I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 282 It’s better to be the man in the queen’s body

"Thank you for your generosity, Tribute Saints."

In the thinking hall, Bai Ye lowered his head respectfully.

Before, she had never been notified of the gathering. Although she was anxious, she could only wait. Now, it was finally here.

Bai Ye's lowered eyes couldn't hide the surprise. She finally got what she wanted.

The crimson mad beast that was most suitable for her promotion.

"It's just a reasonable transaction. You did a good job." The three saints present said with a chuckle.

"Then, how should I give the thing to you?" Bai Ye asked.

After seeing the Hall of Thought, she went to check out a lot of information, and now she was vaguely aware that this magical place should have a lot of connection with the etheric layer.

But the etheric layer is closely related to spiritual power. How can real objects that exist in reality be delivered here?

She saw the Third Saint saying casually: "The slate in your mind can be regarded as the key here, so empty your mental power and let it completely wrap the chip. I will make a copy of the things inside." , it’s up to you to handle it afterwards.”

Bai Ye's eyes showed shock. Can such a huge amount of data be copied only through the connection on the etheric layer?

[The world] is more mysterious and powerful than I imagined.

After talking about the recent major events in the real world for a while, Bai Ye hesitated for a while and did not reveal the news about Sean to the Third Saint.

Although the information is not particularly secretive, it is still difficult to get a relatively clear idea without channels from the upper circles.

But Bai Ye also knew that this was not difficult for the Third Saint.

She didn't know why, but she just didn't want Sean's secret information to be revealed from her mouth.

What others have investigated on their own has nothing to do with me, as long as they didn’t learn it from me...

Although, if his information can be sold for a good price, that bastard will definitely tell the whole story... Bai Ye thought a little unhappily.

After the party ended, Bai Ye looked around and saw that no third person appeared after Latiya... I don't know if it was because the progress was delayed or for some other reason.

After saying goodbye respectfully, Bai Ye hesitated on the spot.

The Third Saint saw through her thoughts and chuckled: "Is there anything else?"

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, although the Third Saint was more powerful and mysterious, a strong man of this level was actually more amiable.

She hesitated and said: "Third Saint, I just have some confusions in life that I want to ask you for advice."

Seeing that the Third Saint did not object, she considered it and said: "The Third Saint, do you think it is right to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, and even do some... unimaginable things?"

She waited nervously, and after a long time she heard the calm voice of the Third Saint.

"Whether it's correct or not, don't ask the world, just ask yourself...and don't you already have the answer to this question when you ask it? You just hope that I will give a consistent answer so that you can It’s just that you have more legitimate motivation to push forward... Even if I give a contradictory answer, won’t you do it?”

She saw the Third Saint smiling.

Bai Ye was stunned. After a moment, she lowered her head and said sincerely: "Thank you for your guidance, the Third Saint."

The Third Saint waved his hand: "Go ahead and ask yourself. The advice I can give is, no matter what you do, leave a fulcrum around you. It can be a person, an object, or your own beliefs. "

"Fulcrum..." Bai Ye chewed the meaning of this word, and the projection of her will gradually dissipated in the hall of thinking.

Sean was the only one left in the hall again. He changed his sitting position and stretched.

"Tsk, Bai Ye's dependence on the Hall of Thought is higher than I thought. This is not a good thing... It seems that the lack of superpowers has had an unimaginable impact on her nearly twenty years of life. ah……"

Noah's voice sounded: "Lord Saint III, I have constructed several similar personality models for Saint VIII. Do you need to refer to them?"

Sean shook his head: "A model is just a model. Whether you are the number one in the world or a street kid begging for food, everyone is different. Once you fall into this kind of thinking, you will habitually observe similar situations with an unchanging eye. People will suffer."

Noah's electronic voice paused, and then he said: "I feel that my study progress has improved a lot. Thank you for your generosity, Saint III."

"You're welcome, Noah, by the way, call that kid out."


A translucent projection appeared on the floor, and he huddled there, seemingly soundless.

This is composed of the spiritual fragments of the heretic that Sean killed. It is essentially different from the will projection that can enter here. This is the part that was forcibly retained by the Hall of Thought when his etheric body dissipated. In a certain sense Above, it can be seen as a person’s incomplete pale soul.

Interestingly, the moment the cultist's pale soul was released, the black chains outside the hall began to stir again.

This is the image of the etheric layer belonging to the ether walking that was caught by Sean.

Sure enough, as long as it is an etheric body fragment that can be absorbed, Aether Walking will have a strong urge to eat.

The main thing is that the Aetherwalker hasn't eaten since he was captured by Sean. He usually relies on punching and kicking to make the other person go to sleep hungry.

Sean ignored him and told Noah, "Deconstruct all the fragments of this guy."

"Okay, please wait..."

The Mind Hall began to spin calmly like a space ball. Although the speed was not fast, the chains outside looked like they were about to be thrown off.

Sean inside naturally did not feel the rotation. He just looked at the scenery outside with interest.

Whenever the Mind Hall was active, the scenery of the ether layer would be displayed around.

It was a strange world where humans, machines, strange mountains, ugly creatures, etc. could be seen. There was a layer of light spots that overflowed upwards on their edges, and the specific image could not be seen clearly.

There, it was probably the specific appearance of various things in reality in the ether layer.

Of course, there were also special ether layer creatures like ether walkers living inside.

As I was watching, the rotation gradually slowed down.

Noah's voice sounded: "Deconstruction is complete, Saint Three, please take a look."

The incomplete pale soul almost became transparent, and there was a feeling that it would dissipate at any time.

Sean put his hand into the white light spot overflowing from the soul.

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, as he guessed, there were some strong memories left in it.

Nieqi... What a strange name.

Yes, the name of this sect was described in those incomplete memories: Nieqi.

And the Nieqi sect directly used the name of the god they believed in.

According to the only remaining memories, Nieqi was born in trouble, and his greatest hobby was to make the world chaotic.

"Noah, are there any relevant records?" Sean asked.

"In the query... there is no record. The characteristics of the gods mentioned in it are similar in the scriptures of many sects, but it is normal for sects born on the doomsday to have similar characteristics."

"Write it down, and notify me if there is a similar situation in the future."


In those incomplete memories, the reason and purpose of their kidnapping of the fifth prince were not mentioned, but several rituals were completely preserved.

Two of them aroused Sean's interest.

One of them was the ritual that the cultist used to hide the fifth prince and his priest in blood. It seemed to be a special preservation ritual that could make the person hiding in the blood temporarily lose the concept of time, and recover after being spit out.

"It requires a lot of human blood and a huge amount of crazy beast blood. The side effect is that the pollution is aggravated... Yes, pollution is nothing to me, but it is a useful ritual." Sean nodded with satisfaction.

And the other ritual was the one Sean had seen before.

The cultist tore open his stomach and revealed the weird demon baby.

This ritual is called the source of chaos.

After a careful understanding, Sean's eyes showed surprise.

One thing he had been wondering about before was where the proliferation of this cultist was?

After all, there are only a few people like Jin Kui who can carry proliferation with them. Other deep red masters, except for some people who have just been promoted and have almost no proliferation, all want to move long distances and have to bring their own huge proliferation.

Just like the deep red middle level that Rhodes once brought to Paradise City, the other party directly packed his proliferation as cargo in a special container and took it with him.

Jin Kui's special proliferation is definitely rare, but this cultist should have been active in the imperial capital twenty years ago, and his proliferation could not have been hidden near the imperial capital for twenty years.

Now, after learning about this ritual, Sean finally understood.

Good guy, this cultist directly offered his proliferation as a sacrifice to his god.

The source of the disaster, offering enough sacrifices and finding a carrier, you can slowly cultivate the creature called "God's Messenger".

This cultist directly regarded his proliferation as a sacrifice and himself as a carrier.

Those who play this cult are really crazy...

Moreover, the scary thing is that such a huge sacrifice was offered, and the carrier was at least a strong man of the middle level of the deep red, and the God's Messenger was just beginning to develop.

"He came to the imperial capital again, I'm afraid he wants to find more sacrifices..." Sean thought to himself.

According to the description of the ritual of the source of the disaster, sacrifices can be offered continuously, with only one requirement, whether it is pollution, fear or despair, it must contain more than the sacrifice offered last time.

Pollution is not a big deal, there is a lack of everything in this world, except for crazy beasts, but other things may require more and more killing.

And the reason why he did this is probably because the carrier is powerless.

According to the description of the ritual, the object of the carrier is generally human, and it is best that this human is in the most terrible despair.

However, there is a conflict.

The more desperate the carrier is, the better the effect, but the greater the pressure at the moment of the ritual - the reality is that the stronger the person, the less likely he is to despair, and strength cannot be completely equated with a person's willpower, obsession, etc. in many cases.

This cultist is that although he regards himself as the source of chaos, he is not desperate enough when performing the ritual, resulting in poor results, and further making the required sacrifices increasingly difficult to obtain.

However, if all conditions are met, the divine envoy trained by the source of the final chaos will be an extremely terrifying existence.

"It always feels like we are training a self-destruct infantry..." Sean muttered.

This ritual definitely has its uses, but Sean would definitely not use it on himself foolishly.

Anyway, in this operation, Sean eliminated the hidden dangers and gained some benefits. It was still a good deal after all.

As for how the Golden Dawn and the military would quarrel in the future, that was beyond his consideration.

Next, he has to do some things that His Royal Highness should do.

His Royal Highness, who originally lived in an underground gang, soon moved to a large villa. The property from the third prince Baiyou has transferred the ownership to Sean.

Bai You was very sincere. Not only was this place new, but it was not in a sensitive location, and there was a large yard around it to protect privacy.

"This place is really big..." Black Fox, Fox Wolf's second-in-command, could not hide the shock in his eyes. They, the bosses of underground gangs, could only show off their power in front of ordinary people. Compared with nobles, they really couldn't get up at all. The countertop is gone.

Sean said lazily: "Do the things I've asked you to do well, and each of you will do his own thing from now on."

Black Fox pursed his lips and said firmly: "Boss, different houses... I just want revenge."

Sean smiled: "Then there will be more opportunities. Let's inform the brothers that we can act more lavishly during this period. We don't have to worry too much about the military people targeting us... Of course, there are some things that I have hidden. "

"Yes, boss."

The news that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had moved into the new residence spread quickly, and even though no banquet was held, groups of people came to visit him one after another.

Even the eldest prince Bai Zhan and the second prince Bai Wen, whom Sean had never met, sent their trusted aides and presented them with valuable gifts. They both said that they would be there when Sean officially held the housewarming party. celebrate.

"They are all good things -" Moza looked at the gifts as they were leaving, and then pushed up his glasses, "However, the eldest prince and the second prince are quite impressive. Who doesn't know the importance of you, eldest brother? They actually Didn’t come in person.”

Xiao En sat on a chair, sipping tea, and said with a smile: "The third prince's behavior can be said to have offended me first. If the other princes express goodwill so obviously, they will be considered to be cliques for personal gain."

Sherrill chewed on a melon that looked like a big pumpkin, with juice splashing everywhere. He said vaguely: "No wonder we are still inconclusive and have no courage - my eldest brother knew how to take us to visit the new block boss when he was ten years old. , there is no need to worry about the original boss being afraid.”

Sean laughed: "We are all rough people. It is normal for these noble gentlemen to think more."

Moza glanced at him and shook his head: "Brother, you are really ignorant. If you are not as good as you, I am not as good as you. I think it is better to think of a way by yourself and become the emperor of the empire."

"That would be too troublesome, but..." Sean smiled evilly, and he saw the new arrivals outside the yard, "I can be the man in the queen's body."

"Her Royal Highness Princess Bai Ye has arrived——"

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