I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 303 Sudden Invasion

The sharp sword light flashed past, and the rockery in the yard became extremely peaceful.

However, accompanied by the sound of popping mud bubbles in the swamp, the rockery slowly slid down and crashed to the ground. There was a layer of red and green mixture on its cut surface, and the smooth cut surface was being corroded crazily.

Sean, holding You Ye in his hand, nodded with satisfaction.

Bai Youming on the side was holding a dice cup and pressing it down: "Small!"

He opened it expectantly, and there were three neat "six"s inside.

"Fuck!" Bai Youming cursed angrily. He turned his eyes to Sean with a dissatisfied look on his face, "Damn it, why are you so lucky?"

Sean turned his head to put You Ye away and said with a casual smile: "Luck is a metaphysics. I have always been very lucky."

Bai Youming looked up and down and shook his head: "Gou Lun, this Youye is indeed a good weapon. I guess it is a good thing left before the end of the world. It should also use some materials that cannot be developed. It just so happens that it also works with Your original pairing is just right for maximum power.”

Sean came to Bai Youming secretly this time and came to ask him for help again.

The original module taken out from the empire's treasury has been handed over to Noah for research. Noah has expanded the module's capabilities to the greatest extent. In layman's terms: overclocked.

However, this also brought about a small trouble. The equipment required to implant the module became a large machine.

Sean was still pretending to be dead at this moment, and this kind of large machinery was only available in the military and the Imperial Laboratory. Moza and Sherrill were also on business, so it was a bit troublesome for him to get large machinery in his current capacity.

Therefore, Sean simply found Bai Youming and left the trouble to the adults.

Unexpectedly, Bai Youming had it in the basement here, and the old housekeeper Hansen was also a very good doctor.

It didn't take long for Sean to implant the original module into his body.

Just by stimulating energy, the sword light can burst out from the weapon, and it will even carry the characteristics of the weapon itself and some of Sean's abilities, which is a perfect combination.

Moreover, a simple module is not considered a prosthetic body, and there is room for superposition in the future. This is the greatest significance of this original module.

Sean, who tried the knife, was naturally very satisfied.

After being promoted to Crimson, he still doesn't have very intuitive or rough killing ability. Although Sean's ability is not needed, he will definitely not refuse if there is an improvement.

After looking at Sean again, Bai Youming didn't ask what new abilities Sean had gained after being promoted to Crimson. Instead, he said leisurely: "I heard that you asked Sherrill to find Bai Zhan?"

Sean said calmly: "Well, not only Sherrill, but also Moza went to ask the second prince for nothing."

"You have a lively mind." Bai Youming smiled.

Sean sat down next to him and said unabashedly: "This is what you wanted me to do. Send people to penetrate the enemy. This is just the beginning."

Bai Youming sneered: "Young Master, I am indeed optimistic about you. However, remember, I cannot express my stance to participate in the inheritance dispute. What happened before was that I stood up for the prince, do you understand?"

Sean smiled and said: "I understand, just maintain the most basic face."

Bai Youming laughed out loud: "There are some things that you will naturally understand when you get in touch with them more deeply - but Moza and Sherrill can't get much use. First, their value is not high, and second, their trust is not high. I It’s strange that a guy like this is putting so much effort into doing something like this?”

Sean lazily said: "I can't tell you this. Since you can't support me openly, what if you suddenly sell me out?"

"Good boy." Bai Youming laughed.

He looked at the sky. There was no artificial sun turned on in the prince's residence. He didn't know whether it was his preference or something else. Anyway, there was an evil dome above his head, a gray sky.

"Inheritance rights..." Bai Youming's voice was calm, but it contained many unspeakable things.

Sean said nothing and just left him alone to think.

After a while, Bai Youming stood up and stretched: "Trouble, trouble, it's all trouble... However, Bai Zhan has been a little strange lately."

Hearing him take the initiative to mention the eldest prince, Sean became interested: "How do you say it?"

"Bai Zhan has a relatively pure temperament and is easily impulsive in normal times. In addition, he has been fighting as a foreman outside and has been victorious, so he has developed a lot of minor problems... What is a bit strange is that after your death happened last time, this The boy suddenly calmed down, tsk, it makes me a little uncomfortable. "

Sean said thoughtfully: "The child is getting older and starting to mature?"

Bai Youming sneered: "That would be good, but I understand Bai Zhan. If he can stabilize, it won't be him... I guess that kid has recruited some experts and started to give him guidance behind his back."

Sean suddenly realized: "Are you reminding me that there is an expert behind Bai Zhan to guide me, and I have to dig out the little Tiantian behind him?"

Bai Youming rolled his eyes at him angrily: "You asked me to fire Ake just to help Sherrill prove that Bai Zhan and the person behind him have no idea how much they have to think about. If your hands and feet are not clean, wouldn't I have to Annoyed to death?”

"Those who are able should work harder. Your Highness, the invincible prince in the world, is this kind of thing abnormal?"

Sean was smiling and flattering, when suddenly, little Hansen hurried in from outside.

The housekeeper and his son also knew about Sean's existence. He nodded at Sean, then quickly came to Bai Youming's side and whispered a few words.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the whisper, Bai Youming suddenly stood up, and a fierce momentum suddenly overflowed.

Sean gasped... This aura was a bit scary. The unlucky ones in the side hall that day were actually burdened with an aura even more terrifying than this?

"Is the person gone?" Bai Youming asked in a cold voice.

He looked rather unhappy.

Little Hansen nodded: "Lord Red Angel has already rushed over."

Sean next to him secretly wondered, what is happening? Can Bai Youming be directly angry and even send the Red Angel Zora?

"Hmph, you are so bold..." Bai Youming flicked his sleeves, "Let Xiao Wu summon the generals of the army."

"Yes, Master." Little Hansen left quickly.

Sean looked at Bai Youming with some doubts, and the latter sneered: "I have always been the only one to expand the empire. For hundreds of years, no force has dared to blatantly invade the empire's territory. I want to see where it comes from. Short-lived ghost."

Sean was stunned. The empire's border was attacked?

The Imperial Capital, which was originally a little quiet due to the death of Sean, suddenly became lively.

The police and imperial troops continued to pass through the streets, heading towards the north gate of the imperial capital.

In the military camp outside the city, there was even more noise.

I heard that Imperial Marshal Wu Xiao was scolded by Bai Youming because of poor monitoring.

Sean, who continued to return to Lan Keer's residence to enjoy the blessings, also received specific news.

One day ago, a large army appeared in the north of the empire. The place was a wasteland with only a few scattered tribes and small towns. They were all indigenous people who stayed in place after surrendering to the empire.

In just half a day, all those areas fell, and the tribesmen and townspeople were slaughtered.

The imperial troops patrolling nearby discovered something strange, but before they could report it to the military headquarters, they were ambushed by enemy troops in secret and all were killed.

It wasn't until a larger satellite city was slaughtered again that the survivors who escaped by chance brought the news.

At this time, the enemy's army had penetrated deep into the empire and started hunting.

Sean was a little surprised when he first received the news. No wonder Bai Youming was so angry.

From the establishment and rise of the empire to the ascension of His Majesty the Emperor today, this machine-like country has always been on the path of expansion.

Back then, Bai Youming led the troops in battle and directly expanded the empire's territory in a full circle. He was the empire's god of war and the representative of force.

Bai Youming didn't suffer many setbacks when he broke through the territory of other areas. Now, being ravaged by an unknown force's army in the empire, his character will indeed become furious.

Lan Ke'er, who hadn't seen each other for a few days, was a little uncomfortable seeing Sean again. Everything that happened in the swimming pool that day made it difficult for her to sleep these days.

She was shocked to find that when she saw Sean again, she didn't even have any resistance. On the contrary, she unconsciously put on makeup.

The new record was ready, and Lan Keer was a little confused. Should she give it to him?

However, before it was Lan Ke'er's turn to struggle for too long, she learned the news of the empire being invaded from Sean's mouth.

"The empire has been invaded?" Lan Keer's face was filled with shock.

In her memory, the Empire is the most powerful country in the world. There is no one. The Empire only bullies others. There is no reason to be invaded in turn.

Of course, she wouldn't pay attention to military operations on weekdays. To be precise, no one would let her pay attention.

Sean frowned and looked over: "You don't know?"

Lan Keer shook her head in confusion: "I don't know, no one told me."

Sean frowned: "Nonsense, no one will notify you of such a big event?"

Lan Keer clenched her hands in embarrassment. Although she was the master of the harem, her normal affairs were basically handled by the old nanny. Many decisions were made by the third and fourth princes, as well as her father Lan Youshan, with the help of her.

Occasionally, she would be so confident that she wanted to help, but people around her rarely paid attention to her, and mostly used various excuses to deal with it. Over time, she got used to it.

Sean shook his head: "Damn it, even though it's not your turn to deal with military affairs, you still need to be notified of important events, right?"

Seeing Lan Keer's silence, he sighed: "Come here, I have news."

Lan Keer was a little surprised: "It's important news, can I read it?"

Sean frowned: "Why can't you see it? This is not an absolute secret. Your identity is here and you don't need to participate, but it should be your right and obligation to understand."

"Oh, oh..." Lan Keer's mood was a little complicated, but she still walked over honestly.

She was used to being picked up and placed on Sean's body, and she even moved the position of her buttocks.

She glanced at Sean behind her again, and seeing that he had no objection, she looked at the information in front of her.

After a moment, Lan Keer raised his head in shock: "Did the enemy come from the pass on the side of the Raging Sea and Laya Volcano?"

Sean nodded: "Well, it's very strange. Only traces of the march were left there. However, after massacring several areas, they are now hiding. The military is probably still looking for the specific location."

Lan Keer covered her mouth: "This is an invasion, right? Which country or city-state is so bold, and why did they choose that pass to come in... No, I remember reading some information, there is no way to travel around that place They couldn't have climbed out of the volcano or came from the other side of the Raging Sea."

Sean touched his chin: "Maybe... Isn't there a legend about the Raging Sea? There are monsters living on the other side of the sea. They cross the sea and bathe in the Raya volcano. They will become more powerful monsters and invade the empire."

"Could they really be creatures on the other side of the sea?" Lan Keer was surprised.

Sean shrugged: "That's not clear. The military has sent a lot of troops out to catch them."

"It should be easy to solve, right?"

"Who knows..."


However, three days later, the news came back again, shocking the entire military.

Sean, who received the news secretly, was also a little unbelievable.

The No. 0 elite troops led by the Red Angel Zora continued to sweep, but still did not find any trace of the other party. However, thousands of corpses were found in a ruin 1,200 kilometers away from the imperial capital!

That was the special forces that the military had just sent out. There were more than three king-level peaks in the team. Without any news coming back, this elite team was slaughtered.

Moreover, 1,200 kilometers is not an insurmountable gap in this world. The enemy has actually come so close to the imperial capital!

"This is a big deal..." Sean muttered, holding the note in his hand.

Beside him, Lam pulled the quilt to her chest to block the beautiful snow-white scenery. She looked even more shocked.

Although it was incredible that the enemy invaded the empire, Lam still subconsciously believed that the enemy would be found and cleared out quickly, but now, there are newly dispatched teams 1,200 kilometers away, which is hard to describe in words.

Seeing her worried face, Sean lifted the quilt and patted her plump buttocks. After a slight sound, Sean smiled and said, "There is no need to worry so much. We are in the imperial capital. The enemy army can never reach us."

However, Lam raised her face with fear, and she said nervously, "But...but...there is a black pigeon prison in that place!"

She was worried about Bai You.

However, the smile on Sean's face was extremely reassuring at this moment.

"I said, I will do what I promised you," Sean smiled nonchalantly, "When I received the news, I sent someone to inform the warden of Black Pigeon. If there is an accident there, Bai You will escape with him."

Lam Keer was startled, thinking of the scene when the warden brought him in that day, and then she immediately hugged Sean tightly: "Thank you..."

"Why are you being polite to me?"

Of course he was talking nonsense. The warden that day was his illusion, and he was going to fake his death. How could he show up and have an intersection with a powerful but unfamiliar warden?

As for Bai You...that kid can't die.

However, Sean had a hunch that the invasion of the empire this time might just be a signal.

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