I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 283 “Explain carefully”

"Your Highnesses, please have some tea."

The good-looking maid bowed respectfully, and then walked out of the secret room with a cheerful look on her face.

Bai Ye was a little unhappy, but didn't show it.

When the maid came to deliver the tea just now, Sean seemed to be secretly touching her sensitive areas, but in fact, he was blatantly touching her sensitive areas. The maid's legs almost went weak by the time she served him a cup of tea.

"It would be interesting for a person who used to act cautiously and cautiously to live in the villa sent by the third prince and take advantage of the maid sent by the third prince." Bai Ye took a sip of tea and said calmly.

Sean turned his head in surprise and asked, "You don't know who I am?"

Bai Ye choked and had to pretend to be calm and blew the teacup.

Sean lifted one leg up on the armrest without any image, and said leisurely: "Delicious black tea, and no tea foam, what is your highness, Princess, talking about?"

Seeing Bai Ye's aloof look, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him, Xiao En continued lazily: "The one named Yaoyao, she is the most beautiful, the most obedient, and the most obedient among the maids Bai You sent here. The legs are the longest...and the breasts are the biggest.”

Bai Ye put down the tea cup and said indifferently: "My cousin is really good at serving as a royal servant. The person sent by the third brother has become your confidant so quickly. I admire it."

There is a strange yin and yang aura inside and outside the words.

Sean said hehey: "I've inspected the goods, it's the first time, it's really good to be a head maid."

Just kidding, when it comes to playing with people's hearts, Sean is the founder, and with his deceitful heart, if you want to plant spies around him, you might as well try to bribe the emperor's palace minister.

You shouldn't start a conversation about this with a pure and unabashed lecherous devil... Bai Ye, who was asking for trouble, took a deep breath and decided to get straight to the point.

"They will delay the Golden Dawn territory for a month or two at most. I have already sent people to put pressure on them secretly."

Bai Ye first showed her kindness, but when she saw that Sean was lazily unresponsive, she continued: "The cultist assassin incident that night has come to an end. Although Golden Dawn has suspicions, there is no way to go directly based on the suspicions. Arrest people. I heard that neither the military nor the intruders got what they wanted... But taking this opportunity, the military started an internal self-examination. It is expected that many people will be found out... There is a division The general is said to have committed suicide."

Sean took a sip of tea and motioned for her to continue.

Bai Ye glanced at him and then said: "The fourth brother has something to do with the Golden Dawn. The third brother just had a conflict with you before. It is impossible for the two of them to get involved again. Although most people in the military support the eldest brother, the eldest brother We can’t turn the entire military region into our own one-word hall. My father will not allow it. In other words, our only competitor for the positions that will be vacant is the second brother.”

As she said that, she took out a piece of paper: "I marked the positions where we have a chance to get it. There are a few more important positions that I can't grab openly, but I can arrange for your people to take them."

She pushed towards Sean: "You can see which positions you are more interested in."

Sean glanced at it, then slowly put down the teacup, looked at Bai Ye with a meaningful look, and said with a smile: "Us? Your Highness, you are so fast at finding relatives."

Bai Ye took a deep breath, and then she said as if she had made a decision: "It's us."

Facing Sean's gaze, she said calmly: "Assuming that we have not crossed paths before, and since you are willing to make the identity of the crown prince public, it means that you are ready to join this turmoil."

"Among the five choices, your best choice is the eldest brother. He has a relationship with the emperor's uncle. It is reasonable for His Royal Highness and the eldest prince to join forces. Moreover, although the eldest brother is a little reckless, his temperament is We brothers and sisters are the best, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to do such a thing as crossing a river and demolishing a bridge. "

"The second brother has a bad relationship with the emperor's uncle, and even his mother hates the emperor's uncle. Therefore, if the second brother comes to power, the emperor's uncle's lineage will definitely be eliminated, but now he is just holding back."

"The situation of the third brother and the fourth brother is special, but in the end, there is only one person who can sit on the throne. From my personal experience, the choice after the eldest brother is the third brother. The premise is that you can ensure that he will not be eliminated after he takes the throne. you."

Sean nodded while listening: "Well, the analysis is good, so, what is your advantage in sitting here today?"

Bai Ye raised her head slightly. Usually, Sean often saw various emotions in those beautiful eyes, such as shame, anger, forbearance, pride, etc., but this time, she showed her eyes without any obstruction. His ambition was completely exposed.

A look of surprise flashed in Sean's eyes. This girl has become completely enlightened in just two days?

Bai Ye said calmly but firmly: "I use the future as a bargaining chip. Once I take the position of queen, you will be a prince and a hereditary grand duke. At the same time, you can choose any of the three political districts outside the imperial capital and be promoted to a princely principality. ”

This kind of treatment is enough to show sincerity. You must know that the most prestigious among the several grand dukes, Grand Duke Wen Cheng, is not hereditary, and there is no principality in the entire empire.

As if he thought this was not enough, Bai Ye continued: "After I take office, the military will also be under your control. You can start planning this from now on and slowly replace the military generals with people you trust. My only request is Yes, when I go to war, you must support me unconditionally."

The empire is built by force, and the military is the empire's most powerful organ. Handing over the military completely means that Sean can rebel at any time if he wants.

Bai Ye's voice became more determined: "You can understand that in the future, you will be the invisible emperor of the empire."

Seeing that Sean was about to open his mouth to speak, Bai Ye stopped him firmly for the first time: "Please hear me out."

"I know these are just lip service promises, and using the future as a bargaining chip is too empty."

"But what if..."

Bai Ye's eyes suddenly became a little scary, full of crazy paranoia.

"Am I willing to use the entire empire as your testing ground?"

This time, it was Sean's turn to pause for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

Bai Ye raised his chin slightly, showing the pride of the princess: "I know, isn't it normal? Don't forget, I helped you build the management system of Paradise City. Although the people who use it are all your confidants, at least I Understand how the entire system operates.”

She stood up, lifted up her skirt, and saluted Sean gracefully.

"Cousin, no one else would know what you are thinking, but I have not had any powers since I was a child. I can only keep researching and learning to do the best at what I have the opportunity to do well... so I It can be found."

Her eyes were bright and frightening: "You are experimenting, right? You think that the underlying logic of how this world operates does not meet your requirements. The world is much dirtier deep inside than you show on the outside."

"So, you regard Paradise City as a small testing ground... But after all, Paradise City only has one city-state, and even its population has just been halved. If you want to see the effect, it will take at least ten years."

"So, what if the Empire could be your proving ground?"

A delicate, moving, and lively smile appeared on Bai Ye's face, but the morbidity hidden inside was chilling.

"Cousin, have you always been confused about what I want?"

She took a deep breath: "What I want is very simple. What I should get, what I have the opportunity to get...the neglect and differential treatment I suffered when I was young, I want to get it back. What was taken away when I was powerless. I also want to take back the things. I want to prove to others that a mediocre princess can also become a queen and open up more territories for the empire."

"I don't want to be the little girl hiding behind the pillar and peeking. I want everyone to look up at me."

Bai Ye's eyes were red, but she didn't shed any tears.

"In this way, they will not smash my mother's photos when they snatch the inheritance left by my mother, and in this way, they will not laugh and say that the eldest princess is a pretty good bargaining chip when discussing inheritance."

She said word by word: "But I don't want others to see it. I want myself to see my value, Bai Ye's value."

Bai Ye's face was strangely pale, but there was something shocking hidden in his eyes.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly. He could now understand why Bai Ye would become the future Queen of the Moon in the branch plot he knew.

Extremism can sometimes become a huge motivation.

It's just...my princely father, the path you envision your heir to take will never see your signposts...

Sean looked at Bai Ye. After a long time, he stood up slowly, and then suddenly pulled Bai Ye into his arms.

He did not move his hands up and down, but stared directly at Bai Ye.

"Cousin..." Sean showed an evil smile, "I know a ritual. The ritual requires the most desperate person... If I help you, let you fall into the clouds at the last moment when you are about to succeed. The ritual The materials may be of the highest quality?”

Bai Ye didn't dodge at all. She and Sean looked at each other: "No, if the time comes, you will be reluctant to part with it. Because the value Bai Ye brings to my cousin will far exceed the so-called ceremony."

"So sure?" Sean asked with a smile.

Bai Ye replied without hesitation: "Because I am Bai Ye."

For the first time, Sean discovered that he began to truly appreciate the princess's confidence.

After patting Bai Ye's butt unceremoniously, Sean sat back on the chair: "Very good, you convinced me."

Bai Ye didn't show any expression of joy or relaxation. She straightened the wrinkles on her clothes, as if everything was natural.

However, Sean became interested and asked with great interest: "Are you so sure that I can help you?"

Bai Ye nodded: "I remembered what I ignored before. No matter what method you used, you could convince the emperor to let you become the crown prince. I may not know you well enough and I don't know the emperor well enough, but I know that you are king-level. The peak, and the emperor is about to enter the deep blue. You have done something that I can't do, so I believe in you."

"A reasonable and smart explanation." Sean snapped his fingers with one hand, and the other hand climbed up Bai Ye's hip.

Bai Ye dodged lightly, and she said calmly: "Originally, you could have asked me to do more, just like the first time, but since you didn't bring it up, then this is not part of the cooperation between us, don't you? Brother, please pay attention to your identity and actions.”

Sean smiled nonchalantly and took a deep breath of Bai Ye's faint fragrance: "You're starting to make me react again."

"Then please bear with me." Bai Ye smoothed the hair in front of his forehead.

It seemed that she had really won appreciation and respect from Sean for the first time, but for some reason, she always felt a little guilty when she said those words.

Sean's actions immediately gave her the answer.

Bai Ye's body-protecting moonlight was activated independently, but Sean's hand penetrated without any hindrance.

Holding Bai Ye on his lap, Sean took the piece of paper and said, "Talk about the importance of these positions."

Bai Ye gritted her teeth and twisted her body, but Sean's hands held her tightly in his arms like iron pliers.

In desperation, she had no choice but to say: "We have reached an agreement, do you have to take advantage of me?"

Sean said matter-of-factly: "Otherwise? My greatest advantage is greed, and eating everything is something I have learned since I was a child."

"Compared to other things, physical pleasure is probably the last priority. You have to meet your needs. Your Yaoyao and the maids are enough for you to change and play with every day."

"I'm lazy. They are all outside. There happens to be something ready-made nearby. If you don't touch it, it will be useless."

As he spoke, Sean's hands had already climbed up Bai Ye's waist.

Bai Ye gritted his teeth: "I've already tried it once, you should have lost interest a long time ago, right?"

This time, the person who said this became Bai Ye.

Sean shrugged: "I told you, rekindle~ you are very charming now."

As he spoke, he increased the strength on his hands and chuckled: "Even though you say that, aren't you still quite cooperative?"

"I couldn't move!"

"Isn't it a pleasure to be done these things by someone you like?"

"You do have strength and means, and I admit that I admire you, but that doesn't mean I just like you!" Bai Ye flatly denied it.

Sean blinked: "Don't you like it even after doing it once? I thought the last time you unbuttoned in front of me was because you thought about it."

Bai Ye said coldly: "For me, physical sacrifice doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't mean that I like you!"

"So, I don't like it, but it doesn't matter?"

"Of course it doesn't matter." Bai Ye replied immediately.

Sean smiled broadly and put his hand from her collar: "That's it, it doesn't matter to you anymore, what else is there to resist?"

"You!" Bai Ye was furious, but helpless.

Sean grabbed the 'steering wheel' and motioned for her to look at the piece of paper and explain to him.

Bai Ye's body froze, but he could only speak with a trembling voice.

"Don't move..." Bai Ye gritted his teeth.

"Explain it carefully." Sean reminded.

"Are you tired of it?" Bai Ye was helpless.

"Explain carefully."

"Why don't you put me to sleep?!" Bai Ye was going crazy.

"Explain carefully."

"Stop touching it and just think about how to take over these positions!"

Bai Ye felt like he was going to collapse.

What is wrong with this man?

Only then did Sean take out his hand.

Through the open gap, Bai Ye couldn't help but lower his head and take a look.

They are all starting to turn red...

However, just when she breathed a sigh of relief, Sean shook off his right hand and replaced it with his left hand.

He pursed his lips and said, "Explain it carefully."

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