I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 278 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

What happened at the Gate of Dawn Square spread quickly.

It didn't take long for even the wanderers in the imperial capital to learn the important news - the empire had a new Crown Prince, His Highness, the son of Prince Bai Youming.

There are many princes and princesses, but there is only one heir apparent, who suddenly appeared after many years. Interested people have begun to inquire about all information about Sean.

Sean himself, however, was at a party.

This was his first time entering the imperial palace. This trip was naturally for the invitation from the third prince Bai You.

Bai You is a wonderful person. When he didn't know that Xiao En was the heir, he wanted to kill him and then be quick. After he found out, he was as enthusiastic as a brother.

Before heading to the banquet, Bai You learned that Sean was still living in a temporary residence. When he sent someone to pick him up, he also sent a villa and more than ten beautiful maids.

Moreover, his sincerity was more than Sean imagined. Sean checked at random before setting off and found that there was not even a spy among the maids sent.

"This third prince is indeed capable of doing great things. He can do anything wherever he is." Even Moza spoke highly of him.

"This also shows that Bai Youming's prestige and power are much higher than I imagined." Sean couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, after the incident at the Gate of Dawn ended, the news that he was Bai Youming's newly adopted son spread among the upper circles. There is still a difference between the importance of an adopted son and a biological son, but Bai You is still very enthusiastic.

This was perfectly reflected after Sean entered the palace.

As soon as the banquet started, Bai You introduced Sean's identity to everyone. Even though he was the owner of this place, he still raised Sean's status very high.

Bai You even took the initiative to express his apology in front of many upper-class people.

"Sean, I'm punishing myself with a drink. I was blamed for offending my cousin because I didn't recognize people well."

In terms of face, Bai You is enough.

Not only that, in the middle of the banquet, Bai You even pulled Sean aside with a smile.

"These things should be considered as a meeting gift." Bai You smiled and handed over a gold-edged brochure.

Sean took a casual look and found that there were a lot of good things. If they were put on the market, they would have to sell for tens of millions of lire. When converted into Paradise City credits, they would cost about 300 million.

Appearance still needs to be done, Sean waved his hands repeatedly: "This is too valuable. I haven't done anything, how can I take it?"

Bai You couldn't help but stuff the booklet into Sean's arms, and said in a reproachful tone: "It's just a small gift for us two brothers to meet for the first time. Besides, don't you let me explain those things before?" Brother, please make it up to me, I feel uneasy."

After some pushback, Sean took it into his arms as a matter of course.

It's normal to take advantage of others, but Sean is the kind of person who accepts gifts without doing anything. The two of them had a few words, but he didn't make any promises.

Obviously, Bai You didn't expect this thing to bribe Sean. He made it clear that this was a gift to show his apology.

He even said sincerely: "Sean, I'm not afraid of your ridicule. What I do now seems very utilitarian, but it is inevitable."

Sean smiled and nodded in understanding.

Bai You continued: "I had conflicts with you before, and it was because I didn't know your identity. This was my fault. And what I do now is also because I learned your identity. It seems that you are arrogant and backward. Christine, but it will still happen again, brother, I am sitting in this position, this is how I should behave, I think you should be able to understand."

These words had a bit of shamelessness, but they sounded extremely sincere. If a young man who was not familiar with the world would probably have a good impression of Bai You because of these few words.

Sean just smiled and shook hands with Bai You: "Of course I know. Don't worry, cousin, this matter is over."

Bai You looked quite relieved and nodded: "It's good that my cousin understands. By the way, I will help you with the matters at the Gate of Dawn. Don't worry, as long as it is within the rules and regulations of the imperial law, I will handle that territory." I’ll definitely help you get it.”

Sean just smiled and nodded.

Bai You is quite a thief. The matter of the territory at the Gate of Dawn has been settled after they left. Once Sean's identity was revealed, and he has always acted in accordance with the rules of the empire, now In this sensitive situation, the people of Golden Dawn can only postpone but cannot deny.

Bai You secretly added these two sentences, making it seem as if he had done a great job in this matter.

'I haven't met the other princes yet, but these three princes are a bit interesting, and it shows that he has learned relevant content. The other princes can compete for inheritance rights, and they are not far behind - Bai Ye, and her brothers. She is too immature in comparison. It seems that the emperor had never trained his daughter as an heir before this...'

‘Why did Bai Youming target Bai Ye and ask me to assist her... Is it related to Bai Ye’s mother’s family? ’

While Sean was thinking secretly, suddenly, everyone at the banquet stood up.

"Your Excellency Calado has arrived, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince has arrived."

An old man in a red robe led a young man in.

"The fourth brother is here, and so is Mr. Kalado." Bai You stood up and looked at Sean with a smile, "Just in time, let me introduce you to him."

He lowered his voice again: "Don't mention the Gate of Dawn for now. Let's just pretend that nothing happened... The fourth brother is a bit childish. If we talk about this, some conflicts between you will inevitably occur."

After hearing Bai You's reminder, Sean smiled to show that he knew.

However, judging from Bai You's words, it seems that the relationship between him and his twin brother is not as good as expected...

Is it necessary to tell me an outsider at this time?


One of the people who arrived was the leader of the Golden Dawn, and the other was the current Fourth Prince. Everyone stood up to greet them.

Kalado has a bald head and a very easy-going face. He looks like a retired old man that can be seen everywhere on the street. He has no special features, except for the orchid fingers that are raised when he walks, which looks very weird.

The fourth prince, Bai Si, was a bit unkempt, with long black hair hanging down to cover his eyebrows, and the ends of his hair hanging down to his shoulders were even yellow and knotted, as if they hadn't been tidied up for a long time. But it can still be seen that although he seems to be from two different worlds from the exquisite and luxurious Third Prince, their facial features are still very similar.

"Your Excellency Kalado, long time no see." Bai You first greeted the cardinal.

Calado's voice was unexpectedly rich, and Sean thought he was an old glass.

"His Highness the Third Prince, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm taking the liberty of coming to visit you without notice." Kalado didn't even look at Sean, and seemed to just drop by to attend the banquet.

"Your Excellency Calado was just joking. Bai You welcomes you if you can come." Bai You smiled and nodded, then looked at his younger brother with a bit of endearment in his eyes, "My fourth brother and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Yes, I didn’t see it in Gold before, but I would like to thank Mr. Kalado for helping me.”

The fourth prince Bai Si raised his head and nodded, finally revealing some of his eyes. His eye color was different from Bai You's. Bai You's was blue, while his was pure black.

"Third brother, long time no see." After Bai Si said that, he looked directly at Sean.

Bai You slightly blocked Sean's side and introduced: "This is Sean, the emperor's new adopted son. According to his age, he is our fifth brother."

Calado nodded slightly, as if it was someone else who took away the land at the feet of their Golden Dawn.

Bai Si looked at Sean for a while, and finally said softly: "Sean...did you kill Walker?"

Walker is that Cardinal.

Sean smiled and nodded: "I have met His Highness the Fourth Prince, oh, no, Fourth Brother. Yes, I killed that Walker."

Bai Si said dullly: "Wolker was my teacher when I was a child."

Sean continued to smile: "Well, I killed your teacher."

The atmosphere at the banquet suddenly became much more stagnant.

Bai You frowned and stood between the two of them: "The banquet should be about having fun, why are you talking about this?"

Kalado sat down with his orchid fingers raised, and whispered: "Bai Si, it's rare to meet your brother, please sit down."

Bai Si just looked at Sean for a while, and finally sat next to Kalado instead of next to Bai You.

This fourth prince, as Bai Youming said, has a bit of a weird personality... Moreover, are these two brothers acting for me, or are they really like this?

Sean smiled and didn't say much.

Under Bai You's deliberate guidance, the banquet became lively again.

The canon of the Golden Dawn does not seem to contain the part of penance. Cardinal Calado seemed to have been holding it in for a long time. He drank one cup after another as the people around him took turns toasting. After a while, his face was flushed, and even his bald head was red. His head glowed red.

Bai Si, on the other hand, seemed to be a shy person entering a gathering of Sheniu people. He sat alone at the table, stretched out his hand to twist the beans nearest to the table, and threw them into his mouth one by one.

The other guests at the banquet seemed to know the fourth prince's temperament. Very few people went over to chat and toast, but most of them gathered around Sean.

As you came and went, Sean's face gradually turned red.

At a party where most of the people are vetoers, ordinary wine cannot have the intoxicating effect, so it is naturally not enough to fully enjoy the party.

According to Bai You's introduction, the wine used at the banquet was special fruit wine. Even the strong vetoers could feel the intoxicating beauty of the contents in the cup, and this special feature came from outside the city. Large orchards.

"It's indeed good stuff." Sean drank another drink drunkenly, laughing with his newly recognized third brother.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly, and then showed an apologetic look: "I'll go for a while."

"Hahaha, cousin, you still need to exercise."

Sean smiled and waved, touching his swollen belly and went to the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, his face was still flushed, but his drunkenness had disappeared.

There was a familiar force lingering around him, something that drew him here.

It is the same as the source of power obtained from the sacrifice ceremony, but the power appearing nearby is hazy and can only be felt, but cannot be traced to the starting point.

Sean showed a puzzled expression and searched everywhere but found nothing.

"Weird..." He muttered in confusion and had to give up.

However, when he walked into the single room, a cunning look flashed in his eyes.

Sean finally understood why Calado suddenly came over.

He deliberately revealed the contents of some rituals to the Golden Dawn, and the interrogator was deceived by his deceitful heart and confidently told his leader.

Sean did this, of course, to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

If he didn't go through the channels of the Golden Dawn, he would have a chance to kill the captured cultist, but after all, it was the military there, and the cultists themselves were also Crimson-level strong men. If Sean went there by himself, the risk would be high.

However, since he had the opportunity to use the sword of the Golden Dawn, Sean would not let it go.

Based on what he had 'revealed', Sean was certain that the Golden Dawn would definitely find a way to meet the cultist... and among different sects, killing heretics was a compulsory course.

At the same time, Sean has another purpose, which is to make the military more 'pure'.

In terms of strength, the Golden Dawn is naturally inferior to the Imperial Army. In other words, if they want to see the cultist, what the Golden Dawn has to do will be extremely troublesome, and they will pay a considerable price, which will definitely include placing soldiers in the army. chess piece in.

So many years of hard work in the military will probably be wasted because of this operation.

This is what Sean wants too.

Only if the chess pieces of the Golden Dawn were lost due to this operation, would some positions in the army suddenly become vacant.

Just think of it as a meeting gift for Bai Ye...

In order to "help" Operation Golden Dawn, Sean also deliberately transferred the strongest Unit 0. He had reason and qualifications to do so.

Killing two birds with one stone, right?

During the banquet, Sean felt the echo of the power of the sacrificial ceremony. He knew very well that this was Calado's temptation.

Calado was testing whether what Sean was ‘interrogated’ was telling the truth.

Therefore, Sean only needs to give a normal response to give Kalado a reassurance.

After walking out of the bathroom, Sean lifted his pants.

If nothing else, the military place will be lively tonight.

With Calado here, he can easily make an alibi.

The night was getting dark, and the high priest lurking in the dark glanced at the time, and then said solemnly: "Lord Calado has not returned yet, which means that the information we got from the Crown Prince is correct."

"Are we ready to act?" the exorcist whispered.

The high priest nodded, with a hint of distress in his eyes. In this operation, most of the chess pieces that have been placed over the years will probably be spent.

But the military was so powerful that they only had a chance by doing this, and they even took advantage of a surprise attack.

Taking a deep breath, he ordered: "Get ready to act and send the signal."


"Remember, use rituals to directly torture... The first priority is the rituals mastered by the heretic. If there is no other way..." A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the high priest, "Kill him. Don't let others get the rituals."


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