I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 280 I am your God

Kalado's attacks were extremely fierce. Although the methods used by the cultists were weird, they could not block the attack of the crimson peak.

The person who shouted "Keep the men alive" was a middle-aged woman in military uniform. She had a frown on her face, but she was too late to save the prisoner.

Calado turned his head and shook his head slightly: "This heretic's methods are weird. There are too many people present, and I can't hold back."

The female general was about to speak, but as if in response to Calado's words, the blood foam that exploded on the spot quickly evaporated and turned into a red-black mist, covering the entire banquet hall and its surroundings.

Everyone present felt that something was wrong, and their vision was all deprived. At the same time, something seemed to be breaking free deep in their hearts.

"Dong——" "Dong——"

There was a violent heartbeat, and there was also the sound of weaker people falling to the ground.

Not only the military people, but also Calado did not expect such a change.

He was just about to take action when his eyes suddenly lit up.

Is this... some kind of ritual that the Golden Dawn hasn't mastered yet?

Calado once again held it empty-handed with one hand, and a trace of black and red mist was grasped into the palm of his hand.

He clenched his fist, and a golden light shone inside.

Sean, who was in the mist, also felt the change. As expected, this power also had the same origin as the sacrificial ritual he mastered.

At the same time, Calado's intermittent, distorted voice sounded from not far away: "This heretic still has a backup plan! Everyone, try to get as close together as possible to suppress the pollution that bursts out from within."

Sean, who had long been accustomed to dealing with all kinds of pollution, would not be affected too much. He glanced in the direction of Calado with a feeling.

'The people of the Golden Dawn are really bold. I just revealed a little bit of news about the ceremony in the morning, and they took action that night...'

'However, there seems to be something wrong with both the Golden Dawn and the military, and they actually allowed this cultist to barely escape... But it seems that this cultist has overdrawn a lot of power and has lost his mind to come here. "Bian, it's most likely because of the trace of wandering breath that Calado released when he tested me before. It just so happens that Calado also wants to kill someone and silence him...'

‘I just don’t know what the devil baby that emerged from the cultist’s belly was, and it can still have such an impact after death. ’

Sean stretched out his hand and stirred the red-black mist, and a vague feeling came to his heart.

Sean naturally has a higher level of perception when it comes to rituals, pollution, evil gods, etc.

'This ritual is different from the rituals I have mastered... to be precise, it is the aftermath of the completed ritual... causing real inner pollution seems to be a common feature of this type of ritual, and the main purpose of these fogs is The function is actually the five senses of the person who is lost...'

While he was thinking about it, Sean suddenly felt his back touch something soft.

The voice in the mist was a little distorted, but Sean immediately recognized the identity of the other party, Bai Ye.

Yes, they are the only ones closest to each other.

As soon as Bai Ye touched someone, he subconsciously wanted to bounce away. As a result, the other person actually took the initiative to rub his chest.

"Sean..." Bai Ye gritted his teeth.

Only this bastard is not vigilant in this situation, but still wants to take advantage!

"Oh, cousin." Sean replied with a smile.

"Don't rub against me!" Although Bai Ye also noticed that the mist blocked his five senses, making it almost impossible to detect the surrounding situation without getting close to him, he still lowered his voice involuntarily.

Sean, this guy, clearly felt him, but he actually rubbed his back on purpose!

"Didn't Lord Calado say that we should get together?" Even though it was distorted, Sean's voice still had a sense of dissoluteness and shamelessness.

Just as he was about to speak again, suddenly, another tiny voice came from an unknown direction: "Can you hear...me...speak..."

Someone also came closer.

This bastard was definitely trying to take advantage of me, he knew I couldn't scream.

As soon as the idea came to his mind, Bai Ye heard Sean next to him lower his voice: "Help me cover up for a few minutes."

The surrounding fog seemed to float a little, and Bai Ye subconsciously tried to grab the person next to him, but in vain.

Sean actually ran away.

Not following the routine... Bai Ye was annoyed, but also had a trace of doubt.

Among the people present, Calado, Bai You, Bai Si, and the female admiral who arrived were all in deep red, but now it seemed that their five senses were also obscured.

How come Sean, who has never even touched the crimson edge, can move freely through this mist?

Did this guy notice something?

At this time, Bai You's voice was getting closer and closer: "Bai Ye? Sean?"

In desperation, Bai Ye could only try his best to move to the side without attracting attention.

If there were more people, I could use the excuse that Sean was drunk, but if the fog cleared, I wouldn't be able to hide it anymore.

While Bai Ye was distressed, Sean was walking quietly through the entire hall.

Looking in the direction of Calado, the latter kept shouting for people to retreat, but in fact he was holding the mist tightly in his hands.

This old thing has a bit of something...

He should be able to quickly eliminate this fog, but he is also aware of the power of the ritual and is trying to deconstruct it.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you." Sean smiled and waved to Kalado, but the latter was completely unaware.

Even if the Cardinal of the Golden Dawn wanted to directly deconstruct the residue after the ceremony, it would be unrealistic.

It took me, the orthodox evil god, some time to see through the whole fog.

Of course, the reason why Sean asked Bai Ye to help cover him up and hurriedly ran out was that after seeing through the fog, he immediately noticed a squirming aura.

The aura contained a level of power lower than the evil god's origin. At the same time, Sean also received a notification from Noah that there were slight fluctuations in the surrounding etheric layer.

The golden cicada is coming out of its shell, baby?

Unexpectedly, the cultist actually saved a trick.

But, just in time...

In the darkness, a man in black, who had shrunk many times, was struggling to escape.

I don’t know who the prison robber is, but since he wants to ask me about sacred rituals, he must be a pagan.

Fortunately, those heretics were finally discovered by the military. Fortunately, I was tough enough and both sides still wanted to get enough information from me...

Otherwise, there is no chance to summon the divine envoy...

Although he lost an angel, he finally got a chance to escape.

Having given up his physical body, his current body is composed of the etheric body representing consciousness and ritual power. Just maintaining this form basically uses up all the body's strength. Now he can only escape with a body that is many times smaller.

Fortunately, it will take time for the other party to process the aura left by the divine envoy, so no one can discover me...

Jumping from the window sill, he had already seen the nearby sewer pipe while he was in the air.

Then rest for a while and find a mouse to possess you temporarily... It shouldn't be difficult to find a chance to escape...

I just don’t know if the fifth prince and the priest are hiding well... The other hidden believers should not act recklessly without my instructions...

As he jumped in the air, thoughts were flashing in his mind, and he had even thought about what to do next.

However, he did not land.

A hand stretched out from nowhere and grabbed his body directly.

The cultist looked up in shock and anger, and then saw the smiling face of a man.

Sean held the opponent's mouse-sized body with one hand and smiled: "You are very smart."

Who is this person? Why was he able to penetrate the aura left behind by the divine messenger and find my location accurately? !

Before he had time to think about it, he overdrawn again and drove the power away.

"Hey, do you still have the strength to resist?" Sean chuckled.

The cultist's counterattack had no effect, but he showed joy.

King level peak?

How dare a small king-level peak block my way alone? !

He lost his physical strength, but that didn't mean that he also completely lost his mental strength.

Moreover, his superpowers are related to his mental power. If he is facing the same level, there is nothing he can do, but if he is just facing a kid at the peak of the king level...

You should regret this!

Without enough time to cover it up, the body composed of the cultist's etheric body and ritual power emitted heavy fluctuations. Suddenly, a huge spiritual power rushed straight towards Sean.

Then, nothing happened.

How can it be? !

The cultist was immediately horrified, and at the same time, his etheric body shook crazily.

A body made of shadow stood out from the man's shadow.

The mental invasion spanned space, and the body of the cultist collapsed bit by bit.

No power to resist...

His remaining consciousness was rapidly collapsing, and in a daze, he seemed to see two shadows, one black and one white, high up, with an illusory and solemn hall behind him.

"W-Who are you..." He struggled to ask the last sentence.

Sean and Shadow reached out their hands at the same time, raising them gracefully and spinning them twice.

"I am your god."

"God...the great Lord..."

The last consciousness of the cultist was instantly wiped out, and the etheric light points that were unable to resist penetrated into the etheric layer in an indescribable form, and were finally imprisoned in the hall of thinking.

Sure enough, people who have reached this point are not very smart. Sean whistled with satisfaction.

"You were fooled so quickly. If you really used the last bit of your body's strength, you could still cause me some trouble."

After noticing that the opponent was composed of etheric body and ritual power, Sean was able to declare victory.

At the etheric level, Sean's mental power is not inferior to Crimson. At the same time, he does not need to worry about defense, because the Hall of Thought will help him block all attacks at the etheric level.

As for ritual power, this is Sean's old profession, the evil god, it's like this, understand it.

Looking back at the palace where the banquet was held, the surrounding red and black mist began to show signs of dissipating.

That Laobancai probably found that he couldn't deconstruct it, so he had to clear it out.

Sean snapped his fingers with satisfaction and moved towards the banquet hall.

I thought about killing people with a borrowed knife, but I didn't expect to make such a move...

Fortunately, the person who deserved to be killed died in my hands.

At this point, outsiders who know the entire secret no longer exist.

In the shadows, the corners of Sean's mouth raised high.

From now on, I am the real fifth prince...

"Where's Sean? Why hasn't he spoken?" Although he couldn't see his surroundings, Bai You kept asking about Sean's whereabouts.

Bai Ye frowned. She could already vaguely feel that the red and black mist around her began to dissipate, and her vision even began to become clearer.

She had no choice but to make her voice as loud as possible: "My cousin is drunk and has been lying on the ground since just now. I accidentally touched him. Just make sure there are people around and don't step on him."

Bai You immediately loudly ordered: "Everyone, just make sure there is someone around you. Don't move around, lest you hurt His Royal Highness."

The red-black mist is dissipating.

Suddenly, Bai Ye vaguely noticed that a person was approaching.

Sean? No, Sean could come and go freely just now, and now it's almost gone, and he won't let me notice.

Thinking of this, she immediately changed her position to block the man's direction.

A slightly gloomy voice sounded, it was Bai Si.

"Where's Sean, why didn't I see him?"

Bai You heard his brother's voice and replied: "Shaun is drunk on the ground."

"Really? Why do I feel that he is not here?"

"not here?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised too. Even Teacher Kalado can't quickly solve the things created by the cultists. Where can this Sean... go?"

Bai Ye secretly said, "Bai Si is a student of Kalado. As the next successor to the Holy See, he is best at investigating in this situation."

But now that the matter has come to this, she can only frown and say: "What are you talking about? Sean is right next to me. I told you not to step on him."

"Oh, really?" Bai Si took a step forward.

Sean is not there, Bai Ye is covering him up...

Thinking of this, he took another step forward.

Just as Bai Ye was about to stop him forcefully, he suddenly felt his calf being touched.

This bastard... came back right away, why did he notify me like this? !

Bai Si moved forward again. However, this time, he seemed to have stepped on someone.

Before he could react, the person he stepped on instantly jumped to the ground, and his kick hit his vital parts.

Such a fast speed, and the other party is not yet Crimson...

With shock flashing in his eyes, Bai Si took half a step back. He thought he had dodged the attack, but to his surprise, the opponent actually stretched out his legs in the air in a discordant posture.

The last kick hit Bai Si's abdomen viciously.

"God said, nothingness..." Calado's voice echoed throughout the hall.

The red and black mist that they were struggling to support dissipated, and everyone finally regained their senses.

When he opened his eyes and looked around, he saw that everyone had dispersed to the corners, and there were a few unlucky ones lying on the ground twitching.

In the corner near the long table and stairs, several royal highnesses and a group of personal guards were leaning together, and among them, the fourth prince Bai Si was walking away stiffly.

His Royal Highness, who had two shoe prints on his body, one large and one small, was cursing.

There was anger and drunkenness in his voice: "Who the hell stepped on me?! Are you plotting against the Crown Prince?!"

Bai Si staggered, and those with sharp eyes saw that His Highness the Fourth Prince was hunched over for no apparent reason.

what happens?

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