I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 279 My father’s life was in vain

"Her Royal Highness the Princess has arrived."

The banquet welcomed guests again.

Sean, who had just returned to his seat, raised his head with drunken eyes.

Bai Ye came wearing a graceful and luxurious dress.

An inexplicable light flashed in Bai You's eyes, but he still stood up to greet the other party.

"Third brother, Bai Ye took the liberty of coming here. I hope you don't mind." Bai Ye bowed gracefully.

Bai You laughed and said, "My sister came to play with me. As an elder brother, I am naturally overjoyed before it's too late."

The two of them looked friendly on the surface, but in fact, the other guests at the banquet were already muttering secretly.

As we all know, the eldest princess Bai Ye is a bargaining chip when she doesn't have powers, and several princes will also fight for her support in normal times.

Bai Ye has a good relationship with most of the royal family members, except the third prince.

I heard from some gossip that the brother and sister once had a quarrel in front of His Majesty the Emperor, and the main reason was Bai Ye's mother.

Bai Ye's mother's family has no heirs, and its huge family legacy is basically controlled by the Bai Qiangwei family, Grand Duke Wen Kun, and the promoter is the third prince.

After Bai Ye awakened her powers, a princess without inheritance rights suddenly became a competitor. The first thing she did after returning to the imperial capital was to get back what belonged to her.

It is precisely because of this that the already tense relationship between the two has become even worse.

When Bai Ye wants to get back his mother's family's inheritance, there are two main obstacles, one is Grand Duke Wen Kun, and the other is the third prince.

I heard that Grand Duke Wen Cheng had not expressed his opinion for a long time, so the pressure in this regard basically came to the third prince.

Now, Bai Ye came uninvited, and he didn't know what he had in mind.

Of course, these are secret battles. On the bright side, the brother and sister naturally have a deep brother-sister relationship, even if everyone knows that their relationship is bad.

The two were polite to each other, and Bai Ye said hello to Kalado and the fourth prince Bai Si, and finally set his sights on Sean.

Sean's drunken eyes were dim, and he smiled politely at Bai Ye.

"So, I should call you cousin." There was nothing in Bai Ye's voice, but there was something inexplicable in the eyes he occasionally met with Sean.

"I've met Her Royal Highness, cousin, you're polite." Sean said with a smile.

He muttered in his heart: Bai Ye came to the door by himself, he can't rely on me, godfather.

Bai Ye bowed slightly, and after looking around for a week, he sat directly on the empty seat next to Sean.

What signal is this sending?

Some people even thought of something deeper: Bai Ye wants to get back his mother's inheritance, but there has been no movement from the actual owner, Grand Duke Wen Cheng, for a long time... Could it be that Bai Youming took action?

Now looking at Bai Ye's attitude, is he going to join forces with the new Crown Prince?

Prince Bai Youming had agreed to support the eldest prince Bai Zhan?

Seeing Bai Ye elegantly sitting next to Xiao En, Bai You's eyes flashed with an invisible coldness, and then he smiled and sat on the other side.

At first glance, it looks like the prince and princess of the empire are drinking with Sean in the middle.

Sean, who was already the focus of the crowd, was even more eye-catching, but he just lazily leaned on his chair and toasted to the people around him from time to time.

The two brothers and sisters beside them didn't know what they were thinking. After sitting down, they didn't talk to Sean, but each took a glass of wine and drank it slowly.

Sean, who was smiling and having an extra drink with Cara, took back his hand. Suddenly, he felt a warm breath coming from in front of his eyes.

It seems that the moonlight is blooming in front.

Sean looked around inadvertently and found that no one, whether it was Calado or the third prince, noticed it.

It seems that Bai Ye is getting better and better at developing his abilities.

He did not deliberately block it, but allowed the moonlight to bloom and approach.

The white leaf next to her took a gentle sip, but her voice rang in Sean's mind.

"How did you gain the trust of my uncle?"

Sean smiled slightly and responded in his mind: "I am handsome, charming, and suave. Isn't it normal for your uncle to like a promising young man like me?"

Probably because of the direct dialogue in his mind, Bai Ye's emotions were revealed more clearly.

She said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Sean rolled his eyes and clinked glasses with Bai You beside him: "Why should I tell you everything? You are not my wife. Do I have to inform you of anything I do?"

Bai Ye seemed to be trying his best to calm down: "Of course you and I have no such relationship, but shouldn't you inform me about this kind of thing?"

"What, please inform me that I am your cousin now?" Sean sneered.

Bai Ye's speech speed was obviously much faster: "Uncle Huang recognized you as his adopted son, right?"

She seemed to be asking for confirmation.

Xiao En became playful and said leisurely: "I'm sorry to tell you the secrets of the royal family."


Bai Ye was angry, but he still had to smile and communicate politely with the people around him.

The blond speaker was also present today. After seeing Bai Ye, he came over and toasted politely.

After quietly exchanging glances with Bai You, the Speaker smiled and said, "Her Royal Highness the Princess has another brother. You must stay close to her from now on."

"Of course." Bai Ye glanced at Sean.

The Speaker continued cheerfully: "I don't usually see the Princess coming to attend banquets. It's a great honor to see her today. Hey, I heard that you seem to have known His Royal Highness the Crown Prince before?"

This was a straightforward question, not at the level of a speaker.

After Bai Ye thought about it for a moment, he realized that the Speaker was helping Bai You to silence himself and Sean.

Many things cannot be said openly. Her Royal Highness the Princess and the new Crown Prince are old acquaintances. This matter does not matter. However, once His Royal Highness joins the war of royal heirs, His Royal Highness will often represent the White House. A fateful attitude.

This is a big no-no.

Therefore, the Speaker obviously wanted to take advantage of the crowd to clear the relationship between Bai Ye and Sean.

This may seem useless, but if it comes to a public opinion war in the future, this little bit of excuse may come in handy.

The Speaker, who has been struggling in the big dye vat of the Imperial Capital for many years, knows this very well, and Bai Ye also knows this very well.

After a slight hesitation, Bai Ye nodded: "I did know my cousin before, but I didn't know about it at that time. It's a pity that I didn't get close to him properly."

The Speaker looked at Sean with a smile: "This is such a pity."

He was waiting for Sean to take a stand.

Of course, in his vision, Sean could only learn to speak like Bai Ye.

Sean laughed.

The surrounding guests also smiled.

"Hiccup—" Sean hiccupped, and stretched out his hand in a drunken state.

The Speaker thought he was going to shake hands with her, so he took a few steps closer.


Loud sounds surrounded the hall, and half of the speaker's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sean slapped the Speaker without any warning!

This scene shocked all the guests present, even Calado and Bai Si, who had been silent, looked over.

The speaker's face was filled with disbelief. After all, he was one of the three giants in the parliament, but he was so humiliated.

But politicians are politicians. Before Bai You could remind him, he staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground miserably.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince..." He laughed miserably, "I have dedicated half my life to the empire. I do not seek to leave my name in the history of the empire in the future. I just hope that I can live up to your majesty's trust in me... Why do you bother to humiliate me... "

The Speaker was very smart and knew that Prince Bai Youming was not easy to mess with, so he directly moved out the current Emperor.

There was nothing wrong with what he said, not to mention that he was the victim in the first place.

However, before Bai You could be filled with indignation behind him, Sean stood up unsteadily.

With his drunken eyes, he pointed at the Speaker and yelled: "Who are you, how dare you question my relationship with Her Royal Highness in public? According to Article 13 on page 9 of the revised version of the Imperial Law, inquiring into the privacy of royal family members should be severely punished! "

The speaker was stunned, and the other guests were also stunned.

How can you remember all the laws and regulations so clearly when you're drunk?

Sean snorted coldly: "It's because I've been serving the empire so far that I just punished you a little."


The Speaker still wanted to speak, but just as he was about to open his mouth, Sean slammed the table and said angrily: "Her Majesty and I are cousins. You insist that we clear up our relationship. Why, do you think that your Majesty and I are different today?" Father, what is your purpose?"

Even Calado felt his teeth become weak after wearing this big hat.

The Speaker never expected that His Highness the Crown Prince would directly combine him and the Princess, each representing the Prince and the Emperor.

The thing is, there’s nothing wrong with that…

With these words, whoever takes over will die. The Speaker, who was still looking miserable just now, hurriedly explained: "There is absolutely no such meaning, absolutely not!"

Sean squinted at him, then squatted down, his face that was cold and violent just now turned into a gentle one.

"Of course I know. Everyone here should work hard for the development of the empire and dedicate everything we have to His Majesty. How could anyone deliberately sow the relationship between Your Majesty and the Prince?"

The Speaker broke into a cold sweat: "Of course, of course."

"Yeah." Sean smiled and nodded.

The Speaker looked left and right, then picked up the wine bottle on the table and said, "You should be punished for drinking, you should be punished."

As he spoke, he raised the wine bottle and poured it into his mouth regardless of appearance. It was not over after one bottle. It was over after three bottles in a row.

The specially made fruit wine can influence the vetoes, and although the speaker has a high position and a powerful position, his own strength has just reached the king level. After a few bottles, he collapsed and was speechless.

Sean nodded with satisfaction. He raised his glass and looked at everyone: "I'd like to toast you all."

Everyone quickly stood up and responded.

Bai Ye, who was watching all this, suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

These people have no idea what level of asshole this guy named Sean is...

It was me who was bullied in the past, and now, it is your turn to be unlucky as well.

The knot in my heart that had been difficult to let go for a long time has now suddenly dissipated a lot.

Even Bai Ye has to admit that when he is unlucky, the best way to quickly relieve his emotions is to watch others become unlucky in the same way.


Bai Ye glanced at Sean. The reputation of His Royal Highness would soon spread throughout the imperial capital.

No wonder his uncle is so fond of him... He should just be his godson, right? probably……

Although in this world, it is not uncommon for cousins ​​to get married, and those who are criticized are only the relationships between blood relatives, but if Sean is really his cousin, Bai Ye still feels a little uncomfortable. comfortable.

No, why should I think about getting married?

Just when Bai Ye was secretly struggling, suddenly, everyone present raised their heads.

A huge force that can be clearly detected is approaching at an extremely fast speed.

Someone dares to enter the palace and attack? !

When he was stunned, Bai You had already stood up and said in a deep voice: "Here comes someone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the force accelerated again, and with a loud crackling sound, the space next to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the banquet hall twisted in a strange way.

With a bang, all the glass burst open, and a shackled bloody man flashed on the spot.

"Protect everyone!" Bai You yelled loudly.

Sean and Calado narrowed their eyes at the same time.

That cultist…

The man in black could hardly see his original face clearly. He appeared in a blink of an eye, looking around blankly, and then he suddenly pounced on the guests.


Kalado scolded and rushed forward before Baiyou's personal guards.

Peak Crimson? !

Sean's eyes suddenly shrank, and Calado's aura leaked out slightly, and he was keenly aware of the opponent's strength.

However, the cultist didn't know what method he used. He was obviously restrained by shackles, but he still exuded huge power. Kalado wanted to catch him in the void, but he was able to break free.

At this moment, another group of people also caught up.

"There are assassins, protect others!"

He's from the military.

The cultist finally regained some consciousness. He glanced at everyone around him with red eyes, but Calado was already approaching.


He let out an inhuman roar and then tore open his abdomen forcefully.

A ball of meat rolled to the ground, and there was actually a person in his stomach.

No, that's not a human being, that's a demon baby born with two legs and fleshy wings on its back.

Covered in blood and mucus, the demon baby let out a piercing cry as soon as it hit the ground.

Everyone present squatted down and covered their ears. The loud crying was wildly stimulating everyone's etheric body.

"Infidel!" Kalado shouted, and this time he even used his hands to make false fists.

"Keep your men alive!" the military who had just arrived shouted.

However, Calado just glanced at the military visitor coldly, and then used hard force.

The demon baby that had just fallen to the ground twisted, its eyeballs exploded, and its skin, flesh, and bones were twisted and mixed together.

Crying and roaring, the baby and the cultist exploded into blood foam.

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