I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 302: Human Hearts Are Unpredictable

The technology level of artificial sun is getting higher and higher. Sitting by the pool, Sean couldn't even tell whether the scorching sun was natural light or something else.

He turned over lazily on the sun lounger, and soon, a pair of soft hands covered him.

The strength was not very good, and the essential oil on the palm was too thick, but considering that the person serving him was Concubine Lan, Sean was still happy to enjoy it.

All the maids were dismissed, and there were only two people by the huge swimming pool, which was a bit empty.

Although the artificial sun emitted a warm light, I don't know if it was my heart or something, but Elisa Lam always felt cold all over.

On the contrary, Sean's body was scorching hot.

Holding back all kinds of complicated emotions, Elisa Lam tried her best to serve the other party with her unfamiliar skills.

During this period, she carefully raised her head and glanced at Sean, but the other party just closed his eyes and looked very enjoyable.

Sighing silently in her heart, Elisa Lam was very entangled.

Although she had done enough shameful things, in the final analysis, it was only a physical sacrifice, but Sean obviously wanted more than that.

Later, he would definitely ask what his father said when he arrived just now...

If he told everything, his father's secret plan would become a joke...

But, was there really room for her to lie in front of him?

If she told everything, it would ruin all of her father's plans. By then, the only person in power would most likely be the eldest prince. Whether it was her, Bai Si, or the Lan family, they would probably not be able to escape the final cleansing.

But if she lied, once Sean found out, as long as one or two of the secrets he held were revealed, she would be sent to the gallows immediately, and her family would be destroyed and her family would be destroyed...

Laura Lam sadly discovered that she seemed to have no way forward, and all she did now was just exchanging dignity for a short-term survival.

There was no hope...

Although the light of the artificial sun was fierce, her body became colder and colder.

Suddenly, Sean's unhappy voice sounded: "Why aren't you moving?"

Lam Lam panicked. She had just thought too much, so her hands moved slowly.

"No, no..." She tried her best to cover it up.

However, Sean smiled softly: "Is that so..."

Lam Lam trembled in her heart, knowing that this sharp devil had noticed it.

Sure enough, the other party slowly opened his mouth.

Are you going to ask?

How should I answer, what should I do...

"You feel a little bored, right?"

Lam Lam's words made her look up in astonishment.

He stood up casually and walked into the house. After a while, he actually brought the record player in the living room over.

After fiddling with it for a while, he connected the power supply, picked up the record and looked at it.

After a while, he looked up at Lam Lam and asked: "What music do you usually listen to?"

Listen to music? Lam Lam, who thought she was going to face the "trial", choked.

She couldn't help but glance at Sean. Would such a villain who didn't understand romance and had no bottom line appreciate music?

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Sean shrugged his shoulders, picked up a record at random after a selection.

The needle fell, and the melodious music sounded, and then an ethereal and playful female voice hummed an unknown tune.

The style of the music was melodious and pleasant, which seemed to fit the current scene.

However, this style of music was not suitable for the elegant hall, and the female voice humming seemed casual, generally used for entertainment, but I don't know how it was sealed in the record.

Sean, who randomly chose, lay back on the sun lounger with satisfaction. The melodious female voice brought freehand and playful to this space.

And Elisa Lam was stiff in place.

Sean didn't seem to notice her strangeness, but said leisurely: "Madam, you have a lot of good things in stock. I didn't hear similar music styles and vocals when I went to the record store to buy things."

Lam Lam turned around a little stiffly. She couldn't help but stroke her long hair and asked softly: "Do you still like to listen to these?"

Sean smiled and said: "Why not? Dreams are dazzling and conspiracies are realistic, but people always need some spiritual space, listen to some music, think about some gadgets or something... or just relax like now, um, comfortable."

Lam Lam suddenly stopped talking, just looking at the record player in a trance.

Sean didn't ask her to continue the massage, just lay there lazily, quietly enjoying the music.

The song ended, and Sean stood up with some unsatisfied feeling: "Not bad..."

He changed a piece, but this time, it was normal classical music.

Sean frowned slightly and looked at Elisa Lam: "Madam, do you have any more works by the guy just now?"

Ela Lam turned around uncomfortably and said in a muffled voice: "It's just a joke. Even the smallest opera house in the capital won't allow this guy to perform on stage. If you want, I can find you a bunch of masters' works."

Sean sneered: "Boring... Why do we need to distinguish between high and low when we like something? In my opinion, this lady's voice carries dreams and aspirations. Although I'm not too interested in these things, it doesn't stop me from appreciating them."

For some reason, Elisa Lam turned around a little. Her voice sounded calm, but there was an indescribable sense of loneliness: "This kind of words don't sound like something you can say."

Sean laughed: "People have countless sides, madam, you're too conservative."

"...Do you really like that person's songs?"

Sean said frankly: "I like it. If I have the chance, I would like to meet her. This lady should be the kind of person who lives in freedom and dreams, right? Tsk, how suitable it is to fill a dark heart like mine." But that’s it.”

Lan Keer moved her buttocks and couldn't see the expression on her face, but it could be seen that she was a little uncomfortable now.

"...I will try to look for it when I get back."

Sean stretched and then jumped directly into the swimming pool. Water splashed all over Lan Keer's body.

His swimming style is very beautiful, like a big tuna breaking through the waves.

Lan Keer watched Sean swim several laps happily, and then dragged an inflatable lounge chair down, enjoying the sun again.

He was not as comfortable as His Highness the Crown Prince who had just escaped from those turmoils, but more like a free poet on vacation.

After lying down for a while, Sean looked at Lan Keer and said lazily: "Come to the swimming pool, don't you want to swim? Madam."

Lan Ke'er woke up from her reverie, and then her lips moved twice.

"What did you say?"

Lan Keer suppressed her blush and raised her voice: "I... don't need to know how to swim."

As soon as she finished speaking, her vision went dark, and Sean appeared in front of her at some point.

He laughed loudly: "You can't swim? Also, you are not allowed to call yourself me in front of me."

After saying that, without giving Lan Keer a chance to react, he pulled her into the swimming pool.

Somewhat surprisingly, Lan Keer, who was still a genuine veto despite being very weak, started struggling crazily as soon as he entered the water.

It wasn't until Sean held her waist that Lan Keer calmed down a lot.

For the first time, she willingly hugged Sean's arm tightly and said in panic: "I, I really can't swim!"

Sean smiled and said, "Why don't you try to stretch your legs?"

Lan Ke'er was still scared. She shook her head quickly: "No, no, I beg you, let me go up."

"No, stretch your legs." Sean ordered.

"I really don't know how," Lan Ke'er was about to cry. The charming lady pursed her lips and grabbed Sean's arm tightly. "When I was a child, I sneaked into the basement of my home and almost drowned in it!"

Sean asked in surprise: "Is there a swimming pool in the basement?"

"It's not a swimming pool, it's a pool. I almost drowned in it. I, I'm really afraid of this!" Lan Keer looked at Sean with pleading eyes.

But who is Sean?

He directly put his hands into the water and grabbed Lan Ke'er's legs wrapped around his waist. The soft and smooth hands were cool by the soaking, and he pressed Lan Ke'er's legs down without any explanation.

"Ah!" the woman screamed, and then she found that her feet could easily reach the bottom of the water.

"One and a half meters, ma'am." Sean smiled.

Lan Ke'er's face was white and red, and she struggled to climb up to the edge of the swimming pool.

However, Sean patted her perky buttocks and said with a smile: "Come here, I'll teach you how to swim."

Lan Keer shook her head in horror: "No, I can't learn."

She even took the initiative to put Sean's hand on her majestic mountain peak and begged: "I will serve you well, okay?"

Are you so afraid of water?

Seeing how panicked she was, Sean didn't say anything more and took her to the swimming pool.

With her feet on the higher step and her upper body lying on the edge of the swimming pool, Lan Keer was obviously relieved.

However, just as she was about to climb up, she felt that the straps of her swimsuit came loose.

Something that was beginning to become familiar pressed against her butt.

"Madam, let's do some acclimatization exercise first..."

Her face was pale, but her body was much more honest than her mind, and her originally cold body gradually began to feel hot.

And, for some reason, Sean was so much gentler this time.

The sound of splashing water gradually began to be unable to suppress other sounds, and in a daze, the record player put down the needle again.

Familiar music played.

"Don't be afraid, we always have to face what we don't want to face before we pursue what we want, right?" Sean's whisper sounded softly in her ears.

"You...you..." Lan Keer couldn't even speak clearly.

Sean's voice was soft: "Lan Ke'er, do you know the reason why I do this?"


"I like you," Sean smiled, "I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."

Lan Keer's body stiffened a bit, and then was immediately overwhelmed by harder movements.

Sean's whispers continued: "Living in this world, dark and suspicious people always have a better life... What's interesting is that such people are more likely to be attracted to innocent and beautiful things... I was It's strange why you control the harem but don't have the palace and gloom of those in power. "

He laughed: "Maybe it's not polite to say that? Hahaha, I always feel that you have a strange clarity and innocence."

Lan Keer gasped: "...I'm not...I'm old, and I can do a lot of bad things..."

She didn't know who she was talking to.

Sean's voice gradually turned gloomy: "So, I was very angry before, very angry... Why did you want to kill me? I obviously didn't report you, and I didn't ask you to do anything..."

"You threatened me..." Lan Ke'er was a little confused and subconsciously told the truth.

Sean said unhappily: "Shouldn't it be? Even now, Ke'er, tell me, shouldn't it be? I'm obviously the victim, and you are the ones who did the bad things."

"I...I..." In a trance, Lam discovered that Sean seemed to be telling the truth.

He was the first to steal and was discovered, and then was bewitched by the nanny to kill him... He had been passively enduring the malice from beginning to end...

Sean felt a little sad, although his movements did not slow down at all, and he also untied all the straps on Lam's chest.

"I'm angry, because I think you should not be this kind of person..."

His finger went into Lam's mouth.

With Sean's finger in her mouth, Lam said vaguely: "I, I don't want to... But I can't..."

"Why can't I?" Sean smiled, "Do you know? It has become like this now, all because everyone is too greedy... Whoever gets the throne, there is obviously His Majesty to think about it, why do others think so much?"

It seemed that the word Your Majesty awakened Lam, and she immediately moved in a panic.

But Sean still pressed her: "To be honest, how many times have you met His Majesty? Not much, right?"

"I, I..." Lam wanted to refute, but Sean was telling the truth.

Sean increased his strength, and his big hands kept moving: "Isn't it good now? Bai Si and Bai You, you should know the conflict between them better than me... To be honest, there is only one way to save their lives at the same time."

"What?" Lam asked subconsciously.

"Let the eldest prince take the throne..." Sean whispered, "I can rely on my relationship to save them both, as well as the Lan family."

"But, but... Bai Si won't give up..."

"Because he can't recognize the cruel reality... Tsk, to be honest, they are all dragging you down, but they haven't thought about whether you really want it or not."

Lam was stunned, and her eyes instantly turned red.

Sean smiled slightly. It was too easy to steal everything from Lam...

She almost gathered all the elements of a wife who lost her virginity.

However, we can't rush now. We can rush a little, but we can't rush other things.

Because, if she wants to think, she can't figure it out, and no one asks for help, so she will naturally keep thinking about everything Sean said.

Moreover, during this period, the only person who could accompany her was Sean...

With a voice like crying, the two hugged each other tightly.


At this moment, someone has already started to act.

The second prince Bai Wen looked at the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses in front of him. This was Sean's confidant, named Moza.

With Sean's death, Moza's value was greatly reduced, but it was by no means worthless.

What's more, he was very tempted by the suggestion just made by the other party.

"So, what are your conditions?" he asked.

Moza pushed his glasses, and the hatred in his eyes was not concealed: "I want to kill Bai You."

Bai Wen's expression did not change. He frowned and thought for a while: "I can understand you, but Bai You is my younger brother..."

Moza raised his head slightly: "In addition to what I told you just now, I also know the secret left by my elder brother. About the empire, about... Your Majesty."

Bai Wen's eyes flickered.

In the secret camp of the military, the same conversation was happening.

The words spoken by the big man named Cheryl in front of him... and...

He glanced at Ake who brought Cheryl here.

The latter smiled and said: "That's not what Your Highness meant... and I'm no longer the captain of Unit 0."

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