I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 304: Fellow countryman?

"Why, are we going out on a date today?"

Sean walked forward cheerfully.

Bai Ye beside him was already used to his bad mouth, and calmly countered: "It's okay if you want to, but a dead person walking openly on the street should cause some unrest, right?"

Sean turned his head and blinked at her: "If you are willing to hold my hand, it's better to hold it tightly, and it doesn't matter if it causes unrest."

Bai Ye's temple twitched, and she decided not to make herself unhappy.

The skill of talking is not as good as this shameless guy.

The two walked in the shadows of the street wearing coats that concealed their figures, but few residents around them cast their eyes over.

At this moment, the imperial capital was not panicked, but the atmosphere that was still calm in the past had been stained with a sense of solemnity. After teams of imperial troops ran past, people on the street would always gather together and whisper something.

The news of the enemy's invasion had spread throughout the imperial capital, but what the residents of the imperial capital didn't know was that more than three teams had been buried on the great plains in the north.

Leading Sean through several twisting alleys, Bai Ye stopped in front of a secluded house that looked ordinary.

She pushed aside a green plant next to the gate and leaned over to look inside.

Sean said with interest: "A cunning rabbit has three burrows. I haven't seen you bring me to this place before? You even use iris authentication?"

Bai Ye stood in front of the door and said calmly: "There was a fire in the research institute before, which burned down a laboratory and the staff there. Later, it was also related to Unit 0, and no one wanted to touch it. I just took advantage of that accident to rebuild the laboratory, but in my own name."

She looked at Sean and showed a barely visible smile: "You faked your death, and many people died in the capital. I took the opportunity to dig out a lot of capable people."

As she spoke, the seemingly ordinary house slowly opened, revealing the milky white passage inside.

Sean followed in with a surprised look: "As expected of Her Royal Highness, you acted so quickly."

Bai Ye walked in front: "I called you here this time because I think you need to take a look."


The downward basement passage slowly opened. This should be the area of ​​the back door. After walking in a few steps, he came to a room in front of a laboratory.

The personnel should have been temporarily sent away. Bai Ye pulled a button and a white mist spread out.

A research table slowly rose up.

Bai Ye said: "You should still remember the person in Latiya's eyes? The one called Edith."

Sean nodded: "Remember, it will be very troublesome."

The panel of the research table slowly opened, revealing one of the guys with a livid face.

Sean's pupils shrank slightly.

It's already a corpse, but this feeling of déjà vu...

The villain reporter, the heart of fraud, and the illusion of Apat's lie, Sean has three conceptual abilities that can be materialized, which directly leads to his so-called sixth sense being much stronger than ordinary crimson.

Many times, those inexplicable premonitions and familiar feelings are often not groundless.

Bai Ye glanced at him: "You should be able to detect it, right?"

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this the corpse of the person in the eyes? Moreover, there is a little smell of ether on this corpse. It is not the spiritual power that is about to dissipate after the death of the person, but the external release of the etheric body?"

Bai Ye was shocked. She didn't expect Sean to be able to detect the external release of the etheric body. In her institute, dozens of researchers spent a day and a night to study it.

She nodded: "Yes, this is a person in the eyes."

Sean looked at the appearance of the corpse. To be honest, it was very ugly, about two meters tall, but it was still human in shape. Although the skin color was frozen blue by the freezing device, it was still possible to distinguish the skin color when it was alive: brown.

This... should be a male corpse, with an unusually thick neck, like several branches entangled together, but the limbs showed a strange burnt black appearance.

Sean frowned and turned the corpse over.

The back of the corpse had many white wrinkles, and it looked like it had been soaked in water for a long time.

He opened the chest and looked inside. Two dark green hearts, one on the left and one on the right, were still trembling slightly.

Bai Ye added: "They are dead, but their vitality is very strong. Before, their hearts even beat like normal people, but now they have lost all vitality."

"Tsk, this little thing looks quite unique." Sean sighed, and then looked at Bai Ye, "The body of the invader?"

Bai Ye nodded. Sure enough, with Sean's keenness, there was no point in keeping it a secret.

She said, "Three special operations forces of the Imperial Army were wiped out, and we still don't know how this creature ambushed and attacked. Therefore, someone in the military deliberately set a trap, hoping to catch them with the fourth force as bait."

"The bad thing is that the bait force was still eaten up even though they were only a few kilometers apart. The only good thing is that the ambush force was quite fast and killed more than 20 people in total."

Sean raised his eyebrows: "Only 20 people were killed? And not a single one was captured alive?"

Now this is the operation of the entire Imperial Military, Bai Ye also felt a little embarrassed, so he could only sigh and say: "I don't know the other side too well. The other side has a very special way of hiding, and what is certain is that there is Crimson in the other team."

Sean sneered: "How could there be no Crimson if they dare to invade the Empire? Didn't they look for proliferation?"

Bai Ye shook his head: "I haven't found it. The place is too big. Their hiding speed and marching speed are beyond ordinary people's imagination. We tried to find them based on the scattered pollution, but we don't know why. Even in the places where we fought, we were the only ones." The smell of pollution left by the strong crimson here."

Sean held his chin and thought: "It's impossible without multiplication. There must be a small number of people who have very small multiplication or can carry multiplication in a special way. It seems that the problem lies in their concealment method."

Bai Ye nodded: "The military thinks so too, and is still working hard to crack their hiding methods."

Sean turned his head and wondered: "Then why do you say I have to take a look? I am not the cause of the arrogance, and the ether external release is not a unique patent. What does it have to do with me?"

He himself is the master who fears that the world will be in chaos. Frankly speaking, Sean is a little happier when the empire is invaded.

The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish, and the more gaps he can find in the chaos.

As for beating people's heads into dog heads, that has nothing to do with Sean. Killing is part of Sean's experiment.

Bai Ye pursed her lips, stretched out her hand to hold it, and the faint moonlight shone on the two of them.

Sean glanced at it: "Isn't it appropriate for this place to have such a pure atmosphere? It seems even more inappropriate to do something you love next to a corpse."

The corners of Bai Ye's eyes twitched, and she glanced at Sean angrily: "What are you thinking about?!"

Calmly, she let two rays of moonlight drift toward the corpse and Sean respectively.

Surprisingly, the moonlight gradually integrated into their bodies.

A faint energy surged into Sean's body, and he stretched with some relief.

Turning around to look, the two slightly trembling green hearts on the corpse began to beat again.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Bai Ye withdrew the moonlight, her heart stopped beating, and she explained:

"This is the special nature of my ability. You should have experienced it. In addition to the ability to kill, I can also provide a certain amount of energy supplement to the target."

"However, the effect of this supplement varies from person to person. As I gradually researched, I found that the difference between the effects almost always exists. The same moonlight given to different people may seem to have similar effects, but subtle The difference between them cannot be erased.”

She frowned: "This does not affect the use, but for me, it can be used as a screening method. I myself call this phenomenon that everyone's life frequency is different."

"Life frequency?" Sean frowned, "Is it so fancy?"

"How fancy!" Bai Ye retorted subconsciously, and then explained, "The military department only brought back corpses, and I got one. Originally, I just wanted to test the other party's life frequency, but I found..."

She looked at Sean: "The life frequency of this corpse is very, very close to yours."

Sean pointed to himself: "Me?"

Bai Ye nodded: "Well, the life frequency of the corpse will dissipate after a cycle, about three days. Therefore, the life frequency of the corpse is still the same as before life - only those with similar blood sources can only have such things as life frequency. They will be very close."

Sean looked at Bai Ye in surprise, then looked at the corpse.

After looking at it carefully, he wondered: "This doesn't look like it... You want to say that my blood origin comes from the country where these people are from?"

Bai Ye said seriously: "It's very possible, maybe, these are your brothers and sisters or something."

Sean said in disgust: "He's too ugly. It's so embarrassing to have such a brother... Tsk, have you tried other corpses?"

Bai Ye shook his head: "No, it's not easy to get one back. The military department is very nervous right now."

Sean nodded slightly and turned his attention to the corpse again.

No matter how you look at it, the creature in front of you has nothing to do with you. The frequency of life is close to it... Moreover, this person is the one who is in the eyes of others.

In other words, his genes, blood source, etc. should be from the original batch of humans.

Bai Ye said: "The specific situation is like this. Of course, the frequency of life does not necessarily have to be close to that of father and son. There may be special circumstances but I don't know yet."

Sean pursed his lips: "What, you still want to comfort me? Maybe my biological father is this thing?"

Bai Ye said angrily: "I'm reminding you! Moreover, although you have exchanged blood and flesh, the frequency of life will not change. Otherwise, I would have you genetically matched with him now."

"Okay, okay, I know you feel sorry for me."

"I don't feel sorry for you! It's just a reminder!"

Bai Ye and Sean were still bickering, but she didn't notice that Sean's fingers moved slightly.

Another Sean came out, but Bai Ye didn't notice it at all.

Apat's illusions are like a duck to water in Sean's hands.

He took out the leaf that could detect bloodline.

However, there was nothing on the corpse's forehead.

Sean frowned slightly. He had tested it before. The bloodline of dead people could also be tested, as long as they hadn't been dead for too long.

No bloodline? Wouldn't it be the same as me, and it has nothing to do with the local blood of the imperial capital...

Is it possible that he and I really come from the same place?

After the last ambush failed, the invading enemy army seemed to have disappeared from the world. A large number of the empire's military forces were sent out, but still no trace of the enemy was found.

I heard that Bai Youming was very unhappy, and all the military generals, big and small, were scolded.

However, it must be mentioned that when the enemy does not appear for a long time, human attention will inevitably decline.

And at this juncture, a huge piece of news swept across the imperial capital in an instant.

The city of Ilya was attacked, a fifth of the city was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed.

Moreover, Jude, the governor of Ilia City, was seriously injured!

At the military headquarters, Imperial Marshal Wu Xiao threw the information on the table with a sullen face. He glanced around and saw that all the generals looked embarrassed.

"Now, who is going to tell me, how did this group of people bypass the entire imperial capital and millions of imperial troops to attack Ilia City when the defense zone was designated?"

There was silence.

Finally, General Shi Hai, who had a relationship with Sean, stood up and said: "Marshal, we have deconstructed the enemy's special concealment method. Although we cannot stop it, we can provide early warning... thousands of people Logically speaking, the team cannot be hidden..."

Wu Xiao interrupted him: "I don't need you to explain to me. Now, hasn't anyone told me the opponent's route and the defense zones they passed by?"

"Master Marshal... our people have found no trace."

Wu Xiao lowered his eyes. When the others did not dare to breathe, he slowly raised his head and nodded: "Listen to the order..."

News of Elijah's attack quickly reached Sean.

"He's quite capable..." Sean said in surprise.

However, the opponent's marching route aroused his curiosity.

Ilia City, why did you want to raid Ilia City?

That is not the important hub of the entire empire, the imperial capital is.

However, the enemy's appearance in Ilia City is good news. Sean can now go to Black Pigeon again.

In addition to talking to the third prince again, Sean also wanted to find two people this time, the two people imprisoned in the deepest part of the Black Pigeon: Zhu Zhu's parents.

Thanks to Bing Lan for the news, the warden of Black Pigeon is not here today. He has returned to the imperial capital to report on the situation.

Without any further hesitation, Sean quickly left the imperial capital and rushed to Black Pigeon.

After entering Black Pigeon with ease, Sean did not pretend to be someone else this time, but directly used illusions to swagger into the prison.

Black Pigeon is a whole. When the specially appointed warden is in it, Black Pigeon has the highest level of defense and detection capabilities. But without the warden, these problems are not big.

While Sean was leisurely looking for the special key to the cell deep in the prison, in the wasteland not far away, several 'trees' slowly opened their eyes.

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