I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 288 Madam, do you plead guilty?

The third floor of the Imperial Treasury.

Unknowingly, Concubine Lan had retreated to the edge of the third floor.

However, Sean is still approaching.

The special wall on the third floor of the treasure house felt cool when touched slightly. Concubine Lan's body trembled and she subconsciously moved aside.

But her attention was all on Sean, who had a malicious look on his face, and she didn't even notice that she was walking to the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.

One foot hit the air, and a short exclamation sounded. It was unclear whether it was nervousness or fear. Lan Fei even forgot that she was a veto, and she couldn't even maintain the most basic balance.

Seeing that she was about to roll down, Sean stepped forward and pulled Concubine Lan into his arms.

In the past, Concubine Lan, who was always pampered, had rarely encountered such a situation. She was so shocked that she subconsciously grabbed Sean's clothes.

After she took a breath, she noticed that she was actually being held in Sean's arms.

Although Concubine Lan's clothes were not as elegant and luxurious as usual, she probably couldn't find any ordinary clothes in her wardrobe.

Even if she quietly left the palace and entered through the secret passage of the treasure house, she was not willing to put on thick and tight clothes - probably because she was an opera idol, her regular clothes were also exquisite and sexy.

The two people's bodies were close to each other, and Sean looked from above, taking in a clear view of the snow-white scenery.

Lan Fei's legs softened and she fell back a little. Sean didn't make any move to pick her up, but instead she fell forward a little.

The deep valley is slightly deformed, and it is perfectly set off by the "snow scene" next to it. The spotlights above the head shine into it, like a God-given beauty descended by a goddess.

Concubine Lan finally came to her senses. She was a veto after all, and she quickly tried to break free.

Who would have thought that Sean's arms locked her tightly in his arms like iron hoops, and the squeezed chest even made her feel breathless.

His father is Lan Youshan, the most powerful of the three Speakers. He was loved by the entire imperial capital when he debuted at the age of twelve. He entered the palace at the age of fifteen and gave birth to twin princes at the age of sixteen. Even the empress whose mother Yi Tianxia was born in a few years later Unfortunately, Lan Keer's life path was even smoother than cheating.

When had she ever encountered such an embarrassing and humiliating scene?

The squeamishness and arrogance in her bones surged up, and she immediately shouted loudly: "Let go!"

Although most of her roads were paved by her father and son, the nobility and majesty she has cultivated over the years as the master of the harem can never be matched by others.

There were only a few people in the entire empire who could safely follow this angry rebuke.

Unfortunately, the person she met was named Sean.

The corners of Sean's mouth raised to a clearly visible angle. Once his handsome face was used in a bad way, it would make people fearful.

"Madam," Sean seemed to have settled on the name she was calling her. In his eyes, the person opposite her seemed to be just an ordinary woman. "The Imperial Treasure House is the solemn place of the empire. If you shout here, I'm afraid that It’s against noble etiquette.”

Lan Keer raised her eyebrows and still yelled loudly: "I told you to let go! Sean, do you know what you are doing?!"

However, Sean's next words completely destroyed the momentum that Lan Ke'er had managed to build up.

"Of course I know what I'm doing -" Sean leaned a little closer, and Lan Ke'er's fragile skin turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned pale again, "I'm contributing to the empire... …His Majesty’s personal seal has been stolen, and a female thief has entered the empire’s treasury. As the crown prince, I should arrest the culprit…”

He paused, then revealed a sinister smile: "Then, leave it to His Majesty."

"You...you..." Lan Ke'er's emotions reached the breaking point in an instant.

Her facial features are extremely delicate. Although she is in her thirties, time has not taken away any of her beauty. On the contrary, the amazing charm and mature temperament accumulated by time have made her more perfect.

Moreover, she was the only one in the harem, and no one was scheming with her at all. She still retained a trace of her girlish aura.

Just from this glance, there is an indescribable graceful and graceful figure.

Unfortunately, the person she met was still Sean.

In Sean's dictionary, the word "love and love" is only used in bed.

Holding Lan Fei's slender waist, Sean pulled her from the stairs to the wall. With a short exclamation, he mercilessly pressed Lan Ke'er onto the cold wall.

The words that came out of his mouth made Lan Keer's back feel cold and she couldn't stop trembling.

"I... feel sorry for Your Majesty." Sean's face looked distressed, but he couldn't stop the evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Your Majesty is ill, but for the sake of the empire, he is doing his best to recuperate..." He sighed, and the man's heavy breath sprayed on the woman's face without any obstruction, "But who would have thought that at such a critical moment? At this moment, someone he trusts would actually do such a thing..."

Everyone knows that the emperor does not have much time left, and everyone knows that now is a critical time for the fight for inheritance.

As the mother of a prince, it is natural for her to pave the way and fight for her children. However, the emperor is not dead yet, how dare you steal from him?

In this current situation, this is a huge taboo!

Lan Ke'er tried to calm down, but her constant heaving chest revealed her panic.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty will not take this kind of thing to heart..." Her delicate and white neck twitched.

"Really?" Sean didn't care, and even pressed closer to the ground.

Lan Ke'er looked angry and threatened: "If His Majesty knows that you are so disrespectful to me, I won't be able to save your life in vain!"

Sean sneered, tied the wrists of her two hands together, and pressed one hand against the wall.

Ignoring her cries of pain, Sean's other hand climbed up to Lan Ke'er's neck, and the snow-white swan's neck immediately turned pink.

"Guess, if His Majesty sees the private seal in your hand, will he kill me first?" The murderous intention was evident in the ferocious laughter.

Lan Ke'er's struggle suddenly weakened a bit, and she said without giving up: "You are being rebellious now, and I will do the following!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Sean's hand on her neck tightened a little.

A feeling of suffocation came.

Sean smiled casually and said softly: "Why do I feel that I am getting rid of a restless moth for the empire..."

"You...you..." Lan Ke'er felt like she was almost out of breath.

Sean continued: "Let me guess, you stole His Majesty's things and sneaked into the treasure house, and you also took advantage of the time when no one was around... You wanted to go to the fourth floor to steal a treasure, right?"

Lan Ke'er's breathing became more rapid, and her eyes widened even more.

Sean laughed nervously, and what he said made her even more breathless: "Let me think about it... Tsk, could it be because of what happened this morning? Ha, you felt sorry for Bai You and secretly took away Bai Si's Share, but Bai You’s mind is quite smart...he will take away all his share after he returns, right?”

Lan Keer was trembling.

Sean continued: "You originally thought about how to make up for Bai Si, but you didn't expect Bai Si to come to the door so quickly... Of course, a bowl of water is equal between brothers... But you gave half of your share. I gave half of it to Bai You, what will poor Bai Si think?"

Lan Ke'er's eyes were already red. She wanted to break away from the terrifying hand on her neck, but her body became weaker and weaker.

"I don't know what Bai Si told you... Tsk, the great Concubine Lan decided to make up for the fourth prince..." The corner of Sean's mouth raised high, "So, you decided to give Bai Si something to compensate?"

Lan Keer was speechless. She was terrified.

Why, why does Sean know all this...how could he possibly know what I'm thinking?

Regardless of whether it was mentally or physically, she felt that she could no longer breathe at all, and she even made intermittent huffing sounds in her throat.

But Sean suddenly approached, and those blue eyes that seemed handsome and mysterious at first were like the boundless sea at this moment.

She was trapped in the middle of the whirlpool, and she could only see the waves coming in around her, trying to swallow her completely.


Her sobs were incomplete.

However, Sean was still not ready to let her go.

He stared at Lan Keer, using his hands harder and harder until the whites of her eyes began to turn up slightly.

Sean stretched out his head, his face covering all the lights. He looked at Lan Ke'er calmly and with enjoyment, and then laughed.

The corners of his mouth were raised high, almost touching his cheekbones, like an evil ghost that had been lurking in the dark for a long time and finally opened its bloody mouth.

"How can stealing just one thing be enough? Ha... Let Bai You know that the scene where Bai Si questioned you will happen again? Madam... I think you want to take two things away from the fourth floor, right? Leave it to you. My dear two sons, let them continue to be close as brothers."

"Ah...ah..." Lan Keer's broken breathing came from her throat.

Sean laughed: "You are stealing the resources of the entire empire, you are stealing everything from His Majesty the Emperor, you want to rebel, you want to pave the way for your sons?!"

"No, no..." She made a broken voice, and big tears rolled down her cheeks, "I, I didn't..."

"No, you do."

Sean's suddenly relaxed voice was like a demon's whisper.

Only Xiao Ci, who heard some noise, poked her head out from the fourth floor. She saw that her brother was bullying a very beautiful woman, and his fingertips were moving rhythmically.

She knew that her brother was using his terrifying abilities again.

But Xiao Ci didn't care.

Those whom my brother threatens will always die.

The woman who is bullied by her brother is not a good person either.

Because my brother is always right.

Xiao Ci took back her little head. She was going to complete the task given to her by her brother.

Lan Ke'er was about to collapse. She felt like she was completely out of breath.

There was burning pain in my lungs, brain, and wrists, as if they were completely ignited by the terrifying man opposite me.

Helpless tears kept falling down, and she was about to hang down like a rag bag, but she was caught and pressed against the wall.

Her face had turned strangely red due to panic and lack of oxygen.

Gradually, the anger, rebuttal, panic, fear and other emotions disappeared.

Only the most primitive will to survive remained in her body.

The restrained hands and wrists hung down, and she tried her best to touch Sean's hand with her fingertips, and even tried her best to rub Sean's chest with her towering chest. There was only a desire for survival in her eyes.

"Help, help... help... I... please... you..." She struggled to spit out a few broken words, and her long eyelashes were covered with teardrops, like the light shining on broken glass.

"Do you plead guilty, ma'am?" Sean whispered softly.


She collapsed.

Sean smiled, and he let go of his hands, letting Lan Keer fall to the wall like a bag.

As soon as she fell to the ground, she was crying and gasping for air.

The long-term lack of oxygen made her dizzy, and the shoes of the man in front of her became as terrifying as the soles of devil's feet.

This time, Sean did not continue to press the opponent, but allowed Lan Keer to breathe.

The red marks on her wrists and neck were dissipating, but she was still breathing hard, as if she had been held in the ice water for several hours.

The corners of Sean's mouth raised slightly.

A simple threat is meaningless, and for someone like Lan Ke'er, it may actually inspire her rebellious psychology.

Pampered young ladies often do this.

And can he grab the other person's neck without restraint? Of course not.

There may be some terrifying strong man hiding in the palace, but Sean will not leave any obvious mark on his actions.

Under the premise of occupying a huge psychological advantage, his deceitful heart can exert its greatest effect.

Despair, panic, suffocation... Sean was not that cruel, he just amplified Lan Keer's emotions and his own majesty.

She would suffocate herself.

In this way, the effect of the deceitful heart will soon dissipate, but her shadow will always be engraved in her heart.

But... it's not enough...

Lan Keer finally got a breather. She was getting better, but her heart was once again covered with despair and fear.

When her breathing finally calmed down and she could raise her head to look up at Sean's terrifying face, a hand reached out again.

What is he going to do to me... Lan Keer shuddered and subconsciously remembered those terrible things.

Sure enough, she was climbed up in a place that had not been touched for a long time.

Am I going to be threatened to do that kind of thing... Her face turned pale.

Unexpectedly, the movement of that hand was not as rough as before. He was gently caressing her chest, which was aching from the violent breathing.

Just as he was about to speak, the hand reached in and gently kneaded it, and Lan Keer's face suddenly turned pale.

Before she could speak, a strong hand grabbed her shoulder. Although the force was strong, it would not make her uncomfortable.

She was pulled up.

Sean's face was filled with calmness and gentleness, which made Lan Ke'er feel strange.

He looked normal, like a doctor checking the body. He put his hand in and checked it casually. Even when Lan Keer thought he was going to take a step closer, he took his hand out again.

"It's okay, ma'am, you're just too scared. I'm afraid you won't be able to breathe. Isn't this better?" Sean smiled softly.

She looked at each other blankly and fearfully, but Sean really didn't continue to do anything.

He even kindly pulled her in front of a reflective wall.

Her hazy figure was reflected inside. Her eyes were red and her hair was messy and stuck to her forehead. However, there were no red marks on her wrists or neck after she was pinched hard.

She froze in place.

Is it you...are you too scared...

However, Sean's figure still lingered. She gritted her teeth and turned her head, only to see Sean arranging her clothes, as if nothing had happened.

Holding the seal in her hand tightly, she said harshly: "What... do you want..."

Sean's answer surprised her: "Nothing."

He came over and helped her tidy up her messy clothes like a lover, and then smiled: "Madam, I'm just reminding you what you should do and what you shouldn't do while sitting in your seat. of."

The graceful Lan Ke'er still looks like a harem master. She looks like a little woman who has been bullied, with tears in her eyes: "I...I...what do you want..."

Sean coaxed and said: "Madam, go back and rest. I told you, it's just a reminder. I believe you can understand it yourself."

She looked at Sean in disbelief and then at the stairs going downstairs.

Seeing her hesitation, Sean smiled and pushed her: "Go back. Just treat what happened today as if it never happened."

As he spoke, he blinked and gently pinched Lan Keer's cheeks, as if he were facing a young girlfriend who had just fallen in love.

Lan Keer hurriedly took two steps back, her shifted underwear still reminding her of what had happened before.

There's no way he wouldn't threaten me...but there's no point in me staying here now...

Lan Keer, who was completely distraught and panicked, didn't know what to do. She glanced at Sean for the last time with frightened eyes, and she ran away from the third floor of the empire.

Seeing the other person's back disappear, Sean blew his fingertips frivolously.

When you go back and calm down completely, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep before you see me...

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