight against the imperial law. Otherwise, being slapped with a hat would be a really big problem.

His Majesty the Emperor's time is running out, and the fate of the unstable elements can be foreseen...

However, we have to delay time... It is best to delay it until His Majesty the Emperor passes away.

Bai You seemed to see through the other person's thoughts and frowned: "Three months, no more."

He smiled and looked at Sean: "Cousin, what do you think?"

Sean smiled: "Since His Highness said so... a month, time is something that should be squeezed."

These words didn't give Bai You any face, and since Bai You was a cousin, he still called him "His Highness", which shows his dignity.

But Bai You laughed like a normal person: "My cousin is right, the efficiency of the Imperial Capital should be mentioned, so let's do that."

The high priest forced a smile: "Then I'll listen to your two highnesses..."

The whole thing ended in a slightly ridiculous way. Bai You warmly invited Sean to his dinner as if nothing was wrong. Even if Sean refused, he still insisted and made it clear that this was a welcome to him. banquet.

After referring to Shi Hai's opinion, Sean finally agreed.

When the two finally left, looking at the two headless corpses in the square, the high priest sighed heavily.

"Do we really want it?" After returning to the room, the exorcist who had been holding back his words finally couldn't help but ask.

The high priest pinched his eyebrows and said: "Imperial law is their greatest weapon. In your current situation, anyone who dares to openly violate the imperial law will have the word "seeking death" carved on his forehead. Lord Calado has important things to do. ...Try to hold off as long as possible.”

The two sighed, and the high priest frowned again and asked, "Have you taken His Royal Highness for interrogation before? Didn't you leave any clues?"

The exorcist shook his head: "Probably not, otherwise based on the character of the Crown Prince, I'm afraid he won't let it go. We used the forgetting ritual and the healing ritual. He shouldn't remember it, and he won't be able to find out the extent of his injuries."

"What did you ask?"

"Things about the sacrificial ceremony -" At this point, the exorcist's expression became a little more solemn.

He lowered his voice: "His Royal Highness seems to be connected with another sect, and he also mentioned some important things."


"I'll call the interrogator for you."

The person who was interrogating Sean was called over. After some probing, the high priest suddenly raised his head.

"What did you say?! Are you right about the effect of that ritual?" he asked in disbelief.

The interrogator nodded quickly: "The prince said it himself, and I have been monitoring him with a brain compressor. I am not lying."

The high priest sat back on his chair and said in a shocked tone: "No wonder, no wonder he is eyeing my Golden Dawn... Where is the caught cultist?"

"In the military's special interrogation room, the Crown Prince mentioned that the cultist still had two days to live... You know, the military's methods are cruel."

The high priest thought about it again and again, and finally made a decision: "If we want to get that ritual... we must get it! Inform Lord Calado!"

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