I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 285 I am very satisfied with my size

The front door of the Imperial Treasure House became lively again.

However, unlike the previous petty quarrel, Her Royal Highness the Princess and the new Crown Prince came to the scene together, each with many servants, and attracted a lot of attention while walking through the Empire Expo.

Several nobles who lived in the imperial capital just came from the treasure house. As soon as they saw Xiao En and Bai Ye, they hurriedly came up to say hello with their smiling faces.

Bai Ye is better at dealing with polite responses in this area, but she didn't expect that just when she was about to step forward, she saw Sean walking up.

Then, she watched with her own eyes as the warm smiles of those nobles turned into stiff fake smiles.

She turned her head slightly to prevent herself from laughing out loud - she was used to being in the upper-class circles of the imperial capital, so she would always like to say some stage words, but Sean didn't care whether you were being polite or not, he really dared to ask for it.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is indeed as handsome and handsome as the legend says. If I had known I would not have redeemed this necklace today. I think it matches His Highness the Crown Prince."

"You're right - just leave it there. You can take it to my place personally without bothering you."

Without saying a few words, the nobles gave the things they had just replaced to Sean with a wry smile, and they did so voluntarily.

Saying a friendly farewell, the two walked into the treasure house.

Bai Ye said calmly: "They are afraid that they will come to you for the banquet in the evening and ask for something."

Sean glanced around: "Please, I won't help anyway."

Before his reputation spread, Sean decided to make some money. He was the Crown Prince, so how could he go out to meet people without hundreds of millions of lire in his pocket?

As for other people's displeasure, it's none of their business. There's no reason why I shouldn't accept the money if you come to your door.

Anyway, my father's life was in vain, you have the guts to beat me up.

They had already visited the first floor of the treasure house twice, and there were no new items that could be picked up recently. After a casual glance, the two of them walked towards the second floor of the treasure house.

The Imperial Treasure House has a special certification system. Most nobles, big businessmen, officials, etc. are only qualified to enter the first floor, a few people can enter the second floor, and a very small number are qualified to go to the third floor or above. These people all have qualifications granted by the emperor himself. .

For royal blood, their blood is the ticket, especially the princes and princesses, who can directly enter the first to third floors.

Sean originally had a problem. He was able to enter the second floor by relying on the aura of Xiao Ci, but the qualifications to enter the third floor were not enough.

But now he has been wrapped in a new layer of skin - all thanks to the fifth prince who came to his door.

His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince was well raised in a place where no one would know. In order to ensure his life safety, Sean also helped him reattach his broken limbs.

I'm so kind - Sean often blamed himself for this.

Entering the second floor, Sean, who didn't take a closer look last time, looked around. Unlike visitors like Ai Youqian who could only stay for half an hour, as a member of the royal family, he could stay in the treasure house for more than ten hours. .

If Bai Ye doesn't mind, it will be enough for her to get pregnant twenty times.

Seeing Sean looking around, Bai Ye, who had entered the treasure house many times, followed him and explained to him from time to time.

Seeing Sean parked on a pretty good prosthetic body, she said, "Every member of the royal family has a quota, but everyone's quota is different."


Bai Ye continued: "For example, eldest brother, he is eligible to take one thing from the third floor every year, and two things from the second floor. As for the first floor, just exchange it with Lila. No one wastes such a precious quota."

"My eldest brother has the highest limit, and I have the lowest," Bai Ye said with a normal expression, "I can take one thing from the third floor every three years, and I can take one thing from the second floor every year."

She looked at Sean: "You and I have the same amount, but the emperor promised that you can take one more item, which means you can take two items from the third floor and one item from the second floor."

Sean raised his head and rolled his eyes: "This is unreasonable. Shouldn't my quota be accumulated? Let me do the math for you. I am twenty-one months old this year. Judging from the quota, I can withdraw it. Eight times is the right amount.”

Bai Ye said calmly: "You can give it a try. The treasure house will not look at your identity when it carries out its own expulsion."

"I'll go back and complain to my father." Sean curled his lips.

"It's useless to complain." Bai Ye said calmly.

Sean turned his head, noticed the other person's expression, and wondered: "Have you complained?"

"My previous quota was to be withdrawn every ten years. It changed after I gained the superpower. I approached my father to get my previous quota back, but was not allowed." She looked indifferent.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned over, smiling and saying: "Are you wronged?"

Bai Ye nodded calmly: "It's a grievance, but it's useless. When I become the queen, I can use it as I please."

Sean smiled and said, "Hey, you spoke so loudly. My father is a blessing from heaven. What if someone hears you?"

"The emperor's blessing from destiny is not a good thing. He can only detect strangers entering the treasure house, but he is half a guard. Of course, he can also use things below the third floor at will, but he is a prince. , you can use it at will.”

Bai Ye shrugged indifferently: "To a certain extent, the treasure house is the safest place in the imperial capital, and there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped."

Sean showed a malicious smile: "That means no one will hear you no matter how you shout?"

Bai Ye's expression froze, and he took half a step away angrily: "Don't even think about it!"

Sean laughed: "I'm just teasing you, and there's more business to do - from now on, we'll have a lot of time between us."

Seeing him turn around and walk towards the third floor, Bai Ye followed slowly.

She also didn’t forget to ‘threaten’: “I am your cousin!”

"Bai Youming is my godfather. Your cousin must have done it too. Of course, you can do it too."

Listening to the last word in his aggravated voice, Bai Ye's temples twitched, but he had no choice but to follow.

Sean, who was walking in front, slowed down a little until he confirmed that the invisible barrier was not blocking him, and then he walked up with satisfaction.

Thank you, fifth prince.

The third floor of the treasure house is still quite large, but let alone compared to the first floor, even compared to the second floor, it is empty.

What Sean needs is right at the entrance to the third level.

It was a piece of light yellow leather paper the size of an A4 paper. It didn't show much from the outside, but it was firmly placed in a wooden photo frame.

Crying Chapter 2.

As long as you get this thing, you can try to advance to Crimson.

Bai Ye, who was following Sean, noticed his pause, and then quickly focused on the crying second chapter.

Before, she had always suspected that there was something that Sean needed urgently in the empire's treasury. Now it seemed that it was indeed the case. Is this what Sean wanted?

She took a step forward, looked up at the crying Chapter 2, and then looked at Sean: "Is this why you laid so many traps for me before?"

Sean frowned and said disgustedly: "How can you call it a trap? I am here to make you a better eldest princess and better able to inherit the empire's foundation. However, since we are brother and sister, I won't ask you for anything. There’s a lot of stuff—can you help me take this stuff back?”

Bai Ye laughed angrily: "I only have a quota in three years, so I want to take back something that only you can use? Cousin, you are too shameless."

"It's not the first day we met, and my shamelessness didn't just start today. You tell me."

Sean was just talking nonsense out of habit, but Bai Ye actually started to think seriously after hearing what he said.

Under Sean's surprised gaze, Bai Ye said calmly: "Then let me change it for you."

Sean had to give a thumbs up this time: "With this magnanimity and courage, she is worthy of being the future Queen!"

He meant what he said sincerely. After all, things on the third floor are very valuable without even thinking about it. Bai Ye was so cheerful - so this is what extreme patients are like? Once you make a decision, you don't care about the gains and losses at all.

Bai Ye seemed to have guessed what Xiao En was thinking. She said calmly: "You and I have reached such cooperation conditions, so helping you means helping me - although I know very well that you will not help like I help you. Me, but since I have done it, I will do it according to my heart.”

Is this a relief? Sean found that Bai Ye's current demeanor was getting closer and closer to the Queen.

He was not polite: "Then I'll trouble you, Your Highness~"

Bai Ye nodded, and then showed a puzzled expression: "I'm very surprised, how do you know that what you want is in the treasure house?"

Sean opened his mouth and lied: "Induction, my power is very special. I can react with some things, so I know what I want is here."

What can I do if I don’t lie? I can’t say I know the plot.

Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully. She glanced at Sean. The latter looked casual, but his words didn't seem to be false.

This guy finally told me a few truths... Somehow, Bai Ye even felt a little relieved.

The things couldn't be taken away directly, so the two continued to circle around on the third floor.

If Bai Ye's quota is used up, it means that Sean can still do two things for free on the third floor.

To be precise, it's the same, because the quota given by Bai Youming is not limited to the third floor. Sean plans to use it on the last floor, which is the fourth floor.

Even those with royal blood cannot enter the fourth floor, which can only be entered with special permission. The only people who can enter directly are princes and emperors. However, Sean has Xiao Ci.

Of course, Bai Ye can't let Bai Ye know this.

Standing next to Sean, Bai Ye said softly: "I've been to the third floor many times. Although I can't take it away, I can gain some knowledge - I have a few recommendations."

"Original module." She pointed to a black gilt box, "Produced by the Sanctuary. The Empire has not been able to successfully copy it until now. The most important thing is that it can be implanted into the spinal nerves without a prosthetic body. Research shows that the module The ability is left by a pure weakling from the upper level of Crimson. It can inspire power to be injected into the weapon to form a sword light - there are three pieces in total, one is with the father, and the other is most likely taken away by the elder brother. This piece is the experiment just now. It didn’t take long to get it back there.”

Listening to Bai Ye's explanation, Sean was slightly surprised. This is good stuff.

Moreover, if it is the most original module, I might go to Noah and have a look...

Bai Ye walked to another box, which was tied with many pure blue chains and soaked in ice water.

"The third hand," Bai Ye glanced at Sean, with a slight smile on his lips, "The name suits you very well. This hand comes from a completely polluted crimson peak. As the name suggests, you can have an extra hand on your shoulder, and this hand is born with the power of fire. The only problem is that the pollution is very serious. If you can find a way to solve it, this should be the strongest thing in the third layer, no doubt about it."

It's also a good thing. Pollution is not a big deal. The problem is that this thing can only be implanted after it is crimson at first glance. At that time, the combination of two different pollutions may be a big trouble.

Bai Ye went forward again. This time it was a pure black iron rod?

"I don't know the name, but I heard that the owner's naming will bring different changes to this weapon."

Sean was surprised. There is such a weapon?

Bai Ye continued, "This is made of materials from a crimson middle-level crazy beast, and the creator is the former emperor. In addition to the ability brought by the name, this weapon naturally has the effect of destroying energy fields, and, for some reason, people hit by it are extremely prone to fractures, and objects will be directly shattered."

Looking at this unknown stick, Sean narrowed his eyes.

This shape is very suitable for Moza...

Bai Ye is worthy of being the wasteland king Yuyan. The three things he recommended are all very good. For Sean, the original module should be the best thing, and the stick is very suitable for Moza, who just lacks a weapon with great destructive power.

Moza's broken steel pipe was snatched from someone else by Sean when they were fighting at the street corner a few years ago. He has been strengthening it here and there over the years. He can't find a more convenient one for the time being, so Moza has been using it until now.

Seeing that Sean was thinking, Bai Ye added: "You can think about it again. Anyway, there is no rush to take it now."

Sean nodded and patted Bai Ye's butt gratefully: "Luckily, I have you."

"Your way of expressing gratitude is really novel." Bai Ye had no expression on his face.

Sean retracted his hand and covered the twin peaks: "Like this?"

"...Take it!"

"I think you need my help."

"I am very satisfied with my size!"

While playing tricks, footsteps sounded.

Without waiting for Sean to retract his hand, Bai Ye immediately stepped back several steps.

Two heads appeared at the stairs.

A beautiful woman whose age was unknown, graceful and elegant, and the third prince Bai You who followed behind her.

Seeing this, Bai Ye stopped his steps and held Sean's arm affectionately.

Oh, this should be the Lan Fei, right?

Lan Fei walked up to the third floor gracefully with her skirt lifted. When she saw Sean for the first time, she put on the attitude of an elder, but her smile was quite enthusiastic.

"Are you Sean? Bai You often mentioned you to me. I met you today and you are indeed an excellent young man."

Bai You immediately stepped forward and smiled at the two of them: "Sean, this is my mother, Concubine Lan."

Sean's eyes flashed, tsk, this gesture... is still trying to win me over...

Bai Ye beside him exerted a little more force and moved closer. He could already feel a large area of ​​softness in his arms.

This scene was immediately noticed by Concubine Lan and Bai You.

Sean smiled...Bai Ye is only easy to break in front of me, her acting skills have always been good...

It seems that Bai You can squeeze a lot of money from this...

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