I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 284 Whose tiger skin is more useful?

The night was getting dark, and Bai Ye was walking on the stone road inside the palace.

As a princess, she was entitled to take transportation into the palace, but after crossing the front hall and entering the side palace, she had to walk as a sign of respect.

Walking into the corridor leading to the cold shower room, Bai Ye was thinking about whether to go to the cold shower room to relax.

Mainly because Sean is that bastard who can only touch but not fuck... It's useless to curse, it's useless to be helpless, and it's useless to accept his fate.

This bastard used her as a steering wheel. It was obviously an important part of the explanation, but he didn't even say anything later - when he pinched her a little harder, it was to focus on explaining this position. When he fiddles with it, it's time to skip this area that doesn't interest him...

Bai Ye even thought that it would be better to go directly into the bedroom...

In the end, Sean just clapped his hands with satisfaction to show that he knew, and then issued an eviction order.

Only a red sensitive part was left for Bai Ye...

What's even more sad is that Bai Ye found that in the end he was almost used to it.

She was indeed prepared, even though she said she was reluctant, but based on her understanding of Sean, she knew that there was a high probability that she would not be able to escape from him in the end.

As a result, you didn’t even give me any pleasure...

Thinking about all this with some annoyance, Bai Ye still walked to the cold shower room. She had to relax and calm down.

These are all external things and unimportant... During this critical period, I must focus on inheritance rights, and everything in this area cannot go wrong...

With these thoughts in mind, as soon as he turned around the corridor, a shadow appeared in front of him, blocking the visitor.

Several maids who were following Bai Ye were startled. As the bodyguards of Her Royal Highness, shadows cannot appear here unless there is danger.

Bai Ye naturally knew it. She looked up and heard the shadow say calmly: "Your Majesty personally issued a ban. In the palace, maids and ministers cannot hide in the shadows."

Beyond the shadow, from the shadow of the corridor ahead, an old lady wearing a maid uniform bowed and walked out.

"Concubine Lan wishes to meet His Highness Baiye. I went to inform him, but His Highness is not here for the time being. I can only wait on His Highness's only way back to the palace. I hope for your understanding."

The old lady who spoke was kind-hearted, but the maids around Bai Ye subconsciously took a step back.

Lan Keer's nanny... Bai Ye frowned slightly.

Lan Ke'er is the mother of the third and fourth princes, and is quite favored by her father.

Her other identity is the most prestigious of the three current Speakers, the youngest daughter of Lan Youshan.

There is another identity that is no longer used for a long time, that is, the former national idol, whose only name is blue.

She started acting at the age of twelve, and succeeded in gaining the favor of the empire at the age of fourteen. The theater tickets with her face on them are even collectible today.

Then, she entered the palace at the age of fifteen, and gave birth to twins to His Majesty the Emperor at the age of sixteen.

Of course, in the past, Lan Keer could not get the title of Concubine Lan, because when the previous emperor was in office, the empire was still monogamous.

Powerful men and women will have a lot of mistresses and lovers, but on the surface, you can only have one legal spouse.

There are some privileges for His Majesty the Emperor. For example, the last old emperor, Bai Ye’s never-seen Emperor, had more than 120 registered official mistresses. Some of these official mistresses would be given titles, but most of them Just living in an empty villa waiting for the occasional favor.

Sons born to mistresses generally have no inheritance rights and will be sent to the palace to be raised separately after a certain age.

After Bai Ye's father ascended the throne, monogamy was changed to polygamy, and men or women who paid a certain fine could legally marry a spouse.

The promoter of this system was Lan Youshan, and not long after that, Lan Keer entered the palace and became Concubine Lan. The two princes Bai You and Bai Si she gave birth to were naturally qualified to inherit the throne.

After the death of Bai Ye's mother, the queen, the queen's position has been vacant. The eldest prince's biological mother was a female slave, and now she is nominally under the concubine named Wu Fei. The biological mother of the second prince had a special status. She was the only female grand duke among several grand dukes, but she was not favored by the emperor.

Therefore, Concubine Lan, who gave birth to two princes who had a chance to compete for the throne, was regarded as the invisible queen in the harem. In addition, His Majesty the Emperor was ill in recent years, and Concubine Lan controlled the harem alone.

As the nanny who has taken care of Concubine Lan since she was a child, this old lady, who only has the name of maid, has obvious prestige in the palace.

No wonder the shadow appeared directly...

Bai Ye crossed the shadow, with a slightly sleepy look on his face, and said apologetically: "I'm a little tired today, I'm afraid it will make Concubine Lan unhappy. When Bai Ye regains his energy, he can go to Concubine Lan in person. Can I apologize there?"

She and Concubine Lan rarely interacted with each other, and the occasional intersection was not pleasant. Moreover, the conflict between her and the third prince was clearly there. In addition, Concubine Lan entered the palace and gave birth to children at a very young age. Now, He's not even forty yet, I heard he still has the temper of a child.

What good can happen?

Bai Ye is not willing to deal with this Lan Fei, not because he is afraid, but because he can't talk about anything. Will the mother not stand by her son?

Getting there is nothing more than suffering in vain.

After all, she is a princess, and speaking to a maid like this is already very honorable.

However, the wet nurse took a step forward and blocked Bai Ye's way. Her voice was calm, but her words could not be rejected.

"Your Highness, Concubine Lan should have rested an hour ago, but in order to wait for you, she has not slept until now."

"Then...please lead the way." The other party insisted, and Bai Ye had no choice but to agree.

Shadow glanced at her, his eyes flickering, obviously asking her if she wanted to inform others.

Bai Ye shook his head invisibly. No matter what Lan Fei wanted to do, she couldn't do anything extraordinary. She would be bullied even if she resisted.

She had been bullied by Sean just now, so why go there and suffer a little injustice now?

As long as you have faced people like Sean, when you face others, you will often have some thoughts of "That's it?" 'Emotions.

It can probably be considered a blessing in disguise, right?

Just as Bai Ye expected, Concubine Lan gave her a good scolding under various pretexts.

This concubine who is only forty years old still maintains the beauty and sophistication of her youth. Compared to the time when she was a national idol, she is more graceful and luxurious, and has the charm of a mature woman.

However, while maintaining her beauty, the little girl's willful temper was also retained.

The man, who was almost forty years old, still bullied the younger ones for some unreasonable reasons. In half an hour, Bai Ye was scolded to a fault.

"...As the eldest princess, you have to set an example for your younger brothers and sisters. You show up every day and hang out with who knows who when you go out. What do your younger brothers and sisters think?"

In the past, Bai Ye would have probably couldn't help but reply: "The third brother and the fourth brother are out every day, right?"

Then, Concubine Lan would scold her even more vigorously. As a princess with no backing, no powers, and no inheritance rights, she could only be scolded silently.

But now, Bai Ye only feels a little sleepy.

"Are you trying too hard? Didn't you eat?" Somehow, Bai Ye thought of Sean's non-stop talk. No matter who he was talking about, that guy always used a lot of nonsense mixed with witty remarks. When he was unhappy, he would Turn your face directly.

Compared with the things Xiao En had said and done, Lan Fei's little tricks to suppress her were really uninteresting.

Damn it, am I not being subtly influenced by Sean?

Bai Ye thought with some vigilance. Looking at Sean's appearance, xp must not be a normal person... Doesn't that bastard want to train me?

Probably because he was really sleepy, there was finally a flaw in Bai Ye's well-disguised face.

Concubine Lan, who was staring at her scolding, frowned: "Bai Ye, are you impatient with what I said?"

After reacting, Bai Ye lowered his eyes and said softly: "Bai Ye doesn't dare, Bai Ye is listening to Concubine Lan's teachings."

Concubine Lan raised her eyebrows, looking amazingly beautiful even when she was angry.

Even Bai Ye had to sigh secretly. Concubine Lan's appearance was indeed impeccable, but...the third brother and the fourth brother could only be considered ordinary handsome guys. Was it because the father was not handsome enough?

My father... I haven't seen his face in many years. It's true that he is very majestic, but the uncle is handsome and handsome, and my father should not be much different.

On the other hand, Sean, that bastard, is much better than my brothers based on his appearance. If no one has told me, just looking at his face, he does look like His Royal Highness...

Bai Ye's absent-mindedness made Concubine Lan very unhappy, and her voice became louder unconsciously: "Bai Ye, I think you have forgotten what your father once taught you recently!"

Bai Ye lowered his head and said warmly: "Bai Ye doesn't dare. Naturally, I will always remember my father's teachings."

"Then if you remember Father Qin's teachings, you don't have to listen to what I say, right?" Concubine Lan has a kind of stalking beauty.

"I don't dare. Bai Ye has always remembered Concubine Lan's teachings."

"Oh?" Concubine Lan seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and then she waved her hand nonchalantly, "In that case, you should remember some words."

"Bai Ye, listen."

Concubine Lan said confidently: "Leave some things to your brothers."

"for example?"

Concubine Lan continued: "The late queen's inheritance is huge. I am a woman and I know women. I can't take care of it for you. I think it's better to let your third brother continue to take care of it for you. Wait for you I’m about to get married, so I’ll leave it to you together.”

So that's why I came here... Bai Yexin thought.

She was not angry, but nodded slightly: "What Lan Fei said is true, Bai Ye knows."

There was a hint of surprise in Concubine Lan's eyes. Why is Bai Ye so honest now?

What she didn't know was that Bai Ye had already learned something important from Sean.

promise you? Why don't I remember?

When the things are in my hands, I should hold the right to speak. So what if I agree now, I won't do it anyway.

Bai Ye's meekness caught Concubine Lan off guard. She looked at Bai Ye, and after thinking for a while, she continued: "That's good... You are about to get married, and I have been helping you during this time. Look, do you have a sweetheart?"

The same old way of getting married... Bai Ye shook his head in boredom: "Nothing."

Concubine Lan nodded: "Then let me help you find something... By the way, you loved to play with your brothers when you were a child. Now you are getting married and you are an older child. Your brothers are fine. , but it’s better to have less contact with my cousin, otherwise people will spread gossip, and if it brings shame to the reputation of the royal family, then it’s my fault for teaching you.”

In addition to my mother's inheritance, they also want to prevent me from interacting with Sean... The reason is so bad and the method is so bad, Bai Ye just wants to smile.

However, no one knows that Sean has not received much commitment from the emperor's uncle at all, and now he is just taking advantage of the emperor's uncle...

Then I can naturally take advantage of Sean's skin.

Bai Ye showed an embarrassed look: "I just met my cousin... Forgive Bai Ye's blunt words, but with my cousin's temper, I'm afraid he won't be able to hear such words. He said that he wants to get close to my sister, We have made an appointment to go on a trip together tomorrow."

Concubine Lan frowned and snorted: "Why, I am an elder, can't I talk to you?"

Bai Ye blinked: "Of course it works for me, but for my cousin... why don't you ask the third brother? My cousin doesn't have a good temper, and I'm afraid of making him angry."

This is a direct loss of face to Concubine Lan, and it is in Sean's name. Even the most favored Concubine Lan cannot reprimand the unknown Crown Prince like an ordinary prince, not to mention that he himself absent.

The most important thing is that Prince Bai Youming is really scary.

Concubine Lan had no choice but to maintain her dignity and said: "I will tell him personally. Just go back. By the way, keep in mind what I taught you before."

Bai Ye nodded obediently: "Yes, I understand. Bai Ye will go back first. Oh, by the way, my cousin and I have made an appointment to go to the Imperial Treasure House tomorrow. You can go there and reprimand him."

Concubine Lan choked, but Bai Ye quickly stood up and left the palace.

After a while, Bai You walked out of the inner hall.

Concubine Lan was sulking and said unhappily: "Bai Ye dares to talk back to me. She must have a relationship with that Sean."

Bai You said softly: "Mom, please calm down and we may not be able to establish a relationship...According to Xiao En and Bai Ye's personalities, if they have reached an agreement, they will never let us know so easily."

Lan Fei's eyes lit up: "You mean, Bai Ye is just pretending to be powerful?"

Bai You nodded: "It's very possible, so let's try them again tomorrow."

Concubine Lan looked at her eldest son and said happily: "Sure enough, he has grown up and is much smarter than his mother. Don't worry, his mother will help pave the way for you and your brother."

"Thank you, mother, please rest assured. Bai Si and I will work together."

While speaking, Bai You lowered his head, only a cold light flashed through his eyes.

Back in his palace, Bai Ye quickly stepped into the bath.

Feeling the coolness of the cold water on her body, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lowering his head and looking at his somewhat red chest, Bai Ye patted it with cold water and snorted: "It's all the fault of that bastard that he's still standing!"

As she spoke, she slowly sank into the water, a cunning look flashed in her eyes.

Although Concubine Lan did not have a palace, someone must have signaled her to do these things, and it was most likely her third brother.

According to the suspicious character of the third brother, he must be suspecting that I am pretending to be pulling Sean's tiger skin against Concubine Lan.

He will definitely try to win over Sean...

With Sean's mind, he could make a guess right away. Next, he might eat the third brother to pieces...

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