I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 301 Powerless Elisa Lam

Block 65, deep in a quiet but tidy street.

This is one of the properties that Lan Youshan bought for his daughter, the current Concubine Lan.

However, Concubine Lan stayed in the palace almost all the time and had no chance to use this place.

No one expected that such a big thing would happen. Concubine Lan temporarily moved out of the palace and lived here.

As soon as the morning came, the maids brought out of the palace began to get busy.

It was not until two hours later that someone would knock on Concubine Lan's bedroom door.

"Master, breakfast is ready. I'll help you change your clothes."

The maid said softly, and after waiting for a while, a voice came from the bedroom.

"No need."

Concubine Lan's voice sounded very tired, even with a hint of pain.

The maid who served Concubine Lan all year round naturally noticed it, and she immediately asked worriedly: "Master, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No need...ah..." Concubine Lan made another short cry, but this time, it sounded charming and made people think about it.

Moreover, there was another subtle sound, but it was not clear what it was.

Concubine Lan's angry voice rang out: "Don't you understand what I said?"

The maid hurriedly stepped back: "Yes, Master."

She didn't dare to offend Concubine Lan. Everyone knew that her master had been having trouble sleeping and eating for some time, and she often had nightmares.

Alas, the death of the prince had caused so many changes in the imperial capital. The master didn't dare to return to the palace for the time being. I don't know what to do... Thinking silently in my heart, the maid quickly left the corridor.

And in the room at this moment, Concubine Lan bit her lips tightly to prevent worse sounds from coming out.

She didn't lie on the bed, but tiptoed on her toes, with her upper body lying on the cold dressing table.

The expensive cosmetics were thrown randomly on the ground, and in front of her was a huge dressing mirror. Everything in the mirror fell into her eyes, clearly.

She subconsciously wanted to pull the only thin blanket on her body, but a hand stretched out from behind, pulled the blanket off, and threw it to the side.

The mirror reflected Elisa Lam's charming and seductive body and constant ups and downs, and behind her was another strong body.

Enduring the indescribable feeling, Elisa Lam gritted her teeth. She didn't dare to look at her flushed face and swaying body in the mirror. She had to turn her head and whispered:

"Are you crazy? She will hear it!"

"Hmm?" A dissatisfied voice sounded.

Then there was a crisp sound. "Snap."

It was hot and accompanied by a little pain, but it was soon drowned by more things.

Sean's teasing voice sounded: "Why are you talking to me?"

Elisa Lam bit her lips tightly, but she couldn't help but lower her posture. She dissuaded with a pitiful taste: "It will be heard... It will be discovered..."

Sean smiled casually: "When you shouted so loudly last night, why didn't you think that others would hear it?"

At this point, Elisa Lam immediately lowered her head in shame.

However, the accelerated speed behind her reminded her how crazy and outrageous things happened last night.

I thought that surrendering in the Black Pigeon Prison was the most humiliating thing to do, but what Lam didn't expect was that Sean actually followed her back to her residence.

Then, there was endless and indescribable everything.

From being ashamed and full of shame, she sadly found that she had gradually gotten used to it all, and even sank into it involuntarily.

In a trance, she didn't even know whether she was being punished or enjoying it all.

The unimaginable sense of shame and excitement mixed together, which was something Lam had never experienced in half her life.

Of course, after everything faded, she would always remind herself in her heart: "I just want to protect Bai You from being hurt and ensure that my secrets will not be spread... This is also to protect the Lam family and others..."


A reminder came from behind.

Lam turned around, knelt down skillfully, and her delicate lips opened.


The room was full of bad smells. Elisa Lam wiped her mouth gently. She glanced at Sean who was lying back on the bed and asked involuntarily, "When...when are you leaving?"

Sean stretched his body and pulled her precious silk quilt towards him.

"Take a rest...go and do your own thing."

You still want to stay here? !

An absurd idea popped up in her mind, but Elisa Lam didn't dare to rebuke him.

After the first time, the second and third times all became natural. After more times, she had become accustomed to it all, and Sean wanted to live here just to make her accept it all.

Sean turned over lazily: "I'm a dead man outside, and I'll sleep well when I go back. It doesn't matter where I sleep. Okay, don't worry about me, go and do your own thing."

A sense of absurdity rose in Elisa Lam.

The person she wanted to kill, who was thought to be dead, was now lying on the bed in her bedroom...

After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, she quickly went to the closet and took out a new set of clothes.

Perhaps because of shame, she subconsciously looked back to see if Sean would peek.

However, the man's snoring could be heard from the bed.

What am I thinking about... Elisa Lam gave a bitter smile and changed into a new lady's dress.

She opened the door like a thief and carefully looked around the corridor. After making sure that no one saw her, she walked out of the room.

As soon as she walked around the corridor, she met her personal maid.

The other party was stunned when she saw her, and then quickly said: "Master, are you awake? Why didn't you ask me to help you change clothes?"

Elisa Lam maintained her dignity and waved her hand casually: "I am not a dead person, why do you want me to do it?"

"Oh, oh, good master." The maid wondered in her heart that her master had always been a person who asked for everything. Not to mention changing clothes, even going to the bathroom, they had to serve him.

"Master, breakfast is ready. Please come this way."

"Yes." Elisa Lam nodded majestically. Halfway through, she hesitated for a while and finally said, "Prepare another breakfast and put it at the door of my bedroom... I... I have a new pet, but the child is not very obedient."

"Master, you are really caring. Do you need me to go in and feed it for you?" asked the maid.

Elisa Lam said, "No, just put it at the door. By the way, my bedroom doesn't need to be cleaned. No one can enter the bedroom without my permission... Well, the child is more scared now."

The maid suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Concubine Lan refused to go out in the morning. That's why.

She immediately praised, "Master, you are really caring. Oh, your collar today is also very beautiful. Is it because you adopted that child?"

Collar? Concubine Lan was stunned, and then she remembered that it was the bastard who put it on her neck.

Pets... Who is whose pet...

Lam Lam forced a smile: "Do as I say."

"Yes, breakfast is ready."

The breakfast carefully prepared by the female cook was quite delicious. Lam, who had been tired all night, ate more. After eating the delicious food, her bad mood was finally relieved.

It's just... Sean told her to do her own things, but what can she do now?

There is no one around to discuss things, and she is not in the palace...

Just thinking about it, suddenly a maid came to report quickly.

"Master, Speaker Lan Youshan is here."

Lam Lam was stunned and subconsciously panicked.

If my father knew... No, that's not right... He definitely wouldn't know...

She barely recovered and coughed softly.

"Please let my father in."

Soon, Lan Youshan, with white hair and beard, walked in.



Lan Youshan wore a hat, which covered the bandages inside well.

That night, Bai Youming lit a candle above his head, and the wax of unknown materials severely burned him, and he has not recovered yet.

Habitually sitting next to Elisa Lam, he subconsciously looked at his daughter.

"Have you finished breakfast?"

"Well, father, have you eaten?"

"I came after I had dinner... huh?" Lan Youshan frowned slightly, and he pointed at Elisa Lam's cheek, "Did you get breakfast stuck on it? Or did you not wash up properly?"

There were several twisted transparent marks on that place.

The maid immediately brought a mirror, and Elisa Lam looked at it, her heart pounding as she took a hot towel to wipe it dry, and forced a smile and said, "I was lazy in the morning and didn't wash up properly."

It's not that she didn't wash up properly, she was in a daze, and she didn't dare to look at the dressing mirror at all, just wiped it with a towel, and then sprayed a lot of perfume to cover up the smell on her body.

That mark... is what Sean left... After a night, it has dried up long ago.

Not wiped clean... Elisa Lam's humiliation began to rise again.

Lan Youshan said seriously: "Although you have moved out now, you are the Lan concubine after all. You still have to pay attention to your appearance. You will have to return to the palace in a few days."

"...Yes, father."

After the little episode, Lan Youshan looked at his daughter who looked a little tired and sighed: "I know you are worried about Bai You, but His Majesty has ordered it himself. Unless he orders it again, no one dares to disobey his will."

Lam Keer said bitterly: "I know..."

Lam Youshan shook his head: "I know, you may want to go to Black Pigeon to see him. Listen to me, don't go. Wait for a while, I will arrange someone personally, and you can meet him again."

"I know, father..."

Lam Keer felt bitter in her heart. Father, if you had come to remind me earlier, I would have reminded me earlier.

Not only did I go to see him, but I also happened to meet Sean who had come back from the dead. He knew everything... and was already taking revenge on me.

However, although Sean seemed to be sleeping soundly in the bedroom and would not care what she did outside, Lam Keer knew in her heart that she must not reveal anything to her father.

This has nothing to do with whether Sean has the means to secretly monitor or not. Once it is revealed, what awaits him is the complete destruction of his family... Sean has Bai Youming on his back, and he will not let the Lan family go.

After chatting for a while, seeing that his daughter was a little absent-minded, Lan Youshan frowned slightly: "Ke'er, you are the Lan concubine, this is status, power, and responsibility. You should know what you should focus on and what to continue to do."

A sense of sadness emerged, and Lan Ke'er knew that Lan Youshan was advising her to give up Bai You and not indulge in small emotions.

She, and the entire Lan family, still have to pave the way for the inheritance rights.

"I know."

Lan Youshan nodded, looked around, pushed back all the servants and stroked his beard and said: "The situation is stable for the time being. The prince is busy squeezing Grand Duke Wen Kun and Golden Dawn. There has been no response from our Lan family during this time. , nothing was found, and they couldn’t keep an eye on me.”

Lan Keer became nervous for some reason, like a spy trying to find out a secret: "Then, father, do we want it?"

Lan Youshan's eyes flashed with a stern look: "The prince is powerful and he is close to the eldest prince. We can't sit still and wait for death... You should go your way and don't contact my Lan family. You are responsible for helping Bai Si." Let’s sort out Baiyou’s remaining resources, shall we…”


Lan Youshan sighed: "I have to go talk to Grand Duke Yuan Tie."

Grand Duke Yuantie is the only female Grand Duke and the biological mother of the second prince Bai Wen.

Lan Keer suddenly showed a look of surprise: "But, the relationship between Grand Duke Yuantie and the prince is extremely bad..."

Lan Youshan frowned: "So, we can't let him know... Otherwise, we will provoke him to deal with our Lan family... But the situation is forced, Bai You and Bai Si's resources are quite good, and against the prince The eldest prince's support is not enough. We must unite with the second prince and collectively put pressure on His Majesty! "

"Is this... going to work?" Lan Ke'er asked worriedly.

"It has to work if it doesn't work..." Lan Youshan was obviously not sure, and finally just shook his head, "Of course, our Lan family will be separated from you and Bai Si. In this way, even if Bai Youming is angered, he will not I’ll find a way to cause trouble for you... Let’s wait until the matter is settled and we’ll see what happens next.”

"...I understand, father."

After Lan Youshan left the residence, the worried Lan Ke'er thought about various things and sighed involuntarily.

Suddenly, a big hand covered her butt without knowing when.

She turned around in panic and saw Sean standing behind her.

"You...you..." She stammered, not knowing what to say.

Unexpectedly, Sean didn't mention anything about Lan Youshan at all, as if he didn't know anything about it.

"Thank you for breakfast." He straightened up and smiled.

Got to go?

Lan Keer breathed a sigh of relief and stood up: "I'll take you to the back door..."

Sean was confused: "Who said I was leaving?"

Lan Ke'er choked and hurriedly said: "Then, then you..."

Sean laughed: "Don't you have a swimming pool here? Come on, let's go swimming."

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