Xiao En did not act foolishly, but greeted Concubine Lan politely.

This made Concubine Lan feel a lot better all of a sudden, and she looked at Bai Ye secretly with a little pride in her eyes.

Why do these ladies look so stupid? Don’t you think they are the masters of the harem...

Just as Sean was thinking about it, Bai You glanced at Bai Ye, who was still holding his arm, and then smiled at Sean and said, "Cousin, you really should come and see this treasure house. It just so happens that Fifth Sister is very interested in all aspects of this." She knows all the information at her fingertips, and it would be a good idea to listen to her opinion on what my cousin wants to use. "

Secretly pointing out that Bai Ye can only talk on paper.

Bai You is indeed interesting. He can use big tricks and is also unscrupulous in small tricks, but it is easy for others to feel greedy.

But in this situation, greed will obviously not be a shortcoming.

Sean responded with a smile, and then asked: "Third brother and aunt are here to pick things up?"

His words were not very polite. He put Lan Fei after Bai You and used the folk title.

Before Bai You could speak, Concubine Lan spoke naturally: "It's been a long time since I visited this treasure house. Your Majesty is generous and kind, but for a woman like me, the accumulated quota is of no use, so I might as well pick some. A gift for the younger generations.”

This was said at a very high level, first implying that Bai Ye was also a woman and should not be involved in the fight for inheritance rights, and then secretly pointed out that he was very energetic and deeply loved by His Majesty the Emperor. In the end, she didn't say she wanted to give it to Bai You and Bai Si, but she wanted to give it to the juniors. Sean was the only junior here who deserved to give gifts.

Sean pretended to be moved and nodded, showing some excitement.

However, Concubine Lan's level can be seen at a glance.

It seems that her speaking skills are very high, but despite Sean's slight offense, Lan Fei did not respond first - this shows that she is not usually a difficult person to get along with, and at the same time she doesn't care much about these rules.

Isn't this a contradiction? Concubine Lan is most likely the number one person with little scheming.

Apparently, before coming here, Bai You had taught his mother what to say.

However, I'm afraid the teaching is not adequate...

Xiao En secretly laughed in his heart, and his attitude became much more enthusiastic: "I heard from Third Brother before that his mother's descendants are kind-hearted, and she usually spends a lot of energy taking care of the harem, but she often has to ask about the situation of her descendants. "

He showed some envy: "What a blessing to my empire."

Sure enough, after a few words of flattery, the smile on Concubine Lan's face became more and more enthusiastic.

Concubine Lan happily walked to the center of the third floor with some airs, and after glancing around, she said grandly: "Bai You, pick out something you like. For your fourth brother's share, wait until he comes by himself. "

As she said that, she glanced at Bai Ye who was still holding Sean's arm with a provocative look, then rushed to Sean and said cheerfully: "Sean, it's the first time you meet me, I didn't expect it to be... I haven’t prepared anything here, so how about you pick something you like and use it as a greeting gift?”

So proud!

Now, no need to pretend, Sean's eyes immediately lit up.

He used a little force to free himself from Bai Ye's hands, then walked up to Concubine Lan and rubbed his hands flatteringly: "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Bai You stepped forward and stood between Xiao En and Bai Ye, and said with a smile: "Cousin, if the queen mother asks you to choose, you can choose. She doesn't like to see the younger generations shirking away."

Concubine Lan immediately followed, pretending to be angry and said: "Isn't it just a meeting gift? I'll let you choose, so just choose."

"How can this be possible? I didn't do anything..." As he said this, Sean was already standing next to the original module.

Bai You stepped forward and said, "My cousin is indeed very discerning. To tell you the truth, I am also a bit greedy for this thing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Concubine Lan interrupted: "That's it, Bai You. This time, my mother will be partial and let your cousin choose first. After all, he is new here and needs this thing even more."

"Since the queen mother said so, let's give it to my cousin."

The mother and son sang in harmony and smoothly delivered the things to Sean's pocket.

Damn, so proud...

Xiao En's eyes were bright. He had originally thought about having some conflicts with Concubine Lan so that he could make some secret moves.

Unexpectedly, the mother and son gave away a precious quota for a third-level item just as a test.

This is too arrogant. He is worthy of being the actual person in charge of the harem...

Damn it, if I don’t squeeze all the oil out of you mother and son, I won’t call you Sean!

He immediately showed an apologetic expression and grabbed Bai You's hand: "Why are you so embarrassed, Third Brother?"

"Cousin, you are too polite."

Seeing that Sean didn't thank Lan Fei immediately, but thanked himself, Bai You immediately accepted it.

He is not stupid, how could he not know that these favors cannot be exchanged for much commitment, and he will not regard Sean as a stupid boy who has never seen the world.

However, he did not reach out to hit the smiling man. He knew very well that no matter what Sean wanted from him, he had to get close to him.

For Bai You, this is enough.

Because he didn't pay anything.

His mother was right when she said that although she had many resources, the queen herself could not use them. She only wanted to pave the way for her two sons.

His mother's share will eventually be divided equally between him and Bai Si.

Now, part of the benefits have been given to Sean, but his share will not be affected - after that, just find some excuse to take his share from the mother first, right?

This is equivalent to giving what Bai Si deserves to Sean. For the mother, she thinks that this is what both sons have paid for, but for me, it is the fourth brother's things that have exchanged for Sean's closeness.

A deal without any cost...

Bai You glanced at Bai Ye, who was freed by Sean, and his face was not good.

Sure enough, Bai Ye and Sean probably haven't reached any promise yet, and now it's my sister who is unilaterally trying to please Sean...

Bai You, Sean and Lan Fei were chatting enthusiastically, but Bai Ye was left alone.

The three of them were chatting enthusiastically. Bai Ye came in a little awkwardly, with a slightly stiff smile: "I suddenly remembered that I haven't given my cousin any decent gift. It's just right to take advantage of the east wind, Bai Ye will also add something. Cousin, take a look, is there anything else you like?" This is a blatant "poaching". Lan Fei's face clearly showed displeasure. But before she could speak, Xiao En's eyes lit up and walked over, still with the same face: "Cousin, how can you be so embarrassed?" Lan Fei choked, this Xiao En is too shameless, just accepted my benefits and went to talk to Bai Ye! Bai You shook his head slightly at his mother. Now is not the time to lose his temper. Bai You knew very well that Xiao En was not stupid. Since Bai Ye rushed out to compete for this "favor", he would not let it go. It was Bai Ye's courage that made him look at her with new eyes. In comparison, she had the least resources in her hands. Sean pretended to refuse, and finally stood at the crying second chapter.

Bai Ye smiled a little stiffly: "As long as my cousin likes it, this is it."

She even did it more ruthlessly than Lan Fei.

Without waiting for the mother and son to speak, Bai Ye took out the things and handed them directly to Sean.

She smiled sweetly, like a good sister: "Bai Ye reported it before coming in, and my cousin can just take it out. When they count it at night, they will know that this is using my credit limit."

When did my sister have such courage...

Bai You was still thinking when he heard the sound of another box opening.

Lan Fei had taken out the original module and handed it to Sean lightly: "Sean, this is a gift from your aunt. Keep it. If you want it again in the future, tell your aunt at any time."

"How can I be embarrassed?" Sean took the two precious treasures he had just received into his arms without saying a word.

Bai You's expression froze. He could have met with Sean at least twice more for the process of reporting, taking out, and giving gifts. He could also do something secretly to delay the time and create a better gift-giving environment. But why did his mother give it away directly?

Who knew that there was something bigger to come.

In a corner where no one noticed, Sean stretched out two fingers and shook one of them towards Bai Ye, who immediately understood.

She looked slightly unfriendly, and then walked quickly to the unnamed black stick: "I see that my cousin doesn't have any handy weapons. This thing is not bad. It is the masterpiece left by the emperor's grandfather, and it is just right for a person like my cousin."

As he said that, Bai Ye actually took it out directly and handed it to Sean.

This time, Sean's eyes lit up completely.

When Lan Fei saw it, how could this be possible?

She walked to Sean lightly, then looked at Bai Ye with disdain, and said, "Sean, take a look at this treasure house, is there anything you like..."

Bai You hurriedly stepped forward to interrupt the promise that her mother was about to make.

With her status, words spoken are like water spilled, and it is unrealistic to take them back.

One thing can be used as a test, but if you take another one, wouldn't you become a complete scapegoat?

The most important thing is that Sean didn't promise anything at all, so what's the point of fighting?

Bai You frowned at Bai Ye and said earnestly: "Bai Ye, if I remember correctly, you seem to have only one share in your hand, right? Don't make promises that you can't fulfill."

Bai Ye also frowned: "Third brother, Lan Fei can transfer the share to someone else, and I can also find someone to transfer it to me, right?"

Bai You sighed and shook his head: "Transfer is possible, but have you reported it?"

He looked around: "There are only a few of us here, and the person who transferred the share is not here. This matter is probably a bit against the rules."

This rule is purely for princesses like Bai Ye who have a small background. Like him and Bai Si, they can directly bring their mothers in to get things, so they are naturally willing to abide by this rule.

Bai Ye was slightly stunned, and the unwillingness and gloom on his face almost overflowed.

Even Sean secretly praised, this acting skill, hey!

Sean showed a hesitant expression at the right time, and the stick in his hand was not held so tightly. He asked tentatively: "What is the rule?" Bai You said quickly: "Cousin, it's not that the third brother is targeting you and my little sister, but this rule was set by the emperor himself." Sean quickly showed his respect for the emperor. He looked at Bai Ye apologetically: "Cousin, there is no rush for the moment, or else, let it go?"

Without waiting for Bai Ye to explain, Bai You smiled bitterly and said, "Except for my father and uncle, anyone else who takes something away has to report it. There is no way to put the things taken out back..."

It's against the emperor's rules to take it away. If you put it away, you can't put it back.

This fragrant stick seemed to be hot to touch at once.

Bai You hesitated and said: "I have taken it all out. According to the rules, only those who own the share can take it away, and it is considered as their own."

The people who have a share here are Lan Fei and Sean.

But Concubine Lan had just given something as a gift. Didn’t Sean have to digest it by himself?

The food given by others is very fragrant, but with your own share, it is not so fragrant.

When rice rises, rice falls against rice, let alone having to sacrifice one's own things.

Don't let your efforts seem too cheap, little sister, you are still too young... Bai You glanced at Bai Ye.

Sure enough, as Bai You expected, Sean's face turned ugly all of a sudden, and Bai Ye tightened his hands even more nervously.

My mother's impulse turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me. According to the Imperial Theory of Royal Relativity, a decrease in the relationship between my competitor and the person I am trying to win over is equivalent to a closer relationship between me and the person I am trying to win over.

Of course, Bai You can also let his mother take over at this time, but if he doesn't make Sean feel distressed for a while, how will his efforts be remembered?

When Sean went back and tossed and turned, it was painful that his quota was given away, and he left with sincerity, saying that he could take over - wouldn't the relationship here be different?

Bai Ye stepped back with an embarrassed look on his face, and was even more embarrassed to hold Sean's hand again.

Sean adjusted his expression and comforted him in a timely manner: "It's just a small problem. Today, my aunt and cousin gave me a greeting gift so politely. I'm very satisfied."

Bai You sneered in his heart, Sean's behavior at this time was normal, but as long as he goes back and thinks deeply, with this person's temperament, he will definitely hate Bai Ye.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Sean grabbing his mother's hand.

Holding the fair-skinned Rou Yi in her hand, Concubine Lan was immediately startled. She hadn't had her hand held by a man for who knows how long.

But the Sean in front of him had a sincere expression: "Auntie, I am a boy from the countryside. I am what I am today because of my godfather's approval, but you treat me like my own nephew. I will remember all these kindnesses in my heart. "

He said it sincerely, and he was assuming the position of a junior. Concubine Lan couldn't refuse for a moment, so she could only laugh twice: "Why are you being polite to me?"

Sean let go of his hand in time and said sincerely: "After that, I will definitely come to visit you in person. This is my greeting gift. I hope you won't be disappointed."

Don't answer... As soon as this thought came to Bai You's mind, he saw his mother continuing with a gentle look on her face: "Then I'll be waiting for you to come."

Dear mother, it is right to accept the kindness at this time, but what Sean’s fox said is to return the gift to you... It is good to return the gift, but it must be returned to me, not to you! My mother!

Moreover, this bastard Sean is so greedy... How could he not know the meaning of these words... He still points to me both inside and outside of his words...

Bai Ye also discovered this, and even fanned the flames: "Oh, by the way, cousin, you have met the third brother before. What did the third brother give you?"

Bai You knew at this moment that it would be impossible for him not to bleed.

He had no choice but to take a step forward: "Look, I almost forgot. I'll pick one of my meeting gifts here."

Sean suddenly beamed: "Why is this so embarrassing?"

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