I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 287 Madam, you don’t want His Majesty to know about this either, right?

“Shopping is fun!”

Four precious items were spread out in the room, and Sean let out a long sigh.

Even Moza, who usually had no expression, looked shocked. He had always had good eyesight, so he could naturally see that these four items were good things.

"Brother, how did you get four things? Did you let Xiao Ci go in and steal them?" Moza asked suddenly with bright eyes.

Obviously, if Sean said yes, Moza would think that Xiao Ci should be allowed to empty the empire's treasure trove overnight.

Xiao Ci, who was walking out of the mirror space, shook his head: "Brother didn't let me go out. There are many people."

Moza looked at Sean in surprise: "Where did it come from?"

Sean pushed back his hair proudly, then threw the black stick to Moza and said proudly: "This is a gift from my eldest brother."

The stick felt just right... Moza subconsciously clenched the stick, and his eyes under the lenses were obviously a little excited.

He was never polite to Sean, so he immediately accepted it.

After describing the origin and function of this stick to Moza, Sean ordered: "I haven't figured out the principle of the so-called naming yet. Try to think carefully before naming it. You can explore other functions on your own."

"I understand, brother." Moza nodded.

Sean glanced at Sherrill beside him and saw that he was sitting there innocently helping Moza to be happy. He immediately laughed and kicked him: "Why don't you ask me for it?"

Sherrill touched his head and said matter-of-factly: "Brother will not treat me badly."

"You boy."

Of course, Sean would not treat Sherrill badly. He pulled out the huge box in the middle.

The third hand is Bai You's last 'meeting gift' to Sean.

Sean thought about it carefully and found that it would be of little use for him to use another prop with fire powers. This third hand would be most effective if Sherrill, who had no long-range attack ability, could use it.

Moreover, he learned from Bai You's mouth that the powerful pollution of this third hand would, on the one hand, continue to produce and multiply, and on the other hand, it would cause the body to break.

Coincidentally, this is not the case. Sherrill does not have any other abilities, but his abilities are top-notch.

The enhanced veto can recover after being cut into four pieces. There is no need to worry about the problem of broken flesh. Moreover, before implantation, Sean can also use his ability to help Sherrill suppress part of the pollution.

Sean believed that Sherrill could suppress the remaining pollution on his own.

He seems to be silly and happy every day, but this big man is actually full of heart, and his heart is as firm as his body.

Cheryl was just being silly in front of Sean.

Just by touching it, Sherrill roughly understood the function of the third hand through the connection between flesh and blood. He showed a simple smile: "Thank you, brother, so that I can hit people with fire in my fist."

I let you attack others from a distance...forget it, just be happy with it.

Sean rubbed his hands and put away the remaining two things. They were all good things.

Moza said doubtfully: "Brother, you only have two places. Bai Ye's place may be deceived by you. How can you get four out of three places? These four things will not appear in the treasure house on the first and second floors."

Sean chuckled: "I only used one quota, as for the others..."

Xiao Ci stood nearby and rubbed his hands vividly imitating Sean's appearance in the treasure house: "Aunt, how can this be so embarrassing? Cousin, how can this be so embarrassing? Third brother, how can this be so embarrassing?"

How could Sherrill and Moza not know who their eldest brother was? They all understood it all at once.

Sean took out a cigar, and Xiao Ci immediately lit it up with great discernment. The former let out a long sigh of relief: "Sure enough, trading without capital is the most suitable."

Moza came up and said, "What about the information on the Crazy Beast? Let's go again?"

Sean needs a suitable crazy beast to advance to Crimson. The location information of this important crazy beast must also be part of the treasure trove.

Sean nodded: "It would be nice to go there again. I just happened to know a lot of news."

He rubbed Xiao Ci's head: "It'll be up to you then."


Sean looked at Moza again, called him over and whispered a few words, then showed a nasty smile: "Whether Bai You used his own quota or his fucking quota, he has to tell Bai Si about this, tsk, Brothers should have a bowl of water to maintain peace."


In the dark room of the Golden Dawn headquarters, the slovenly Bai Si slowly raised his head.

The bishop who came to report nodded: "I'm sure, that person is here to supervise our evacuation. Our people have seen him entering and exiting Sean's residence many times. His name should be Moza, and he is Sean's close confidant."

A cold light flashed in Bai Si's eyes, and then he stood up.

During this time, the people of the Golden Dawn were moving out of the headquarters. Although they had been delayed, various procedures had been issued, and there were even pressures from people hiding in the dark, but they were helpless.

Just now, the man named Moza was talking about Xiao En, Bai You and the Queen Mother when he was competing with his younger brother.

Third brother...this is giving away his quota as a favor.

Seeing Bai Si's silence, the bishop added: "They don't know that we have arranged monitoring ceremonies near the Gate of Dawn, so what we said doesn't look like a lie."

Bai Si shook his head: "It's true that it's not a lie, but that Sean is not a simple person. He will not allow his confidants to tell such inside stories... He had expected it, and he was deliberately informing me."

Immediately, the corners of Bai Si's mouth raised slightly: "The third brother used my things to give favors, but he was still tricked... Ha, Sean saw it, it was all intentional... But he knew that I couldn't help it Ignore... As a favor to him, let’s put Bishop Walker’s affairs aside for now.”

He looked at the bishop and said, "I want to secretly enter the palace to meet my mother."


Sean touched the entrance from the third floor to the fourth floor of the treasure house. When he got here, the air wall in front was like an iron plate, with no gaps to be found.

"Sure enough, only Bai Youming and the emperor can enter the fourth floor..."

This time he came to the treasure house alone, and he chose a time in the evening just to borrow something from the treasure house while no one was around.

Things on the third floor must be taken away as soon as they are taken out, with the exception of Bai Youming and the emperor, and someone will count the items every night.

No one can go up to the fourth floor, and naturally no one will take inventory...

Sean smiled, wasn't this just giving him a chance.

The bright buttons flickered, and Xiao Ci jumped down from the mirror space.

After catching it firmly, Sean rubbed the orange-haired little loli's head: "It's up to you."


Xiao Ci immediately headed towards the corner of the third floor.

There is a bookshelf made of glass in the far corner, which is one of the rare items on the third floor.

Information and distribution of crimson mad beasts within the imperial capital.

Is this thing very useful? Of course, Crimson is already the top combat force in the world. It is everyone's dream to be able to choose the right Crimson Crazy Beast as his promotion material.

However, if you want to redeem this information, it is a bit luxurious.

Sean didn't quite understand why this information should be kept in the treasure house as a disposable item since it could be copied logically.

From a normal perspective, most people who are qualified should be willing to exchange for other things, but exchanging a piece of information seems too extravagant.

On the one hand, Sean didn't understand why the emperor did this. On the other hand, he didn't understand that this thing could be kept here for so long.

If it were him, he would have swapped it out and made a fortune selling information.

Of course, it works now.

Xiao Ci opened the glass cabinet and took out the information.

Sure enough, Baoku did not reject Xiao Ci.

What kind of bloodline does my picked-up sister have? Isn’t she better than the prince?

Before coming, Sean had specifically inquired that Bai Youming would not go out hunting during this period, which meant that unless there was an accident, he would not enter the treasure house to get anything again.

Xiao Ci's aura will slowly dissipate, and there is a high probability that Bai Youming will not notice it. Of course, it is no problem if he notices it. Xiao En will definitely refuse to admit it.

On the other side, Xiao Ci had opened the information and started reading quickly. The mechanical device in her ear expanded, and the electronic eye-like screen was rapidly recording everything she saw.

The materials in this document are unremarkable, and there is no response to the recording of the device.

But for others, if you take it out, you must take it away, and there is no point in copying it on the spot.

After a while, Xiao Ci raised his head: "Okay, brother."

"Well, try putting it back."

Xiao Ci did as he was told, and when the information was returned to the glass cabinet, the glass cabinet slowly closed itself, and the treasure house remained silent.

Sean's eyes were filled with joy. Sure enough, Xiao Ci was on the same level as Bai Youming and the Emperor and could be used at will...

Of course, she couldn't bypass the nightly inventory. After taking things away, there would be one less thing in the treasure house without being recorded - Bai Youming and the emperor could discover this.

"Go to the fourth floor and look for something. Remember, just follow your feelings. Take the strongest one and hide it."


Xiao Ci nodded and went up to the fourth floor in a flash without encountering any obstacles.

Sean's idea is very simple. With Xiao Ci here, he can get all the documents and materials in the treasure house for free, and he can also 'steal' something on the fourth floor.

No one is counting on the fourth floor. As long as Xiao Ci's aura dissipates, no one can catch the thief. Sean will go to the second floor later to get something. When he goes out to report, he will report two items. This will equal the entire treasure house. The total amount within has not changed.

Of course he understands that once Bai Youming and the emperor find out, he will definitely be the target of suspicion, but suspicion is suspicion, and you have to provide evidence.

He was not the only one who entered the treasure house.

To be on the safe side, Sean is only going to let Xiao Ci go to the fourth floor once. When he becomes proficient and has a share, he will go to the fourth floor to steal a few more times...

While waiting for Xiao Ci to come down, suddenly, footsteps sounded in the stairwell.

Sean frowned slightly. Who is coming over at this time? Or go to the third floor? Other princes?

Almost instinctively, he hid behind a shelf.

When the person appeared, Sean's eyes showed surprise.

Concubine Lan?

Moreover, he was dressed like a thief and walked cautiously.

Didn't she come in through the treasure house door? Come from somewhere else? Otherwise, why are you dressing like this?

Sean noticed that Concubine Lan was holding a slightly shining white seal in her hand, and the bulge of half a crescent moon could be seen from the exposed gap.

The seal of the empire's national emblem... hiss, why does it look like the emperor's personal seal...

Wait a minute, Concubine Lan looks like this...

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Concubine Lan is not a pure ordinary person, she is also a veto, but obviously not strong.

After walking up to the third floor, she first looked around, but she didn't find Sean hiding.

Concubine Lan breathed a sigh of relief. She clenched the seal in her hand, with a tangled look on her face.

After a while, she seemed to have finally made a decision, and then she walked towards the fourth floor.

Sean's pupils suddenly shrank.

Concubine Lan is not qualified to go to the fourth floor. She came here secretly, holding an unknown seal...

Lan Fei's steps have already reached the fourth floor, and she has not been blocked.

It must be the emperor's personal belongings, the kind that can go up to the fourth floor... Concubine Lan, I'm afraid she didn't get them by legitimate means.

Quite courageous...

Of course, the most important thing is that Xiao Ci is still looking for something on the fourth floor.

Sean took a step forward, and the sound of loud footsteps suddenly resounded.

At this time, Concubine Lan happened to walk into the stairs to the fourth floor. She was startled by the footsteps, turned around tremblingly, and almost sat down on the stairs.

She quickly turned her head and saw Sean walking out.

"Xiao, Sean, why are you here?" she stammered.

Sean looked around and asked curiously: "Isn't it normal for me to be here? I'm going to pick something up."

"Oh, oh," Concubine Lan tried to walk down quietly, "What a coincidence. I'll come over and look for something myself."

Sean didn't stop him. After Concubine Lan came down, he asked with a smile: "Concubine Lan, are you going to go up to the fourth floor to look for her?"

Concubine Lan pretended to be calm and showed a motherly smile: "Yes, get ready to go up and take a look."

Are you prepared to bully me for my lack of knowledge?

Sean looked puzzled: "But I remember that only my father and His Majesty are qualified to enter these four floors."

Concubine Lan's face already had a look of panic. She forced a smile and said, "Your Majesty asked me to come over and help him get something."

Sean suddenly realized: "I see. To be honest, I am also very curious about these four levels. It just so happens that in a few days, my father will ask me to go to see His Majesty. When the time comes, I will ask His Majesty what he wants to get."

Concubine Lan forced a smile: "This, this is not necessary."

Suddenly, Sean took a step forward, and his handsome face suddenly became hateful in the eyes of Concubine Lan: "Concubine Lan, are you planning to steal your majesty's things?"

"I didn't!" Concubine Lan retorted subconsciously, then tried to act like an elder, "How can you talk to me?!"

"Oh? I just want to see how your majesty talks to you? I don't know if it will make your majesty angry..."

Concubine Lan's face suddenly turned pale. In the past, her actions might have been forgiven, but now the situation is extremely sensitive. What she did...

After looking at Sean who was approaching, Concubine Lan said forcefully: "I don't know what you are talking about."

This is a scam.

Sean made the round pupils without eyelashes appear in time, and the picture of Concubine Lan who had just entered the fourth level immediately appeared.

Lan Fei's breath suddenly suffocated. She tried to force herself to calm down, but her trembling voice betrayed her inner feelings.

"W-what are you going to do?"

Shadows gradually covered Sean's face, the corners of his mouth raised in an evil way, and even his title changed: "Madam, you don't want His Majesty to know about this, right?"

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