I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 300 The sound of dripping water

Lan Ke'er had retreated to a corner with no retreat. She stretched out a finger tremblingly, her eyes filled with fear.

"You're already dead...who are you?!"

During this period of time, Lan Ke'er has been living in regret and panic. Now that she had just met Sean, she actually had some signs of collapse.

Sean sneered and said jokingly: "Don't you even recognize me? Madam."

Perhaps it was this unceremonious address that called her back to reality, and Lan Keer woke up as if from a dream.

"You...you faked your death to deceive the empire! You deceived His Majesty!"

"Fake death?" Sean sneered. He opened his collar and the dense red cracks on it were revealed, as if his whole body had just been pieced together.

Lan Keer screamed in fright.

Sean knelt down and looked down at the woman who collapsed on the ground. He put his hands on his knees and let his collar open.

"Madam, don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

Lan Keer swallowed hard, and she finally understood that Sean might have been resurrected in some way, but she did not reveal the news...

Wait, then why did he appear in Black Dove today?

Did you know I would come? Impossible... Even the prince should not know about the relationship channel I used... Wait...

Lan Keer suddenly gasped violently.

Sean...is he here for Bai You and the nanny? !

However, Sean seemed to directly read her thoughts.

"Do you think I'm here for that hapless guy Bai You and my murderer?" Sean asked with a smile.

Lan Ke'er didn't dare to answer. However, women may become keen in this regard. It was related to Bai You, and she figured out the key to the matter immediately.

Unlucky guy... He called Bai You the unlucky guy...

Sean's gloomy words made Lan Keer's heart almost beat out.

"Madam, I didn't expect that... Ha, you asked someone to assassinate me, and after the incident was revealed, you actually blamed it on your own son... Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's touching, isn't it?"

"No, no, I didn't..." Lan Keer shook her head in panic.

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Then you admit that you found someone to assassinate me?"

Lan Ke'er suddenly suffocated.

She clenched her fists tightly and couldn't open her mouth.

Sean just smiled softly. He didn't ask further questions, but slowly stood up.

He walked towards the living room where Bai You had just disappeared, and his whole body naturally exuded a sinister aura.

No words are needed, just gestures can prove what he is going to do.

"You...you...how dare you without His Majesty's order!" Lan Keer shouted hysterically.

But Sean's footsteps did not stop, and the words that came out of his mouth seemed to drive her into the icy lake.

"A prince who has been deprived of everything... as long as he is not killed, will anyone care what happens to him in prison?" Sean laughed nervously, "Of course, someone will find out soon. Today Concubine Lan came to Black Pigeon..."

He showed a sympathetic expression: "Poor Bai You, I don't know why, after his mother came... he went crazy!"

"Stop talking, stop talking..." Lan Ke'er had already covered her face.

But Sean just laughed: "Because, others will find out that Concubine Lan is the mastermind behind that incident... Poor Bai You, not only has he been charged with the crime, but he has also been made into a person who can never speak out again. Come on, the fool who tells the truth.”

After saying that, Sean turned his head and looked at Lan Keer with an apologetic look: "Madam, is this too conservative?"

"I, I'm not... please, don't..." Lan Ke'er's psychological defense was much more fragile than she imagined.

After losing her wet nurse and walking out of the palace, she was in a constant state of panic. Only she understood the panic.

With just a few words, her defense collapsed instantly.

Sean...even Sean who was resurrected from the dead, she didn't dare to bet on what such a person could do.

"It's me...it's me..." Lan Ke'er collapsed and sat down on the ground, "I ordered it... whatever you want to do, do it to me... Bai You is innocent..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Sean looked at the other person with an expression of looking at a pitiful person, "It's just you, isn't it? It's just... If Bai You is innocent, why don't you say it? You would rather sacrifice Bai You's future, You also have to keep your own position, don’t you?”

"No...no...I'm just...scared...I don't know why..." Lan Keer sobbed.

Sean's voice became colder and colder: "No, you are just cowardly and hypocritical... You dare not take responsibility, but you want to show your maternal love after framed your own son... You are really annoying Disgusting, Lan Keer.”

"No, it's not..." Lan Ke'er was already crying.

"No?" Sean sneered, "Do you think these words are harsh to you?"

She had collapsed to the ground.

Sean smiled and took steps.

"No, wait! Wait!"

Sean turned a deaf ear to the screams behind him and walked into the visiting room.

After closing the door, the woman's heartbreaking cries were firmly isolated from the outside.

Sean found a stool and sat down, and pressed the button in front of him.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of shuffling footsteps finally came from inside.

Bai You's decadent voice sounded: "Don't come to me again..."


Hearing different voices, Bai You raised his head in shock.

Immediately, he rushed to the window like crazy and grabbed the railing with both hands: "Sean... Sean... you're not dead?"

"It seems that everyone has the same reaction when they see me." Sean said with a smile.

Bai You's eyes shone brightly for the first time, but soon the light went out on its own.

He laughed miserably: "Whether it's a round or a resurrection...since you come to see me, it means the outcome is destined."

Sean applauded: "As expected of His Highness the Third Prince, he is very smart."

Bai You raised his head and smiled silently at the dark ceiling. After a long time, he lowered his head and his voice was lifeless: "Then is there any need to come to see me? The winner is the king or the loser, no matter what the means. , The loser is the loser...or do you want to know some secrets? "

He looked at Sean and smiled frankly: "I do know something... The premise is that I hope you can ensure the safety of my mother."

There was a hint of surprise in Sean's eyes: "Don't hate your mother?"

Bai You shook his head: "It's useless to hate, why not repay some kindness... ha."

Sean smiled: "I did die once, but I was lucky enough to survive. So, there is no change of heart. Now that I stand in front of everyone, you will still stay here."

"I know." Bai You said calmly.

"It's just..." Sean changed the topic, "You really don't know who is causing trouble?"

The corner of Bai You's mouth raised an ugly curve: "Sure enough, the person involved knows better...who it is, my dear brother."

Sean exclaimed: "I like talking to smart people."

"But the conversation here is no longer of much value. The secret I know is just to exchange for my mother's safety."

Sean did not answer directly. He stood up and leaned against the bars: "At this time, even if your mother jumped out and said she did it, no one would believe it... It's just that you may not hate your mother, but Bai Si, can you really let it go?"

Bai You's pupils flickered a little: "So what if I can't let go?"

Sean finally revealed his true purpose of coming here: "What if I can help you reverse the case?"

Bai You paused, then raised his head: "I don't have much value to extract here anymore..."

"Yeah, you know it yourself. I won't gain anything by lying to you..." Sean laughed, "So, are you interested in a cooperation? Tsk, I made a bet with others before I came here. It doesn't take much effort to convince you. , because that is for... wonderful revenge."

Bai You's chest was heaving. Finally, he calmed down and stared directly at Sean: "What do you want?"

"very good."

Lan Ke'er hugged her knees and huddled in the corner. When the sound of the iron door being pulled sounded again, she hurriedly raised her head and looked over.

Sean's face was full of joy, as if he had just carried out a wonderful revenge.

"Let him go...please..." Lan Ke'er's voice has become hoarse.

She is still very beautiful, and her big shining eyes seem to be able to speak, making people want to get addicted to her unconsciously.

Sean picked up a piece of cloth and wiped his hands. Only then did Lan Keer notice that his hands were stained with red blood.

"W-what did you do..." she asked tremblingly.

Sean looked at her and then at his hands: "Oh, you said this, it's nothing. I just talked about some happy things with him. He accidentally hit the iron window, so I could only give him Wipe it off."

"Don't hurt him, please..." Lan Ke'er burst into tears. She couldn't believe what Bai You had just encountered inside.

Sean looked at her funny: "Begging me? But a month ago, you still wanted to kill me, oh yes, you succeeded. Unfortunately, I am a tough person."

Lan Ke'er sobbed, raising her head, her eyes full of pleading: "I'm willing to do anything, please, don't hurt him... don't tell anyone..."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "Really?"

"As long as you promise me..."

Sean spread his hands, found a chair and sat down, and then motioned for Lan Keer to come over.

The woman patted the dust off her body and wanted to stand up, but was blocked.

Sean hooked his fingers and said with a smile: "Climb over here."

Lan Keer felt as if she had been struck by lightning, with various expressions of humiliation, pain, regret, etc. flashing through her eyes.

However, all the emotions eventually converged into overwhelming shame and despair.

She bent over and pressed her knees to the cold floor.

Step by step, step by step, she seemed to be climbing through a chasm, and finally came to the depths of hell, in front of the devil.

"Keep your head up," Sean ordered calmly.

She raised her head, even though she was haggard, even though her face was ashen, even though her eyes were lifeless, her beauty was still astonishing.

"I can consider keeping this little secret for you, and I can also let Bai You live a slightly more peaceful prison life."

Sean's words were like the last straw. Lan Keer's eyes lit up, wanting to hold on tightly.

Then, she saw the man showing an evil smile: "Madam, how many years have you not tasted that kind of thing?"

The straightforward words made Lan Keer's face blush involuntarily. She gritted her teeth and finally begged with humiliation:

"Sean, I'm yours..."

Sean interrupted her: "I don't like to hear this... Uh, quibbling? Ha, that's a good word."

Elan Lam lowered her head.

With a tongue flick that didn't look like an aristocrat, Sean smiled and said, "Stand up."

Her knees hurt, and she staggered to stand up.

Under Sean's unobstructed gaze, she couldn't help but wrap her clothes tightly.

"Let's get started." Sean looked at her beautiful and mature body unscrupulously.

A premonition of grief came over her, and there was a hint of resistance, but she put it out herself.

Elan Lam knew that she couldn't escape.

Even when she came to prison, she still wore expensive clothes. After all, there would be no cheap, simple fabrics in Princess Lan's wardrobe.

However, the sound of the thin belt inlaid with countless broken diamonds falling to the ground was also particularly loud.

Feeling the coolness on her skin and the hot gaze in front of her, Eli Lam wanted to cover her body.

However, as long as she made a slight movement, she could hear the other party's dissatisfied hum.

Not daring to move, Lam had to bite her lips tightly and let the other party admire her.

"Tsk, it turns out that nobles have better lives, really good." Sean's rude words made Lam want to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

However, his next words made Lam completely tremble.

"You said, if I take you out like this..."

"No, no, please!" Lam shook her head in panic.

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Then, how can you satisfy me?"

The snow-white beauty trembled, and for the first time she raised her chest and raised her head, but her eyes were tightly closed.

"I, I am willing..."

"You are willing?" Sean's dissatisfied voice sounded.

Lam's snow-white neck moved a little, and her voice was crying: "Please, please enjoy me."

She still couldn't say the kind of words that completely shattered her self-esteem, but now it was enough.

"Come here."



The black cell wall formed a strong contrast with the shaking white, and Elisa Lam covered her mouth tightly.

"Madam, you are very skilled." A teasing voice came.

Elisa Lam just shook her head vigorously.

It should have been a farce, but for some reason, she discovered the saddest thing.

She became more and more proactive.

It's like a long drought and then a good rain... She thought in a trance.

Big tears rolled down and dripped heavily on the floor, interweaving with bursts of sound.

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