I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 281 You are not qualified to be a queen

Now, naturally, the banquet cannot end successfully.

The crimson-level female general seemed very angry, but after the persuasion of her subordinates, she could only give Calado a vicious glance.

Kalado was just a little displeased, but in the end he quickly left here.

The military's power is more powerful than I thought, and Kalado is also the leader of the Golden Dawn... While Sean was thinking, Bai You came over.

An apology appeared on his face: "It's such a pity, cousin, I originally organized a banquet for you, but this happened to me."

Sean burped and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. It's been an interesting experience."

"As expected of the heir apparent, his bearing is indeed first-rate." Bai You first gave Sean a high hat, and then said, "I apologize to you on behalf of my incompetent fourth brother. Tell me, that boy , and left without even saying sorry."

Sean waved his hand: "Third brother, don't say that, then... he is still my fourth brother after all. Besides, it was me who bumped into him in the end, wasn't it?"

"You can't say that. Even in the royal family, brothers should settle accounts openly. It was his rudeness first - ugh..." Bai You sighed, "Since Bai Si left the Golden Dawn, I often have to I only see him once every two years, and his temperament is getting weirder and weirder."

He sighed a few words, and then showed his brother's sense of responsibility: "He is still at fault for this matter, but he is my biological brother after all... Sean, don't worry, I will give you a clear answer."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, but finally responded with a smile.

Bai You went to talk to other guests. Sean and Bai Ye exchanged a look, and the latter motioned to Sean to follow her.

When they walked to a remote place, the faint moonlight emitted and enveloped the surrounding area, so no one could hear their conversation.

Just as Bai Ye was about to speak, he saw Sean staring at his calf.

She wore a simple long skirt today, with the slit starting just from the knees.

The supernatural moonlight gently fell on her calves, and the skin was like delicate porcelain, glowing with a faint luster. The outline of the calf is particularly clear in the moonlight, and the elegant lines are like a stream in a mountain stream, graceful and smooth.

Then, Bai Ye heard Sean sigh with regret: "There is no black stockings here, what a pity."

Bai Ye's temples twitched violently, and his voice became stiff.

"Remember your identity, I am your cousin now!"

She said half dissatisfied and half warning.

Not only are they cousins, they are already sisters with the cheap godfather I just got...

However, Sean also knew not to go too far. It was not that he was worried that Bai Ye would not be able to bear it. He was confident that under his "sincere teaching", Bai Ye had developed a strong immunity and his sense of shame was getting stronger and stronger. Low.

Mainly because I'm afraid that Bai Youming will find out...

He glanced at Bai Ye and said leisurely: "Bai You is a bit interesting. Bai Sicai and I had many conflicts, but in the end it was the other party who suffered the loss. Putting it in Bai You's mouth seems to be a big deal. Don't say that I am the heir apparent. It’s not that exaggerated with my godfather, right?”

Godfather... Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

She frowned: "The third brother has always been like this. Many people say that he is very sophisticated and good at changing his face, but sometimes he behaves strangely like the fourth brother."

Sean thought thoughtfully and said: "Before you were not here, he vaguely revealed that the relationship between him and Bai Si was not good... It was the same just now. It seemed that the elder brother was responsible for the younger brother, but in fact he was still A secret comparison is made, that is, Bai Si is not mature enough."

Bai Ye thought about it and said, "Do you think he is too deliberate?"

Sean nodded: "In the eyes of ordinary people, it is not deliberate, but in the context of the royal family, it is too deliberate."

Bai Ye recalled all kinds of information and finally said: "The third brother and the fourth brother are not very powerful, but if the two of them are together, they will even be stronger than the eldest brother. Before, because the fourth brother rarely showed up, the third brother also Frequently visiting Golden Dawn, many people feel that the fourth brother will fully support the third brother in his fight for inheritance..."

Her eyes lit up slightly: "So, although they are twin brothers, the relationship between them is not as good as imagined... The third brother feels that he has been under too much pressure, and now he deliberately shows it in front of you, This is sending a signal to the emperor's uncle..."

Sean looked surprised. When Bai Ye became serious, his analysis speed was very fast, and his judgment of the situation was quite accurate.

I always thought this little girl was stupid before.

Bai Ye continued: "The behavior is deliberate, and the third brother himself knows it... He is sending a signal. He does not control the power of the two princes, but is alone... In this battle for inheritance, the emperor's uncle is The one with the biggest weight, the third brother just wants to use your mouth to tell the emperor."

"Also..." Bai Ye glanced at Sean, "The third brother suffered a loss in what happened before, and he will naturally be worried that your appearance is the emperor's suppression of him. Now, this can be regarded as It’s a disguised form of submission and misfortune.”

Sean blinked: "The hearts of people in your royal family are really dirty. I didn't think too much about it. Sure enough, a pure person like me is not suitable to deal with you."

Bai Ye almost rolled his eyes to the sky without any etiquette.

In the entire imperial capital, I can probably count on one hand the number of people whose hearts are dirtier than yours.

She took a look at the other person. Although he looked drunk, Sean was born with a top-notch skin. Although he was born as a gangster, the luxurious dress did not fit him at all, because the few buttons he had unbuttoned while drunk were even worse. It complements his unruly and lazy temperament.

He does look like a prince who has been in a high position for a long time.

His Royal Highness... Thinking of this, Bai Ye said:

"Your appearance is a big change. You made a big fuss about the Golden Dawn in the morning, but the emperor didn't say anything. Before a clear statement, everyone will regard you as the representative of the emperor... In the following period, I'm afraid you're busy."

Sean yawned indifferently: "Do you think I should dig out a basement?"

"What?" Bai Ye didn't react for a moment.

Sean said matter-of-factly: "Let's give gifts. Your third brother was very generous today. Tsk, it can be foreseen that in the next period of time, I may have to bear some gifts that I shouldn't bear at my age."

Bai Ye sneered: "This is not a paradise city. Collecting it once is called a meeting gift, but accepting it a few times is not the same. There are no gratuitous benefits, only constant exchange of interests. If you can only get in but not get out, what will happen to you in the future? There are a lot of them.”

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, took a few steps forward, and pushed Bai Ye into the corner.

The latter's expression remained unchanged, and he even looked at him slightly provocatively: "Now, do you think this is still possible? Cousin."

Sean finally couldn't hold back his laughter. He looked at Bai Ye and said with a smile: "Bai Ye, do you know? Bai Youming asked me who the new crown prince should help. More or less, he mentioned When it comes to you, it’s obvious that I want His Royal Highness to become the eldest princess and help the first empress of the empire ascend the throne.”

Bai Ye's breathing became heavy involuntarily.

Sean moved closer. His smile remained unchanged, but the ridicule in his voice was not concealed: "I said, you are not qualified."

Bai Ye's body stiffened for a moment, and then she tensed up even more unbelievably.

Sean's hands unconsciously moved to her perky buttocks.


Before he finished speaking, Sean squeezed hard.

But for some reason, Bai Ye just felt that his body was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

Is it because of the queen he just mentioned... Is it because I have compromised with him too many times...

Sean felt the warm touch in his hands and said with a smile: "Cousin, you are not enough to be the queen...because you are too afraid."

Bai Ye took a deep breath and looked at Sean: "Why can't you be afraid? It's natural to be afraid of death."

Sean came closer and pressed Bai Ye's entire body against the wall, his hands moving up and down.

"It's natural to be afraid of death." Sean did not deny Bai Ye's words. He just continued with a smile, "But you are afraid of other things... You and your brothers are the same. Bai Ye is destined to be a genius. , your father was able to suppress him and let him only be a prince, a first-class figure in the world, but it is a pity that you have learned nothing. "

He blew gently into Bai Ye's ear, his tone was gentle, but his words were rebellious: "After seeing my methods, I thought you knew the first thing I would do after becoming His Royal Highness, You just want me to help you kill your brothers."

Bai Ye's pupils shrank sharply.

"You're still reminding me not to accept too many gifts, because I won't be able to pay them back in the future..." Sean laughed, "Who has the right to ask me for my gifts in the future? The loser will die, and the winner will only be grateful to me. of kindness because I accepted their kindness in advance.”

"Is the eldest princess worried about these things? People who want to fight for the right to inherit are still hesitant? You don't think you can survive after the fight fails, right?" Sean said with a smile in his tone: "Those brothers of yours Even more useless. It was so exciting to watch the intrigue, what did you do in the end? "

He increased the strength on his hand, and Bai Ye suddenly clenched his teeth.

Sean sneered: "Your father is almost dying. No matter what the inside story is, you and your brothers are just fighting for the support of all parties?"

He came closer and his voice sounded like a devil that was deceiving people: "What about framing? What about poisoning? What about assassination?"

Bai Ye barely managed to steady his voice and said coldly: "Do you think this is your paradise city? Do you really understand your uncle and father?"

"Excuse!" Sean's hand went deep down the dress, "Why, are you afraid of a prince? Afraid of a dying emperor?"

"Do you know what you are doing and what you are talking about?!" Bai Ye yelled angrily.

Sean smiled disdainfully: "The biggest failure of Bai Youming is that he is still alive, making you mistakenly think that there is family ties in the royal family that you can rely on."

Bai Ye's heartbeat was getting faster and faster. She couldn't even care about Sean's big hands doing random things, and his words kept echoing in her mind.

There was madness in Sean's voice, but that madness was heartwarming.

"So what if brothers fall out with each other? So what if someone kills his own brother and sister? The position of emperor still has to be passed down. The man sitting on the throne is not far from death..."

He breathed a sigh of relief, leaned forward and gently bit Bai Ye's soft but pale lips.

Raising his head, Sean took out his hand and adjusted his clothes casually.

"Whether it's you or the other princes, you always want to be the better choice."

Sean stretched out his hands and slowly raised them. Even in the corner, he seemed to be embracing the whole world.

"Instead of trying your best to be the better one, why not be the only one?"

Bai Ye felt that his heart was about to pop out.

The only one...the only one...

Her frantic thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"His Majesty knew what happened today and sent me here specifically to inquire. Is anyone injured?"

The visitor is the personal attendant of His Majesty the current emperor, also known as the palace minister, that is, the palace manager.

The palace prime minister represents the emperor's will to a large extent. Even the princes, princesses, generals and presidents must be treated politely.

Bai You said quickly: "Thank you for your concern, Father. Uncle Covance, please go back and report. Only a few people present were slightly injured, and the rest were not seriously injured. This matter was caused by Bai You's lax management and could not be tolerated." The young people are all frightened, and Bai You will go to apologize when his father is free."

Palace Prime Minister Covens nodded. He glanced around and then asked, "I heard that Her Royal Highness the Princess and the new Crown Prince are also here. Why didn't you see them?"

"This...maybe he was going to say something?" Bai You said.

At this time, footsteps sounded and Sean walked out.

"Here it is."

There was no court etiquette... His vulgar behavior made Covance frown slightly, but he still bowed and greeted: "I met His Highness, His Majesty, and said that it is rare for His Highness to have such a love for talents. His Highness must be someone special." When I saw him today, he was indeed an outstanding figure among men.”

"Thank you Your Majesty for me." Sean gave a fake salute.

On the other side, Bai Ye quickly packed his clothes and walked out.

Seeing Bai Ye, Covance's attitude was obviously much warmer. Generally speaking, the palace ministers around the emperor should be neutral parties. Covance's expression alone was enough for everyone present to go back and write a paper.

"What are you doing, Princess? Your Majesty is worried that you are frightened."

Bai Ye took a deep breath secretly, and put on an impeccable and elegant smile on his face: "Thank you, Father, for your concern. Bai Ye is fine. Just now..."

She glanced at Sean and her smile grew wider: "After all, this is the first time I met my cousin. I just went to have a word with my cousin."

Covance nodded: "His Majesty said, you should get closer."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Bai Ye let out a long sigh in his heart.

More than just being close... I actually forgot to resist...

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